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crooty's band page:

Patricia Aakhus McDowell
The Voyage of Mael Duin's Curragh UK US
Daughter of the Boyne UK US

Donald Aamodt
Series: Zarathandra
A Name to Conjure With US
A Troubling Along the Border US

Moses Aaron
Man Dragon

Kôbô Abé unofficial site
The Ark Sakura US

Shana Abé official site
The Smoke Thief UK US
The Dream Thief 26th September 2006 UK US
? soon...

Lynn Abbey official site
Series: Rifkind Saga
Daughter of the Bright Moon US
The Black Flame US
Series: Thieves World
Thieve's World with Robert Lynn Asprin US
Tales from the Vulgar Unicorn with Robert Lynn Asprin US
Shadows of Sanctuary with Robert Lynn Asprin US
Storm Season with Robert Lynn Asprin US
The Face of Chaos with Robert Lynn Asprin US
Wings of Omen with Robert Lynn Asprin US
The Dead of Winter with Robert Lynn Asprin US
Soul of the City with Robert Lynn Asprin, C. J. Cherryh and Janet Morris US
Blood Ties with Robert Lynn Asprin US
Aftermath with Robert Lynn Asprin US
Uneasy Alliances with Robert Lynn Asprin US
Stealer's Sky with Robert Lynn Asprin US
Sanctuary UK US
Series: Unicorn and Dragon
Unicorn and Dragon US
The Green Man US: Conquest US
Series: Walensor Saga
The Wooden Sword US
Beneath the Web US
Series: Ultima Saga
The Forge of Virtue US
The Temper of Wisdom US
Series: Dark Sun: Chronicles of Athas
The Brazen Gambit US
Cinnabar Shadows US
The Rise and Fall of a Dragonking US
Series: Siege of Shadow Trilogy
Siege of Shadows US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Nobles
The Simbul's Gift UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: Lost Empires
The Nether Scroll UK US
Series: Magic, The Gathering: Artifacts Cycle
Planeswalker UK US
Out of Time UK US
Behind Time UK US
Taking Time UK US
The Guardians US
Jerlayne UK US

Donald Abbott
Series: Oz
How the Wizard Came to Oz US
The Magic Chest of Oz US
The Amber Flute of Oz US

Edwin A. Abbott
Flatland UK US

Jax Abbott official site
Super What? UK US
Super 16 UK US

Joe Abercrombie official site
Series: The First Law
The Blade Itself UK US
Before They Are Hanged UK US
Last Argument of Kings 1st March 2008 UK

Dafydd AbHugh official site
Series: Arthur War Lord
Arthur War Lord US
Far Beyond the Wave US
Series: Jiana
Heroing US
Warriorwards US

Chris Abouzeid official site
Anatopsis UK US

Daniel Abraham official site
Series: The Long Price Quartet
The Sad Trade soon...
? soon...
? soon...
? soon...

J. J. Ace official site
Judgment Day US

Peter Ackroyd unofficial site
First Light US

Mark Acres
Series: Chronicle of the Land Between the Rivers
Dragonspawn US
Dragon War US
Series: Runesword
Dark Divide US

Gilbert Adair
Series: Alice
Alice Through the Needle's Eye US

Douglas Adams official site
Series: Hitchhiker's Guide
*The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy   UK US
*The Restaurant at the End of the Universe UK US
*Life, the Universe and Everything UK US
*So Long, And Thanks for All the Fish UK US
*Mostly Harmless UK US

Richard Adams unofficial site
Series: Watership Down
Watership Down   UK US
Tales from Watership Down   UK US
Series: Beklan Empire
Shardik US
Maia US
The Outlandish Knight UK US
The Unbroken Web with Yvonne Gilbert and Jennifer Campbell - short stories US
The Legend of Te Tuna UK
The Plague Dogs US

Robert Adams
Series: Castaways in Time
Castaway in Time US
The Seven Magical Jewels of Ireland US
Of Quests and Kings US
Of Chiefs and Champions US
Of Myths and Monsters US
Of Beginnings and Endings US
Series: Horseclans
The Coming of the Horseclans US
Swords of the Horseclans US
Revenge of the Horseclans US
Cat of Silver Hue
Savage Mountains US
Patrimony US
Horseclans Odyssey US
The Death of a Legend US
The Witch Goddess US
Bili the Axe US
Champion of the Last Battle US
A Woman of the Horseclans US
Horses of the North US
A Man Called Milo Morai US
The Memories of Milo Morai US
Trumpets of War US
Madman's Army US
Clan of the Cats US
Series: Magic of Ithkar
Magic in Ithkar with Andre Norton - short stories US
Magic of Ithkar II with Andre Norton - short stories US
Magic of Ithkar III with Andre Norton - short stories US
Magic of Ithkar IV with Andre Norton - short stories US
Series: Stairway to Forever
Stairway to Forever US
Monsters and Magicians US
Guideposts to Danger US
Phantom Regiments US

Patrick H. Adkins official site
Series: Titans
Lord of the Crooked Path UK US
Master of the Fearful Dapths US
Sons of the Titans US

C. S. Adler
The Silver Coach US
Eddie's Blue-Winged Dragon US
Ghost Brother UK US

Matt Afsahi & Barbara Dysonwilliams
The Road of Silk UK US

Phyllis Carol Agins
Suisan US

Kori Aguirre-Amador
Writers Anonymous UK US

Jerry & Sharon Ahern
The Golden Shield of IBF UK US

Robert Aickman unofficial site
The Model US

Elsie V. Aidinoff
The Garden UK US

Kurt W. Aigner
Allistar, Journey Through a Mind

Joan Aiken
Series: Wolves Chronicles
The Wolves of Willoughby Chase UK US
Black Hearts in Battersea UK US
Nightbirds in Nantucket UK US
The Stolen Lake UK US
The Cuckoo Tree UK US
Dido and Pa UK US
Is US: Is Underground UK US
Cold Shoulder Road UK US
Limbo Lodge US: Dangerous Games UK US
Midwinter Nightingale UK US
The Witch of Clatteringshaws UK US
Series: Arabel
Mortimer and Arabel UK
Arabel's Raven UK US
Series: Felix
Go Saddle the Sea UK US
Bridle the Wind UK US
The Teeth of the Gale UK US
The Cockatrice Boys US
The Youngest Miss Ward UK US
The Shadow Guests UK US
Give Yourself a Fright: Thirteen Stories of the Supernatural short stories US
Haunting Christmas Tales with Lewis R. Aiken - short stories UK US
A Creepy Company: Ten Tales of Terror short stories UK US
A Fit of Shivers: Tales For Late at Night short stories UK US
A Foot in the Grave short stories UK US
The Kingdom Under the Sea short stories US
The Last Slice of Rainbow and Other Stories short stories US
The Moon's Revenge UK US
The Winter Sleepwalker and Other Stories short stories
A Small Pinch of Weather short stories UK US
Tale of a One-Way Street short stories UK US
Up the Chimney Down and Other Stories short stories US
The Whispering Mountain US
Midnight Is a Place UK US
The Scream UK
A Necklace of Raindrops and Other Stories short stories UK US

Pauline J. Alama
The Eye of Night UK US

Vivien Alcock
The Stonewalkers UK US
Singer to the Sea God US

Louisa May Alcott unofficial site
Louisa May Alcott's Fairy Tales and Fantasy Stories short stories UK US

Gill Alderman
Lilith's Castle UK US
The Memory Place

Brian Aldiss official site
Affairs at Hampden Ferrers UK

Raja Alem & Tom McDonough
Fatma UK US

Alma Alexander official site
The Hidden Queen UK US
Changer of Days UK US
The Secrets of Jin-Shei UK US

David M. Alexander
Fane US

Lloyd Alexander unofficial site
Series: The Prydain Cycle
The Book of Three US
The Black Cauldron US
The Castle of Llyr US
Taran Wanderer UK US
The High King US
Series: Prydain
The Truthful Harp US
Coll and His White Pig US
The Foundling UK US
Series: The Westmark
Westmark UK US
The Kestrel US
The Beggar Queen UK US
Series: The Vesper Holly Adventures
The Philadelphia Adventure US
The Jedera Adventure UK US
The Drackenberg Adventure UK US
The El Dorado Adventure UK US
The Illyrian Adventure UK US
The Xanadu Adventure UK US
Time Cat, the Remarkable Journeys of Jason and Gareth UK US
The Wizard in the Tree UK US
The Arkadians UK US
The First Two Lives of Lukas-Kasha UK US
The Iron Ring UK US
The Cat Who Wished to Be a Man UK US
The Marvelous Misadventures of Sebastian UK US
The Remarkable Journey of Prince Jen UK US
The King's Fountain US
The House Gobbaleen US
The Rope Trick UK US

Lynne Alexander
Resonating Bodies US

Marc Alexander
Series: Wells of Ythan
Ancient Dreams
Magic Casements
Shadow Realm US
Enchantment's End

Michael Alexander
Beowulf UK US

Sherman Alexie official site
Reservation Blues UK US

Jane Alison
The Love-Artist UK US

Margaret Allan unofficial site
Series: The Mammoth Stone
The Mammoth Stone UK US
Keeper of the Stone UK US
The Last Mammoth US
Spirit Walking Woman
Sister of the Sky

Phil Allcock
Series: Stories of the Realm
The Will of Dargan
In Search of the Golden Sceptre
The Fading Realm

Judy Allen
Lord of the Dance UK US
Storm-Voice UK US

Will Allen official site
Swords for Hire UK US

Isabel Allende official site
City of the Beasts UK US
Kingdom of the Golden Dragon UK US
Forest of the Pygmies UK US

Aaron Allston official site
Series: Bard's Tale
Thunder of the Captains with Holly Lisle UK US
Wrath of the Princes with Holly Lisle UK US
Doc Sidhe UK US
Sidhe-Devil UK US
Galatea in 2-D US

David Almond unofficial site
Skellig UK US
Secret Heart UK
The Fire-Eaters UK US

Elaine Marie Alphin official site
The Ghost Cadet UK US
The Ghost Soldier UK US

Steve Alton official site
The Malifex UK US
The Firehills UK US

Nadine Amadio
Series: Alice
The New Adventures of Alice in Rainforest Land US

Philip Amara
Series: Diablo
Tales of Sanctuary UK US

David Ambrose official site
A Memory of Demons UK US

Kingsley Amis
The Green Man UK US

Berthe Amoss
Lost Magic US

John Anacker
The Raven's Ring Pin UK US

Hans Christian Andersen unofficial site
The Complete Fairy Tales short stories UK US

Blaine Anderson
Heartspell US

Dennis Lee Anderson unofficial site
Arthur, King US

Janet S. Anderson
Going Through the Gate UK US
The Last Treasure UK US

Jodi Lynn Anderson
May Bird and the Ever After UK US
May Bird Among the Stars UK US
May Bird, Warrior Princess 18th September 2007 UK US

Kevin J. Anderson official site
Series: Gamearth
Gamearth US
Gameplay US
Game's End US
Afterimage Aftershock with Kristine Kathryn Rusch US
Born of Elven Blood with John Gregory Betancourt UK US
*Much at Stake (*Un Enjeu Très Pointu) short story
Captain Nemo UK US
Crystal Doors with Rebecca Moesta UK US

M. T. Anderson
The Game of Sunken Places UK US

Margaret J. Anderson official site
Series: Time
In the Keep of Time US
In the Circle of Time US
The Mists of Time US
The Druid's Gift US
The Ghost Inside the Monitor US

Poul Anderson unofficial site
Series: The King of Ys
Roma Mater with Karen Anderson UK US
Gallicenae with Karen Anderson UK US
Dahut with Karen Anderson UK US
The Dog and the Wolf with Karen Anderson UK US
Series: Operation Chaos
Operation Chaos US
Operation Luna UK US
Series: Three Hearts
Three Hearts and Three Lions UK US
A Midsummer Tempest US
Series: The Last Vicking
The Golden Horn US
Road of the Sea Horse US
Sign of the Raven US
Series: Conan
Conan the Rebel US
Hrolf Kraki's Saga US
The Merman's Children US
The Armies of Elfland with Karen Anderson - short stories US
The Broken Sword UK US
War of the Gods UK US
The Demon of Scattery with Mildred Downey Broxon US
The Unicorn Trade with Karen Anderson - short stories US
The Night Fantastic with Karen Anderson US
Mother of Kings UK US

C. Dean Andersson
Series: Bloodsong Saga
Warrior Witch UK US
Warrior Rebel UK US
Warrior Beast UK US
Series: Hel Trilogy
Warrior Witch of Hell with Nina Romberg - as Asa Drake US
Werebeasts of Hel with Nina Romberg - as Asa Drake US
Death Riders of Hel with Nina Romberg - as Asa Drake US

Allen Andrews
Series: Plantagenet
The Pig Plantagenet US
Castle Crespin US

Patricia Angadi
The Highly Flavoured Ladies US

Judie Angell
The Weird Disappearance of Jordan Hall US

Stephen L. Antczak
God Drug UK US

Mark Anthony official site
Series: DragonLance: The Meeting Sextet
Kindred Spirits with Ellen Porath UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Harpers
Crypt of the Shadowking UK US
Curse of the Shadowmage US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Nobles
Escape from Undermountain UK US
Series: The Last Rune
Beyond the Pale UK US
The Keep of Fire UK US
The Dark Remains UK US
Blood of Mystery UK US
The Gates of Winter UK US
The First Stone UK US

Patricia Anthony official site
Flanders UK US

Piers Anthony official site
Series: Xanth
A Spell for Chameleon US
The Source of Magic US
Castle Roogna US
Centaur Aisle UK US
Ogre, Ogre UK US
Night Mare UK US
Dragon on a Pedestal US
Crewel Lye US
Golem in the Gears UK US
Vale of the Vole UK US
Heaven Cent UK US
Man from Mundania UK US
Isle of View UK US
Question Quest US
The Color of Her Panties UK US
Demons Don't Dream US
Harpy Thyme UK US
Geis of the Gargoyle UK US
Roc and a Hard Place UK US
Yon Ill Wind UK US
Faun & Games UK US
Zombie Lover UK US
Xone of Contention UK US
The Dastard UK US
Swell Foop UK US
Up in a Heaval UK US
Cube Route UK US
Currant Events UK US
Pet Peeve UK US
Stork Naked 17th October 2006 UK US
Series: Xanth related
Visual Guide to Xanth with Jody Lynn Nye US
Letters to Jenny UK US
Series: Incarnations of Immortality
On a Pale Horse UK US
Bearing an Hourglass UK US
With a Tangled Skein US
Wielding a Red Sword UK US
Being a Green Mother US
For Love of Evil US
And Eternity US
Series: The Mode
Virtual Mode US
Fractal Mode US
Chaos Mode US
DoOon Mode UK US
Series: Geodyssey
Isle of Woman UK US
Shame of Man UK US
Hope of Earth UK US
Muse of Art UK US
Series: Prophecy of Mouvar
Dragon's Gold with Robert E. Margroff US
Serpent's Silver with Robert E. Margroff US
Chimera's Copper with Robert E. Margroff US
Orc's Opal with Robert E. Margroff US
Mouvar's Magic with Robert E. Margroff UK US
Series: The Apprentice Adept
Split Infinity UK US
Blue Adept UK US
Juxtaposition US
Out of Phaze UK US
Robot Adept US
Unicorn Point UK US
Phaze Doubt US
Series: Tarot
God of Tarot US
Vision of Tarot US
Faith of Tarot US
The Ring with Robert E. Margroff UK US
Dream a Little Dream with Julie Brady UK US
The Gutbucket Quest with Ron Leming UK US
The Secret of Spring with Jo Ann Taeusch UK US
Quest for the Fallen Star with James Richley and Alan Riggs UK US
Hasan UK US
Through the Ice with Robert Kornwise UK US
The Willing Spirit with Alfred Tella UK US
Possible to Rue short story

Kim Antieau
The Jigsaw Woman US
Coyote Cowgirl UK US

Robert Antoni unofficial site
Divina Trace UK US

K. A. Applegate
Series: Everworld
Search for Senna UK US
Land of Loss UK US
Enter the Enchanted UK US
Realm of the Reaper UK US
Discover the Destroyer UK US
Fear the Fantastic UK US
Gateway to the Gods UK US
Brave the Betrayal UK US
Inside the Illusion UK US
Understand the Unknown UK US
Mystify the Magician UK US
Entertain the End UK US

Risa Aratyr
Hunter of the Light UK US

Peter Archer
Series: DragonLance: Champions
The Great White Wyrm UK US

Philip Ardagh official site
Series: The Eddie Dickens Trilogy
Awful End US: A House Called Awful End UK US
Series: Unlikely Exploits
The Fall of Fergal UK
Dreadful Acts UK
Terrible Times UK

Tom Arden official site
Series: The Orokon
The Harlequin's Dance   UK US
The King and Queen of Swords   UK
Sultan of the Moon and Stars   UK
Sisterhood of the Blue Storm   UK
Empress of the Endless Dream   UK

Ron Arias
The Road to Tamazunchale UK US

Gulliver in Cloneland UK US

Alan Arkin
The Lemmings Condition US
The Clearing US

Kelly Armstrong official site
Series: The Otherworld I
Bitten UK US
Stolen UK US
Broken 1st May 2006 UK
Series: The Otherworld II
Dime Store Magic UK US
Industrial Magic UK US
Haunted UK US

T. J. Armstrong
Walter and the Resurrection of G. US

Eleanor Arnason unofficial site
Daughter of the Bear King US

Elizabeth Arnold
Spin of the Sunwheel UK

Elaine Aron

Mary Arrigan
Baldur's Bones UK
Lawlor's Revenge UK

Daniel Arsand
The Land of Darkness UK US

David Arscott & David Marl
A Flight of Bright Birds

Keri Arthur official site
Destiny Kills 28th October 2008 UK US

Catherine Asaro official site
The Charmed Sphere UK US
The Misted Cliffs UK US
The Dawn Star UK US
Moonglow short story UK US
Series: Topaz Cycle
The Fire Opal 1st July 2007 UK US
? soon...
? soon...

Constance Ash
Series: Horse Girl
The Horsegirl US
The Stalking Horse US
The Stallion Queen US

Sarah Ash official site
Series: The Tears of Artamon
Lord of Snow and Shadows   UK US
Prisoner of Ironsea Tower US: Prisoner of the Iron Tower   UK US
Children of the Serpent Gate   UK US
Series: Alchemyst's Legacy
Tracing the Shadow UK US
Flight into Darkness soon...
Moths to a Flame UK
Songspinners UK
The Lost Child UK

Marty Asher unofficial site
Shelter US

Charles Ashton
Series: Jet Smoke and Dragon Fire
Jet Smoke and Dragon Fire UK
Into the Spiral UK
The Shining Bridge UK
The Giant's Boot UK

Jay Ashton
Looking for Ilyriand

Isaac Asimov unofficial site
Magic short stories UK US
Azazel US
100 Great Fantasy Short, Short Stories with Terry Carr and Martin H. Greenberg - short stories US

Nancy Asire
Series: Twilight's Kingdom
Twilight's Kingdoms US
Tears of Time US
To Fall Like Stars UK US
Series: Sword of Knowledge
Wizard Spawn with C. J. Cherryh UK US

Robert Lynn Asprin unofficial site
Series: Myth
Another Fine Myth UK US
Myth Conceptions UK US
Myth Directions UK US
Hit or Myth US
Myth-ing Persons US
Little Myth Marker US
M.Y.T.H. Inc. Link US
Myth-Nomers and Im-Pervections UK US
M.Y.T.H. Inc. in Action US
Sweet Myth-Tery of Life UK US
Something M.Y.T.H. Inc. UK US
Myth-Ion Improbable UK US
Myth Alliances with Jody Lynn Nye UK US
Myth-Told Tales with Jody Lynn Nye - short stories UK US
Myth-Taken Identity with Jody Lynn Nye UK US
Class Dis-Mythed UK US
Series: Myth Graphic Novels
Myth Adventures One with Phil Foglio US
Myth Adventures Two US
Series: Thieves World
Thieve's World with Lynn Abbey US
Tales from the Vulgar Unicorn with Lynn Abbey US
Shadows of Sanctuary with Lynn Abbey US
Storm Season with Lynn Abbey US
The Face of Chaos with Lynn Abbey US
Wings of Omen with Lynn Abbey US
The Dead of Winter with Lynn Abbey US
Soul of the City with Lynn Abbey, C. J. Cherryh and Janet Morris US
Blood Ties with Lynn Abbey US
Aftermath with Lynn Abbey US
Uneasy Alliances with Lynn Abbey US
Stealer's Sky with Lynn Abbey US
Series: Duncan & Mallory
Duncan & Mallory with Mel White US
The Bar-None Ranch with Mel White US
The Raiders with Mel White US
Series: Wartorn
Resurrection with Eric DelCarlo UK US
Obliteration with Eric DelCarlo UK US
License Invoked with Jody Lynn Nye UK US
E.Godz with Esther M. Friesner UK US

Philip Athans
Series: Forgotten Realms: Anthologies
Realms of Mystery UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: Adventures Across the Realms
Baldur's Gate novelisation UK US
Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Threat From the Sea
Realms of the Deep UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: War of the Spider Queen
Annihilation UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Year of Rogue Dragons
Realms of the Dragons UK US
Realms of the Dragons II UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Last Mythal
Realms of the Elves UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Watercourse Trilogy
Whisper of Waves UK US
Lies of Light 12th September 2006 UK US

Kate Atkinson unofficial site
Human Croquet UK US

Stella Atrium unofficial site
Seven Beyond UK US

A. A. Attanasio official site
Series: Tales of Arthor
The Dragon and the Unicorn UK US
The Eagle and the Sword UK US
The Perilous Order US: The Wolf and the Crown UK US
The Serpent and the Grail UK US
Series: Dominions of Irth
The Dark Shore US: as Adam Lee UK US
The Shadow Eater US: as Adam Lee UK US
Octoberland US: as Adam Lee UK US
Series: The Perilous Order
Warriors of the Round Table UK
Kingdom of the Grail US
Arthor UK
Hunting the Ghost Dancer US
The Moon's Wife US
Wyvern US

Amelia Atwater-Rhodes official site
Series: The Kiesha'ra
Hawksong UK US
Snakecharm UK US
Falcondance UK US

Steve Atwell
Schizoid Applejack UK US

Margaret Atwood official site
The Penelopiad UK US

Frank Aubrey
The Devil-Tree of El Dorado UK US

Anselm Audley
Series: Aquasilva
Heresy UK US
Inquisition UK US
Crusade UK

Jean M. Auel official site
Series: Earth's Children
The Clan of the Cave Bear UK US
The Valley of Horses UK US
The Mammoth Hunters UK US
The Plains of Passage UK US
The Shelters of Stone UK US

Steve Augarde official site
The Various UK US
Celandine UK US
? soon...

Paul Auster unofficial site
Moon Palace UK US
Mr. Vertigo UK US

Fiona Avery official site
The Crown Rose UK US

Avi official site
Bright Shadow UK US
Perloo the Bold UK US
Midnight Magic UK US
The Mayor of Central Park UK US
The Book Without Words UK US

Majgull Axelsson
April Witch UK US

Steve Aylett unofficial site
The Inflatable Volunteer UK US
Bigot Hall UK US

Lucy Cullyford Babbitt
The Oval Amulet US
Children of the Maker US
Where the Truth Lies US

Natalie Babbitt
Tuck Everlasting UK US
The Search for Delicious UK US

Richard Bach
Series: The Ferret Chronicles
Rescue Ferrets at Sea UK US
Air Ferrets Aloft UK US
Writer Ferrets Chasing the Muse UK US
Rancher Ferrets on the Range UK US
The Last War: Detective Ferrets and the Case of the Golden Deed UK US

Camille Bacon-Smith official site
Series: Demonic Detectives
Eye of the Daemon UK US
Eyes of the Empress UK US
The Face of Time UK US

Patricia Baehr
The Search for Happily-Ever-After UK US

Dale Bailey
The Fallen UK US

Gerald Earl Bailey
Series: Saga of Thorgrim
Sword of the Nurlingas
Sword of Poyana

Len Bailey
Clabbernappers UK US

Robin Wayne Bailey official site
Series: Frost
Frost US
Skull Gate US
Bloodsongs US
Series: Brothers of the Dragons
Brothers of the Dragon US
Straight on Til Morning US: Flames of the Dragon US
The Palace of Souls US: Triumph of the Dragon US
Series: Greyhawk
Nightwatch US
Series: Dungeon
The Lake of Fire US
Series: Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser
Sword Against the Shadowland UK US
Dragonkin UK US
Talisman UK US
Undersky UK US
Enchanter US
The Lost City of Zork US
Shadowdance US
Flames of the Dragon US

Alison Baird unofficial site
Series: The Dragon Throne
The Stone of the Stars UK US
The Empire of the Stars UK US
The Archons of the Stars UK US
The Dragon's Egg

Steven Baird unofficial site
Creiton's Sword UK US

Dawn Rivers Baker official site
The Rise of the Phoenix UK US

E. D. Baker
The Frog Princess UK US
Dragon's Breath UK US
Once upon a Curse UK US

Kage Baker official site
The Anvil of the World UK US

Keith Baker official site
Series: Eberron: The Dreaming Dark
The City of Towers UK US
The Shattered Land UK US

Linda P. Baker
Series: DragonLance: The Lost Histories
The Irda: Children of the Stars US
Series: DragonLance: The Chaos War
Tears of the Night Sky with Nancy Varian Berberick UK US

Nicholson Baker unofficial site
The Fermata UK US

Richard Baker
Series: Forgotten Realms
The Shadow Stone UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Double Diamond Triangle Saga
Easy Betrayals US
Series: Forgotten Realms: Cities
The City of Ravens UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: War of the Spider Queen
Condemnation UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Last Mythal
Forsaken House UK US
Farthest Reach UK US
Final Gate UK US

Scott Baker
Series: Ashlu Cycle
Firedance US
Drink the Fire from the Flames US

Harald Bakken
Series: The Journey, Once Begun
The Fields and the Hills US

R. Scott Bakker
Series: The Prince of Nothing
The Darkness That Comes Before UK US
The Warrior-Prophet UK US
The Thousandfold Thought UK US

Cherith Baldry
Series: Eaglesmont
The Silver Horn UK
The Emerald Throne UK
The Lake of Darkness UK
Series: The Abbey Mysteries
The Buried Cross UK US
The Silent Man UK US
The Scarlet Spring UK US
The Drowned Sword UK US
Hostage of the Sea short stories
Exiled from Camelot UK US
Soul Stealer UK US
The Reliquary Ring UK US
The Roses of Roazon UK

Lizz Baldwin
Series: Forgotten Realms: Return of the Archwizards
Realms of Shadow UK US

Michael Baldwin
The Rape of Oc UK US

Alexander Baliol
Series: Amulets of Darkness
The Magefire UK US
The Tears of Girana

Margaret Ball unofficial site
Series: Acorna
Acorna: The Unicorn Girl with Anne McCaffrey and Elizabeth Ann Scarborough UK US
Acorna's Quest with Anne McCaffrey and Elizabeth Ann Scarborough UK US
Acorna's People with Anne McCaffrey and Elizabeth Ann Scarborough UK US
Series: Tamai
Flameweaver US
Changeweaver UK US
Series: Partnerships
Partnership with Anne McCaffrey UK US
Bridge to the Sky US
The Shadow Gate UK US
No Earthly Sunne US
Lost in Translation UK US
Mathemagics UK US

Honoré de Balzac unofficial site
Séraphita short stories UK US
The Quest for the Absolute UK US

Anjali Banerjee official site
Series: Dungeons & Dragons: Knights of the Silver Dragon
The Silver Spell UK US
Series: Star Sisterz
Rani and the Fashion Divas UK US

Ashok Banker
Series: The Ramayana
Prince of Ayodhya UK US
Siege of Mithila UK US
Demons of Chitrakut UK US
Armies of Hanuman UK US
Bridge of Rama UK US

Iain M. Banks unofficial site
The Business UK US

John Kendrick Banks
Olympian Nights

Catherine Banner
The Eyes of a King soon...
? soon...
? soon...

Nick Bantock official site
The Venetian's Wife UK US
The Forgetting Room US

James Barclay official site
Series: Chronicles of the Raven
Dawnthief UK US
Noonshade UK US
Nightchild UK US
Elfsorrow UK US
Series: Legends of the Raven
Light Stealer UK US
Shadowheart UK US
Demonstorm UK US
Series: The Ascendants of Estorea
Cry of the Newborn UK
Shout For the Dead UK US

Alessandro Baricco
Ocean Sea UK US

Clive Barker official site
Series: Imajica
The Fifth Dominion UK US
The Reconciliation UK US
Abarat UK US
Days of Magic, Nights of War UK US
? soon...
? soon...
Weaveworld UK US

M. A. R. Barker official site
Series: Tékumel: Empire of the Petal Throne
The Man of Gold US
Flamesong US

Jeffrey E. Barlough
Series: Western Lights
Strange Cargo UK US

Steve Barlow & Steve Skidmore unofficial site
Series: Tales of the Dark Forest
Goodknyght! UK
Whizzard! UK
Trollogy! UK US
Knyghtmare! UK US

John Barnes
Series: Time Raider
Wartide US
Battlecry US
Union Fires US
One for the Morning Glory UK US

Steven Barnes official site
Series: Slavery and Freedom in an Alternate America
Lion's Blood UK US
Zulu Heart UK US
Blood Brothers UK US
Iron Shadows UK US

Susan Barnes
Series: Kelly Karate
Kelly Karate Encounters the Moon Princess UK US

Charles Barnitz
The Deepest Sea UK US

Marleen S. Barr
Oy Pioneer! UK US

F. M. Barrera
Series: Tales of the Blue Wizard
The Children of Jamomere UK US

Steve Barret
We Can’t All Be Angels

Tracy Barrett official site
On Etruscan Time UK US

William E. Barrett
Lady of the Lotus US

Neal Barrett Jr. official site
The Prophecy Machine UK US
The Treachery of Kings UK US

James M. Barrie
Series: Peter Pan
Peter Pan UK US
Peter Pan and Wendy UK US
The Little White Bird short stories UK US

Monica Barrie
Queen of Knights

Leslie Barringer
Series: The Neustrian Cycle
Gerfalcon UK US
Joris of the Rock UK US
Shy Leopardess UK US

Thomas A. Barron
Series: Lost Years of Merlin
The Lost Years of Merlin US
The Seven Songs of Merlin US
The Fires of Merlin US
The Mirror of Merlin US
The Wings of Merlin UK US
Series: The Great Tree of Avalon
Child of the Dark Prophecy UK US
Shadows on the Stars UK US
Heartlight US
The Ancient One UK US
The Merlin Effect US
Tree Girl UK US

John Barth unofficial site
The Last Voyage of Somebody the Sailor US

Donald Barthelme unofficial site
The King US

L. G. Bass
Series: Outlaws of Moonshadow Marsh
Sign of the Qin UK US
? soon...
? soon...

Don Bassingthwaite official site
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Rogues
The Yellow Silk UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Priests
Mistress of the Night with Dave Gross UK US
Series: Eberron: The Dragon Below
The Biding Stone UK US
The Grieving Tree UK US

Samit Basu official site
The Simoqin Prophecies UK US
The Manticore's Secret

Brian Bates
Series: Wyrd
The Way of Wyrd US
The Wisdom of the Wyrd UK

K. P. Bath
The Secret of Castle Cant UK US

Gael Baudino unofficial site
Series: The Natil
Strands of Starlight US
Maze of Moonlight US
Shroud of Shadow UK US
Strands of Sunlight US
Spires of Spirit: Early Stories in the World of Strands of Starlight short stories UK US
Series: Dragonsword
Dragon Sword US
Duel of Dragons US
Dragon Death US
Series: Water!
O Greenest Branch! US
The Dove Looked in US
Branch and Crown UK US
Gossamer Axe US
The Borders of Life as G. A. Kathryns UK US

Joan Bauer official site
Thwonk UK US

Steven Bauer
Satyrday UK US

Frank L. Baum unofficial site
Series: Oz
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz UK US
The Marvelous Land of Oz UK US
Ozma of Oz UK US
Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz UK US
The Road to Oz UK US
The Emerald City of Oz UK US
The Patchwork Girl of Oz UK US
Little Wizard Stories of Oz UK US
Tik-Tok of Oz UK US
The Scarecrow of Oz UK US
Rinkitink in Oz UK US
The Lost Princess of Oz UK US
The Tin Woodman of Oz UK US
The Magic of Oz UK US
Glinda of Oz UK US
Series: Oz related
A New Wonderland
Dot and Tot of Merryland UK US
The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus UK US
The Surprising Adventures of the Magical Monarch of Mo and His People UK US
Queen Zixi of Ix of the Story of the Magical Cloak UK US
The Wogglebug Book
John Dough and the Cherub US
The Sea Fairies UK US
Sky Island UK US
Oz-Man Tales
Baum's American Fairy Tales short stories UK US
The Master Key, an Electrical Fairy Tale US
The Enchanted Island of Yew UK US
Animal Fairy Tales short stories US
The Twinkle Tales short stories UK US

Roger S. Baum
Series: Oz
Dorothy of Oz UK US
The Rewolf of Oz US
The Green Star of Oz UK US
Lion of Oz and the Badge of Courage UK US
The Oz Odyssey UK US

Kenneth Baumbach official site
Series: The Sons of Light
The Heretics' Power UK US
The High Priest's Revenge soon...
The Priest King's Sacrifice soon...

Robert Bausch
Almighty Me US

Lorna Baxter
The Eggchild US

Stephen Baxter unofficial site
Series: Mammoth
Silverhair UK US
Longtusk UK US
Icebones UK US

Louis Bayard
Mr. Timothy UK US

Barrington J. Bayley unofficial site
The Forest of Peldain US

The Little Grey Men UK US

Nina Beachcroft
Beyond World's End
Well Met by Witchlight US
A Spell of Sleep US
A Visit to Folly Castle US
The Wishing People US

Peter S. Beagle unofficial site
Series: The Innkeeper's Song
The Innkeeper's Song UK US
The Magician of Karakosk US: Giant Bones - short stories UK US
The Last Unicorn   UK US
Immortal Unicorn Volume 1 with Janet Berliner UK US
Immortal Unicorn Volume 2 with Janet Berliner UK US
Unicorn Sonata with Janet Berliner US
Two Hearts short story
Come, Lady Death
Lila the Werewolf US
A Fine and Private Place UK US
Garden of Earthly Delights US
The Folk of the Air UK US
Tamsin UK US
A Dance for Emilia UK US
The Rhinoceros Who Quoted Nietzsche short stories US

Theodore Beale official site
Series: Eternal Warriors
The War in Heaven UK US
The World in Shadow UK US

Marcel Béalu
The Experience of the Night UK US

Charles Beamer
When the Gods Returned US

Greg Bear official site
Series: Songs of Earth & Power
The Infinity Concerto UK US
The Serpent Mage US
Lost Souls US
Bear's Fantasies short stories US
Sleepside short stories UK US

Michael C. Beard official site
Series: The Annals of Kar-Neloth
Suzanne of Silver Lake UK US
Rise of the Engwar UK US
Building Kwen online short story

Ann Beattie
Spectacles US

Simone de Beauvoir unofficial site
All Men are Mortal UK US

Derek Beaven
Newton's Niece UK US

Aiden Beaverson
The Hidden Arrow of Maether UK US

Carrie A. Bebris
Series: Forgotten Realms: Pool of Radiance
The Ruins of Myth Drannor UK US

Gorman Bechard official site
The Second Greatest Story Ever Told US

Terri Beckett & Chris Power official site
Tribute Trail UK US

William Beckford
Vathek UK US

Susan Williams Beckhorn
The Kingfisher's Gift UK US

Michael Bedard
Redwork UK US
Painted Devil UK US

Frank Beddor
The Looking Glass Wars UK US
? soon...
? soon...

Stephanie Bedwell-Grime official site
Series: Porsche Winter
Guardian Angel UK US
Fallen Angel UK US

Doug Beekman official site
Kirith Kirin with Jim Grimsley UK US

Peter Beere
Doom Sword UK
Star Warriors UK

Marc Behm
Afraid To Death UK US

Ann Bell
My Friend Henry UK

Clare Bell
The Jaguar Princess US

Douglas Bell
Mojo and the Pickle Jar US

Everette Bell
The Mourning Edge of Iron US

Hilari Bell official site
Series: The Farsala Trilogy (a. k. a. The Book of Sorahb)
Fall of a Kingdom Previously called: Flame UK US
Rise of a Hero UK US
Forging the Sword January 2006
The Goblin Wood UK US
The Wizard Test UK US

Jadrien Bell official site
A. D. 999 UK US

S. G. Bell
The Magic Islands UK US

John Bellairs unofficial site
Series: Johnny Dixon
The Curse of the Blue Figurine US
The Mummy, the Will, and the Crypt US
The Spell of the Sorcerer's Skull US
The Revenge of the Wizard's Ghost US
The Eyes of the Killer Robot US
The Trolley to Yesterday US
The Chessmen of Doom US
The Secret of the Underground Room US
The Drum, the Doll, and the Zombie with Brad Stricland US
Series: Lewis Barnavelt
The House With a Clock in Its Walls UK US
The Figure in the Shadows UK US
The Letter, the Witch, and the Ring UK US
The Ghost in the Mirror UK US
The Vengeance of the Witch-Finder with Brad Strickland UK US
The Doom of the Haunted Opera with Bard Strickland UK US
Series: Anthony Monday
The Treasure of Alpheus Winterborn US
The Dark Secret of Weatherend US
The Lamp from the Warlock's Tomb US
The Mansion in the Mist US
The Face in the Frost UK US
The Pedant and the Shuffly US

Pamela Belle
Series: Zithirian
The Silver City UK
The Wolf Within
Blood Imperial UK

Hans Bemmann
The Stone and the Flute UK US
The Broken Goddess US

Atarah Ben-Tovim
Queen Eleanor's Legacy

Margot Benary-Isbert unofficial site
The Wicked Enchantment US

Curt Benjamin
Series: Seven Brothers
The Prince of Shadow UK US
The Prince of Dreams UK US
The Gates of Heaven UK US
Series: Seven Brothers related
Lords of Grass and Thunder UK US

Nella Benson
Amaranth US

Nancy Varian Berberick official site
Series: The Elvish Duology
The Jewels of Elvish US
A Child of Elvish US
Series: Garroc's Tales
Shadow of the Seventh Moon US
The Panther's Hoard US
Series: DragonLance: Tales II
The Reign of Istar with Magaret Weis and Tracy Hickman UK US
The Cataclysm with Margaret Wis and Tracy Hickman UK US
The War of the Lance with Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman UK US
Series: DragonLance: Heroes
Stormblade UK US
Series: DragonLance: The Chaos War
Tears of the Night Sky with Linda Baker UK US
Series: DragonLance: Classics
Dalamar the Dark UK US
Series: DragonLance: Fifth Age
Bertrem's Guide to the Age of Mortals with Steven Stan Brown and Paul B. Thompson UK US
Series: DragonLance
The Inheritance UK US
Series: DragonLance: The Age of Mortals
The Lioness UK US
Prisoner of Haven UK US

Carol Berg official site
Series: The Rai-Kirah
Transformation UK US
Revelation UK US
Restoration UK US
Series: The Bridge of D'Arnath
Son of Avonar UK US
Guardians of the Keep UK US
The Soul Weaver UK US
Daughter of Ancients UK US
Song of the Beast UK US
Flesh and Spirit soon...

Thomas Berger
Being Invisible US
Changing the Past US
Arthur Rex US

Michael Bergey
New Coyote UK US

Janet Berliner unofficial site
Immortal Unicorn Volume 1 with Peter S. Beagle UK US
Immortal Unicorn Volume 2 with Peter S. Beagle UK US
Unicorn Sonata with Peter S. Beagle US
Rite of the Dragon UK US

Judith Berman official site
Bear Daughter UK US

Kate Bernheimer
Complete Tales of Ketzia Gold UK US

Nina Bernstein
Magic by the Book UK US

James R. Berry
Magicians of Erianne US

Liz Berry
The China Garden US

Julie Bertagna unofficial site
The Spark Gap UK

Joanne Bertin official site
Series: Dragonlords
The Last Dragonlord UK US
Dragon and Phoenix UK US
Bard's Oath soon...

Luc Besson official site
Arthur and the Minimoys UK US
Arthur and the Forbidden City UK US
? soon...
? soon...

John Gregory Betancourt official site
Series: Birthright
The Hag's Contract US
Series: Amber
Roger Zelazny's The Dawn of Amber UK US
Roger Zelazny's Chaos and Amber UK US
Roger Zelazny's To Rule in Amber UK US
Roger Zelazny's Shadows of Amber UK US
Born of Elven Blood with Mercedes Lackey and Kevin J. Anderson UK US
The Blind Archer UK US
Rogue Pirate US
*In the Cusp of the Hour (*En Attendant l'Ouverture) short story
Slab's Tavern and Other Uncanny Places short stories
The Gates of Hades UK
The Dragon Sorcerer short stories UK US

James Bibby
Series: Ronan
Ronan the Barbarian UK
Ronan's Rescue UK
Ronan's Revenge UK
Shapestone UK

Marc Bilgrey official site
And Don't Forget to Rescue the Princess UK US

Jason J. Bilicic
Series: Unlife Legend
No Gods of Conscience UK US

Andrew Bill
Series: Enchantica
Wrath of the Ice Sorcerer

Stephen Billias
Series: Runesword
Horrible Humues US
Series: Shadow World
Clock Strikes Sword as Ian Hammell US
The Quest for the 36 US

Franny Billingsley official site
The Folk Keeper UK US
Well Wished UK US

Pam Binder official site
The Inscription UK US
The Quest UK US

Antoinette Kelsall Bird
The Daughters of Megwyn US

Tom Birdseye official site
The Eye of the Stone UK US

Dylan Birtolo official site
The Shadow Chaser UK US
The Bringer of War soon...

David Bischoff official site
Series: Gaming Magi
The Destiny Dice US
The Wraith Board US
The Unicorn Gambi US
A Personal Demon US

Anne Bishop official site
Series: Black Jewels Trilogy
Daughter of the Blood UK US
Heir of the Shadows UK US
Queen of the Darkness UK US
Series: Black Jewels Trilogy related
The Invisible Ring UK US
Dreams Made Flesh short stories UK US
Tangled Webs 4th March 2008 UK US
? soon...
Series: Tir Alainn
The Pillars of the World UK US
Shadows and Light UK US
The House of Gaian UK US
Series: The Landscapes of Ephemera
Sebastian UK US
Belladonna UK US
By the Time the Witchblood Blooms short story
The Wild Heart short story
Tunnel short story
Rapunzel short story
Match Girl short story

K. J. Bishop official site
The Etched City UK US

Michael Bishop official site
Close Encounters With a Deity short story US
Who Made Stevie Crye? US
Unicorn Mountain US
Brittle Innings UK US

Michael Bishop
Robin Hood UK US

Terry Bisson official site
Wyrldmaker US
Talking Man US

Jonathan Biviano
Series: The Lerilon Trilogy
Fate Rides Wicked UK US

Holly Black official site
Series: The Spiderwick Chronicles
The Field Guide with Tony DiTerlizzi UK US
The Seeing Stone with Tony DiTerlizzi UK US
Lucinda's Secret with Tony DiTerlizzi UK US
The Ironwood Tree with Tony DiTerlizzi UK US
The Wrath of Mulgarath with Tony DiTerlizzi UK US
Series: The Spiderwick Chronicles related
Notebook for Fantastical Observations with Toni DiTerlizzi UK US
Arthur Spiderwick's Field Guide to the Fantastical World around You with Tony DiTerlizzi UK US
Arthur Spiderwick's Care and Feeding of Sprites with Tony DiTerlizzi UK US
The Nixie's Song with Tony DiTerlizzi UK US
The Chronicles of Spiderwick with Tony DiTerlizzi UK US
Tithe UK US
Valiant UK US
The Brief History of the Dead UK US
Ironside UK US

Julia Blackburn unofficial site
The Leper's Companions UK US

Malorie Blackman official site
Dangerous Reality UK US

John Blackwell
Machio UK US

Gary Blackwood official site
Second Sight UK US

Cynthia Blair
Temptation US

Katharine Blake
The Interior Life US

Harry Blamires
Series: The Devil's Hunting Grounds
The Devil’s Hunting Grounds US
Cold War in Hell US
Highway to Heaven US

Emma Blanc official site
Series: Le Retour des Dragons

James P. Blaylock unofficial site
The Elfin Ship (Le Vaisseau Elfique) UK US
The Disappearing Dwarf (Le Nain qui Disparaissait) UK US
The Stone Giant (Le Géant de Pierre) UK US
Series: The Elfin Ship related
The Man in the Moon UK
Series: Homunculus
Homunculus UK US
Lord Kelvin's Machine US
Series: Paper Dragons
Paper Dragons short story US
Land of Dreams US
Axolotl Double A-1 with Tim Powers US
The Digging Leviathan UK US
The Last Coin UK US
The Paper Grail US
The Magic Spectacles UK
Night Relics US
All the Bells on Earth UK US
Winter Tides UK US
The Rainy Season UK US

Win Blevins official site
Ravenshadow UK US

James Blish unofficial site
Series: The Devil's Day
Black Easter UK US
The Day After Judgement

Francesca Lia Block unofficial site
Series: Weetzie Bat
Weetzie Bat UK US
Witch Baby UK US
Cherokee Bat and the Goat Guys UK US
Missing Angel Juan UK US
Series: Weetzie Bat Prequel
Baby Be-Bop UK US
Series: Weetzie Bat Sequel
Necklace of Kisses UK US
Ecstasia UK US
Primavera UK US
I Was a Teenage Fairy UK US
The Rose and the Beast short stories UK US
Echo UK US
Wasteland UK US

Michael Blumlein
The Healer UK US
Academ's Fury UK US

Philip Boast
Resurrection US
Deus US
Sion US

Alessandro Boffa
You're an Animal, Viskovitz! UK US

K. B. Bogen
Go Quest, Young Man US

Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff
Series: Meri
The Meri US
Taminy US
The Crystal Rose US
Series: Magic Time
Angelfire with Marc Zicree UK US
The Spirit Gate UK US

Camille Boito
Senso UK US

Darlene D. Bolesny
Trail of Darkness US

Edward Bolme
Series: Legend of the Five Rings: The Four Winds Saga
The Steel Throne UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Rogues
The Alabaster Staff UK US
Series: Eberron: War-Torn
The Orb of Xoriat UK US

Godfried Bomans
Eric in the Land of Insects UK US

Christian R. Bonawandt
Lance Bond
Series: House of Kand
The Fragment

Thomas Bontly official site
Celestial Chess US

Martin Booth
Series: The Alchemist's Son
Doctor Illuminatus UK
Soul Stealer UK US

Alice Borchardt
Series: Tales of Guinevere
The Dragon Queen UK US
The Raven Warrior UK US
The Silver Wolf UK US
Night of the Wolf UK US
The Wolf King UK US

Jorge Luís Borges unofficial site
Labyrinths short stories UK US
The Book of Fantasy US
Extraordinary Tales UK
The Book of Imaginary Beings short stories UK US

John Boston
Naked Came the Sasquatch US

Lucy M. Boston
Series: Green Knowe
The Children of Green Knowe UK US
The Chimneys of Green Knowe US: Treasure of Green Knowe UK US
The River at Green Knowe UK US
A Stranger at Green Knowe UK US
An Enemy at Green Knowe UK US
The Stones of Green Knowe UK US

Richard Bowes official site
Feral Cell US

Stephen Bowkett
Series: Dreamtime
Dreamcatcher UK

Tim Bowler official site
Apocalypse UK US

Clifford B. Bowyer
Series: The Imperium Saga
The Impending Storm UK US
The Child Of Prophecy 1st September 2004 UK US
The Awakening 1st November 2004 UK US

Elizabeth H. Boyer unofficial site
Series: The World of the Alfar
Elves and the Otterskin US
The Sword and the Satchel US
The Wizard and the Warlord
The Thrall and the Dragon's Heart US
Series: Wizard's War
Troll's Grindstone US
The Curse of Slagfid US
The Dragon's Carbuncle US
Lord of Chaos US
Series: Clan of the Warlord
Clan of the Warlord US
The Black Lynx US
Keeper of Cats US

Steven R. Boyett official site
Ariel, a Book of the Change US
The Architect of Sleep US
The Gnole with Alan Aldridge and Maxine Miller US

James Finney Boylan official site
The Planets UK US
The Constellations UK US

Joe Boyle
Brog the Stoop

John Boyne
The Thief of Time UK

Leigh Brackett unofficial site
Sword of Rhiannon US

Ray Bradbury unofficial site
Something Wicked This Way Comes UK US
Green Shadows, White Whale UK US
Ahmed and the Oblivion Machines UK US
Dandelion Wine UK US
Fever Dream US
Time Intervening short stories

Hanovi Braddock official site
Series: Magic, The Gathering
Ashes of the Sun UK US

Marion Zimmer Bradley official site
Series: Avalon
The Mists of Avalon UK US
Forests of Avalon with Diana L. Paxson - US: The Forest House UK US
Lady of Avalon with Diana L. Paxson UK US
Priestess of Avalon with Diana L. Paxson UK
Ancestors of Avalon with Diana L. Paxson UK US
Ravens of Avalon with Diana L. Paxson - soon...
Series: Darkover
Planet Savers US
Swords of Aldones US
The Bloody Sun UK US
Star of Danger UK US
Winds of Darkover UK US
World Wreckers US
Darkover Landfall UK US
The Spell Sword UK US
The Heritage of Hastur UK US
Shattered Chain UK US
Forbidden Tower UK US
Stormqueen UK US
Two to Conquer US
Sharra's Exile UK US
Hawkmistress UK US
Thendara House UK US
City of Sorcery UK US
Heirs of Hammerfall US
Rediscovery with Mercedes Lackey US
Exile's Song UK US
Shadow Matrix with Adrienne Martine-Barnes UK US
Traitor's Sun with Adrienne Martine-Barnes UK US
Reluctant King soon...
Thunderlord soon...
Series: The Clingfire Trilogy
The Fall of Neskaya with Deborah J. Ross UK US
Zandru's Forge with Deborah J. Ross UK US
A Flame in Hali with Deborah J. Ross UK US
Web of Light US
Web of Darkness US
The Fall of Atlantis UK US
Series: Trillium
Black Trillium with Julian May and Andre Norton UK US
Lady of the Trillium UK US
Series: Witchlight
Ghostlight with Rosemary Edghill UK US
Witchlight with Rosemary Edghill UK US
Gravelight with Rosemary Edghill UK US
Heartlight with Rosemary Edghill UK US
Series: Glenraven
Glenraven UK US
In the Rift with Holly Lisle UK US
Series: Thieves' World
Lythande with Vonda N. McIntyre - short stories US
Dark Satanic US
Grey Haven short stories
The House Between the Worlds US
The Inheritor UK US
Night's Daughter US
The Firebrand UK US
Spells of Wonder short stories US
Witch Hill UK US
Tiger Burning Bright with Andre Norton & Mercedes Lackey UK US
The Gratitude of Kings with Elizabeth Waters US

Rebecca Bradley official site
Series: Lady
Lady in Gil UK US
Scion's Lady UK US
Lady Pain UK US

Gillian Bradshaw
Series: The Life of Gwalchmai
Hawk of May US
Kingdom of Summer UK US
In Winter's Shadow US
The Dragon and the Thief US
The Land of Gold UK US
Horses of Heaven UK US
Beyond the North Wind US
The Wolf Hunt UK US
Cleopatra's Heir UK US

John Paul Brady
Series: Gulliver
A Voyage to Inishneefa US

Ernest Bramah unofficial site
Series: Kai Lung
The Wallet of Kai Lung US
Kai Lung's Golden Hours UK US
Kai Lung Beneath the Mulberry-Tree US

Henrietta Brandford
The Fated Sky UK US

Paul Brandon official site
Swim the Moon UK US
The Wild Reel UK US

Julian Branston
The Eternal Quest UK

Robert William Braswell
Jeffrey, out from the Depths of Innocence UK US

Libba Bray
A Great and Terrible Beauty UK US
Rebel Angels UK US

Patricia Bray official site
Series: The Sword of Change
Devlin's Luck UK US
Devlin's Honor UK US
Devlin's Justice UK US
The First Betrayal 30th May 2006 UK US
? soon...
? soon...

Chaz Brenchley official site
Series: Outremer
Tower of the King's Daughter US Part 1: The Devil in the Dust UK US
Tower of the King's Daughter US Part 2 US
Feast of the King's Shadow US Part 1: A Dark Way to Glory UK US
Feast of the King's Shadow US Part 2 US
Hand of the King's Evil US Part 1 UK US
Hand of the King's Evil US Part 2: The End of All Roads US
Series: Selling Water by the River
The Bridge of Dreams soon...
? soon...

Herbie Brennan official site
Series: Shiva
Shiva US
The Crone US: Shiva Accused US
Shiva's Challenge US
Faerie Wars UK US
The Purple Emperor UK US
Marcus Mustard

Marie Brennan official site
Doppelganger April 2006 UK US

Noel-Anne Brennan
Series: The Song of the Land
The Sword of the Land UK US
The Blood of the Land UK US

Mayer Alan Brenner
Series: Dance of Gods
Catastrophe's Spell US
Spell of Intrigue UK US
Spell of Fate US
Spell of Apocalypse US

Theresa Breslin unofficial site
The Dream Master UK
Dream Master Nightmare! UK US
Gladiator UK
Arabian Nights UK

Reginald Bretnor unofficial site
Schimmelhorn's Gold US

Martin H. Brice
The Witch in the Cave UK

Sue Bridgwater & Alistair M. Gechie
Perian's Journey

Patricia Briggs
Dragon Bones UK US
Dragon Blood UK US
Raven's Shadow UK US
Raven's Strike UK US
Masques US
Steal the Dragon US
When Demons Walk UK US
The Hob's Bargain UK US

Marius Brill
Making Love UK US

David Brin official site
The Practice Effect UK US

June Rachuy Brindel unofficial site
Phaedra US

John Brindley
Rhino Boy UK

Kristen Britain official site
Green Rider UK US
First Rider's Call UK US
The High King's Tomb UK US
? soon...

C. Dale Brittain official site
Series: Tales of the Wizard of Yurt
A Bad Spell in Yurt UK US
The Wood Nymph and the Cranky Saint UK US
Mage Quest UK US
The Witch & the Cathedral UK US
Daughter of Magic UK US
Is This Apolcalypse Necessary? UK US
Count Scar with Robert A. Bouchard UK US

William Brittain unofficial site
Series: Coven Tree
Dr. Dredd's Wagon of Wonders UK US
The Wish Giver short stories UK US
Wings UK US

Susan Britton
The Treekeepers UK US

Kevin Brockmeier unofficial site
City of Names UK US

Chris Brodien-Jones
The Dreamkeepers US

Dylan Brody
The Tale of a Hero and the Song of Her Sword US
The Thought That Counts, a Unicorn Story US

William J. Brooke
A Brush With Magic US
A Telling of the Tales short stories US
Untold Tales short stories US
Teller of Tales short stories US

Martha Brooks unofficial site
Bone Dance UK US

Terry Brooks official site
Series: Shannara
The Sword of Shannara (Le Glaive de Shannara)   UK US
The Elfstones of Shannara (Les Pierres des Elfes de Shannara)   UK US
The Wishsong of Shannara (L'Enchantement de Shannara)   UK US
Series: The Heritage of Shannara
The Scions of Shannara   UK US
The Druid of Shannara   UK US
The Elf Queen of Shannara   UK US
The Talismans of Shannara   UK US
Series: Shannara Prequel
First King of Shannara   UK US
Series: The Voyage of the Jerle Shannara
Ilse Witch   UK US
Antrax   UK US
Morgawr   UK US
Series: High Druid of Shannara
Jarka Ruus UK US
Tanequil UK US
Straken UK US
Series: The Genesis of Shannara
Armageddon's Children UK US
The Elves of Cintra UK US
The Gypsy Morph UK US
Series: Legends of Shannara
Bearers of the Black Staff UK US
The Measure of the Magic UK US
Series: Legacy of Shannara
? 2012
? 2012
? 2013
Series: Shannara related
World of Shannara with Teresa Patterson and David Cherry UK US
Indomitable short story UK US
Series: The Magic Kingdom of Landover
Magic Kingdom for Sale - Sold! UK US
The Black Unicorn UK US
Wizard at Large UK US
The Tangle Box UK US
Witches' Brew UK US
Series: The Magic Kingdom of Landover related
A Princess of Landover UK US
Series: The Word and the Void
Running With the Demon UK US
A Knight of the Word UK US
Angel Fire East UK US
Series: The Word and the Void Sequels
? 2007
? soon...
? soon...
Series: Peter Pan
Hook novelisation US
Series: Star Wars
*The Phantom Menace novelisation UK US
Imaginary Friends short story
*Sometimes the Magic Works: Lessons from a Writing Life UK US

John Brosnan
Damned & Fancy UK
Have Demon, Will Travel UK

Alan Brown
Sword and Sorcery UK

Eric Brown official site
A Writer's Life

George McKay Brown unofficial site
Beside the Ocean of Time UK US

Mary Brown
Series: Summer
Pigs Don't Fly UK US
Master of Many Treasures UK US
The Unlikely Ones UK US
Strange Deliverance UK US
Dragonne's Eg UK US

Richard Brown
Series: Golden Armour
The Helmet UK
The Shield
The Spurs UK
The Sword UK

Simon Brown official site
Series: The Keys of Power
Inheritance UK US
Fire and Sword UK US
Sovereign UK US
Series: The Chronicles of Kydan
Empire's Daughter AUS: Born of Empire UK US
Rival's Son 7th March 2006 UK US
By Sea Divided soon...

Stan Brown
Series: Legend of the Five Rings: The Clan War
Fifth Scroll: The Crab UK US
Series: DragonLance, the New Adventures
Dragon Day UK US

Thomas Brown
Gueith Camlann UK US

Timothy Brown
Series: Mystara
Dark Knight of Karameikos US

N. M. Browne
Warriors of Alavna UK US
Warriors of Camlann UK US
Hunted UK US
Basilisk UK US
The Story of Stone UK US

Jesse Browner
Conglomeros US

Mildred Downey Broxon
Too Long a Sacrifice US

Phillip Brugalette official site
The Nine Gates US

John Brunner unofficial site
A Case of Painter's Ear short story
The Compleat Traveller in Black short stories US

Karen A. Brush
The Pig, the Prince & the Unicorn US
The Demon Pig US

Steven Brust official site
Series: Dragaera
Jhereg UK US
Yendi US
Teckla US
Taltos and the Paths of the Dead US: Taltos UK US
Phoenix US
Athyra US
Orca UK US
Dragon UK US
Issola UK US
Series: Khaavren
The Phoenix Guards UK US
Five Hundred Years After UK US
Series: The Viscount of Adrilankha
The Paths of the Dead UK US
The Lord of Castle Black UK US
Sethra Lavode UK US
Series: Fantacy
To Reign in Hell UK US
The Sun, the Moon, and the Stars UK US
Coyboy Feng's Space Bar and Grille US
The Gypsy with Megan Lindholm US
Agyar UK US
Brokedown Palace US
Freedom & Necessity with Emma Bull UK US

Edward Bryant unofficial site
The Cutter short story

Paul Bryers
In a Pig's Ear UK US

John Buchan unofficial site
The Dancing Floor UK US
The Far Islands and Other Tales of Fantasy short stories UK US
Witch Wood UK US

Matthew Lieber Buchman
Cookbook from Hell UK US

Art Buchwald
Stella in Heaven UK US

Michael Buckley official site
Series: The Sisters Grimm
The Fairy-Tale Detectives UK US
The Unusual Suspects UK US
The Problem Child UK US
Once Upon a Crime 1at May 2007 UK US

William F. Buckley Jr.
The Temptation of Wilfred Malachey US

Yuri Buida
The Zero Train UK US

Lois McMaster Bujold official site
The Curse of Chalion UK US
Paladin of Souls UK US
The Hallowed Hunt UK US
Series: The Sharing Knife
Beguilement UK US
Legacy 1st July 2007 UK US
The Spirit Ring UK US

Flavia Bujor
The Prophecy of the Gems US: The Prophecy of the Stones UK US

Melvin Jules Bukiet
Sandman's Dust US
While the Messiah Tarries short stories UK US
Signs and Wonders UK US

Mikhail Bulgakov unofficial site
The Master and Margarita UK US

Emma Bull unofficial site
War for the Oaks UK US
Finder UK US
Freedom & Necessity with Steven Brust UK US

Henry Kenneth Bulmer unofficial site
Series: Dray Prescot
Transit to Scorpio as Alan Burt Akers US
The Suns of Scorpio as Alan Burt Akers
Warrior of Scorpio as Alan Burt Akers US
Swordships of Scorpio as Alan Burt Akers
Prince of Scorpio as Alan Burt Akers
Manhounds of Antares as Alan Burt Akers
Arena of Antares as Alan Burt Akers
Fliers of Antares as Alan Burt Akers US
Bladesman of Antares as Alan Burt Akers
Avenger of Antares as Alan Burt Akers
Armada of Antares as Alan Burt Akers US
The Tides of Kregen as Alan Burt Akers US
Renegade of Kregen as Alan Burt Akers US
Krozair of Kregen as Alan Burt Akers US
Secret Scorpio as Alan Burt Akers
Savage Scorpio as Alan Burt Akers US
Captive Scorpio as Alan Burt Akers
Golden Scorpio as Alan Burt Akers US
A Life for Kregen as Alan Burt Akers
A Sword for Kregen as Dray Prescot
A Fortune for Kregen as Dray Prescot US
A Victory for Kregen as Dray Prescot US
Beasts of Antares as Dray Prescot
Rebel of Antares as Dray Prescot US
Legions of Antares as Dray Prescot
Allies of Antares as Dray Prescot
Mazes of Scorpio as Dray Prescot US
Delia of Vallia as Dray Prescot US
Fires of Scorpio as Dray Prescot US
Talons of Scorpio as Dray Prescot US
Masks of Scorpio as Dray Prescot US
Seg the Bowman as Dray Prescot US
Werewolves of Kregen as Dray Prescot US
Witches of Kregen as Dray Prescot US
Storm over Vallia as Dray Prescot US
Omens of Kregen as Dray Prescot US
Warlord of Antares as Dray Prescot US

Chris Bunch unofficial site
The Seer King UK US
The Demon King UK US
The Warrior King UK US
Series: Voyages of the Anteros
The Far Kingdoms with Allan Cole UK US
The Warrior's Tale with Allan Cole US
Kingdoms of the Night with Allan Cole UK US
Series: Dragonmaster
Storm of Wings US: Dragonmaster UK US
Knighthood of the Dragon UK US
The Last Battle UK US
The Empire Stone UK US
Corsair UK US

Anthony Burgess unofficial site
The Eve of Saint Venus US

Melvin Burgess
Burning Issy UK US
Lady, My Life as a Bitch UK US
The Earth Giant UK US

James K. Burk
High Rage UK US

Frances Hodgson Burnett unofficial site
The Secret Garden UK US

Virgil Burnett
Towers at the Edge of a World short stories

Richard Burns
Khalindaine UK

Edgar Rice Burroughs unofficial site
Series: Tarzan of the Apes
Tarzan of the Apes UK US
The Beasts of Tarzan UK US
The Son of Tarzan UK US
Tarzan and the Jewel of Opar UK US
Tarzan the Untamed US
Tarzan the Terrible US
Tarzan and the Golden Lion US
Tarzan and the Ant Men US
Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle
Tarzan and the Lost Empire
Tarzan at the Earth's Core UK US
Tarzan the Invincible UK US
Tarzan Triumphant UK US
Tarzan and the City of Gold UK US
Tarzan and the Lion Man US
Tarzan and the Leopard Man UK US
Tarzan's Quest US
Tarzan and the Forbidden City US
Tarzan the Magnificent US
Tarzan and the Foreign Legion US
Tarzan and the Madman US
Tarzan and the Castaways US
Tarzan and the Tarzan Twins US
The Return of Tarzan UK US
Minidoka, 937th Earl of One Mile Series M with Michael William Kaluta - short stories UK US
Jungle Girl US: The Land of Hidden Men US

Elizabeth K. Burton official site
Series: The Everdark Wars
Dreams of Darkness UK US
Shadow of the Scorpion US
The Ugly Princess UK US

Tim Burton official site
*The Melancholy Death of Oyster-Boy   UK US

Linda Bushyager
Master of Hawks
The Spellstone of Shaltus

Jim Butcher official site
Series: Codex Alera
Furies of Calderon UK US

Nancy Butcher
Beauty UK US

Sam Butler
Reiffen's Choice soon...
? soon...
? soon...

Michel Butor
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Ape UK US

Betsy Byars official site
The Winged Colt of Casa Mia US
McMummy UK US

Antonia S. Byatt
Angels & Insects short stories UK US
The Djinn in the Nightingale's Eye short stories UK US
Elementals, Stories of Fire and Ice short stories UK US
The Biographer's Tale UK US

Richard Lee Byers official site
Series: Forgotten Realms: Sembia
The Shattered Mask UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: War of the Spider Queen
Dissolution UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Rogues
The Black Bouquet UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Year of Rogue Dragons
The Rage UK US
The Rite UK US
Series: Scarred Lands: Dead God
Forsaken UK US
Forsworn UK US
Forbidden UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Priests
Queen of the Depths UK US

Sarah Shun-Lien Bynum
Madeleine Is Sleeping UK US

Jesse L. Byock
The Saga of the Volsungs   UK US
The Saga of King Hrolf Kraki UK US

James Branch Cabell unofficial site
Series: Biography of the Life of Manuel
Beyond Life US
Figures of Earth UK US
The Silver Stallion US
The Witch Woman US
Domnei UK US
Chivalry UK US
Jurgen UK US
The Line of Love UK US
The High Place US
Gallantry UK US
Something About Eve US
The Certain Hour US
The Cords of Vanity UK US
From the Hidden Way US
The Jewel Merchants US
The Rivet in Grandfather's Neck US
The Eagle's Shadow US
The Cream of the Jest UK US
The Lineage of Lichfield
Straws and Prayer Books US
Townsend of Lichfield
Preface to the Past US
Between Dawn and Sunrise
There Were Two Pirates UK US

Meg Cabot official site
Avalon High UK US
Series: Avalon High: Coronation
The Merlin Prophecy manga UK US
Homecoming manga - 1st September 2007 UK US

Micheal Cadnum
Starfall UK US
? soon...
? soon...
Daughter of the Wind UK US

Jack Cady
The Off Season UK US

Rachel Caine official site
Series: Waether Warden
Ill Wind UK US
Heat Stroke UK US
Chill Factor UK US
Windfall UK US
Firestorm UK US
Thin Air 7th August 2007 UK US

Roberto Calasso
The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony UK US

Moyra Caldecott official site
Series: Amun
The Son of the Sun US
Daughter of Amun
Daughter of Ra
Series: Tall Stones
The Tall Stones UK US
The Temple of the Sun UK US
Shadow on the Stones UK US
The Silver Vortex
The Weapons of the Wolfhound
The Eye of Calanish soon...
Etheldreda US
The Green Lady and the King of Shadows UK
The Tower and the Emerald
The Winged Man US
The Waters of Sul UK
The Lily and the Bull US
Adventures by Leaf Light US

David Calder
The Dragonslayer's Apprentice US

Maurice Caldera
The Double Life of Daniel Glick UK

Ian Caldwell & Dustin Thomason
The Rule of Four UK US

Dia Calhoun
Firegold UK US
White Midnight UK US
Aria of the Sea UK US
The Phoenix Dance UK US

Don Callander
Series: Douglas Brightglade
Pyromancer UK US
Aquamancer US
Geomancer US
Aeromancer UK US
Marbleheart UK US
Series: Dragon
Dragon Companion US
Dragon Rescue US
Dragon Tempest UK US
Warlock's Bar & Grill UK US

Italo Calvino unofficial site
The Castle of Crossed Destinies short stories UK US
Cosmicomics short stories UK US
If on a Winter's Night a Traveler short stories UK US
Invisible Cities short stories UK US
Mr. Palomar short stories UK US
The Nonexistant Knight and The Cloven Viscount short stories UK US
T Zero short stories UK US
Time and the Hunter short stories UK
Under the Jaguar Sun short stories UK US

Kate Cameron
As if They Were Gods US

Alan Campbell
Series: Deepgate Codex
Scar Night UK US
? soon...
? soon...

Barbara Campbell official site
Series: Trickster's Game
Heartwood UK US
Bloodstone 1st August 2006 UK US
? soon...

Ramsey Campbell official site
Far Away & Never short stories

Bill Campbell & Irwin Terry
Series: Oz
Masquerade in Oz US
The Lavender Bear of Oz US

Cuca Canals
Berta la Larga UK US

Trudi Canavan official site
Series: The Black Magician Trilogy
The Magicians' Guild   UK US
The Novice   UK US
The High Lord   UK US
Series: The Black Magician Trilogy Prequel
The Magician’s Apprentice UK US
Series: The Traitor Spy Trilogy
The Ambassador's Mission 6th May 2010 UK US
The Rogue 5th May 2011 UK
The Traitor Queen soon...
Series: Age of the Five
Priestess of the White UK US
Last of the Wilds UK US
Voice of the Gods UK US
Angel of Storms soon...

Louis R. Canonico
Series: The Priceless Prince
Goblins of Grace UK US

Mark Canter official site
Down to Heaven UK

Carel Capek unofficial site
Nine Fairy Tales short stories UK US

Orson Scott Card official site
Series: The Tales of Alvin Maker
Seventh Son UK US
Red Prophet UK US
Prentice Alvin UK US
Alvin Journeyman UK US
Heartfire UK US
The Crystal City UK US
Master Alvin soon...
Grinning man short story UK US
The Yazoo Queen short story UK US
Homebody UK US
Enchantment UK US
Magic Mirror UK US
Cardography short stories US
Hart's Hope UK US
Magic Street UK US

Jacqueline Carey official site
Kushiel's Dart UK US
Kushiel's Chosen UK US
Kushiel's Avatar UK US
Series: The Imriel Trilogy
Kushiel's Scion soon...
? soon...
? soon...
Series: The Sundering
Banewreaker UK US
Godslayer UK US

Mike Carey official site
Series: Felix Castor
The Devil You Know UK US
Vicious Circle UK US
Dead Men's Boots UK
Thicker Than Water 15th October 2008 UK

Peter Carey unofficial site
Illywhacker UK US
The Big Bazoohley UK US
Oscar and Lucinda UK US
My Life as a Fake UK US

Lillian Stewart Carl official site
Sabazel UK US
The Winter King UK US
Shadow Dancers US
Wings of Power US
Lucifer's Crown UK US

Richard Carlyon
The Dark Lord of Pengersick US

Patrick Carman
Series: The Land of Elyon
The Dark Hills Divide UK US
Beyond the Valley of Thorns UK US
Tenth City UK US

Isobelle Carmody unofficial site
Series: The Obernewtyn Chronicles
Obernewtyn UK US
The Farseekers UK US
Ashling UK US
The Keeping Place UK US
The Sending UK
Series: Legendsong
Darksong UK
Darkbane soon...
Series: The Gateway
Billy Thunder and the Night Gate US: Night Gate UK US
The Winter Door UK US
The Firecat's Dream UK

John Carnell & Tom Sutton
The Roadkill of Middle-Earth UK US

Lisa Carolle
The Secrets of Yashir US

Christopher Carpenter
The Twilight Realm US

Leonard P. Carpenter
Series: Conan
Conan the Raider US
Conan the Renegade US
Conan the Warlord UK US
Conan the Great US
Conan the Hero UK US
Conan the Outcast UK US
Conan the Savage UK US
Conan of the Red Brotherhood UK US
Conan the Gladiator UK US
Conan Lord of the Black River UK US
Conan Scourge of the Bloody Coast US

Bentley Carr
Series: The Tales of Maroth
The Gateway of Time US

Jan Carr
The Elf of Union Square UK US

Frank J. Carradine
The Empire of Elwolf, Runes and Riddles US

Jerry Jay Carroll
Top Dog UK US
Dog Eat Dog UK US

Jonathan Carroll official site
Series: Bones of the Moon
Bones of the Moon UK US
Sleeping in Flame UK US
A Child Across the Sky UK US
White Apples UK US
Glass Soup UK US
The Land of Laughs UK US
Outside the Dog Museum UK US
The Heidelberg Cylinder UK US
Voice of Our Shadow UK US

Lewis Carroll official site
Series: Alice
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland UK US
Through the Looking-Glass UK US
The Hunting of the Snark UK US
Looking-Glass Land short story
Phantasmagoria UK US

Susan Carroll
The Dark Queen UK US
The Courtesan UK US
The Silver Rose UK US

Angela Carter
The Virago Book of Fairy Tales US: The Old Wives' Fairy Tale Book - short stories UK US
The Second Virago Book of Fairy Tales short stories UK US
Burning Your Boats short stories UK US
Sea-Cat and Dragon King UK
Nights At the Circus UK US
The Bloody Chamber short stories UK US
Strange Things Sometimes Still Happen short stories US
Sleeping Beauty and Other Favourite Fairy Tales UK US
The Magic Toyshop UK US
Fireworks short stories UK US

Brian Carter
In the Long Dark

Lin Carter unofficial site
Series: Green Star
Under the Green Star US
When the Green Star Calls US
By the Light of the Green Star US
As the Green Star Rises US
In the Green Star's Glow US
Series: Terra Magica
Terra Magica
Dragonrouge US
Mandricardo US
Callipygia US
Series: Thongor
The Wizard of Lemuria
Thongor of Lemuria
Thongor Against the Gods US
Thongor at the End of Time US
Thongor in the City of Magicians
Thongor Fights the Pirates of Tarakus
Thongor and the Dragon City
Series: World's End
Giant of World's End
Warrior of World's End US
The Enchantress of World's End
Immortal of World's End US
Barbarian of World's End US
The Pirates of World's End
Series: Zanthodon
Journey to the Underground World
Zanthodon US
Darya of the Bronze Egde US
Hurok of the Stone Edge US
Eric of Zanthodon US
Series: Zarkon
Zarkon, Lord of the Unknown in Invisible Death US
Zarkon, Lord of the Unknown in the Nemesis of Evil US
Zarkon, Lord of the Unknown in the Volcano Ogre
Zarkon, Lord of the Unknown in the Earth Shaker US
Horror Wears Blue US
Series: Callisto
Jandar of Callisto UK US
Black Legion of Callisto UK US
Series: Conan
Conan with L. Sprague DeCamp and Robert E. Howard UK US
Conan of Cimmeria with L. Sprague DeCamp and Robert E. Howard US
Conan the Wanderer US
Conan the Adventurer with L. Sprague DeCamp and Robert E. Howard US
Conan the Buccaneer with L. Sprague DeCamp US
Conan of Aquilonia with L. Sprague DeCamp and Robert E. Howard US
Conan of the Isles with L. Sprague DeCamp US
Conan the Swordsman with L. Sprague DeCamp, Robert E. Howard and Bjorn Nyberg US
Conan the Liberator with L. Sprague DeCamp US
Found Wanting US
Kellory the Warlock US

Margaret L. & Leslie Roy Carter official site
Wild Sorceress UK US

R. J. Carter
Alice's Journey Beyond the Moon UK US

Robert Carter official site
The Language of Stones UK US
The Giants' Dance UK US
Whitemantle UK US

Giles Carwyn & Todd Fahnestock
Heir of Autumn UK US
Mistress of Winter UK US

Devin Cary
The Winter Queen UK US

Giacomo Casanova
Icosameron US

Josephine Young Case
At Midnight on the 31st of March UK

Steve Cash
The Meq UK US
? soon...
? soon...

Sylvia Cassedy
Behind the Attic Wall US

Michael Cassutt
Dragon Season US

Mary Castillo official site
Switchcraft soon...

P. W. Catanese official site
Series: Further Tales
The Thief and the Beanstalk UK US
The Brave Apprentice UK US
The Eye of the Warlock UK US
The Mirror's Tale 23rd May 2006 UK US
? 2007

Ray Cattie official site
Ard Righ, the Sword on the Stone UK US

Kathryn Cave
Series: Similon
Similon US
Septimus Similon, Practising Wizard UK

Jacques Cazotte
The Devil in Love UK US

Miguel de Cervantes unofficial site
*Don Quixote UK US

Michael Chabon
Summerland UK US

Mark Chadbourn official site
Series: The Age of Misrule
World's End UK US
Darkest Hour UK US
Always Forever UK US
Series: The Dark Age
The Devil in Green UK US
The Queen of Sinister UK US
The Hounds of Avalon UK US
Series: Kingdom of the Serpent
Jack of Ravens UK
The Burning Man 15th February 2008 UK
? soon...
The Fairy Feller's Master Stroke UK

Jack L. Chalker official site
Series: Dancing Gods
The River of Dancing Gods US
Demons of the Dancing Gods US
Vengence of the Dancing Gods US
Songs of the Dancing Gods US
Horrors of the Dancing Gods US
Series: Changewinds
When the Changewinds Blow UK US
Rider of the Winds UK US
War of the Maelstrom UK US
The Sword Bearer with Glen Cook

Ann Chamberlin official site
Series: The Joan of Arc Tapestries
The Merlin of St. Gilles Well UK US
The Merlin of the Oak Wood UK US
Gloria, the Merlin and the Saint UK US
Tamar UK US
Leaving Eden UK US

Robert W. Chambers unofficial site
The King in Yellow UK US
The Yellow Sign and Other Tales short stories UK US

Stephen Chambers official site
Hope's End UK US
Hope's War UK US

Theresa Chambers
Forbidden US

Joy Chant
The Kigh Kings US
Red Moon and Black Mountains US
The Grey Mane of Morning US

Vera Chapman
Series: Three Damosels
The Green Knight UK US
The King's Damosel UK US
King Arthur's Daughter UK US
Blaedud the Birdman US
Miranty and the Alchemist US
The Enchantresses UK US
The Notorious Abbess short stories UK US

Blake Charlton official site
Spellwright Summer 2008
? soon...
? soon...

Suzy McKee Charnas unofficial site
Series: Sorcery Hall
The Bronze King US
The Silver Glove US
The Golden Thread US
Dorothea Dreams UK US
The Kingdom of Kevin Malone UK US

Robert N. Charrette
Series: Chonicles of Aelwyn
Timespell UK US
Eye of the Serpent UK US
Wizard of the Bones US
Series: King
A Prince Among Men US
A King Beneath the Mountain US
A Knight Among Knaves UK US

Carol Chase
Hawk's Flight US

Martin Chatterton
Michigan Moorcroft R. I. P. UK

Da Chen
Wandering Warrior UK US

Shirley Cheng official site
Daring Quests of Mystics UK US

Russ Chenoweth
Shadow Walkers US

Dan Chernenko
Series: The Scepter of Mercy
The Bastard King UK US
The Chernagor Pirates UK US
The Scepter's Return UK US

Vladimir Chernozemsky
Dark Side of Time UK US

C. J. Cherryh official site
Series: Fortress
Fortress of Eagles UK US
Fortress in the Eye of Time UK US
Fortress of Owls UK US
Fortress of Dragons UK US
Fortress of Ice UK US
Series: Heroes in Hell
Rebels in Hell with janet Morris - short stories US
Kings in Hell with janet Morris - short stories US
Legions of Hell short stories US
The Gates of Hell with Janet Morris US
Series: Sword of Knowledge
A Dirge for Sabis with Leslie Fish US
Wizard Spawn with Nancy Asire US
Reap the Whirlwind with Mercedes Lackey UK US
Series: The Dreaming Tree
The Dreamstone UK US
The Tree of Swords and Jewels UK US
Series: Morgaine
Gate of Ivrel UK US
Well of Shiuan UK US
Fires of Azeroth UK US
Exile's Gate US
Series: Merovingen Nights
Angel With the Sword US
Festival Moon US
Fever Season US
Troubled Waters US
Smuggler's God US
Divine Right US
Flood Tide US
End Game US
Series: The Russian Stories
Rusalka UK US
Chernevog US
Yvgenie US
Series: Thieves World
Soul of the City with Lynn Abbey, Robert Lynn Asprin and Janet Morris US
The Goblin Mirror UK US
Rider at the Gate UK US
Cloud's Rider UK US
Faery in Shadow US
The Paladin US

Deborah Chester
Series: Ruby Throne
Reign of Shadows UK US
Shadow War UK US
Realm of Light UK US
Series: The Sword, the Ring, and the Chalice
The Sword UK US
The Ring UK US
The Chalice UK US
Series: The Sword, the Ring, and the Chalice Sequel
The Queen's Gambit UK US
The King Betrayed UK US
The Queen's Knight UK US
The King Imperiled UK US

William L. Chester
Kioga of the Wilderness US

Grace Chetwin official site
Series: Tales of Gom in the Legends of Ulm
Gom on Windy Mountain UK US
The Riddle and the Rune UK US
The Crystal Stair UK US
The Starstone UK US
Series: Tales of Ulm from Hester's Hearth
Gerrad's Quest US
Series: The Lords of Aelyth-Kintalyn
The Fall of Aelyth-Kintalyn
Child of the Air UK US
The Chimes of Alyafaleyn UK US
On All Hallow's Eve UK US
Out of the Dark World UK US
Beauty and the Beast US

Mark Childress
Gone for Good UK US

K. G. Childs official site
The Fortress City UK US

M. Lucie Chin
The Fairy of Ku-She US

Peter Chippindale
Mink! UK
Laptop of the Gods UK

Deepak Chopra official site
Lords of Light with Martin H. Greenberg UK US
The Return of Merlin US

Gautama Chopra
Child of the Dawn, a Magical Journey of Awakening UK US

Catherine Christian
The Pendragon US

Deborah Christian official site
Series: Loregiver
The Truthsayer's Apprentice UK US
Kar Kalim UK US

Peggy Christian
The Bookstore Mouse UK US

David Christiana
A Tooth Fairy's Tale UK US

Agatha Christie official site
Series: Miss Marple
*Nemesis (*Nemesis)   UK US
*And Then There Were None (*Les Dix Petits Nègres) Also called: Ten Little Niggers   UK US

John Christopher unofficial site
Series: The Tripods
The White Mountains UK US
The City of Gold and Lead UK US
The Pool of Fire UK US
Series: The Tripods Prequel
When the Tripods Came UK US
Series: The Sword of the Spirits
The Prince in Waiting UK US
Beyond the Burning Lands US
The Sword of the Spirits UK US

Scott Ciencin official site
Series: Elven Ways
The Ways of Magic UK US
Ancient Games UK US
Night of Glory UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Avatar
Shadowdale as Richard Awlinson - with Troy Denning UK US
Tantras as Richard Awlinson - with Troy Denning UK US
Waterdeep as Richard Awlinson - with Troy Denning UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Harpers
The Night Parade US
The Wolves of Autumn US
The Lotus and the Rose UK US

Cassandra Claire official site
City of Bones soon...

Gertrude Clancy
The Cup and the Mask

Chris Claremont
Series: Chronicles of the Shadow War
Shadow Moon with George Lucas UK US
Shadow Dawn with George Lucas UK US
Shadow Star with George Lucas UK US
Dragon Moon with Beth Fleisher US

Douglas W. Clark
Series: Alchemy Unlimited
Alchemy Unlimited US
Rehearsal for a Renaissance US
Whirlwind Alchemy US
Series: DragonLance: Champions
Saving Solace UK US

Joan Clark
Wild Man of the Woods US

A. F. N. Clarke

Lindsay Clarke official site
The War at Troy UK US
The Return from Troy UK US
Alice's Masque US
Parzival and the Stone from Heaven UK US

Susanna Clarke
Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell UK US

Will Clarke official site
Lord Vishnu's Love Handles UK US
The Dawn Star UK US

James Clavell
Thrump-o-Moto UK US

Jo Clayton official site
Series: Duel of Sorcery
Moongather US
Moonscatter US
Changer's Moon US
Series: Dancer
Dancer's Rice UK US
Serpent Waltz US
Dance Down the Stars UK US
Series: Drums of Chaos
Drum Warning UK US
Drum Calls UK US
Drums into Silence with kevin Murphy UK US
Series: Drinker of Souls
Drinker of Souls US
Blue Magic US
A Gathering of Stones US
Series: Wild Magic
Wild Magic US
Wildfire US
The Magic Wars US
A Bait of Dreams US

Douglas Clegg unofficial site
Series: Mordred
Mordred, Bastard Son UK US
? soon...
? soon...

James Clemens official site
Series: The Banned and the Banished
Wit'ch Fire UK US
Wit'ch Storm UK US
Wit'ch War UK US
Wit'ch Gate UK US
Wit'ch Star UK US
Series: The Godslayer Chronicles
Shadowfall UK US
Hinterland 2nd November 2006 UK US

Aeron Clement
The Cold Moons US

David Clement-Davies
Fire Bringer UK US
The Sight UK US
Spirit, Stallion of the Cimarron UK US
The Alchemists of Barbal UK US
The Telling Pool UK US

Andrew Clements official site
Things Not Seen UK US

Jack Clemons
Gruesome John Frederick, a Tale of Christmas US

B. W. Clough official site
Series: Averidan
The Crystal Crown US
The Realm Beneath US
The Name of the Sun US
Series: Averidan related
The Dragon of Mishbil US
How Like a God US
An Impossible Summer US

Christopher Coady
Red Riding Hood UK US

Michael Cobley unofficial site
Series: The Shadowkings Trilogy
Shadowkings UK US
Shadowgod UK US
Shadowmasque UK

Ann Coburn
Series: Borderlands
Web Weaver UK
Worm Songs UK US
Dark Water UK
Blind Side UK
Glint UK US

Molly Cochran official site
The Forever King with Warren Murphy UK US
The Broken Sword with Warren Murphy UK US
Third Magic UK US
World Without End with Warren Murphy UK US

Steve Cockayne
Series: Legends of the Land
Wandereds and Islanders UK
The Iron Chain UK
The Seagull Drovers UK

Marian Cockrell
Shadow Castle UK US

Kathryn Marie Cocquyt
The Celtic Heart UK US

Esmé Raji Codell official site
Diary of a Fairy Godmother UK US

David B. Coe official site
Series: The LonTobyn Chronicle
Children of Amarid UK US
The Outlanders UK US
Eagle-Sage UK US
Series: Winds of the Forelands
Rules of Ascension UK US
Seeds of Betrayal UK US
Bonds of Vengeance UK US
Shapers of Darkness UK US
Weavers of War UK US
Night of Two Moons short story
Series: Blood of the Southlands
? soon...
Weitchie, Spirit of the Redwoods US

Barbara Cohen
Unicorns in the Rain US

Jon Cohen
Max Lakeman and the Beautiful Stranger US
The Man in the Window US

Adrian Cole
Series: The Omaran Saga
A Place Among the Fallen US
Throne of Fools US
King of Light and Shadows US
Gods in Anger US
Series: Star Requiem
Mother of Storms US
Thief of Dreams UK US
Warlord of Heaven US
Labyrinth of Worlds US
Series: Eberron: War-Torn
The Crimson Talisman UK US
Blood Red Angel US
Oblivion Hand short stories UK US
Storm over Atlantis UK US

Allan Cole official site
Series: Voyages of the Anteros
The Far Kingdoms with Chris Bunch UK US
The Warrior's Tale with Chris Bunch US
Kingdoms of the Night with Chris Bunch UK US
The Warrior Returns UK US
Series: The Timura Trilogy
When the Gods Slept US: Wizard of the Winds UK US
Wolves of the Gods UK US
The Gods Awaken UK US

Damaris Cole
Token of Dragonsblood US

Stephen Cole
Series: The Wereling
Wounded UK US
Prey UK US
Resurrection UK US

Loren L. Coleman
Series: Magic, The Gathering: Artifacts Cycle
Bloodlines UK US
Series: Age of Conan, Hyborian Adventures: Legends of Kern
Blood of Wolves UK US
Cimmerian Rage UK US
Songs of Victory UK US

Eoin Colfer official site
Series: Artemis Fowl
Artemis Fowl UK US
The Arctic Incident UK US
The Eternity Code UK US
The Opal Deception UK US
? soon...
Series: Artemis Fowl related
The Seventh Dwarf short story UK
The Artemis Fowl Files short stories UK US
The Wish List UK US
The Supernaturalist UK US

Jenny Colgan official site
Do You Remember the First Time? UK US

John Collier
His Monkey Wife UK US

Paul Collins official site
The Wizard's Torment
Tales from the Wasteland

Suzanne Collins
Series: The Underland Chronicles
Gregor the Overlander UK US
Gregor and the Prophecy of Bane UK US
Gregor and the Curse of the Warmbloods UK US

Wilkie Collins unofficial site
The Moonstone UK US

Carlo Collodi unofficial site
The Adventures of Pinocchio UK US

Judith Woolcock Colombo
The Fablesinger US

Ithell Colquhoun official site
Goose of Hermogenes UK US

Alex Comfort unofficial site
Tetrarch US

Mary Chase Comstock unofficial site
A Midsummer's Magic US

Diana M. Concannon
Helen's Passage UK US

Michael G. Coney
Series: Fang, the Gnome
Fang, the Gnome UK US
King of the Sceptre'd Isle US

Ellen Conford
Genie With the Light Blue Hair US
The Frog Princess of Pelham UK US

Jane Leslie Conly official site
Series: Rats of NIMH
Racso and the rats of NIMH UK US
R-T, Margaret, and the Rats of NIMH UK US

Brendan Connell
The Translation of Father Torturo UK US

Kate Constable
Series: Chanters of Tremaris
The Singer of All Songs UK US
The Waterless Sea UK US
The Tenth Power UK US

Storm Constantine official site
Series: The Wraeththu Trilogy
The Enchantments of Flesh and Spirit UK US
The Bewitchments of Love and Hate UK US
The Fulfilments of Fate and Desire UK US
Series: The Wraeththu Histories
The Wraiths of Will and Pleasure UK US
The Shades of Time and Memory UK US
The Ghosts of Blood and Innocence UK US
Series: The Wraeththu Mythos
The Hienama UK US
Series: The Grigory Trilogy
Stalking Tender Prey UK US
Scenting Hallowed Blood UK US
Stealing Sacred Fire UK US
Series: The Magravandias Chronicles
Sea Dragon Heir UK US
Crown of Silence UK US
The Way of Light UK US
The Thorn Boy short story US
Series: Priest of Hands
Calenture UK US
Sign for the Sacred UK US
Silverheart with Michael Moorcock UK US

D. J. Conway official site
Series: Dream Warrior
The Dream Warrior UK US
Soothslayer UK US
Warrior of Shadows UK US

David Cook
Series: Forgotten Realms: Empires
Horselords UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Harpers
Soldiers of Ice US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Nobles
King Pinch UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Double Diamond Triangle Saga
Uneasy Alliances with Peter Archer US
Series: Spelljammer: Cloakmaster Cycle
Beyond the Moons US

Dawn Cook official site
First Truth UK US
Hidden Truth UK US
Forgotten Truth UK US
Lost Truth UK US
The Decoy Princess UK US
Princess at Sea UK US
? soon...

Elizabeth Cook
Achilles UK US

Glen Cook official site
Series: The Black Company: The North
The Black Company UK US
Shadows Linger UK US
The White Rose UK US
The Silver Spike UK US
Series: The Black Company: The South
Shadow Games UK US
Dreams of Steel UK US
Series: The Black Company: Glittering Stone
Bleak Seasons UK US
She Is the Darkness UK US
Water Sleeps UK US
Soldiers Live UK US
Series: Dread Empire
A Shadow of all Night Falling US
October's Baby US
All Darkness Met US
Series: Dread Empire Prequels
The Fire in His Hands US
With Mercy Toward None US
Series: Dread Empire Sequels
Reap the East Wind US
An Ill Fate Marshalling US
Series: Darkwar
Doomstalker US
Warlock US
Ceremony US
Series: Garrett
Sweet Silver Blues US
Bitter Gold Hearts US
Cold Copper Tears US
Old Tin Sorrows US
Dread Brass Shadows US
Red Iron Nights US
Deadly Quicksilver Lies US
Petty Pewter Gods UK US
Faded Steel Heat UK US
Angry Lead Skies UK US
Whispering Nickel Idols UK US
Cruel Zinc Melodies 6th May 2008 UK US
Series: The Instrumentalities of the Night
The Tyranny of the Night UK US
The Swordbearer with Jack L. Chalker UK US
The Tower of Fear US
Sung in Blood US

Hugh Cook unofficial site
Series: Chronicles of an Age of Darkness
The Wizards and the Warriors US: Wizard War UK US
The Wordsmiths and the Warguild US: The Questing Hero, and The Heroes Return US
The Women and the Warlords US: The Oracle UK US
The Walrus and the Warwolf UK US
The Wicked and the Witless UK
The Wishstone and the Wonderworkers UK
The Wazir and the Witch UK
The Werewolf and the Wormlord UK
The Worshippers and the Way UK
The Witchlord and the Weaponmaster

Monte Cook
Series: Forgotten Realms
The Glass Prison UK US

Rick Cook unofficial site
Series: Wiz Zumwalt
Wizard's Bane UK US
The Wizardry Compiled UK US
The Wizardry Cursed UK US
The Wizardry Consulted UK US
The Wizardry Quested UK US
Mall Purchase Night UK US

Catherine Cooke
Series: Eleven Kingdoms
Mask of the Wizard US
Veil of Shadow US
The Hidden Temple US
Series: Winged Assassin
The Winged Assassin US
Realm of the Gods US
The Crimson Godess US

Tom Cool official site
Soldier of Light with John DeLancie UK US

Caroline B. Cooney
Goddess of Yesterday UK US

Otto Coontz
Series: Ausable Odysseys
Through the Nightsea Wall
The Shapeshifters US: Ilse of the Shapeshifers US

Clare Cooper
Series: Simon Jones
The Black Horn
A Wizard Called Jones
The Kings of the Montain

Fiona Cooper unofficial site
The Empress of the Seven Oceans US
A Skyhook in the Midnight Sun UK US

Loren W. Cooper
A Slow and Silent Stream US
A Separate Power UK US

Louise Cooper official site
Series: World of Chaos and Order
The Lord of No Time
Series: The Time Master Trilogy
The Initiate US
The Outcast US
The Master UK US
Series: The Chaos Gate Trilogy
The Deceiver US
The Pretender US
The Avenger UK US
Series: The Star Shadow Trilogy
Star Ascendant UK US
Series: Shar Tillmer
Daughter of Storms UK
Dark Caller UK
Keepers of Light UK
Series: The Indigo Saga
Nemesis UK
Inferno US
Infanta US
Nocturne US
Troika UK US
Avatar US
Revenant US
Aisling US
Series: Sea Horses
Guardian of the Stone UK US
Talisman UK US
Gathering Storm UK US
The Last Secret UK
Blood Summer US
The Book of Paradox US
Crown of Horm
The King's Demon UK
Mirage US
Our Lady of the Snow US
The Sleep of Stone US
The Thorn Key UK
Sacrement of Night
The Glass Slip-Up short story
The Summer Witch UK US
Storm Ghost UK
Merrow UK US

Susan Cooper official site
Series: The Dark is Rising
Over Sea, Under Stone UK US
The Dark is Rising UK US
Greenwitch UK US
The Grey King UK US
Silver on the Tree UK US
Series: Boggart
The Boggart UK US
The Boggart and the Monster UK US
Seaward UK US
Dreams and Wishes short stories UK US
King of Shadows UK US
Green Boy UK US
The Magician's Boy UK US

Robert Coover
Pinocchio in Venice UK US
Briar Rose UK US
The Adventures of Lucky Pierre UK US

Sue Corbett
12 Again UK US

W. J. Corbett
Series: Pentecost
The Song of Pentecost   UK US
Pentecost and the Chosen One   UK US
Pentecost of Lickey Top   UK
Ark of the People UK US
The Quest For the End of the Tail UK
The Spell to Save the Golden Snake UK
The Dragon's Egg short stories UK

Adam Corby
Series: Doomquest of Ara-Karn
Former King US
The Divine Queen US

Bruce R. Cordell
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Priests
Lady of Poison UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Wizards
Darkvision UK US

Zizou Corder official site
Lionboy UK US
The Chase UK US
The Truth UK US

Marie Corelli unofficial site
The Sorrows of Satan UK US

William Corlett
Series: Magician's House
The Steps up the Chimney UK US
The Door in the Tree UK US
The Tunnel Behind the Waterfall UK US
The Bridge in the Clouds UK US
The Secret Line UK

Bernard Cornwell unofficial site
Series: The Warlord Chronicles
The Winter King UK US
Enemy of God UK US
Excalibur UK US
Series: The Grail Quest
Harlequin US: The Archer's Tale UK US
Vagabond UK US
Heretic UK US
Stonehenge UK US

Mary Corran
Imperial Light UK
Fate UK
Darkfell UK

Julio Cortázar unofficial site
Final Exam UK US

Elaine Corvidae official site
Series: The Shadow Fae Trilogy
Winter's Orphans UK US
Prince of Ash soon...
? soon...
Tyrant Moon UK US
Heretic Sun UK US
Series: Lord of Wind and Fire
Wolfkin UK US
The Crow Queen UK US
Dragon's Son UK US

Matthew Costello
Series: Guardians of the Three
Wizard of Tizare US
Series: King Kong
The Island of the Skull UK US

Greg Costikyan official site
Series: Cups & Sorcery
Another Day, Another Dungeon US
One Quest, Hold the Dragons US
Series: Magic of the Plains
By the Sword UK US

Jeanette Cottrell official site
Shadebinder's Oath US

Juanita Coulson
The Web of Wizardry US
The Death God's Citadel US

Jane Counsel
Once Upon Our Time

Louis Couperus
The Hidden Force UK US

Douglas Coupland official site
Girlfriend in a Coma UK US

Arthur Byron Cover
The Red Star UK US

Bruce Coville official site
Series: The Unicorn Chronicles
Into the Land of the Unicorns UK US
Song of the Wanderer UK US
Series: The Dungeon
The Dark Abyss US
Series: The Magic Shop
Russell Troy, Monster Boy US: The Monster's Ring UK US
Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher UK US
Jennifer Murdley's Toad UK US
Charlie Eggleston's Talking Skull US: The Skull of Truth UK US
Juliet Dove, Queen of Love UK US
Series: Moongobble the Magician
? soon...
? soon...
? soon...
The Dragonslayers UK US
Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher UK US
Monster of the Year UK US
Oddly Enough short stories UK US
Thor's Wedding Day UK US

Joy Cowley official site
Hunter with Patricia Lee Gauch UK US

Jim Crace
The Gift of Stones UK US

Curtis Craddock official site
Sparrow's Flight UK US

Mrs. Craik unofficial site
The Fairy Book short stories US

Christopher Pearse Cranch
The Last of the Huggermuggers, a Giant Story UK US
Kobboltozo UK US
The Legend of Doctor Theophilus UK US

Thesera Crater
Under the Stone Paw UK US

Dan Crawford
Rouse a Sleeping Cat US
The Sure Death of a Mouse US
A Wild Dog and Lone US

F. Marion Crawford unofficial site
Khaled UK US

James Crawford
Series: The Historical Beginnings of the Admarian Empire
Quinton UK

Roberta Cray
The Sword and the Lion US

Lee Creighton
Two Queens of Lochrin US

Nadine Crenshaw
Baylor of the Evil Eye US

Helen Cresswell
Series: Psammead
Return of the Psammead UK
Bag of Bones UK US
The Secret World of Polly Flint US
Stonestruck UK
The Watchers UK US

Gary Crew unofficial site
Strange Objects US

G. Garfield Crimmins
The Republic of Dreams UK US

Ann C. Crispin unofficial site
Series: Witch World-East
Gryphon's Eyrie with Andre Norton UK US
The Songsmith with Andre Norton UK US
Series: The Exiles of Boq'urain
Storms of Destiny UK US
Winds of Vengence soon...
Flames of Chaos soon...

Kyle Crocco
Series: Heroes
Heroes, Inc. US
Heroes Wanted US

Carter Crocker
The Tale of the Swamp Rat UK US

Alison Croggon official site
Series: Pellinor
The Gift US: The Naming UK US
The Riddle UK US
The Crow UK US
The Singing UK US

Anne Eliot Crompton
Merlin's Harp UK US
Gawain and Lady Green US
The Sorcerer UK US
Percival's Angel UK US

Jeff Crook official site
Series: DragonLance: Bridges of Time
The Rose and the Skull UK US
Series: DragonLance: Crossroads
The Thieves' Guild UK US
Series: DragonLance: The Age of Mortals
Conundrum UK US
Dark Thane UK US

Gillian Cross official site
Series: The Lost (US: Dark Ground)
Dark Ground UK US
The Black Room UK US
The Nightmare Game UK US
Pictures in the Dark UK US

Ronald Anthony Cross
Series: The Eternal Guardians
The Fourth Guardian US
The Lost Guardians UK US
The White Guardian UK US

Kevin Crossley-Holland
Series: Arthur
The Seeing Stone UK US
At the Crossing Places UK US
King of the Middle-March UK US
Series: Arthur related
The King Who Was and Will Be UK
Tales from the Mabinogion with Gwyn Thomas - short stories US
The Old Stories short stories UK US
The Anglo-Saxon World short stories UK US
The Penguin Book of Norse Myths, Gods of the Vikings   UK US

Alev Lytle Croutier
The Palace of Tears UK US

Peter T. Crowell
Series: The Tales of True Adventure
Silverlance UK US

John Crowley unofficial site
Series: Aegypt
Aegypt US
Love & Sleep US
Daemonomania UK US
The Deep US
Beasts UK US
Little, Big UK US
Great Work of Time US
The Translator UK US

Andrew Crumey
Mr Mee UK US
Mobius Dick UK

Seamus Cullen
Series: Noose of Light
A Noose of Light
The Sultan's Turret

Jean Cullen & Marjorie Housepian Dobkin
Inside Out US

J. A. Cullum unofficial site
Series: Lyskarion
The Song of the Wind UK US

Elaine Cunningham official site
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Harpers
Elfshadow UK US
Elfsong UK US
Silver Shadows UK US
The Dream Spheres UK US
Thornhold UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: Starlight and Shadows
Daughter of the Drow UK US
Tangled Webs UK US
Windwalker UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: Counselors and Kings
The Magehound UK US
The Floodgate UK US
The Wizardwar UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms
Evermeet: Island of the Elves UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: Waterdeep
The City of Splendors with Ed Greenwood UK US
Series: First Quest
The Unicorn Hunt US
Series: Spelljammer: Cloakmaster Cycle
The Radiant Dragon US

Elizabeth Cunningham official site
Series: The Magdalen Trilogy
Daughter of the Shining Isles UK US
Holy Whore soon...
The Voice of the Phoenix soon...

Alvaro Cunqueiro
Merlin and Company UK US

Chris Curley
The Doorkeepers

Marianne Curley
Series: Guardians of Time
The Named UK US
The Dark UK US
The Key UK US
Old Magic UK US

Bob Curran
A Field Guide to Irish Fairies UK US

Jane Louise Curry official site
The Egyptian Box UK US

Louise Cusack official site
Series: Shadow Through Time
Destiny of the Light
Daughter of the Dark June 2002
Glimmer of the Maelstrom June 2003

Carolyn Cushman
Witch and Wombat US

Clive Cussler unofficial site
Vin Fiz 21st February 2006 UK US

Leah R. Cutter official site
Paper Mage UK US
The Caves of Buda UK US
The Jaguar and the Wolf UK US

Chrys Cymri
Series: Dragons Can Only Rust
Dragons Can Only Rust US
Dragon Reforged US

Anthony A. Czebatul
The Legend of Protogonos

Margaret D'Ambrosio
Meggie's Journeys US

Gabriele D'Annunzio
The Triumph of Death UK US

James D'Arienzo Jr.
Series: Woodbyrne
The Fallen Forest UK US
? soon...
? soon...

Chris D'Lacey official site
The Fire Within UK US
Icefire UK US
Fire Star UK US
The Fire Eternal UK US

Faith Daehlin official site
They Will Have Visions and Dreams US

Roald Dahl official site
Series: Charlie
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory   UK US
Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator   UK US
Fantastic Mr. Fox UK US
George's Marvellous Medicine US: George's Marvelous Medicine UK US
James and the Giant Peach UK US
The Magic Finger UK US
The Minpins UK US
The Twits UK US
The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me UK US
The Witches UK US
Matilda UK US
The Vicar of Nibbleswicke UK US
The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar and Six More short stories UK US
The Great Automatic Grammatizator and Other Stories short stories UK

Sophie Dahl official site
The Man with the Dancing Eyes UK US

Susan Daitch
The Colorist US

Anna Dale
Whispering to Witches UK US

Brian Daley official site
Series: Coramonde
The Doomfarers of Coramonde US
The Starfollowers of Coramonde US
A Tapestry of Magics US

Cass Dalglish
Kara Dalkey
Series: Blood of the Goddess
Goa US
Bijapur UK US
Bhagavati US
Genpei UK US
Series: Sagamore
The Curse of Sagamore US
The Sword of Sagamore US
Little Sister UK US
The Heavenward Path UK US
Steel Rose US
Crystal Sage UK US
Series: Water
Ascension UK US
Reunion UK US
Transformation UK US
Euryale US
The Nightingale US

Annie Dalton
The Afterdark Princess UK
Naming the Dark UK
Night Maze UK
Out of the Ordinary US
Swan Sister UK US
The Rules of Magic UK US

A. B. Daniel
Series: Incas
The Puma's Shadow UK US
The Gold of Cuzco UK US
The Light of the Machu Picchu UK US

Tina Daniell
Series: DragonLance: The Meeting Sextet
Dark Heart UK US
The Companions UK US
Series: DragonLance: Warriors
Maquesta Kar-Thon with Jean Rabe UK US

Cory Daniells
Series: The Last T'En
The Last T'En US: Broken Vows UK US
Dark Legacy US: Dark Dreams UK US
Desperate Alliances UK US

Gloria Dank
The Forest of App US

Colin Dann
King of the Vagabonds UK
The City Cats UK
Series: Farthing Wood
The Animals of Farthing Wood UK US
In the Path of the Storm US
The Farthing Wood Collection I UK US
The Farthing Wood Collection II UK US
The Farthing Wood Collection III UK US
The Beach Dogs UK
A Great Escape
The Ram of Sweetriver UK US

Jack Dann official site
Counting Coup AUS: Bad Medicine UK US
The Rebel UK US

John R. Dann
Song of the Axe UK US
Song of the Earth UK US

Dante Alighieri unofficial site
Series: The Divine Comedy
*Inferno   UK US
*Purgatorio UK US
*Paradiso UK US

Dennis Danvers
The Fourth World UK US

Lyndan Darby
Series: Eye of Time
Crystal and Steel
Phoenix Fire

Diana Darling
The Painted Alphabet UK US

Marie Darrieussecq
Pig Tales US
My Phantom Husband UK US

Cecilia Dart-Thornton official site
Series: The Bitterbynde
The Ill-Made Mute   UK US
The Lady of the Sorrows   UK US
The Battle of Evernight   UK US
Series: Crowthistle Chronicles
The Iron Tree UK US
The Well of Tears UK US
Weatherwitch UK US
Fallowblade UK
Long the Clouds are over Me Tonight short story

John Davey
Blood and Souls UK US

Peter David
Sir Apropos of Nothing UK US
The Woad to Wuin UK US
Tong Lashing UK US
Knight Life US
Howling Mad UK US
One Knight Only UK US
Fall of Knight UK US

Paul & Hollace Davids
The Fires of Pele US

Avram Davidson official site
Series: Vergil Magus
The Phoenix and the Mirror US
Vergil in Averno US
The Scarlet Fig soon...
Series: Peregrine
Primus UK US
Secundus UK US
Ursus of Ultima Thule UK US
The Adventures of Doctor Eszterhazy short stories US
Marco Polo and the Sleeping Beauty with Grania Davis UK US
The Boss in the Wall, a Treatise on the House Devil with Grania Davis UK US
The Last Wizard short story
El Vilvoy de las Islas short story
Limekiller! short stories UK US

Lionel Davidson
Under Plum Lake US

Mary-Janice Davidson & Anthony Alongi official site
Jennifer Scales and the Ancient Furnace UK US
Jennifer Scales and the Messenger of Light UK US

Robertson Davies unofficial site
Series: The Cornish Trilogy
The Rebel Angels UK US
What's Bred in the Bone UK US
The Lyre of Orpheus UK US
Series: The Deptford Trilogy
Fifth Business UK US
The Manticore UK US
World of Wonders UK US
Murther & Walking Spirits US

Debora S. Davis
January 3rd 1/2 UK US

Grania Davis
Moonbird UK US
Marco Polo and the Sleeping Beauty with Avram Davidson UK US
The Boss in the Wall, a Treatise on the House Devil with Avram Davidson UK US

Gwen Davis
The Princess and the Pauper US

James P. Davis
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Wizards
Bloodwalk 11th July 2006 UK US

Susan Davis
The Henry Game UK US
Delilah and the Dark Stuff UK US
Mad, Bad and Totally Dangerous UK

Susan Davis
The Long Reach UK US

Gail Dayton official site
The Compass Rose UK US
The Barbed Rose UK US

Osamu Dazai unofficial site
Blue Bamboo short stories UK US

John Deakins
Barrow US

J. David Dean official site
Series: Twelve Pearls
Ravennetus US
The Fire of Han-Thol US

Pamela Dean Dyer-Bennet official site
Series: Secret Country
The Secret Country US
The Hidden Land US
The Whim of the Dragon US
The Dubious Hills US
Tam Lin US
Juniper, Gentian, and Rosemary UK US

Ly DeAngeles official site
The Quickening UK US

Davide DeAngelis official site
The Seed UK US

Erik Scott DeBie official site
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Fighters
Ghostwalker UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Dungeons

L. Sprague DeCamp official site
Series: The Reluctant King
Goblin Tower US
The Clocks of Iraz US
The Unbeheaded King US
The Honorable Barbarian US
Series: Enchanter
The Complete Compleat Enchanter with Fletcher Pratt UK US
The Enchanter Reborn with Christopher Stasheff UK US
The Exotic Enchanter with Christopher Stasheff UK US
Series: Krishna
The Bones of Zora with Catherine Crook DeCamp US
The Swords of Zinjaban with Catherine Crook DeCamp US
The Hand of Zei US
Series: Eudoric Dambertson
The Coronet short story
Two Yards of Dragon short story
Spider Love short story
Eudoric's Unicorn short story
The Incorporated Knight with Catherine Crook DeCamp UK US
The Pixilated Peeress US
Series: Conan
Conan with Lin Carter and Robert E. Howard UK US
Conan of Cimmeria with Lin Carter and Robert E. Howard US
Conan the Freebooter with Robert E. Howard US
Conan the Wanderer with Lin Carter and Robert E. Howard US
Conan the Adventurer with Lin Carter and Robert E. Howard US
Conan the Buccaneer with Lin Carter US
Conan the Usurper with Robert E. Howard US
Conan the Conqueror with Robert E. Howard US
Conan the Avenger with Robert E. Howard and Bjorn Nyberg US
Conan of Aquilonia with Lin Carter and Robert E. Howard US
Conan of the Isles with Lin Carter US
Conan the Swordsman with Lin Carter, Robert E. Howard and Bjorn Nyberg US
Conan the Liberator with Lin Carter US
The Treasure of Tranicos with Robert E. Howard US
The Flame Knife with Robert E. Howard US
Conan and the Spider God UK US
The Better Mousetrap with Fletcher Pratt - short story
The Fallible Fiend UK US
The Tritonian Ring US
The Reluctant Shaman
Solomon's Stone
The Land of Unreason with Fletcher Pratt US
The Undesired Princess & the Enchanted Bunny with David Drake UK US
None but Lucifer with Horace L. Gold UK US

Elisa DeCarlo
Series: Aubrey Arbothnot
Strong Spirits US
The Devil You Say US

John DeChancie
Series: Castle Perilous
Castle Perilous US
Castle for Rent US
Castle Kidnapped US
Castle War! UK US
Castle Murders UK US
Castle Dreams US
Castle Spellbound UK US
Bride of the Castle UK US
Series: Castle Falkenstein
From Prussia With Love US
Masterminds of Falkenstein with Debbie Notkin US
Magic Net US

Jon DeCles
The Particolored Unicornm US
Blood of Colyn Muir with Paul Edwin Zimmer US

Stephen Dedman official site
The Art of Arrow Cutting UK US

Tom DeHaan
A Mirror for Princes US
A Child of Good Fortune US

Tom DeHaven
Series: Chronicles of the King's Tramp
Walker of Worlds UK US
The End-of-Everything Man UK US
The Last Human UK US
The Orphan's Tent UK US
Funny Papers US

Kathleen E. Deisher
Series: The Gloesmur Scrolls
Beyond the Gloesmur US

Tom Deitz unofficial site
Series: Tales of David Sullivan and Galvin McIntosh
Windmaster's Bane UK US
Fireshaper's Doom UK US
Darkthunder's Way US
Sunshaker's War US
Stoneskin's Revenge US
Ghostcountry's Wrath UK US
Dreamseeker's Road US
Landslayer's Law US
Warstalker's Track UK US
Series: The Soulsmith
Soulsmith US
Dreambuilder US
Wordwright US
Series: Tales of Thunderbird O'Conner
Above the Lower Sky US
The Demons in the Green US
Series: Angen Chronicles
Bloodwinter UK US
Springwar UK US
Summerblood UK US
Warautumn UK US
The Gryphon King US

Joseph Delaney official site
Series: The Wardstone Chronicles (US: The Last Apprentice)
The Spook's Apprentice US: Revenge of the Witch UK US
The Spook's Curse US: Curse of the Bane UK US
The Spook's Secret US: Night of the Soul Stealer UK US
The Spook's Battle US: Attack of the Fiend UK US
The Spook's Mistake 5th June 2008 UK

Michael Delaney
Not Your Average Joe US

Samuel R. Delany unofficial site
Series: Nevèrÿon
Tales of Nevèrÿon short stories UK US
Flight to Nevèrÿon short stories UK US
Return to Nevèrÿon US: The Bridge of Lost Desire - short stories UK US
Neveryóna short stories UK US
The Jewels of Aptor UK US
They Fly at Çiron US

Michael DeLarrabeiti unofficial site
Series: The Borribles
The Borribles US
The Borribles Go for Broke US
The Borribles Across the Dark Metropolis US

Charles DeLint official site
Series: Moonheart
Moonheart UK US
Spiritwalk UK US
Series: Newford
Memory & Dream UK US
The Ivory and the Horn short stories UK US
Dreams Underfoot short stories US
Trader UK US
Someplace to Be Flying UK US
Moonlight and Vines short stories UK US
Forests of the Heart UK US
Ghosts of Wind and Shadow
Our Lady of the Harbour US
Uncle Dobbin's Parrot Fair short story
The Wishing Well
The Onion Girl UK US
Tapping the Dream Tree short stories UK US
Spirits in the Wires UK US
The Blue Girl UK US
Series: Newford related
The Dreaming Place UK US
Waifs and Strays short stories UK US
The Hour Before Dawn short stories UK US
Series: The Dungeon
The Valley of Thunder US
The Hidden City US
Series: Faerielands
The Wild Wood US
Series: Angharad
Into the Green UK US
Series: Cerin Songweaver
The Harp of the Grey Rose US
Series: Jack of Kinrowan
Jack the Giant Killer UK US
Drink Down the Moon UK US
Seven Wild Sisters UK US
Medicine Road UK US
The Riddle of the Wren UK US
Mulengro, a Romany Tale UK US
Yarrow, an Autumn Tale UK US
Greenmantle UK US
Wolf Moon US
Svaha UK US
The Wishing Well
The Little Country UK US
Trader US
A Handful of Coppers short stories UK US

Gérard DeNerval
Journey to the Orient UK US

Paul Dengelegi
Series: Casca
The Liberator UK US
The Defiant UK US
Return To The Empire

Troy Denning unofficial site
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Avatar
Shadowdale as Richard Awlinson - with Scott Ciencin UK US
Tantras as Richard Awlinson - with Scott Ciencin UK US
Waterdeep as Richard Awlinson - with Scott Ciencin UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: Empires
Dragonwall US
Series: Forgotten Relams: Lost Empires
Faces of Deception UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Harpers
The Parched Sea US
The Veiled Dragon US
Series: Forgotten Realms: Twilight Giants
The Ogre's Pact US
The Giant Among Us US
Titan of Twilight US
Series: Forgotten Realms: Return of the Archwizards
The Summoning UK US
The Siege UK US
The Sorcerer UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms
Blood Charge US
Crucible: The Trial of Cyric the Mad UK US
Beyond the High Road US
Death of the Dragon with Ed Greenwood US
Series: Dark Sun: Prism
The Verdant Passage US
The Crimson Legion UK US
The Amber Enchantress US
The Obsidian Oracle US
The Cerulean Storm US
The Oath of Stonekeep UK US

Carol L. Dennis
Series: Dragon
Dragon's Pawn US
Dragon's Knight US
Dragon's Queen UK US

Ian Dennis
Series: The Prince of Stars in the Cavern of Time
Bagdad US
The Prince of Stars US

Nigel Dennis
Cards of Identity UK US

Bradley Denton official site
Lunatics US

Pilar DeOvalle
Calabrinia Falling US

Eça DeQueirós unofficial site
The Mandarin short stories UK US
The Relic UK US

Christine Deriso
Do-Over soon...
? soon...

Martha Derman
Tales from Academy Street US

Mário DeSá-Carneiro
The Great Shadow short stories UK US

Jorge DeSena
The Wondrous Physician US

John Desjarlais
The Throne of Tara UK US

Gene DeWeese
The Adventures of a Two-Minute Werewolf US

Kathleen Dexter
Fifth Life of the Catwoman UK US

Susan Dexter
Series: Winter King's War
Ring of Allaire US
The Sword of Calandra US
The Mountains of Channadran US
Series: Winter King's War related
The Wizard's Shadow US
Series: The Warhorse of Esdragon
The Prince of Ill Luck US
The Wind-Witch UK US
The True Knight UK US
Moonlight UK US

Graham Diamond
Series: Haven
The Haven
Lady of the Haven
Dungeons of Kuba
The Falcon of Eden
The Beasts of Hades
Forest Wars US
Series: Samarkand
Samarkand Dawn US
The Thief of Kalimar US
Cinnabar US

Kate DiCamillo
The Tale of Despereaux UK US

Charles Dickens unofficial site
The Magic Fish-Bone UK US

Monica Dickens unofficial site
Series: Messenger
The Haunting of Bellamy 4

Matthew T. Dickerson official site
The Finnsburg Encounter US

John Dickinson
The Cup of the World UK US
The Widow and the King UK US

Oliver Dickinson official site
Series: Hero Wars
The Complete Griselda short stories UK US

Peter Dickinson official site
Series: The Changes
The Weathermonger UK US
Heartsease UK US
The Devil's Children UK US
Series: Damar related
Water, Tales of Elemental Spirits with Robin McKinley UK US
The Blue Hawk UK US
Tulku UK US
Merlin Dreams short stories UK US
A Box of Nothing US
The Dancing Bear UK US
Emma Tupper's Diary US
Giant Cold US
Time and the Clockmice, Etc. short story
The Iron Lion US
The Ropemaker UK US
The Tears of the Salamander UK US
The Gift Boat US: Inside Grandad UK US

Gordon R. Dickson unofficial site
Series: The Dragon Knight
The Dragon and the George UK US
The Dragon Knight US
The Dragon on the Border UK US
The Dragon at War UK US
The Dragon, the Earl, and the Troll UK US
The Dragon and the Djinn UK US
The Dragon & the Gnarly King UK US
The Dragon in Lyonesse UK US
The Dragon and the Fair Maid of Kent UK US
Series: Thieves World
Jamie the Red US
Necromancer UK US
The Last Dream short stories US
Beyond the Dar Al-Harb US
The Earth Lords US

Paul DiFilippo unofficial site
A Year in the Linear City UK
Little Doors short stories UK US
Harp, Pipe, and Symphony UK US

Theresa C. Dintino official site
Ode to Minoa UK US

Thomas M. Disch official site
Series: Toaster
The Brave Little Toaster US
The Brave Little Toaster Goes to Mars US
The Silver Pillow UK US
The Tale of Dan de Lion US

Jenny Diski
Only Human UK US

Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni unofficial site
The Conch Bearer UK US
The Mirror of Fire and Dreaming UK US
The Mistress of Spices UK US

Chris Dixon
Series: Adventures of Skarry the Dreamer
Winter in Aphelion

Jill Dobson
A Journey to Distant Mountains UK US

Cory Doctorow official site
Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town UK US

E. L. Doctorow unofficial site
The Waterworks US

Shari Dodd
Rhiannon UK US

Robert Dodds
Series: Claire and Ben Swift
The Midnight Clowns UK US
Nightland UK US

Jim Dodge
Stone Junction UK US

Jane Doe
Anarchist Farm UK US

Anthony Doerr official site
About Grace UK US

Berlie Doherty
Spellhorn UK
Children of Winter UK
Daughter of the Sea UK US
The Snake-Stone UK US
Running on Ice short stories UK

Cameron Dokey
The Storyteller's Daughter UK US
Beauty Sleep UK US
Sunlight and Shadow UK US
Golden UK US

Ronald L. Donaghe official site
Series: Twilight of the Gods
Cinátis, Volume 1 UK US
Cinátis, Volume 2 2003
Gwi's War 2004
War Among the Gods 2005

Keith Donahue
The Stolen Child soon...

Stephen R. Donaldson official site
Series: The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, the Unbeliever
Lord Foul's Bane UK US
The Illearth War UK US
The Power that Preserves UK US
Series: The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, the Unbeliever
The Wounded Land UK US
The One Tree UK US
White Gold Wielder UK US
Series: The Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, the Unbeliever
The Runes of the Earth UK US
Fatal Revenant UK US
Against All Things Ending Late 2010
The Last Dark Late 2013
Series: Mordant's Need
The Mirror of Her Dreams UK US
A Man Rides Through UK US
Series: The Gap
The Gap into Conflict: The Real Story US
The Gap into Vision: Forbidden Knowledge US
The Gap into Power: A Dark and Angry God Arises US
The Gap into Madness: Chaos and Order UK US
The Gap into Ruin: This Day all Gods Die UK US
Daughter of Regals and Other Tales short stories UK US
Gilden-Fire US
Reave the Just and Other Tales short stories UK US

J. W. Donnelly
Babylon Gardens short stories

Marcos Donnelly
Prophets for the End of Time UK US

Emma Donoghue official site
Kissing the Witch short stories US

Keith Donohue
The Stolen Child soon...

Dale Donovan & Linda Johns
Series: Dungeons & Dragons: Knights of the Silver Dragon
Sign of the Shapeshifter UK US

Candas Jane Dorsey
Black Wine UK US

Carole Nelson Douglas official site
Series: Taliswoman
Cup of Clay US
Seed Upon the Wind US
The Red Swan 2001
Series: Sword and Circlet
Six of Swords US
Exiles of the Rynth US
Keepers of Edanvant US
Heir of Rengarth US
Seven of Swords US

L. Warren Douglas official site
Series: The Sorceress's Tale
The Sacred Pool UK US
The Veil of Years UK US
The Isle Beyond Time UK US

Marcia Douglas unofficial site
Madam Fate UK US

Marjie Douglas
Matrix Witch US

Sara Douglass official site
Series: The Axis Trilogy (US: The Wayfarer Redemption)
BattleAxe   UK US
Enchanter   UK US
StarMan   UK US
Series: The Wayfarer Redemption
Sinner UK US
Pilgrim UK US
Crusader UK US
Series: DarkGlass Mountain
The Serpent Bride UK US
The Twisted Citadel 6th May 2008 UK US
? soon...
Series: The Crucible
The Nameless Day UK US
The Wounded Hawk UK US
The Crippled Angel UK US
Series: The Troy Game
Hades' Daughter UK US
God's Concubine UK US
Darkwitch Rising UK US
Druid's Sword UK US
Beyond the Hanging Wall UK US
Threshold UK US
The Betrayal of Arthur UK

Ann Downer
Series: The Spellkey
The Spellkey UK US
The Glass Salamander UK US
The Books of the Keepers UK US
Hatching Magic UK US

Adrian Drake official site
Series: The World of Marna
The Legend of Hawkwind
The Bard of Azure and Gold

David Drake official site
Series: Lord of the Isles
Lord of the Isles UK US
Queen of the Demons UK US
Servant of the Dragon UK US
Mistress of the Catacombs UK US
Goddess of the Ice Realm UK US
Master of the Cauldron UK US
Series: World of Crystal Walls
The Sea Hag US
Series: Heroes in Hell
Explorers in Hell with Janet Morris - short stories US
Series: Thieves World
Dagger US
Series: Cormac Mac Art
Cormac Mac Art with Robert E. Howard UK US
Ranks of Bronze UK US
The Dragon Lord UK US
The Hunter Returns with Jim Kjelgaard US
The Undesired Princess & the Enchanted Bunny with Lyon Sprague DeCamp UK US
Vettius and His Friends US
Old Nathan US

Wayland Drew
Dragonslayer US
Willow novelisation UK US

Jeremy Dronfield unofficial site
The Alchemist's Apprentice UK

Diane Duane official site
Series: The Tales of the Five
The Door into Fire US
The Door into Shadow US
The Door into Sunset US
The Door into Starlight soon...
Series: Young Wizards
So You Want to Be a Wizard US
Deep Wizardry UK US
High Wizardry UK US
A Wizard Abroad UK US
The Wizard's Dilemma UK US
A Wizard Alone UK US
Wizard's Holiday UK US
Wizards at War UK US
Series: Young Wizards related
The Book of Night With Moon UK US
On Her Majesty's Wizardly Service US: To visit the Queen UK US
The Big Meow soon...
Short Circuit soon...
Series: Guardians of the Three
Keeper of the City with Peter Morwood US
Uptown Local short story
Lior and the Sea short story
Parting Gifts short story
Stealing the Elf-King's Roses UK US
Lightning in the Cup soon...

Rikki Ducornet
Series: nonbe
The Complete Butcher's Tales short stories UK US

Grace Dugan
The Door soon...

Joyce Dunbar
Mundo and the Weather-Child US

Andy Duncan official site
Beluthahatchie and Other Stories short stories UK US

Dave Duncan official site
Series: The Seventh Sword
The Reluctant Swordsman US
The Coming of Wisdom UK US
The Destiny of the Sword UK US
Series: A Man of his Word
Magic Casement UK US
Feary Lands Forlorn US
Perilous Seas UK US
Emperor and Clown US
Series: A Handful of Men
The Cutting Edge US
Upland Outlaws UK US
The Striken Field UK US
The Living God UK US
Series: The King's Blades
The Gilded Chain UK US
Lord of the Fire Lands UK US
Sky of Swords UK US
Paragon Lost UK US
Impossible Odds UK US
The Jaguar Knights UK US
Series: The King's Daggers
Sir Stalwart UK US
The Crooked House UK US
Silvercloak UK US
Series: The Omar Books
The Reaver Road UK US
The Hunters' Haunt UK US
Series: The Great Game
Past Imperative US
Present Tense US
Future Indefinite UK US
Series: Years of Longdirk
Demon Sword as Ken Hood US
Demon Rider as Ken Hood UK US
Demon Knight as Ken Hood UK US
Series: The Codec Books
The Children of Chaos UK US
Mother of Lies UK US
The Alchemist's Apprentice UK US
The Alchemist's Code 4th March 2008 UK US
? soon...
The Red-Rose City US
The Cursed US
Daughter of Troy as Sarah B. Franklin US
Ill Met In The Arena 19th August 2008 UK US

Glen Duncan
I, Lucifer UK US
Death of an Ordinary Man UK US

Hal Duncan official site
Series: The Book of All Hours
Vellum UK US

Lois Duncan official site
A Gift of Magic UK US

Sandy Frances Duncan
Pattern Makers UK US

Patricia Duncker
The Deadly Space Between UK US

Clare B. Dunkle official site
Series: The Hollow Kingdom Trilogy
The Hollow Kingdom UK US
Close Kin UK US
In the Coils of the Snake UK US

Eileen Dunlop
Green Willow's Secret US: Green Willow UK US
Elizabeth, Elizabeth US: Robinsheugh US

Helen Dunmore official site
Ingo UK US
The Tide Knot UK US
The Deep UK US

Lord Dunsany official site
Series: Time and the Gods
The Gods of Pegana short stories UK US
Time and the Gods short stories UK US
The Sword of Welleran short stories UK US
A Dreamer's Tale short stories UK US
The Book of Wonder short stories UK US
The Last Book of Wonder short stories UK US
Series: The Collected Jorkens
Volume One UK US
Volume Two UK US
Volume Three UK US
The King of Elfland's Daughter with Neil Gaiman UK US
The Charwoman's Shadow UK US
Curse of the Wise Woman UK US
The Golden Doom US
The Glittering Gate with William-Allan Landes US
The Gods of the Mountains with William-Allan Landes US
King Argimenes and the Unknown Warrior US
The Lost Silk Hat with William-Allan Landes US
Night at the Inn US
Tales of the Three Hemispheres US
Beyond the Fields We Know US
Plays of Gods and Men US

Doranna Durgin official site
Dun Lady's Jess US
Changespell UK US
Changespell Legacy UK US
Touched by Magic UK US
Wolf Justice UK US
Series: Mage Knight
Dark Debts UK US
Barrenlands UK US
Wolverine's Daughter UK US
Seer's Blood UK US
Harvest of Souls short story
Fool's Gold short story
A Feral Darkness UK US

Gerald Durrell unofficial site
The Talking Parcel US: The Battle for Castle Cockatrice UK US

Sarah Dykins
Lessons from an Angel UK US

Edward Eager unofficial site
Half Magic UK US
Knight's Castle UK US
Magic By the Lake UK US
The Time Garden UK US
Magic or Not? UK US
The Well-Wishers UK US
Seven-Day Magic UK US

Tim Earnshaw
Helium UK
Godbox UK

M. Coleman Easton
Series: Kyala
Masters of Glass US
The Fisherman's Curse US
Iskiir US
Spirits of Carvern and Hearth US

Will Eaves
The Oversight UK

Chris Eboch
The Well of Sacrifice UK US

Allan W. Eckert official site
Series: The Mesmerian Annals
The Dark Green Tunnal UK US
The Wand US

Umberto Eco
The Island of the Day Before UK US
Baudolino UK US

David & Leigh Eddings official site
Series: The Belgariad
Pawn of Prophecy   UK US
Queen of Sorcery   UK US
Magician's Gambit   UK US
Castle of Wizardry   UK US
Enchanter's End Game   UK US
Series: The Malloreon
Guardians of the West   UK US
King of the Murgos   UK US
Demon Lord of Karanda   UK US
Sorceress of Darshiva   UK US
The Seeress of Kell   UK US
Series: The Belgariad and the Malloreon Prequels
Belgarath the Sorcerer   UK US
Polgara the Sorceress   UK US
The Rivan Codex   UK US
Series: The Elenium
The Diamond Throne   UK US
The Ruby Knight   UK US
The Sapphire Rose   UK US
Series: The Tamuli
Domes of Fire   UK US
The Shining Ones   UK US
The Hidden City   UK US
Series: The Dreamers
The Elder Gods UK US
The Treasured One UK US
The Crystal Gorge UK US
The Younger Gods UK US
*High Hunt US
*The Losers UK US
The Redemption of Althalus   UK US
*Regina's Song UK US

E. R. Eddison unofficial site
Series: Zimiamvia
Mistress of Mistresses US
A Fish Dinner in Memison US
The Mezantian Gate US
The Worm Ouroboros UK US

Teresa Edgerton official site
Series: Green Lion
Child of Saturn US
The Moon in Hiding US
The Work of the Sun US
Series: Goblin Moon
Goblin Moon US
The Gnome's Engine US
Series: Kingdom of Celydonn
The Castle of the Silver Wheel US
The Grail and the Ring US
The Moon and the Thorn US
Titiana, or, the Celestial Bed short story
My Soul into the Boughs short story
A Wreath of Pale Flowers for Vitri short story
Rogue's Moon short story
Tower of Brass short story
The Queen's Necklace UK US

Rosemary Edghill official site
Series: Twelve Treasures
The Sword of Maiden's Tears short stories UK US
The Cup of Morning Shadows short stories UK US
The Cloak of Night and Daggers short stories US
Series: Carolus Rex
The Shadow of Albion with Andre Norton UK US
Leopard in Exile with Andre Norton UK US
Series: Bedlam Bards
Beyond World's End with Mercedes Lackey UK US
Spirits White as Lightning with Mercedes Lackey UK US
Mad Maudlin with Mercedes Lackey UK US
Bedlam's Edge with Mercedes Lackey UK US
Music to My Sorrow with Mercedes Lackey UK US
Series: Witchlight
Ghostlight with Marion Zimmer Bradley UK US
Witchlight with Marion Zimmer Bradley UK US
Gravelight with Marion Zimmer Bradley UK US
Heartlight with Marion Zimmer Bradley UK US
Series: Childeric the Shatterer
Vengeance of Masks UK US
Series: Valdemar related
Sun in Glory with Judith Tarr, Tanya Huff, Mercedes Lackey... - short stories UK US
The Warslayer UK US

Claudia J. Edwards
Series: The Bastard Princess
Eldrie the Healer US
Taming the Forest King US
A Horsewoman in Godsland US
Bright and Shining Tiger US

Graham Edwards official site
Series: The Ultimate Dragon Saga
Dragoncharm UK US
Dragonstorm UK US
Dragonflame UK US
Series: The Stone
Stone & Sky UK US
Stone & Sea US
Stone & Sun UK

George Alec Effinger unofficial site
The Zork Chronicles US
Maureen Birnbaum, Barbarian Swordsperson: The Complete Stories short stories US

Doris Egan official site
Series: The Ivory Books
The Gate of Ivory US
Two Bit Heroes US
Guilt-Edged Ivory US

Bob Eggleton official site
Dragonhenge UK US
The Stardragons UK US

Eugen Egner
Androids from Milk UK US

Randy Lee Eickhoff
Series: The Ulster Cycle
The Raid UK US
The Feast UK US
The Sorrows UK US
The Destruction of the Inn UK US
He Stands Alone UK US
The Red Branch Tales UK US

Thomas Eidson
Hannah's Gift

Edward Einhorn official site
Series: Oz
Paradox in Oz US
The Living House of Oz US

Phyllis Eisenstein official site
Series: Alaric
Born to Exile US
In the Red Lord's Reach US
The Island in the Lake short story
Series: Cray Ormeru
Sorcerer's Son US
The Crystal Palace US
The City in Stone soon...

Kerstin Ekman
The Forest Hours UK US

Stephen Elboz
Series: Kit Stixby
A Handful of Magic UK
A Land Without Magic UK
A Wild Kind of Magic UK US
The House of Rats UK
The Games-Board Map
The Byzantium Bazaar UK US

Suzette Haden Elgin official site
Series: The Ozark Trilogy
The Twelve Fair Kingdoms UK US
The Grand Jubilee UK US
And Then There'll Be Fireworks UK US
Peacetalk 101 UK US

George Eliot unofficial site
The Lifted Veil, and Brother Jacob short stories UK US

Janice Elliott
Series: The Sword and the Dream
The King Awakes
The Empty Throne

Kate Elliott official site
Series: Crown of Stars
King's Dragon UK US
Prince of Dogs UK US
The Burning Stone UK US
Child of Flame UK US
The Gathering Storm UK US
In the Ruins UK US
Crown of Stars UK US
Series: The Golden Key
The Golden Key with Melanie Rawn and Jennifer Roberson - short stories UK US
The Seeker soon...
Series: Crossroads
Spirit Gate UK US
Shadow Gate 15th April 2008 UK US
? soon...
? soon...
The Labyrinth Gate as Alis A. Rasmussen US

Patricia Elliott
The Murkmere UK US
Ambergate UK US
The Ice Boy UK US

Alice Thomas Ellis
Fairy Tale UK US
The 27th Kingdom UK US

Larry & Robert Elmore official site
Runes of Autumn US

P. N. Elrod official site
The Adventures of Myhr UK US

Roger Elwood
Series: Angelwalk
Angelwalk UK US
Fallen Angel US
Stedfast Guardian Angel US
Where Angels Dare UK US
Angels in Atlantic City UK US
Wendy's Phoenix US
On Holy Ground US
Darien's Angelwalk for Children US
Darien: Guardian Angel of Jesus
Wise One US

Ru Emerson
Series: Tales of Nedao
To the Haunted Mountains US
In the Caves of Exile US
On The Seas of Destiny US
Series: Night-Threads
The Calling of the Three US
The Two in Hiding UK US
One Land, One Duke US
The Craft of Light US
The Art of the Sword US
The Science of Power US
Series: Greyhawk
Against the Giants US
Keep on the Borderlands UK US
Series: Bard's Tales
Fortress of Frost and Fire with Mercedes Lackey UK US
The Princess of Flames US
Spellbound US
The Sword and the Lion as Roberta Cray US
This Magic World short stories

Clayton Emery official site
Series: Forgotten Realms: Netheril Trilogy
Sword Play UK US
Dangerous Games UK US
Mortal Consequences UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: Lost Empires
Star of Cursrah UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: Sembia
The Halls of Stormweather UK US
Series: Magic, The Gathering
Whispering Woods US
Shattered Chains UK US
Final Sacrifice UK US
Series: Magic, The Gathering: The Legend of Jedit Ojanen
Johan UK US
Jedit UK US
Series: Magic, The Gathering: Magic Legends Cycle
Hazezon UK US
Series: Shadow World
The Burning Goddess as Ian Hammell US
City of Assassins US
Series: Runesword
Outcasts US
Card Master UK US
Tales of Robin Hood US

Tea Emesse
Series: Star Sisterz
Nova Rocks UK US
Nova and the Charmed Three 7th February 2006 UK US
Yumi Talks the Talk 11th April 2006 UK US

Carol Emshwiller official site
Mister Boots UK US

Michael Ende unofficial site
The Neverending Story UK US
Jim Button and Luke the Engine Driver US
The Grey Gentlemen US: Momo UK
The Night of Wishes US

M. J. Engh
The House in the Snow

Ronald England
Ghost Writer UK US

Martin A. Enticknap official site
Exodus, the Dolph/in Saga US

Louise Erdrich
The Antelope Wife UK US

Steven Erikson official site
Series: The Malazan Book of the Fallen
Gardens of the Moon UK US
Deadhouse Gates UK US
Memories of Ice UK US
House of Chains UK US
Midnight Tides UK US
The Bonehunters UK US
Reaper's Gale UK US
Toll the Hounds 30th June 2008 UK US
Dust of Dreams soon...
The Crippled God soon...
Series: Tales of Bauchelain and Korbal Broach
Blood Follows short story UK US
The Healthy Dead short story UK US
The Lees of Laughter's End short story UK US
Fishin' with Grandma Matchie short story UK US

Barbara Erskine
Child of the Phoenix UK US
Kingdom of Shadows UK US
Whispers in the Sand UK

Lloyd Arthur Eshbach
Series: The Gates of Lucifer
The Land Beyond the Gate US
The Armlet of the Gods US
The Sorceresss of Scath US
The Scroll of Lucifer US

Ian Cameron Esslemont
Series: The Malazan Book of the Fallen: Prequel
Night of Knives UK US

Rose Estes
Series: Greyhawk
Master Wolf UK US
The Price of Power UK US
The Demon Hand UK US
The Name of the Game US
Dragon in Amber US
The Eyes Have It US
Series: Iron Dragons
Mountains and Madness with E. J. Cherhavy UK US
Series: Troll
Troll-Taken US
Troll-Quest UK US
Series: Runesword
Skryling's Blade with Tom Wham US
The Stone of Time with Tom Wham US
Series: Elfwood
Elfwood US
Series: Saga of the Lost Lands
Blood of the Tiger US
Brother to the Lion UK US
Spirit of the Hawk US
Children of the Dragon US

Dale Estey
A Lost Tale US

Marc Estrin
Insect Dreams UK US

Craig Etchison
The World Weaver UK US

Ravi Shankar Etteth
The Village of Widows UK US

C. S. Evans
Cinderella UK US

Linda Evans official site
Sleipnir UK US

Quinn Taylor Evans
Series: Merlin's Legacy
Daughter of Fire UK US
Daughter of the Mist UK US
Daughter of Light UK US
Shadows of Camelot UK US
Dawn of Camelot UK US
Daughter of Camelot UK US

Brian Evenson official site
Contagion and Other Stories short stories UK US

Bernard Evslin
Jason & the Argonauts US

Lynne Ewing
Series: Daughters of the Moon
Goddess of the Night UK US
Into the Cold Fire UK US
Night Shade UK US
The Secret Scroll UK US
The Sacrifice UK US
The Lost One UK US
Moon Demon UK US
Possession UK US
The Choice UK US
The Talisman UK US
The Prophecy UK US
The Becoming UK US
Series: Sons of the Dark
Barbarian UK US
Escape UK US
Outcast UK US
Night Sun UK US

Casey Fahy official site
The Seven Isles of Ameulas UK US

Tracy Falbe official site
Series: The Rys Chronicles
Union of Renegades UK US
The Goddess Queen UK US
Judgment Rising UK US
The Borderlands of Power US

McClellan Falk
Series: The Saga of the Red Boots: Earth Series

Cerridwen Fallingstar
The Heart of the Fire UK US

Jennifer Fallon official site
Series: The Demon Child
Medalon UK US
Treason Keep UK US
Harshini UK US
Series: Hythrun Chronicles
Wolfblade UK US
Warrior UK US
Warlord UK US
Series: The Second Son
The Lion of Senet UK US
Eye of the Labyrinth UK US
Lord of the Shadows UK US
Series: Tide Lords
The Immortal Prince UK US
The Gods of Amyrantha UK US
Palace of Impossible Dreams 1st July 2008
Tide Watcher 1st March 2009

Jane S. Fancher official site
Series: Dance of the Rings
Ring of Lightning UK US
Ring of Intrigue UK US
Ring of Destiny UK US

Patricia & Lionel Fanthorpe unofficial site
The Black Lion US

W. Barnard Faraday
Pendragon US

Erica Farber & John Sansevere
Series: Tales of the Nine Charms
Circle of Three UK US

David Farland official site
Series: The Runelords
The Sum of All Men US: The Runelords UK US
Brotherhood of the Wolf UK US
Wizardborn UK US
The Lair of Bones UK US
Sons of the Oak soon...

Terri Farley official site
Seven Tears into the Sea UK US

Nancy Farmer
The Warm Place UK US
A Girl Named Disaster UK US
The Sea of Trolls UK US

Penelope Farmer
A Castle of Bone UK US
Charlotte Sometimes UK US
Emma in Winter US
Eve, Her Story UK US
The Summer Birds US

Mick Farren unofficial site
Jim Morrison's Adventures in the Afterlife UK US
Kindling UK US

Geoffrey Farrington
The Acts of the Apostates UK US

Paul Fattaruso
Travel in the Mouth of the Wolf UK US

Minister Faust
The Coyote Kings of the Space-Age Bachelor Pad UK US

Bill Fawcett
Series: Guardians of the Three
Lord of Cragsclaw with Neil Randall US

Debbie Federici official site
L. O. S. T. UK US
Shadowqueen with Susan Vaught UK US
Sign of the Crescent UK US
Asta soon...

Jules Feiffer unofficial site
A Barrel of Laughs, a Vale of Tears UK US

Hila Feil
Blue Moon US

David Feintuch official site
Series: King of Caledon
The Still UK US
The King UK US

Raymond E. Feist unofficial site
Series: The Riftwar Saga
Magician: Apprentice   UK US
Magician: Master   UK US
Silverthorn   UK US
A Darkness at Sethanon   UK US
The Wood Boy short story   UK US
The Messenger short story UK US
Series: Empire
Daughter of the Empire with Janny Wurtz UK US
Servant of the Empire with Janny Wurtz UK US
Mistress of the Empire with Janny Wurtz UK US
Series: Midkemia
Prince of the Blood UK US
The King's Buchaneer UK US
Series: The Serpentwar Saga
Shadow of a Dark Queen UK US
Rise of a Merchant Prince UK US
Rage of a Demon King UK US
Shards of a Broken Crown UK US
Series: The Riftwar Legacy
Krondor: The Betrayal UK US
Krondor: The Assasins UK US
Krondor: Tear of the Gods UK US
Krondor: The Crawler soon...
Krondor: The Dark Mage soon...
Series: Legends of the Riftwar
Honoured Enemy with William R. Forstchen UK
Murder in LaMut with Joel Rosenberg UK
Jimmy the Hand with S. M. Stirling UK
Series: Conclave of the Shadows
Talon of the Silver Hawk UK US
King of Foxes UK US
Exile's Return UK US
Series: Darkwar Saga
Flight of the Nighthawks UK US
Into a Dark Realm UK US
Wrath of a Mad God 1st October 2007 UK US
Series: Midkemia related
The Atlas of Midkemia with Stephen A Abrams UK
Fearie Tale UK US
Jigsaw Lady soon...

Alison Fell
The Mistress of Lilliput UK

J. A. Ferguson
Dreamsinger UK US

Bruce Chandler Fergusson official site
Series: Six Kingdoms
The Shadow of His Wings US
The Mace of Souls US

Rafael Sánchez Ferlosio
Adventures of the Ingenious Alfanhui UK US

Jean Ferris
Once upon a Marigold UK US

Jasper Fforde official site
Series: Thursday Next
The Eyre Affair UK US
Lost in a Good Book UK US
The Well of Lost Plots UK US
Something Rotten UK US
Series: Nursery Crimes
The Big over Easy UK US

Anna Fienberg
The Witch in the Lake UK US

Jamieson Findlay
The Blue Roan Child UK US

Nigel D. Findley
Series: Spelljammer: Cloakmaster Cycle
Into the Void US
The Broken Sphere US

Timothy Findley unofficial site
Not Wanted on the Voyage UK US
Pilgrim UK US

Anne Fine official site
Bad Dreams UK US

Charles Coleman Finlay official site
The Prodigal Troll UK US

Winifred Finlay
The Singing Stones

Charles G. Finney
The Circus of Dr. Lao US
The Ghosts of Manacle
The Magician Out of Manchuria US

Catherine Fisher official site
Series: The Snow-Walker Sequence
The Snow-Walker’s Son UK US
The Empty Hand UK US
The Soul Thieves UK US
Series: The Oracle Prophecies
The Oracle US: The Oracle Betrayed UK US
The Archon US: The Sphere of Secrets UK US
The Scarab US: Day of the Scarab UK US
The Conjuror's Game UK
Fintan's Tower UK
The Candle Man UK
Belin's Hill UK
The Lammas Field UK
Darkwater Hall UK
The Hare and Other Stories short stories UK
Corbenic UK US
Darkhenge UK US

Jude Fisher official site
Series: Fool's Gold
Sorcery Rising UK US
Wild Magic UK US
The Rose of the World UK US
The Wild Road with M. John Harrison - as Gabriel King UK US
The Golden Cat with M. John Harrison - as Gabriel King UK US
The Knot Garden with M. John Harrison - as Gabriel King UK
Nonesuch with M. John Harrison - as Gabriel King UK US
The Secret Country as Jane Johnson UK US

Paul R. Fisher
Series: Ash Staff
The Ash Staff US
The Hawks of Fellheath US
The Princess and the Thorn US
Mont Cant Gold US

R. L. Fisher
The Prince of Whales US

Nicholas Fisk
Monster Maker UK US

Pauline Fisk unofficial site
Sabrina Fuddle US: The Secret of Sabrina Fludde UK US
The Red Judge UK US
Midnight Blue UK US
The Candle House UK
Tyger Pool UK

Marina Fitch unofficial site
The Seventh Heart US
The Border UK US

Jim Fitzpatrick official site
The Silver Arm
The Book of Conquests UK US

Nina Fitzpatrick
The Loves of Faustyna US

John Flanagan
Series: Ranger's Apprentice
The Ruins of Gorlan UK US
The Burning Bridge UK US
? 1st September 2007 US
? 1st September 2008 US

Robert C. Fleet
White Horse, Dark Dragon US
Last Mountain US

Leonore Fleischer
The Fisher King novelisation US

Sid Fleischman unofficial site
The Midnight Horse UK US
The Ghost in the Noonday Sun UK US

Susan Fletcher
Series: Dragon Kyn
Dragon's Milk UK US
Flight of the Dragon Kyn UK US
Sign of the Dove UK US

Lynn Flewelling official site
Series: Nightrunner
Luck in the Shadows UK US
Stalking Darkness UK US
Traitor's Moon UK US
Series: The Tamír Triad
The Bone Doll's Twin UK US
Hidden Warrior UK US

Verlyn Flieger
Pig Tale UK US

Eric Flint official site
The Philosophical Strangler UK US
Forward the Mage with Richard Roach UK US
Series: Heirs of Alexandria
The Shadow of the Lion with Mercedes Lackey and Dave Freer UK US
This Rough Magic with Mercedes Lackey and Dave Freer UK US
The Wizard of Karres with Mercedes Lackey and Dave Freer UK US
The Sorceress of Karres with Mercedes Lackey and Dave Freer - soon...
Mother of Demons UK US
A Circus of Witches with Mercedes Lackey and Dave Freer - Soon...
Trail of Glory soon...
? with Sarah A. Hoyt - soon...

Kenneth C. Flint unofficial site
Series: Sidhe
Riders of the Sidhe US
Champions of the Sidhe US
Master of the Sidhe US
Series: Sidhe Prequel
The Hound of Culain US: A Storm upon Ulster US
Series: Finn MacCumhal
Challenge of the Clans US
Storm Shield US
Dark Druid US
Series: Gods of Ireland
Most Ancient Song as Casey Flynn US
The Enchanted Isles as Casey Flynn US
Isle of Destiny US
Cromm US
Otherworld US
Legends Reborn US
The Darkening Flood US

Lee Edward Födi official site
Corranda's Crown UK US

Karen Wynn Fonstad
Series: Middle-Earth
The Atlas of Tolkien's Middle-Earth UK US
Series: The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, the Unbeliever
The Atlas of the Land US
Series: Dragonriders of Pern
The Atlas of Pern US
Series: DragonLance
The Atlas of the Dragonlance World UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms
The Forgotten Realms Atlas

Laurie Foos
Twinship UK US

Matt Forbeck official site
Series: Dungeons & Dragons: Knights of the Silver Dragon
Secret of the Spiritkeeper UK US
Prophecy of the Dragons 13th June 2006 UK US
The Dragons Revealed 8th August 2006 UK US
Series: Eberron: The Lost Mark
Marked for Death UK US
The Road to Death UK US

David Forbes official site
Series: Osserian Saga
The Amber Wizard April 2006 UK US
? soon...
? soon...

Jeffrey Ford
The Physiognomy UK US
Memoranda UK US
The Beyond UK US
The Portrait of Mrs. Charbuque UK US
The Fantasy Writer's Assistant short stories UK US
The Girl in the Glass UK US
The Empire of Ice Cream short stories UK US
The Cosmology of the Wider World short story UK US

John M. Ford
Series: Liavek
Casting Fortune short stories US
The Dragon Waiting US
The Last Hot Time UK US

Richard Ford
Series: Faradawn
Quest for the Faradawn US
Melvaig's Vision
The Children of Ashgaroth

R. A. Forde
Wise Woman

Colin Foreman
Series: Keepers & Seekers
To the End of the World UK US
Killer in the Dark UK US

Jodie Forrest official site
Series: Rhymer
The Rhymer and the Ravens: the Book of Fate US
The Elves' Prophecy: the Book of Being US
The Bridge: the Book of Necessity US

Sandra Forrester
Series: The Adventures of Beatrice Bailey
The Everyday Witch UK US
The Witches of Friar's Lantern UK US
The Witches of Sea-Dragon Bay UK US
The Witches of Winged-Horse Mountain UK US
The Witches of Bailiwick UK US

William R. Forstchen unofficial site
Series: Crystal
The Crystal Warriors with Greg Morrison US
The Crystal Sorcerers with Greg Morrison US
Series: Magic, The Gathering
Arena UK US
Series: Shattered Light
Catseye with Jaki Demarest US
Series: Legends of the Riftwar
Honoured Enemy with Raymond E. Feist UK
The Four Magics with Larry Segriff UK US

Kate Forsyth official site
Series: The Witches of Eileanan
Dragonclaw US: The Witches of Eileanan US
The Pool of Two Moons UK US
The Cursed Towers UK US
The Forbidden Land UK US
The Skull of the World UK US
The Fathomless Caves UK US
Series: Rhiannon's Ride
The Tower of Ravens UK US
The Shining City UK US
The Heart of Stars UK US
Series: Chronicles of Estelliana
The Starthorn Tree UK US
Series: Ben and Tim's Magical Misadventures
Dragon Gold
Wishing for Trouble
Mer Magic
Series: The Chain of Charms
The Gypsy Crown UK US
The Silver Horse
The Herb of Grace
The Cat's Eye Shell
The Lightning Bolt
The Butterfly in Amber
Full Fathom Five as Kate Humphrey UK US

Eve Forward
Animist UK US
Villains by Necessity US

Liza Fosburgh
Bella Arabella UK US

Alan Dean Foster official site
Series: Spellsinger
Spellsinger UK US
The Hour of the Gate UK US
The Day of the Dissonance UK US
The Moment of the Magician UK US
The Paths of the Perambulator UK US
The Time of the Transference UK US
Son of a Spellsinger UK US
Chorus Skating UK US
Series: Journeys of the Catechist
Carnivores of Light and Darkness UK US
Into the Thinking Kingdoms UK US
A Triumph of Souls UK US
Series: Voyage of the Basset
Voyage of the Basset with James C. Chistensen and Renwick St. James UK US
Shadowkeep US
Maori US
Wu-Ling's Folly short story
Golden Apples of the Sun with Gardner Dozois and Jack Dann - short story
Kingdoms of Light UK US
To the Vanishing Point UK US

David Foster
The Adventures of Christian Rosy Cross UK US

Friedrich Heinrich Karl, Baron de La Motte Fouqué
Undine UK US

Bo Fowler
Scepticism Inc. UK US

John Fowles
The Magus UK US

Gardner Francis Fox unofficial site
Series: Llarn
Warrior of Llarn
Thief of Llarn
Series: Kothar
Kothar, Barbarian Swordsman
Kother of the Magic Sword
Kothar amd the Demon
Kothar and the Conjurer's Curse
Kothar and the Wizard Slayer
Series: Kyrik
Kyrik, Warlock Warrior
Kyrik Fights the Demon World US
Kyrik and the Wizard's Sword
Kyrik and the Lost Queen US

Laurie Fox
The Lost Girls UK US

Paula Fox unofficial site
The Little Swineherd short stories US

Jocelin Foxe official site
Series: The Wild Hunt
Vengeance Moon US
Child of Fire UK US

Foxmar official site
Series: Varlarsaga
Escape CD-Rom
Recovery CD-Rom
Consolation CD-Rom

Ellen Foxxe
Series: Summerlands
Season of shadows UK US
Season of Storms UK US

Janet Frame unofficial site
The Carpathians UK US

Diana Pharaoh Francis official site
Path of Fate UK US
Path of Honor UK US
Path of Blood soon...

Robert Lloyd Frankland
Series: The Wolf Spirit Saga
The Spirit Taker UK US

Cheryl J. Franklin
Series: Tales of the Taormin
Fire Get US
Fire Lord US
Fire Crossing US
Sable, Shadow, and Ice US

Kameron M. Franklin official site
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Priests
Maiden of Pain UK US

Steven Frankos
Series: The Wheel Trilogy
The Jewel of Equilibrant US
The Heart of Sparril US
The Darklight Grimoire US
Series: Beyond Lich Gate
Beyond Lich Gate UK US
Cathedral of Thorns US
A Legend Reborn UK US

Leo A. Frankowski
A Boy and His Tank UK US
The Fata Morgana UK US

R. A. Frederick
Quest for the Cube US

Deby Fredericks
The Magister's Mask UK US

Lorna Freeman
Series: Borderlands
Covenants UK US
The King's Own UK US
Shadows Past 2nd January 2008 UK US
? soon...

Dave Freer official site
Series: Heirs of Alexandria
The Shadow of the Lion with Eric Flint and Mercedes Lackey UK US
This Rough Magic with Eric Flint and Mercedes Lackey UK US
A Mankind Witch UK US
The Wizard of Karres with Eric Flint and Mercedes Lackey UK US
The Sorceress of Karres with Eric Flint and Mercedes Lackey - soon...
A Circus of Witches with Eric Flint and Mercedes Lackey - soon...

Jackie French official site
The Book of Unicorns short stories UK US

Sean French
The Imaginary Monkey UK US

C. S. Friedman official site
Series: Coldfire
Black Sun Rising UK US
When True Night Falls UK US
Crown of Shadows UK US
Series: Magisters
Feast of Souls UK US
Wings of Wrath 4th June 2008 UK
? soon...
The Erciyes Fragments UK US

David Friedman
Harald UK US

Elyse Friedman official site
Waking Beauty UK US

Michael Jan Friedman
Series: Vidar
The Hammer and the Horn US
The Seekers and the Sword US
The Fortress and the Fire US
The Glove of Maiden's Hair US

Esther M. Friesner official site
Series: Majyk
Majyk by Hook or Crook US
Majyk by Accident US
Majyk by Design US
Series: Chicks
Chicks in Chainmail short stories UK US
Chicks'n Chained Males short stories UK US
Did You Say Chicks? short stories UK US
The Chick Is in the Mail short stories UK US
Turn the Other Chick short stories UK US
Series: Chronicles of the Twelve Kingdoms
Mustapha and His Wise Dog US
Spells of Mortal Weaving US
The Witchwood Cradle US
The Water King's Laughter US
Series: Demons
Here Be Demons US
Demon Blues US
Hooray For Hellywood UK US
Series: Gnome
Gnome Man's Land US
Harpy High US
Unicorn U US
New York By Knight US
Sphynxes Wild US
The Silver Mountain US
Sword of Mary US
Harlot's Ruse US
Elf Defence US
Druid's Blood US
Playing With Fire
It's Been Fun
Yesterday We Saw Mermaids UK US
Wishing Season UK US
Split Heirs with Lawrence Watt-Evans UK US
The Sherwood Game US
Child of the Eagle UK US
Ecce Hominid
E.Godz with Robert Lynn Asprin UK US
Crown of Sparta soon...

Nigel Frith
Series: Pangaia
Krishna US
Dragon UK
Snow UK

Gregory Frost official site
Series: Tales of Cú Chulainn
Tain US
Remscela US
Series: Fairy Tale
Fitcher's Brides UK US
Lyrec US

Brian Froud official site
Lady Cottington's Pressed Fairy Book with Terry Jones UK US
Lady Cottington's Fairy Album UK US
The Runes of Elfland with Ari Berk UK US
Goblins! with Ari Berk UK US

Carlos Fuentes
Inez UK US

Sheila Fulton
The Horse Witch

Cornelia Funke
Inkheart UK US
Inkspell UK US
Inkdeath 7th April 2008 UK
The Thief Lord UK US
Dragon Rider UK US

Maggie Furey official site
Series: The Artefacts of Power
Aurian   UK US
Harp of Winds   UK US
The Sword of Flame   UK US
Dhiammara   UK US
Series: The Shadowleague
The Heart of Myrial UK US
Spirit of the Stone UK US
The Eye of Eternity US: Echo of Eternity UK US
Series: The Chronicles of Xandim
? 1st January 2006 UK

Monica Furlong
Wise Child UK US
A Year and a Day UK US
Juniper UK US
Colman UK US

Jostein Gaarder unofficial site
The Solitaire Mystery UK US

Ben Gadd
Raven's End UK US

Neil Gaiman official site
Series: The Sandman
The Dream Hunters with Yoshitaka Amano UK US
Series: The Sandman related
The Sandman Companion with Hy Bender UK US
American Gods UK US
The Christmas Booklet
Anansi Boys UK US
The Monarch of the Glen short story UK US
*Good Omens with Terry Pratchett   UK US
Neverwhere UK US
Stardust UK US
Shoggoth's Old Peculiar short story
The King of Elfland's Daughter with Lord Dunsany UK US
Coraline UK US
Snow Glass Apples
Adventures in the Dream Trade short stories UK US
The Wolves in the Walls with Dave McKean UK US
Crazy Hair with Dave Mc Kean -soon...
Smoke and Mirrors short stories - expanded version of Angels & Visitations UK US
The Day I Swapped My Dad for Two Goldfish with Dave McKeane UK US
MirrorMask with Dave McKean UK US

Ellen Galford
The Dyke and the Dybbuk US

J. V. Gallagher

Paul Gallico unofficial site
Jennie US: The Abandoned US
Thomasina US

Priscilla Galloway official site
Truly Grim Tales short stories UK US

Peter Gallway
Series: The Chosen Seven
Broken Chains UK US

Silvana Gandolfi
Aldabra UK US

Becky Ganger
The Wizard's Wife

Grant Garber
The Sabbath Chapter US

Laura Gallego Garcia
The Legend of the Wandering King UK US

R. García y Robertson
Series: War of the Roses
Knight Errant UK US
Lady Robyn UK US
White Rose UK US
? soon...
The Spiral Dance US
Firebird soon...

Jane Gardam
Through the Dolls' House Door US

Nancy Garden
Series: Fours Crossing
The Door Between UK US

Craig Shaw Gardner
Series: Cineverse
Slaves of the Volcano God UK US
Bride of the Slime Monster UK US
Revenge of the Fluffy Bunnies UK US
Series: Ebenezum
A Malady of Magicks UK US
A Multitude of Monsters UK US
A Night in the Netherhells UK US
Series: Ballad of Wuntvor
A Difficulty With Dwarves UK US
An Excess of Enchantments UK US
A Disagreement With Death UK US
Series: Ebenezum related
A Malady of Magicks short story
Series: Arabian Nights
The Other Sinbad UK US
A Bad Day For Ali Baba UK US
Scheherazade's Night Out US: The Last Arabian Night UK US
Series: The Dragon Cirle
Raven Walking US: Dragon Sleeping UK US
Dragon Waking UK US
Dragon Burning UK US
Series: The Changeling Saga
The Changeling War as Peter Garrison UK US
The Sorcerer's Gun as Peter Garrison UK US
The Magic Dead as Peter Garrison UK US

John C. Gardner unofficial site
Grendel UK US
Mickelsson's Ghosts US

Martin Gardner unofficial site
Series: Oz
Visitors from Oz UK US

Sally Gardner
I, Coriander UK US

Mark Andrew Garland
Demon Blade with Charles G. McGraw US
Frost with Charles G. McGraw UK US
Dorella with Charles G. McGraw US
Sword of the Prophets US

Alan Garner unofficial site
Series: Alderley Edge
The Weirdstone of Brisingamen UK US
The Moon of Gomrath UK US
Series: The Stone Book Quartet
The Stone Book UK US
Granny Rearden UK
The Aimer Gate UK US
Tom Fobble's Bay UK US
Elidor UK US
Red Shift UK US
The Owl Service UK US
The Well of the Wind US
Alan Garner's Book of British Fairy Tales short stories UK US
A Bag of Moonshine short stories UK US
Thursbitch UK

David Garnett
Lady into Fox UK US

Randall Garrett
Series: Lord Darcy
Too Many Magicians US
Murder and Magic US
Lord Darcy Investigates US
Ten Little Wizards with Michael Kurland US
A Study in Sorcery with Michael Kurland US
Series: Gandalara
The Steel of Raithskar with Vicki Ann Heydron US
The Glass of Dyskornis with Vicki Ann Heydron US
The Bronze of Eddarta with Vicki Ann Heydron US
The Well of Darkness with Vicki Ann Heydron US
The Search for Ka with Vicki Ann Heydron US
Return to Eddarta with Vicki Ann Heydron US
The River Wall with Vicki Ann Heydron US
A Fortnight of Miracles short story

David Garrett Izzo official site
Catland soon...

Terie Garrison official site
Series: The DragonSpawn Cycle
AutumnQuest UK US
WinterMaejic UK US
SpringFire 1st June 2007 UK US
SummerDance 1st September 2007 UK US

Marc Gascoigne
Series: Fighting Fantasy
Battleblade Warrior UK
Series: The Fighting Fantasy Novels
Shadowmaster with Ian Livingstone UK

Jane Gaskell
Series: Atlan
The Serpent US
The Dragon US
Atlan US
The City US
Some Summer Lands US
Strange Evil
King's Daughter

J. S. Gates
Series: The Ranger Saga
Return to Glory UK US

Susan Gates
Don't Mess With Angels UK
Pagans UK

Will Gatti
Abe's Team UK US

Théophile Gautier unofficial site
Spirite, and The Coffee Pot UK US

Patricia Geary
Living in Ether US
Strange Toys US
Guru Cigarettes UK US

Pauline Gedge
Stargate US
Mirage Canada: Scroll of Saqqaura US

Maurice Gee unofficial site
The World Around the Corner US

Roberta Gellis official site
Series: Serrated Edge Prequel
The Scepter'd Isle with Mercedes Lackey UK US
Ill Met by Moonlight with Mercedes Lackey UK US
Bull God UK US
Thrice Bound UK US

David A. Gemmell unofficial site
Series: The Drenai
Legend US: Against the Horde UK US
The King Beyond The Gate UK US
Waylander UK US
Quest for Lost Heroes UK US
Waylander II US: In the Realm of the Wolf UK US
The First Chronicles of Druss the Legend short stories UK US
The Legend of Deathwalker UK US
Winter Warriors UK US
Hero in the Shadows UK US
Series: Skilgannon the Damned
The White Wolf UK US
The Swords of Night and Day UK US
Series: The Sipstrassi Tales
Wolf in Shadow US: The Jerusalem Man UK US
Ghost King UK US
The Last Sword of Power UK US
The Last Guardian UK US
Bloodstone UK US
Series: The Parmenion
Lion of Macedon UK US
Dark Prince UK US
Series: The Hawk Queen
Ironhand's Daughter UK US
The Hawk Eternal UK US
Series: Rigante
Sword in the Storm UK US
Midnight Falcon UK US
Ravenheart UK US
Stormrider UK US
Series: Troy
Lord of the Silver Bow UK US
Shield of Thunder UK US
Knights of the Dark Renown UK US
Morningstar UK US
Dark Moon UK US
Echoes of the Great Song UK US

Mary Gentle
Series: The White Crow
Rats and Gargoyles US
The Architecture of Desire UK US
Left to His Own Devices
Series: The Book of Ash
A Secret History UK US
Carthage Ascendant UK US
The Wild Machines UK US
Lost Burgundy UK US
Series: The Book of Ash Prequel
Under the Penitence UK
A Hawk in Silver US
Grunts! US
1610, a Sundial in a Grave US: A Sundial in a Grave, 1610 UK US

Merilyn George
Series: The Chronicles of the Last Elder Lord
Curse of the First Gods
Master of Ta'arim

Adèle Geras unofficial site
Series: Egerton Hall
The Tower Room UK US
Troy UK US
Ithaka UK US

Michael Gerber official site
Barry Trotter and the Shameless Parody US: Barry Trotter and the Unauthorized Parody UK US
Barry Trotter and the Unnecessary Sequel UK US
Barry Trotter and the Dead Horse UK US

Sylvie Germain
The Book of Nights UK US
Night of Amber UK US
Days of Anger UK
The Weeping Woman on the Streets of Prague UK US
The Song of False Lovers UK US

Mordicai Gerstein official site
The Old Country UK US

Zulfikar Ghose
Figures of Enchantment US

Miles Gibson
Dancing With Mermaids UK US

Melanie Gideon
The Girl Who Swallowed the Moon US
The Map That Breathed UK US

David Gifaldi
Yours Till Forever US

Nick Gifford official site
Flesh and Blood UK US

Keren Gilfoyle
A Shadow on the Skin

Lindi Gilleland
Dominion's Crystal Tome UK US

ElizaBeth Gilligan official site
Series: Silken Magic
Magic's Silken Snare UK US
The Silken Shroud UK US

Alexis A. Gilliland
Series: Wizenbeak
Wizenbeak US
The Shadow Shaia UK US
Lord of the Troll-Bats UK US

Inez Hayes Gillmore
Angel Island US

Sheila Gilluly
Series: The Greenbriar Trilogy
Greenbriar Queen US
The Crystal Keep US
Ritnym's Daughter US
Series: Book of the Painter
The Boy from the Burren US
The Giant of Inishkerry
The Emperor of Earth-Above

Dorothy Gilman
The Maze in the Heart of the Castle US

Greer Ilene Gilman
Moonwise US

Laura Anne Gilman official site
Series: Grail Quest
The Camelot Spell UK US
? soon...
? soon...

Kate Gilmore
Enter Three Witches US

H. B. Gilmour & Randi Reisfeld
Series: T'Witches
The Power of Two UK US
Building a Mystery UK US
Seeing Is Deceiving UK US
Dead Wrong UK US
Don't Think Twice UK US
Double Jeopardy UK US
T'witches with Cards US: Kindred Spirits UK US
The Witch Hunters UK US
Split Decision UK US
Destiny's Twins 1st February 2004 UK US

Heather J. Gladney
Series: Song of Naga Teot
Teot's War US
Bloodstorm US

Debi Gliori
Pure Dead Magic UK US
Pure Dead Wicked UK US
Pure Dead Brilliant UK US
Deep Trouble US: Pure Dead Trouble UK US

Molly Gloss
Outside the Gates US

Sandra Glover
The Girl Who Knew UK US

Lou Goble
Kalevide US

Parke Godwin unofficial site
Series: Arthurian
Invitation to Camelot US
Firelord US
Beloved Exile UK US
The Last Rainbow UK US
Series: Robin Hood
Sherwood US
Robin and the King US
Series: Robin Hood Prequel
Lord of Sunset UK US
Series: Masters of Solitude
The Masters of Solitude with Marvin Kaye US
Wintermind with Marvin Kaye US
The Tower of Beowulf US
The Fire When It Comes short stories US
A Truce With Time US
The Lovers, the Legend of Trystan and Yseult as Kate Hawks UK US

Dallas Clive Goffin
Legends of Fogrophol short stories

Namita Gokhale unofficial site
The Book of Shadows UK US

E. J. Gold unofficial site
Creation Story Verbatim UK US

Christie Golden official site
Instrument of Fate US
King's Man & Fate US
Series: WarCraft
Lord of the Clans UK US
Series: The Final Dance
On Fire's Wings UK US
In Stone's Clasp UK US
Under Sea's Shadow e-book US

Christopher Golden official site
Series: OutCast
The Un-Magician with Thomas E. Sniegoski UK US
Dragon Secrets with Thomas E. Sniegoski UK US
Ghostfire with Thomas E. Sniegoski UK US
Wurm War with Thomas E. Sniegoski UK US
Series: The Veil
The Myth Hunters UK US
The Borderkind UK US
The Lost Ones 25th March 2008 UK US
Strangewood UK US
The Seven Whistlers with Amber Benson UK US

Stephen Goldin official site
Series: Parsina Saga
Shrine of the Desert Mage US
The Storyteller and the Jann US
Crystals of Air and Water US

Michael Golding unofficial site
Benjamin's Gift UK US

William Golding unofficial site
The Double Tongue UK US

E. M. Goldman
Shrinking Pains US

William Goldman unofficial site
The Princess Bride UK US
The Silent Gondoliers UK US

Cassandra Golds
Michael and the Secret War US

Steven Goldsberry
Maui the demigod UK US

Lisa Goldstein official site
Daughter of Exile as Isabel Glass UK US
The Divided Crown as Isabel Glass UK US
The Red Magician UK US
The Dream Years US
Tourists US
Strange Devices of the Sun and Moon US
Summer King, Winter Fool US
Travellers in Magic short stories UK US
Walking the Labyrinth UK US
Dark Cities Underground UK US
The Alchemist's Door UK US

Linda Gondosch
The Witches of Hopper Street US

Dan Gooch
Solomon Grundy UK

Terry Goodkind official site
Series: The Sword of Truth
Wizard's First Rule UK US
Stone of Tears UK US
Blood of the Fold UK US
Temple of the Winds UK US
Soul of the Fire UK US
Faith of the Fallen UK US
The Pillars of Creation UK US
Naked Empire UK US
Chainfire UK US
Phantom UK US
? soon...
Series: The Sword of Truth related
Debt of Bone short story UK US

Laurie Goodman
A Spell of Deceit US

Adam Gopnik unofficial site
The King in the Window UK US

Greg Gorden
Series: Earth Dawn
Prophecy US

John Gordon
Giant Under the Snow US
Ride the Wind

Robert Scott & Jay Gordon
Series: The Eldran Trilogy
The Hickory Staff UK US
? soon...

Stuart Gordon
Series: The Watchers
Archon UK
The Hidden World UK
The Mask UK

Beatrice Gormley
Mail-Order Wings UK US
The Ghastly Glasses US
More Fifth Grade Magic UK US

Angélica Gorodischer
Kalpa Imperial UK US
1982, Janine UK US

Judith Gorog
Series: The Thousand and One Nights
Winning Scheherazade UK US

Hiromi Goto official site
Series: In the Same Boat
The Water of Possibility UK US

Elizabeth Goudge
Little White Horse UK US
Linnets and Valerians US

Ron Goulart unofficial site
Curse of the Obelisk US
The Prisoner of Blackwood Castle US

Sandra Lee Gould
Faraday's Popcorn Factory UK US

Rémy de Gourmont
The Angels of Perversity UK US

Barbara Gowdy unofficial site
The White Bone UK US

Juan Goytisolo
The Garden of Secrets UK US

Stefan Grabinski
The Dark Domain short stories UK US

Patricia Grace unofficial site
The Sky People UK US
Baby No-Eyes UK US

Denise R. Graham
Series: Dungeons & Dragons: Knights of the Silver Dragon
Eye of Fortune UK US
Curse of the Lost Grove UK US

Heather Graham
Spirit of the Season US

Ian Graham
Monument UK US
Blood Echo UK

L. B. Graham official site
Series: The Binding of the Blade
Beyond the Summerland UK US
Bringer of Storms 1st June 2005 UK US

Mitchell Graham official site
The Fifth Ring UK US
The Emerald Cavern UK US
The Ancient Legacy UK US

Kenneth Grahame
The Wind in the Willows UK US
The Reluctant Dragon UK US

Charles L. Grant
Series: Quest for the White Duck
Blood River Down as Lionel Fenn US
Web of Defeat as Lionel Fenn US
Agnes Day as Lionel Fenn US
Series: Kent Montana
Kent Montana and the Really Ugly Thing from Mars as Lionel Fenn US
Kent Montana and the Reasonably Invisible Man as Lionel Fenn US
Kent Montana and the Once and Future Thing as Lionel Fenn US
The Mark of the Moderately Vicious Vampire as Lionel Fenn US
668, the Neighbor of the Beast as Lionel Fenn US
Series: Lincoln Blackthorne
The King of Satan's Eyes as Geoffrey L. Marsh US
The Tail of the Arabian Knight as Geoffrey L. Marsh US
The Patch of the Odin Soldier as Geoffrey L. Marsh US
The Fangs of the Hooded Demon as Geoffrey L. Marsh US
Series: Diablo
The Black Road with Mel Odom UK US
Seven Spears of the W'dch'ck as Lionel Fenn US

Gwen Grant
Bonny Starr and the Riddles of Time

John Grant
Series: Legends of the Lone Wolf
Eclipse of the Kai with Joe Dever US
The Dark Door Opens with Joe Dever US
The Tides of Treachery with Joe Dever US
The Sword of the Sun with Joe Dever US
Hunting Wolf with Joe Dever US
The Claws of Helgedad with Joe Dever
The Sacrifice of Ruanon with Joe Dever
The Birthplace with Joe Dever
The Book of the Magnakai with Joe Dever
The Tellings with Joe Dever
The Lorestone of Varette with Joe Dever
The Secret of Kazan-Oud with Joe Dever
The Rotting Land with Joe Dever
Series: Albion
The World
The Far-Enough Window UK US

Kathryn Grant
Series: The Land of Ten Thousand Willows
The Phoenix Bells US
The Black Jade Road US
The Willow Garden US

Richard Grant
Kaspian Lost UK US

Richard E. Grant
Views From the Oldest House US
Tex and Molly in the Afterlife UK US
Saraband of Lost Time US
Rumors of Spring US
In the Land of Winter UK US

Günter Grass unofficial site
The Tin Drum UK US
The Rat UK US

Geary Gravel
Series: Might and Magic
The Dreamwright US
Shadowsmith US

Alasdair Gray unofficial site
Lanark UK US
Five Letters from an Unknown Empire short story

Keith Gray
From Blood, Two Brothers UK
The Fearful UK US

Luli Gray
Falcon's Egg UK US
Falcon and the Charles Street Witch UK US

Nicholas Stuart Gray
Down in the Cellar
The Seventh Swan UK US
Grimbold's Other World US
The Stone Cage UK
The Apple Stone UK US
The Wardens of the Weir UK
The Garland of Filigree UK
The Sorcerer's Apprentices US

Andrew M. Greeley official site
The Magic Cup US
Angel Light UK US
Angel Fire UK US
The God Game UK US

George Green
Hound UK

Michael Green
Quest, In Search of the Dragontooth US

Roland J. Green
Series: Conan
Conan and the Death Lord of Thanza UK US
Conan at the Demon's Gate UK US
Conan and the Gods of the Mountain UK US
Conan and the Mists of Doom US
Conan the Valiant UK US
Conan the Relentless UK US
Conan the Guardian UK US
Series: Throne of Sherran
The Book of Kantela With Frieda A. Murray US
Series: DragonLance: Warriors
Knigts of the Crown UK US
Knights of the Sword UK US
Knights of the Rose UK US
The Wayward Knights UK US
Series: Wandor
Wandor's Ride US
Wandor's Journey US
Wandor's Voyage US
Wandor's Flight US

Sharon Green official site
Series: Jalav Amazon Warrior
The Crystals of Mida US
An Oath to Mida US
Chosen of Mida US
The Will of the Gods US
To Battle the Gods US
Series: The Blending
Convergence UK US
Competitions UK US
Challenges UK US
Betrayals UK US
Prophecy UK US
Series: The Blending Enthroned
Intrigues UK US
Deceptions UK US
Destiny UK US
Series: Silver Princess
Silver Princess, Golden Knight US
The Hidden Realms US
Dark Mirror, Dark Dreams US
Wind Whispers, Shadow Shouts US
Game's End US
Series: The Far Side of Forever
The Far Side of Forever US
Hellhound Magic US
Lady Blade, Lord Fighter US
Dawn Song US
Enchanting US

Simon R. Green unofficial site
Series: Hawk & Fisher
No Haven for the Guilty US: Hawk & Fisher UK US
Devil Takes the Hindermost US: Winner Takes All UK US
The God Killer UK US
Vengeance for a Lonely Man US: Wolf in the Fold UK US
Guard Against Dishonour US: Guard Against Dishonor UK US
Two Kings in Haven US: The Bones of Haven UK US
Series: Blue Moon Rising
Blue Moon Rising UK US
Beyond the Blue Moon UK US
Series: Blue Moon Rising related
Blood and Honor US
Down Among the Dead Men US
Series: Secret Histories
The Man with the Golden Torc UK US
Daemons are Forever 18th September 2008 UK
From Hell with Love soon...
Shadows Fall UK US
Drinking Midnight Wine UK US

Terence M. Green official site
Shadow of Ashland UK US
St. Patrick's Bed UK US

Graham Greene unofficial site
*Our Man in Havana   UK US

Richard S. Greene
Boofalo! UK US

Zohra Greenhalgh
Contrariwise US
Trickster's Touch US

Colin Greenland unofficial site
Daybreak on a Different Mountain
The Hour of the Thin Ox
Other Voices US
Series: Dreamtime
Spiritfeather UK

Gayle Greeno
Series: The Ghatti's Tale
Finder-Seekers UK US
Mind-Speakers' Call UK US
Exiles' Return UK US
Series: Ghatten's Gambit
Sunderlies Seeking UK US
The Farthest Seeking UK US

Ed Greenwood
Series: Forgotten Realms
Spellfire US
Silverfall short stories UK US
Cormyr with Jeff Grub UK US
Death of the Dragon with Troy Denning UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Elminster
Elminster, the Making of a Mage UK US
Elminster in Myth Drannor UK US
The Temptation of Elminster UK US
Elminster in Hell UK US
Elminster's Daughter UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Harpers
Crown of Fire UK US
Stormlight UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: Shadow of the Avatar
Shadow of Doom UK US
Cloak of Shadows UK US
All Shadows Fled UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Double Diamond Triangle Saga
The Mercenaries US
The Diamond with J. Robert King US
Series: Forgotten Realms: Shandril's Saga
Hand of Fire UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: Waterdeep
The City of Splendors with Elaine Cunningham UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Knights of Myth Drannor
Swords of Eveningstar 8th August 2006 UK US
Series: Band of Four
The Kingless Land UK US
The Vacant Throne UK US
A Dragon's Ascension UK US
The Dragon's Doom UK US
Series: Aglirta
The Silent House UK US

Andrew Sean Greer official site
The Confessions of Max Tivoli UK US

Joyce Ballou Gregorian
Series: Tredana
The Broken Citadel UK US
Castledown UK US
The Great Wheel UK US

Deborah Gregory
The Cornflake House UK US

Guy Gregory
Heroes of Zara Keep US

Philippa Gregory
The Wise Woman UK US

Valerie Gribben
Fairytale UK US

Adele Griffin
The Other Shepards UK US

Peni R. Griffin official site
Hobkin UK US

Terry Griggs
Cat's Eye Corner UK US
The Silver Door UK US

Jakob & Wilhelm Grimm unofficial site
The Frog King and Other Tales of the Brothers Grimm short stories US

Jim Grimsley official site
Kirith Kirin UK US

Ken Grimwood
Replay US

Leathel Grody official site
Series: Foundations of Hope
Faith of the Unforgotten UK US
Into the Darkness April 2007
Dawn of a New Hope April 2007

Anne Lesley Groell
Series: Cloak and Dagger
Anvil of the Soul UK US
Bridge of Valor US
Cauldron of Iniquity UK US

Dave Gross
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Double Diamond Triangle Saga
An Opportunity for Profit UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: Sembia
Black Wolf UK US
Lord of Stormweather UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Priests
Mistress of the Night with Don Bassingthwaite UK US

Philip Gross
The Wind Gate
Going for Stone UK US
The Lastling UK

Jeff Grubb
Series: Forgotten Realms
Cormyr with Ed Greenwood UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Harpers
Masquerades with Kate Novak US
Finder's Bane with Kate Novak UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: Finder's Stone
Azure Bonds with Kate Novak US
The Wyvern's Spur with Kate Novak UK US
Song of the Saurials with Kate Novak US
Series: Forgotten Realms: Lost Gods
Tymora's Luck with Kate Novak US
Series: DragonLance: Villains
Lord Toede US
Series: Magic, The Gathering: Artifacts Cycle
The Brothers War UK US
Series: Magic, The Gathering: Ice Age Cycle
The Gathering Dark UK US
The Eternal Ice UK US
The Shattered Alliance UK US
Series: WarCraft
The Last Guardian UK US

Michael Gruber
The Witch's Boy UK US

Johnny Gruelle
The Magical Land of Noom UK US

Stephan Grundy
Rhinegold US
Attila's Treasure US
Gilgamesh UK US

Joseph R. Grych
Sons of God, Daughters of Man UK US

Lady Charlotte Guest
The Mabinogion UK US

Lynn Guest
The Sword of Hachiman US

Kathleen Cunningham Guler
Series: Macsen's Treasure
Into the Path of Gods US
In the Shadow of Dragons UK US

Güneli Gün
On the Road to Baghdad US

Thorarinn Gunnarsson official site
Series: The Dragonlord Chronicles
Dragonlord of Mystara US
Dragonking of Mystara US
Dragonmage of Mystara US
Series: Dragons
Make Way for Dragons! US
Human, Beware! US
Dragons on the Town US
Series: Song of the Dwarves
Song of the Dwarves US
Revenge of the Valkyrie US
Dragon's Domain US

Jonathan Gunson official site
The Merlin Mystery UK US

Ellen Guon
Series: Bard Novels
Knight of Ghosts and Shadows with Mercedes Lackey UK US
Summoned to Tourney with Mercedes Lackey US
Bedlam's Bard with Mercedes Lackey UK US
Series: Serrated Edge
Bedlam Boyz US

Dan Gutman official site
Honus & Me UK US

Elyse Guttenberg
Series: Elik
Summer Light UK US
Daughter of the Shaman US
Sunder, Eclipse & Seed US

Gary Gygax official site
Series: Greyhawk
Artifact of Evil US
Series: Gord the Rogue
Sea of Death US
City of Hawks US
Dance of Demons US
Come Endless Darkness US
Night Arrant short stories US
Series: Dangerous Journeys
The Anubis Murders US
The Samarkand Solution US
Death in Delhi US

Melissa Glenn Haber
The Heroic Adventures of Hercules Amsterdam US
Beyond the Dragon Portal UK US

J. K. Haderack
Mercer's Whore UK

H. Rider Haggard unofficial site
Series: She
Ayesha UK US
Series: Allan Quatermain
King Solomon's Mines UK US
Allan Quatermain UK US
Allan Quatermain and the Lost City of Gold US
Marie UK US
Allan and the Holy Flower UK
Allan and the Ice Gods US
Allan's Wife US
The Ivory Child UK US
Series: She and Allan Quatermain related
She and Allan UK US
Series: Zulu Nation
Nada the Lily UK US
The People of the Mist US
Eric Brighteyes UK US
The World's Desire UK US
Belshazzar UK US
Montezuma's Daughter UK US

Mary Downing Hahn official site
The Time of the Witch US

Linda Wilson Haldeman
The Last Born of Elvinwood US
Esbae US
Star of the Sea US

Beverly A. Hale
The Happiness Box US
The Essence of Stone US

F. J. Hale
Series: After the Spell Wars
Ogre Castle US
In the Sea Nymph's Lair US

Shannon Hale
The Goose Girl UK US
Enna Burning UK US
Princess Academy UK US

Edward Elton Young Hales
Chariot of Fire US

James L. Haley
The Lions of Tsavo US

Lauren Halkon official site
Night Seekers UK US

J. E. Hall
The Wall UK US

Lynn Hall
*The Secret Life of Dagmar Schultz UK US
Dagmar Schultz and the Angel Edna UK US

Willis Hall
Series: Lilliput
The Secret Visitors a.k.a. The Return of the Antelope UK
The Secret Visitors Take Charge a.k.a. The Antelope Company Ashore
The Secret Visitors Fight Back a.k.a. The Antelope Company at Large UK

Leslie Halliwell
Return to Shangri-La

Robert Halmo official site
Series: Lords of Darkness, Lords of Light
Children of the Grove UK US

Barbara Hambly official site
Series: Darwarth
The Time of the Dark UK US
The Walls of Air US
The Armies of Daylight UK US
Mother of Winter UK US
Icefalcon's Quest UK US
Series: Sunwolf and Starhawk
The Ladies of Mandrigyn US
Witches of Wenshar UK US
Dark Hand of Magic US
Series: Winterlands
Dragonsbane UK US
Dragonshadow UK US
Knight of the Demon Queen UK US
Dragonstar UK US
Series: Windrose
The Silent Tower US
Silicon Mage US
Dog Wizard US
Series: Windrose related
Sorcerer's Ward US: Stranger at the Wedding US
Series: Sun Cross
Rainbow Abyss US
The Magicians of Night US
Sisters of the Raven UK US
Circle of the Moon UK US
Bride of the Rat God UK US
Magic Time with Marc Zicree UK US
Fading of the Light soon...

Pete Hamill official site
Forever UK US

Laurell K. Hamilton official site
Nightseer UK US

Dennis Hamley
Hare's Choice US

Karen Hancock official site
Series: Legends of the Guardian King
The Light of Eidon UK US
The Shadow Within UK US

Niel Hancock official site
Series: The Cirlcle of Light
Greyfax Grimwald UK US
Faragon Fairingay UK US
Calix Stay UK US
Squaring the Circle UK US
Series: The Wilderness of Four
Across the Far Mountain US
The Plains of the Sea US
On the Boundaries of Darkness US
The Road to the Middle Islands US
Series: The Windameir Circle
The Fires of Windameir US
The Sea of Silence US
A Wanderer's Return US
The Bridge of Dawn US
Dragon Winter US

Bill Hand official site
Series: The Redaemian Chronicles
The One Prince UK US
The Hidden City UK US
The Dragon Child UK US

Elizabeth Hand unofficial site
Waking the Moon UK US
Black Light UK US
Mortal Love UK US

Judith Hand official site
The Amazon and the Warrior UK US

Victoria Hanley
The Seer and the Sword UK US
The Healer's Keep UK US
The Light of the Oracle UK US

Lynn Hanna unofficial site
The Starry Child US
Circle of Time UK US

Christopher L. Hannah
A Walk in the Garden US

Peter Hanratty
The Last Knight of Albion US
The Book of Mordred US

Brooks Hansen
The Chess Garden UK US
Caesar's Antlers UK US
Perlman's Ordeal UK US

Erik Fosnes Hansen
Tales of Protection UK US

Gwen Hansen
Series: Secret of the Unicorn Queen
Sun Blind US
Moonspell US

N. D. Hansen-Hill official site
Series: The Elf Chronicles
Trees UK US
Crystals UK US
Shades UK US
Fire UK US
Light UK US
Gilded Folly

Wil Hanson official site
Smoke in the Wind UK US

W. A. Harbinson
The Lodestone

Kenneth Harding
The Gong of the Sword UK US

Lee Harding
Displaced Person UK

Nancy Harding
Wind Child US
The Silver Land US

Simon Harding
Series: Streamskelter
Streamskelter UK
Chamgeling Hearts UK US

Traci Harding
Series: The Ancient Future
The Ancient Future - The Dark Age
An Echo in Time - Atlantis
Masters of Reality - The Gathering
The Alchemist's Key
The Book of Dreams soon...

Frances Hardinge official site
Fly by Night UK US

Lyndon Hardy
Series: Arcadia
Master of the Five Magics US
Secrets of the Sixth Magic US
Riddle of the Seven Realms US

Donald Harington unofficial site
Series: Stay More
The Cockroaches of Stay More US
With UK US
The Pitcher Show UK US

Thomas Harlan official site
Series: Oath of Empire
The Shadow of Ararat UK US
The Gate of Fire UK US
The Storm of Heaven UK US
The Dark Lord UK US

Andrew Harman
Series: Firkin
The Sorcerer's Appendix UK
The Frogs of War UK US
The Tome Tunnel UK
Fahrenheit 666 UK US
The Deity Dozen UK
101 Damnations UK
The Scrying Game UK US
A Midsummer Night's Gene UK
It Came from on High UK
The Suburban Slamander Incident UK
Talonspotting UK

Charles L. Harness
Cybele, with Bluebonnets UK US

Tara K. Harper official site
Series: Tales of the Wolves
Wolfwalker US
Shadow Leader UK US
Storm Runner UK US
Wolf's Bane UK US
Greyheart UK US

Jacqueline Harpman
Orlanda UK US

Patrick Harpur

Anne Harris official site
Inventing Memory UK US

Deborah Turner Harris
Series: The Adept
The Adept with Katherine Kurtz UK US
The Lodge of the Lynx with Katherine Kurtz UK US
The Templar Treasure with Katherine Kurtz UK US
Dagger Magic with Katherine Kurtz UK US
Death of an Adept with Katherine Kurtz UK US
Series: The Templar
The Temple and the Stone with Katherine Kurtz UK US
The Temple and the Crown with Katherine Kurtz UK US
Series: Caledon
Caledon of the Mists US
The Queen of Ashes US
The City of Exile US
Series: Mages of Garillon
The Burning Stone UK US
Gauntlet of Malice UK US
Spiral of Fire US

Elizabeth Harris
The Sacrifice Stone US

MacDonald Harris
The Little People US
The Cathay Stories and Other Fictions short stories US

Thomas Harris
*The Silence of the Lambs (*Le Silence des Agneaux)   UK US
*Hannibal UK US
*Red Dragon UK US
*Behind the Mask 30th April 2006 UK US

Geraldine Harris Pinch official site
Series: Seven Citadels
Prince of the Godborn US
The Children of the Wind US
The Dead Kingdom UK US
The Seventh Gate US

M. John Harrison
Series: Viriconium
The Pastel City UK US
A Storm of Wings UK US
In Viriconium UK
Viriconium Nights short stories UK US
The Wild Road with Jane Johnson - as Gabriel King UK US
The Golden Cat with Jane Johnson - as Gabriel King UK US
The Knot Garden with Jane Johnson - as Gabriel King UK
Nonesuch with Jane Johnson - as Gabriel King UK US
The Course of the Heart UK US

Mette Ivie Harrison official site
Mira, Mirror UK US

Harry Harrison & John Holm
Series: Hammer and the Cross
The Hammer and the Cross UK US
One King's Way UK US
King and Emperor UK US

James B. Harshfield
The Key of Ban US
? soon...
? soon...

J. V. Hart official site
Capt. Hook UK US

L. P. Hartley
The Complete Short Stories of L.P. Hartley short stories US

The Harvard Lampoon
Bored of the Rings UK US

Kenneth J. Harvey official site
The Town That Forgot How to Breathe UK US

Peter W. Hassinger
The Book of Alfar UK US

Michele Hauf official site
Series: Changling
Seraphim UK US
Gossamyr UK US
Rhiana 1st May 2006 UK US

Chad Hautmann
Billie's Ghost UK US

Candace Havens official site
Series: Bronwyn the Witch
Charmed & Dangerous UK US
Charmed & Ready UK US
Charmed & Deadly UK US

Robin Hawdon
A Rustle in the Grass US

louise Hawes
Series: Neils Orsen
Nelson Malone Meets the Man from Mush-Nut UK US
Nelson Malone Saves Flight 942 US

Simon Hawke
Series: Birthright
The Iron Throne US
War US
Series: The Sorcerer
The Reluctant Sorcerer US
The Inadequate Adept US
The Ambivalent Magician US
Series: Wizard of 4th Street
The Wizard of 4th Street US
The Wizard of Whitechapel US
The Wizard of Sunset Strip US
The Wizard of Rue Morgue US
The Samurai Wizard US
The Wizard of Santa Fe
The Wizard of Camelot US
The Wizard of Lovecraft's Cafe US
The Last Wizard US
Series: Wizard of 4th Street related
The Nine Lives of Catseye Gomez US
Series: Dark Sun: Chronicles of Athas
The Broken Blade US
Series: Dark Sun: Tribe of One
The Outcast US
The Seeker US
The Nomad US

Elizabeth Haydon official site
Series: The Rhapsody Trilogy
Rhapsody: Child of Blood   UK US
Prophecy: Child of Earth   UK US
Destiny: Child of the Sky   UK US
Series: The Symphony of Ages
Requiem for the Sun UK US
Elegy for a Lost Star UK US
The Assassin King 9th January 2007 UK US
Series: The Symphony of Ages related
Threshold short story UK US
Series: The Lost Journals of Ven Polypheme
The Floating Island 22nd August 2006 UK US

Amber Hayward
The Healer UK US

Paul Hazel
Series: Finnbranch
Yearwood US
Undersea US
Winterking US
The Wealdwife's Tale US

Kim Headlee official site
Series: The Legend of Guinevere
Dawnflight UK US
Morning's Journey soon...
Zenith Glory soon...
Snow in July soon...

Seamus Heaney unofficial site
Beowulf   UK US

Julie Hearn official site
Follow Me Down US: Sign of the Raven UK US
The Merrybegot US: The Minister's Daughter UK US

Lian Hearn official site
Series: Tales of the Otori
Across the Nightingale Floor UK US
Grass for His Pillow UK US
Brilliance of the Moon UK US

Betsy Hearne
Eli's Ghost UK US

Carol Hedges
Jigsaw UK
Red Velvet UK
Bright Angel UK
The Scabbard's Song UK US

Larry C. Hedrick
Series: Beyond the Shores of Time
Sword of Elfame UK US

D. A. Heeley
Series: Darkness and Light
Lilith UK US
Ronin UK US

Robert A. Heinlein unofficial site
The Fantasies of Robert A. Heinlein short stories UK US

D. J. Heinrich
Series: Dungeons & Dragons: Penhaligon
The Tainted Sword US
The Dragon's Tomb US
The Fall of Magic US

John Helfers
Siege of Night and Fire UK US

Carol Heller
Series: The Shunlar Chronicles
The Gates of Vensunor US
The Sands of Kalaven UK US
The Stones of Stiga UK US

Colleen Helme
Child of the Flame UK US

Mark Helprin unofficial site
Series: Swan Lake
Swan Lake US
A City in Winter US
The Veil of Snows US
Winter's Tale UK US
A Dove of the East and Other Stories short stories UK US

Michael Hemmingson
The Rose of Heaven UK US

Jan-Andrew Henderson
Secret City UK US
Hunting Charlie Wilson UK US

Jason Henderson official site
Series: MacBeth
The Iron Thane UK US
The Spawn of Loki US
The Darkling Band soon...

Zenna Henderson unofficial site
The Anything Box US

Eric S. Hendricks
Covina UK US
Stands the Archer UK US

Diana Hendry
Minders UK

Frances Mary Hendry
Quest for a Kelpie US
Quest for a Maid UK US
Series: Quest for a Queen
The Falcon UK
The Lark UK
The Jackdaw UK US
Series: Atlantis
Atlantis UK
Atlantis in Peril UK

James Heneghan official site
Flood UK US

Tom Henighan
The Well of Time

Maeve Henry unofficial site
The Witch King US
Midwinter UK

David Henshall
Starchild and Witchfire

James Herbert unofficial site
Fluke UK US

Kathleen Herbert
Series: Dark Ages
Queen of the Lightning US
Ghost in the Sunlight US
Bride of the Spear US

Mary H. Herbert
Dark Horse US
Lightning's Daughter US
Valorian US
City of Sorcerers US
Winged Magic US
Series: DragonLance: Bridges of Time
Legacy of Steel UK US
Series: DragonLance: Crossroads
The Clandestine Circle UK US
Dragon's Bluff UK US
Series: DragonLance: Linsha
City of the Lost UK US
Flight of the Fallen UK US
Return of the Exile UK US

John Herman
Labyrinth UK US

Cory J. Herndon official site
Series: Magic, the Gathering: Mirrodin Cycle
The Fifth Dawn UK US
Series: Magic, the Gathering: Ravnica Cycle
Ravnica UK US
Guildpact UK US
Dissension UK US

Marcus Herniman
Series: The Arrandin Trilogy
The Siege of Arrandin UK
The Treason of Dortrean UK
The Fall of Lautun UK

Amy Herrick
At the Sign of the Naked Waiter US

Kathleen Hersom
The Half Child US

David Herter
Evening's Empire UK US
On the Overgrown Path soon...

Hermann Hesse unofficial site
The Fairy Tales of Hermann Hesse short stories UK US

Karen Hesse unofficial site
The Music of Dolphins UK US

James A. Hetley official site
Dragon's Eye UK US
Dragon's Teeth soon...
The Summer Country UK US
The Winter Oak UK US

Stephen F. Hickman
The Lemurian Stone US

Tracy Hickman official site
Series: The Darksword Trilogy
Forging the Darksword with Margaret Weis UK US
Doom of the Darksord with Margaret Weis UK US
Triumph of the Darksword with Margaret Weis UK US
Legacy of the Darksword with Margaret Weis UK US
Series: Darksword related
Darksword Adventures with Margaret Weis UK US
Series: Rose of the Prophet
The Will of the Wanderer with Margaret Weis UK US
The Paladin of the Night with Margaret Weis UK US
The Prophet of Akran with Margaret Weis UK US
Series: The Death Gate Cycle
Dragon Wing with Margaret Weis UK US
Elven Star with Margaret Weis UK US
Fire Sea with Margaret Weis UK US
Serpent Mage with Margaret Weis UK US
The Hand of Chaos with Margaret Weis UK US
Into the Labyrinth with Margaret Weis UK US
The Seventh Gate with Margaret Weis UK US
Series: DragonLance: Chronicles
Dragons of Autumn Twilight (Dragons d'un Crépuscule d'Automne) with Margaret Weis   UK US
Dragons of Winter Night (Dragons d'une Nuit d'Hiver) with Margaret Weis   UK US
Dragons of Spring Dawning (Dragons d'une Aube de Printemps) with Margaret Weis   UK US
Dragons of Summer Flame with Margaret Weis UK US
Series: DragonLance: Legends
Time of the Twins with Margaret Weis UK US
War of the Twins with Margaret Weis UK US
Test of the Twins with Margaret Weis UK US
Series: DragonLance: Tales
The Magic of Krynn with Margaret Weis UK US
Kender, Gully Dwarves and Gnomes with Margaret Weis UK US
Love and War with Margaret Weis UK US
Series: DragonLance: Tales II
The Reign of Istar with Margaret Weis and Nancy Varian Berberick UK US
The Cataclysm with Margaret Weis and Nancy Varian Berberick UK US
The War of the Lance with Margaret Weis, Michael Williams and Richard A. Knaak UK US
Series: DragonLance: The War of Souls
Dragons of a Fallen Sun with Margaret Weis UK US
Dragons of a Lost Star with Margaret Weis UK US
Dragons of a Vanished Moon with Margaret Weis UK US
Series: DragonLance: The Search for Magic
Tales from the War of Souls with Margaret Weis - short stories UK US
Series: DragonLance related
The History of Dragonlance with Margaret Weis UK US
The Second Generation Realms of Dragons: The World of Weis and Hickman with Margaret Weis UK US
Leaves from the Inn of the Last Home: The Complete Krynn Sourcebook with Margaret Weis UK US
More Leaves from the Inn of the Last Home with Margaret Weis UK US
Dragons in the Archives with Margaret Weis - short stories UK US
Series: The Sovereign Stone
The Well of Darkness with Margaret Weis UK US
Guardians of the Lost with Margaret Weis UK US
Journey into the Void with Margaret Weis UK US
Series: The Bronze Canticles
Mystic Warrior with Laura Hickman UK US
Mythic Quest with Laura Hickman UK US
Mystic Empire with Laura Hickman - 12th April 2006 UK US

Jason Hightman
Series: The Saint of Dragons
The Saint of Dragons UK US
Samurai UK US

Jamake Highwater
Dark Legend US
Rama, a Legend US

Diana Hignutt official site
Moonsword UK US
Empress of Clouds UK US

Tim & Greg Hildebrandt unofficial site
Urshurak US

Beth Hilgartner
Colors in the Dreamweaver's Loom US
The Feast of the Trickster US
A Business of Ferrets UK US
Parliament of Owls US

Douglas Hill
Series: Apotheosis
The Lightless Dome US
The Leafless Forest US
Series: Talents
Blade of the Poisoner US
Master of Fiends US
Penelope's Pendant US
Malcolm and the Cloud-Stealer UK

Pamela Smith Hill
The Last Grail Keeper UK US

Stuart Hill
The Cry of the Icemark UK US
? soon...
? soon...

William Hill
Wizard Sword UK US

Lee J. Hindle
Dragon Fall US

Jim C. Hines official site
Goblin Quest UK US
Goblin Hero UK US
Goblin War UK US

Nigel Hinton
Out of the Darkness UK

S. E. Hinton
The Puppy Sister UK US
The Harbor soon...

Shere Hite
The Divine Comedy of Ariadne and Jupiter UK US

Sid Hite
Dither Farm US
Those Darn Dithers UK US
Answer My Prayer UK US
The Distance of Hope US

Russell Hoban unofficial site
The Marzipan Pig US
The Medusa Frequency US
The Mouse and His Child UK US
Mr Rinyo-Clacton's Offer UK
Pilgermann US
The Rain Door UK US
The Trokeville Way UK US
The Lion of Boaz-Jachin and Jachin-Boaz UK US
Amaryllis Night and Day UK
Kleinzeit UK US
Her Name Was Lola UK US
Come Dance with Me UK US

Robin Hobb official site
Series: The Farseer
Assassin's Apprentice   UK US
Royal Assassin   UK US
Assassin's Quest   UK US
Series: Liveship Traders
Ship of Magic   UK US
The Mad Ship US: Mad Ship   UK US
Ship of Destiny   UK US
Series: The Tawny Man
Fool's Errand   UK US
Golden Fool   UK US
Fool's Fate   UK US
Series: The Rain Wild Chronicles
The Dragon Keeper   UK US
Dragon Haven   UK US
City of Dragons   UK US
Blood of Dragons   UK US
Series: Fitz and the Fool
Fool's Assassin UK US
Fool's Quest UK US
Assassin's Fate 7th March 2017
Series: Six Duchies & Cursed Shores related
The Inheritance (En Héritage) short story  
Homecoming short story   UK US
Words Like Coins short story   UK US
Blue Boots short story   UK US
The Inheritance short stories   UK US
Cat's Meat short story  
The Wilful Princess and the Piebald Prince   UK US
Series: Soldier Son
Shaman's Crossing   UK US
Forest Mage   UK US
Renegade's Magic   UK US
Series: Liavek
A Coincidence of Birth short story - as Megan Lindholm
Pot Luck short story - as Megan Lindholm
An Act of Mercy short story - as Megan Lindholm - with Steven Brust
An Act of Love short story - as Megan Lindholm - with Steven Brust and Gregory Frost
Series: Windsingers
Bones for Dulath short story - as Megan Lindholm UK US
Harpy's Flight as Megan Lindholm   UK US
The Windsingers as Megan Lindholm   UK US
The Limbreth Gate as Megan Lindholm   UK US
Luck of the Wheels as Megan Lindholm   UK US
The Reindeer People as Megan Lindholm   UK US
Wolf's Brother as Megan Lindholm   UK US
Wizard of the Pigeons as Megan Lindholm   UK US
Cloven Hooves as Megan Lindholm UK US
The Gypsy as Megan Lindholm - with Steven Brust UK US
Silver Lady and the Fortyish Man short story - as Megan Lindholm  
A Touch of Lavender short story - as Megan Lindholm  
Grace Notes short story - as Megan Lindholm  
The Triumph short story
Cut short story - as Megan Lindholm  
The Fifth Squashed Cat short story - as Megan Lindholm  
Strays short story - as Megan Lindholm  
Finis short story - as Megan Lindholm  
Drum Machine short story - as Megan Lindholm  
Euthanasia short story  
Alone short story - as Megan Lindholm  
Old Paint short story - as Megan Lindholm
Neighbours short story - as Megan Lindholm - 3rd December 2013 UK US

Will Hobbs
Kokopelli's Flute UK US

Adam Hoch
Series: The Flames of Antioch
Providence Vanished UK US

Martin Hocke
The Ancient Solitary Reign US
The Lost Domain

John C. Hocking
Series: Conan
Conan and the Emerald Lotus UK US

Patricia Christine Hodgell unofficial site
Series: Jame and the Kencyrath
God Stalk US
Dark of the Moon US
Seeker's Mask US
Dark of the Gods UK US
Jame Goes to the Citadel soon...
Blood and Ivory short stories

Barbara M. Hodges
Series: Daradawn
The Blue Flame UK US
The Emerald Dagger UK US
The Silver Angel US

Barbara Hodgson official site
The Tatooed Map UK US

Michael Hoeye official site
Series: Hermux Tantamoq
Time Stops for No Mouse UK US
The Sands of Time US
No Time Like Show Time UK US

Alice Hoffman official site
Aquamarine UK US
Indigo UK US
Turtle Moon UK US
Practical Magic UK US
The Probable Future UK US
Green Angel UK US
Blackbird House UK US
The Ice Queen UK US
The Foretelling UK US

Mary Hoffman official site
Series: Stravaganza
City of Masks UK US
City of Stars UK US
City of Flowers UK US

Nina Kiriki Hoffman
A Red Heart of Memories UK US
Past the Size of Dreaming UK US
A Stir of Bones UK US
A Fistful of Sky UK US
Fall of Light soon...
Child of an Ancient City with Tad Williams US

Dianne Hofmeyr unofficial site
The Waterbearer UK US

Gregory J. Holch
The Things with Wings UK US

Nancy Holder official site
Spirited UK US

Robert Holdstock
Series: Mythago Wood
Mythago Wood   UK US
Lavondyss   UK US
The Hollowing   UK US
Merlin's Wood   UK
Gate of Ivory, Gate of Horn   UK US
Series: Mythago Wood Prequel
The Bone Forest short stories   UK
Series: Mythago Wood related
Ancient Echoes   UK US
Series: Raven
Swordmistress of Chaos with Angus Wells - as Richard Kirk UK US
A Time of Ghosts with Angus Wells - as Richard Kirk UK US
The Frozen God with Angus Wells - as Richard Kirk UK US
Lords of the Shadows with Angus Wells - as Richard Kirk UK US
A Time of Dying with Angus Wells - as Richard Kirk UK US
Series: The Merlin Codex
Celtika UK US
The Iron Grail UK US
The Broken Kings soon...
Chimeras with Christopher Evans

Cecelia Holland unofficial site
The Soul Thief UK US
The Witches' Kitchen UK US
The Serpent Dreamer UK US
The Angel and the Sword UK US

Jack Holland
The Fire Queen US

Helen Hollick
Series: Pendragon's Banner
The Kingmaking UK US
Pendragon's Banner UK US
Shadow of the King UK US

Greg Hollingshead
The Healer UK US

John Eric Holmes
The Maze of Peril US

Tom Holt official site
Expecting Someone Taller UK US
Who's Afraid of Beowulf? UK US
Flying Dutch UK US
Ye Gods! UK US
Overtime UK US
Here Comes the Sun UK US
Grailblazers UK US
Faust Among Equals UK US
Odds and Gods UK US
Djinn Rummy UK US
My Hero UK US
Paint Your Dragon UK US
Open Sesame UK
Wish You Were Here UK US
Only Human UK US
Snow White and the Seven Samurai UK US
Valhalla UK US
Nothing But Blue Skies UK US
Falling Sideways UK US
Little People UK US
The Portable Door UK US
In Your Dreams UK US
Earth, Air, Fire and Custard UK US
You Don't Have to Be Evil to Work Here, But It Helps UK US
Barking UK US

Daniel Hood official site
Series: Liam Rhenford
Fanuilh US
Wizard's Heir US
Beggar's Banquet UK US
Scales of Justice UK US
King's Cure UK US

Meredith Hooper
The Journal of Watkin Stench UK
The Pole-Seekers UK

Brian A. Hopkins official site
Tell Me a Story short story US

Stephanie T. Hoppe
The Windrider US

Anthony Horowitz
The Devil and His Boy UK US

William Horwood
Series: The Duncton Chronicles
Duncton Wood UK US
Duncton Quest
Duncton Found UK
Series: The Book of Silence
Duncton Tales UK US
Duncton Stone UK US
Duncton Rising UK US
Series: The Tales of the Willows
The Willows in Winter UK US
Toad Triumphant UK US
The Willows and Beyond UK US
The Willows at Christmas UK
Series: The Wolves of Time
Journeys to the Heartland UK US
Seekers of the Wulfrock UK US
Callanish US
Skallagrigg UK
The Stonor Eagles US

John Hosken
Meet Mr. Majimpsey US

Gerard Daniel Houarner unofficial site
The Bard of Sorcery US

Clemence Housman
The Life of Sir Aglovale de Galis UK US

Isabel Hoving unofficial site
The Dream Merchant UK US

Madeline Howard
Series: The Runes of Unmaking
The Hidden Stars UK US

Robert E. Howard unofficial site
Series: Conan
Conan with Lin Carter and L. Sprague DeCamp UK US
Conan of Cimmeria with Lin Carter and L. Sprague DeCamp US
Conan the Freebooter with L. Sprague DeCamp US
Conan the Wanderer with Lin Carter and L. Sprague DeCamp US
Conan the Adventurer with L. Sprague DeCamp US
Conan the Warrior US
Conan the Usurper with L. Sprague DeCamp US
Conan the Conqueror US: The Hour of the Dragon - with L. Sprague DeCamp US
Conan the Avenger with L. Sprague DeCamp and Bjorn Nyberg US
Conan of Aquilonia with Lin Carter and L. Sprague DeCamp US
Conan the Swordsman with Lin Carter, L. Sprague DeCamp and Bjorn Nyberg US
The Treasure of Tranicos with L. Sprague DeCamp US
The Flame Knife with L. Sprague DeCamp US
Series: Conan related
The Conquering Sword of Conan short stories UK US
Series: Bran Mak Morn
Bran Mak Morn US: Worms of the Earth - short stories UK US
Legion from the Shadows with Karl Edward Wagner UK US
Series: Cormac Mac Art
Cormac Mac Art withb David Drake UK US
The Sword of the Gael with Andrew J. Offut US
Almuric US
King Kull US: Kull - with Lin Carter UK US
The Lost Valley of Iskander short stories US
Three-Bladed Doom US
Sword Woman short stories US
Sons of the White Wolf short stories US
Eons of the Night short stories UK US
Trails in Darkness short stories UK US
Beyond the Borders short stories UK US
The Savage Tales of Solomon Kane short stories UK US

Russ T. Howard
Series: Spelljammer: Cloakmaster Cycle
The Ultimate Helm US

Lesley Howarth
The Pits UK US
Paulina UK
I Managed a Monster UK

James Howe unofficial site
Babes in Toyland US

Betsy Howie
Snow UK US

Sarah A. Hoyt official site
Ill Met by Moonlight UK US
All Night Awake UK US
Any Man so Daring UK US
The Heart of Light UK US
The Soul of Fire 29th July 2008 UK US
Heart and Soul 28th October 2008 US
? with Eric Flint - soon...

Series: Swordsmen's Haven at Willow Lake
Blades from the Willows

L. Ron Hubbard official site
Series: Jan Palmer
Slaves of Sleep UK US
The Masters of Sleep UK US
Typewriter in the Sky UK US

Peter Huby
Pasiphae UK

Tanya Huff
Series: Crystal
Child of the Grove UK US
The Last Wizard UK US
Series: Quarters
Sing the Four Quarters UK US
Fifth Quarter UK US
No Quarter UK US
Quartered Sea UK US
Summon the Keeper UK US
The Second Summoning UK US
Long Hot Summoning UK US
Series: Valdemar related
Sun in Glory with Judith Tarr, Mercedes Lackey, Rosemary Edghill... - short stories UK US
Gate of Darkness, Circle of Light UK US
The Fire's Stone US
What Ho, Magic! with Meschia Merlin - short stories UK US
Stealing Magic short stories

Barry Hughart unofficial site
Series: The Chronicles of Master Li and Number Ten Ox
Bridge of Birds US
The Story of the Stone US
Eight Skilled Gentlemen US

Brian Hughes
Series: The Greyminster Chronicles
Hobson & Co (Paranormal Investigators) UK

Carol Hughes
Jack Black and the Ship of Thieves UK US

Matthew Hughes official site
Series: Archonate
Fools Errant UK US
Fool Me Twice UK US
Black Brillion UK US
Majestrum UK US
Spiral Labyrinth UK US
Hespira 1st August 2008 UK US
Template soon...

Rhys H. Hughes
Eyelidiad UK

Robert Don Hughes
Series: Pelman the Powershaper
Prophet of Lamath US
The Wizard in Waiting US
The Power and the Prophet US
Series: Wizard and Dragon
The Forging of the Dragon US
The Faithful Traitor US

Ryan Hughes
Series: Dark Sun: Chronicles of Athas
The Darkness Before the Dawn US

Stephen Hunt official site
Series: Triple-Realm
For the Crown and the Dragon UK
The Court of the Air UK US
? soon...
? soon...

Erin Hunter
Series: Warriors
Into the Wild UK US
Fire and Ice UK US
Forest of Secrets UK US
Rising Storm UK US
A Dangerous Path UK US
The Darkest Hour UK US
Series: Warriors: The New Prophecy
Midnight UK US
Moonrise UK US
Dawn UK US

Jim Hunter
Percival and the Presence of God UK US

Kim Hunter
Series: The Red Pavilions
Knight's Dawn UK US
Wizard's Funeral UK US
Scabbard's Song UK US

Mollie Hunter
The Smartest Man in Ireland UK US
Thomas and the Warlock US
The Walking Stones US
The Wicked One UK US
The Mermaid Summer UK US

Charmian Hussey
The Valley of Secrets UK US

Linda Hutsell-Manning
Jason and the Wonder Horn UK US

Aldous Huxley official site
Jacob's Hands UK US

Qurratulain Hyder
River of Fire UK US

Jackie Hyman unofficial site
Shadowlight US

C. J. Cutliffe Hyne
The Lost Continent UK US

Peter Høeg
The History of Danish Dreams UK US

Eva Ibbotson
Which Witch UK US
Island of the Aunts UK US
The Secret of Platform 13 UK US
Dial-a-Ghost UK US
Not Just a Witch UK US
The Haunting of Hiram US: The Haunting of Granite Falls UK US
The Great Ghost Rescue UK US
The Star of Kazan UK US
The Beasts of Clawstone Castle UK US

Eric Idle official site
*The Road to Mars UK US

Jeanette Ingold
The Window UK US

Robert Ingpen
Encyclopedia of Things That Never Were with Michael Page - short stories US
Folk Tales and Fables of the World with Barbara Hayes - short stories
The Great Deeds of Superheroes with Maurice Saxby - short stories UK US
The Voyage of the Poppykettle US

Dahlov Ipcar unofficial site
A Dark Horn Blowing UK US

Virginia Ironside
The Human Zoo

Alexander C. Irvine official site
A Scattering of Jades UK US
One King, One Soldier UK US
Down in the Fog-Shrouded City short story

Ian Irvine official site
Series: The View from the Mirror
A Shadow on the Glass   UK US
The Tower on the Rift   UK US
Dark Is the Moon   UK US
The Way Between the Worlds   UK US
Series: The Well of Echoes
Geomancer UK US
Tetrarch UK US
Alchymist AUS: Scrutator UK
Chimaera UK
Series: The Song of the Tears
? soon...
? soon...
? soon...
Series: Three Worlds related
The Fate of the Children soon...
Series: The Children's War
The Gate to Nowhere 2005
? soon...
? soon...
? soon...
? soon...

Clifford Irving
The Spring UK US

Washington Irving unofficial site
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow   UK US
Rip Van Winkle   UK US

Robert Irwin
The Arabian Nightmare UK US
Exquisite Corpse UK US
The Limits of Vision UK US
Satan Wants Me UK US

Elaine Isaak official site
The Singer's Crown UK US
The Eunuch's Heir UK US
A Song for the Sea short story - electronic edition US

Sarah Isidore official site
Series: The Daughter of Bast
The Hidden Land UK US
Shrine of Light UK US
The World Tree UK US

Sue Isle
Scale of Dragon Tooth of Wolf

Carla Jablonski
Series: The Books of Magic
The Invitation UK US
Bindings UK US
The Children's Crusade UK US
Consequences UK US
Lost Places UK US
Reckonings UK US

Steve Jackson
Series: Fighting Fantasy
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (Le Sorcier de la Montagne de Feu) with Ian Livingstone   UK US
The Citadel of Chaos (La Citadelle du Chaos)   UK US
Starship Traveller UK US
Scorpion Swamp (Le Marais aux Scorpions) with Ian Livingstone   UK US
House of Hell UK US
Talisman of Death (Le Talisman de la Mort) with Ian Livingstone   UK US
Appointment with F. E. A. R. UK US
The Rings of Kether with Ian Livingstone UK US
Seas of Blood with Ian Livingstone UK US
Demons of the Deep (Les Démons des Profondeurs)   UK US
Robot Commando UK
Creature of Havoc UK US
Series: Sorcery!
The Shamutanti Hills (Les Collines Maléfiques)   UK US
Khare - Cityport of Traps UK US
The Seven Serpents UK US
The Crown of Kings UK US
Series: The Fighting Fantasy Novels
The Trolltooth Wars UK US

Fran Jacobs official site
Series: Ellenessia's Curse
The Shadow Seer UK US
The Seer's Tower soon...
Children of the Shadow soon...

Dan Jacobson
The God-Fearer UK US

Kate Jacoby official site
Series: Elita
Exile's Return UK US
Voice of the Demon UK US
Black Eagle Rising UK US
Rebel's Cage UK US
Trial of Fire UK US

Christian Jacq unofficial site
Series: Ramses
The Son of Light UK US
The Temple of a Million Years US: The Eternal Temple UK US
The Battle of Kadesh UK US
The Lady of Abu Simbel UK US
Under the Western Acacia UK US
Series: Ramses related
The Black Pharaoh UK
Series: The Stone of Light
Nefer the Silent UK US
The Wise Woman UK US
Paneb the Ardent UK US
The Place of Truth UK US
Series: Egypt related
Fascinating Hieroglyphics UK US
The Living Wisdom of Ancient Egypt UK
Magic and Mystery in Ancient Egypt UK US
Series: The Queen of Freedom
The Empire of Darkness UK US
The War of the Crowns UK US
The Flaming Sword UK US

Brian Jacques official site
Series: Redwall
Redwall UK US
Mossflower UK US
Mattimeo UK US
Mariel of Redwall UK US
Salamandastron UK US
Martin the Warrior UK US
The Bellmaker UK US
Outcast of Redwall UK US
The Perls of Lutra UK US
The Long Patrol UK US
Marlfox UK US
The Legend of Luke UK US
Lord Brocktree UK US
The Taggerung US: Taggerung UK US
Triss UK US
Loamhedge UK US
Rakkety Tam UK US
High Rhulain UK US
Eulalia! UK US
Map: Redwall Map and Riddler UK US
Map: Redwall Friend and Foe UK US
A Redwall Winter's Tale UK US
The Great Redwall Feast UK US
The Tribes of Redwall: Badgers UK US
The Tribes of Redwall: Otters UK US
The Tribes of Redwall: Mice UK US
The Tribes of Redwall: Squirrels UK US
The Tribes of Redwall: Hares UK US
The Redwall Cookbook UK US
Castaways of the Flying Dutchman UK US
The Angel's Command UK US
Voyage of Slaves UK US
The Ribbajack UK US

Bev Jafek
The Man Who Took a Bite Out of His Wife and Other Stories short stories UK US

John Jakes
Series: Brak the Barbarian
Brak the Barbarian US
The Sorceress US
The Mark of Demons US
The Fortunes of Brak US
The Last Magicians
Mention My Name in Atlantis US

Marie Jakober unofficial site
The Black Chalice UK US
Even the Stones UK US

Collins Jallim
He, Transcendental Child

Betsy James
Long Night Dance UK US
Dark Heart UK US
Listening at the Gate UK US

Cary James
King & Raven UK US

J. Alison James
Runa UK US

John James
Series: Photinus
Not for All the Gold in Ireland US
Men Went to Cattraeth US

L. Dean James
Sorcerer's Stone US
Kingslayer US
Book of Stones US

M. R. James unofficial site
The Five Jars US

Mary James official site
Shoebag UK US
The Shuteyes US

Peter James official site
Alchemist UK US
Faith UK US
Host UK US

Jeff Janoda official site
Saga UK US

Elizabeth Janoski
What's Wrong with Eddie? US

Tove Jansson unofficial site
Series: Moomintroll
Finn Family Moomintroll   UK US
Comet in Moominland UK US
Moominland Midwinter UK US
Moominsummer Madness UK US
Moominpappa at Sea US
Moominpappa's Memoirs UK US
Tales from Moominvalley UK US

Julia Jarman unofficial site
Ollie and the Bogle UK
The Crow Haunting UK
Peace Weavers UK

Robin Jarvis official site
Series: The Deptford Mice
The Dark Portal UK US
The Crystal Prison UK US
The Final Reckoning UK US
Series: The Deptford Histories
The Alchymist's Cat US: The Alchemist's Cat UK US
The Oaken Throne UK US
Thomas UK
Series: The Whitby Witches
The Whitby Witches UK
A Warlock in Whitby UK
The Whitby Child UK
Series: Wyrd Museum
The Woven Path UK US
The Raven's Knot UK US
The Fatal Strand UK
Series: Intrigues of the Reflected Realm
Deathscent UK
Series: Hagwood
The Thorn Ogres of Hagwood UK US
? soon...
? soon...

James Jauncey official site
The Crystal Keeper

Shannah Jay official site
Series: The Chronicles of Tenebrak
Quest US
Lands of Nowhere US
Shadow of the Serpent
The Price of Wisdom US

William Jay
The Lost History of Redwyn US

Mike Jefferies
Series: Loremasters of Elundium
The Road to Underfall US
Palace of Kings UK US
Shadowlight US
The Knights of Cowdor US
Citadel of Shadows US
Threads of Magic
The Siege of Candlebane Hall
Series: Heirs to Gnarlsmyre
Glitterspike Hall US
Hall of Whispers US
Shadows in the Watchgate US
Hidden Echoes US
Stone Angels US
Children of the Flame
The Ghosts of Candleford UK

Tahar Ben Jelloun unofficial site
The Sand Child UK US
The Sacred Night UK US

Janann Jenner
Sandeagozu US

Gary Jennings
Aztec UK US
Aztec Autumn UK US
Aztec Blood UK US
The Lively Lives of Crispin Mobey as Gabriel Quyth US

Patrick Jennings
The Wolving Time UK US

William Jennings
Orwell's Luck UK US

K. W. Jeter unofficial site
Infernal Devices US
Alligator Alley as Dr. Adder - with Tom Powers as Mink Mole UK

Hanna Johansen
Dinosaur With an Attitude UK US

Linda Johns
Series: Star Sisterz
Carmen Dives in UK US
Carmen's Crystal Ball 13th June 2006 UK US

Gillian Johnson
Thora 12th August 2004 UK
? 18th August 2005 UK
? soon...

Joseph Olabiyi Johnson official site
Legends of Nale UK US

Kij Johnson official site
Series: The Heian Trilogy Love/War/Death
The Fox Woman UK US
Fudoki UK US
? soon...
Series: Kylen
The Moveable City soon...
? soon...

Oliver Johnson
Series: The Lightbringer Trilogy
The Forging of the Shadows UK US
The Nations of the Night UK US
The Last Star at Dawn UK US

Norma Johnston unofficial site
Feather in the Wind UK US

Allan Frewin Jones
Series: Talisman
The Tears of Isis UK
The Mooncake of Chang-O UK
The Amulet of Quilla UK
The Elphant of Parvati UK

Christina Jones official site
Hubble Bubble UK US
Seeing Stars UK

Courtway Jones
Series: Dragon's Heirs
In the Shadow of the Oak King US
Witch of the North US
A Prince in Camelot US

David Lee Jones
Unicorn Highway US
Zeus and Co. US
Montezuma's Pearl US

Dennis Jones
Series: The House of the Pendragore
The Stone and the Maiden UK US
The Mask and the Sorceress UK US

Diana Wynne Jones unofficial site
Series: The Dalemark Quartet
Cart and Cwidder UK US
Drowned Ammet UK US
The Spellcoats UK US
The Crown of Dalemark UK US
Series: Chrestomanci
Charmed Life UK US
The Magicians of Caprona UK US
Witch Week UK US
The Lives of Christopher Chant UK US
Conrad's Fate UK US
Mixed Magics short stories UK US
Series: Howl Tales
Howl's Moving Castle UK US
Castle in the Air UK US
Dark Lord of Derkholm UK US
Year of the Griffin UK US
Deep Secret UK US
The Merlin Conspiracy UK US
Wilkins' Tooth US: Witch's Business UK US
The Ogre Downstairs UK US
Dogsbody UK US
Eight Days of Luke UK US
Power of Three US
Who Got Rid of Angus Flint? US
The Four Grannies US
The Homeward Bounders UK US
The Time of the Ghost UK US
Archer's Goon UK US
Fire and Hemlock UK US
Warlock of the Wheel US
Puss in Boots UK
Chair Person UK US
Wild Robert UK US
Minor Arcana UK US
Black Maria US: Aunt Maria UK US
A Sudden Wild Magic UK US
Hexwood UK US
The Tough Guide to Fantasyland UK US
A Tale of Time City UK US
Stopping for a Spell short stories UK US
Unexpected Magic short stories UK US

Gwyneth Jones official site
Series: Inland
The Daymaker as Ann Halam US
Transformations as Ann Halam US
The Skybreaker as Ann Halam
Bold as Love UK US
Castles Made of Sand UK
Midnight Lamp UK
Band of Gypsies UK US
Rainbow Bridge UK US
Seven Tales and a Fable short stories US
The Haunting of Jessica Raven as Ann Halam UK
Dinosaur Junction as Ann Halam
Siberia as Ann Halam UK US

J. V. Jones official site
Series: The Book of Words
The Baker's Boy   UK US
A Man Betrayed   UK US
Master and Fool   UK US
Series: Sword of Shadows
A Cavern of Black Ice UK US
A Fortress of Grey Ice UK US
A Sword from Red Ice UK US
Watcher of the Dead UK US
Enlords soon...
The Barbed Coil   UK US

Jenny Jones
Series: Flight over Fire
Fly by Night US
The Edge of Vengeance
Lies and Flames
Series: Dreamtime
Shadowsong UK
The Webbed Hand
Firefly Dreams UK
The House of Birds

Keith D. Jones
The Magic Flute UK US

Mary J. Jones
Avalon UK US

Tamara Siler Jones official site
Series: The Dubric Byerly Mysteries
Ghosts in the Snow UK US
Threads of Malice UK US
Valley of the Soul UK US

Terry Jones official site
Lady Cottington's Pressed Fairy Book with Brian Froud UK US
Strange Stains and Mysterious Smells UK US
The Cat With Two Tails short story   UK US
Nicobobinus UK US
The Saga of Erik the Viking UK US
Fairy Tales and Fantastic Stories short stories UK US

V. M. Jones
Series: Karazan
The Serpents of Arakesh UK US
Dungeons of Darkness NZ: Beyond the Shroud UK
The Lost Prince UK
Quest for the Sun UK

Brenda Jordan
The Brentwood Witches US

Robert Jordan unofficial site
Series: The Wheel of Time
The Eye of The World UK US
The Great Hunt UK US
The Dragon Reborn UK US
The Shadow Rising UK US
The Fires of Heaven UK US
The Lord of Chaos UK US
The Crown of Swords UK US
The Path of Daggers UK US
Winter's Heart UK US
Crossroads of Twilight UK US
Knife of Dreams UK US
The Gathering Storm with Brandon Sanderson UK US
Towers of Midnight with Brandon Sanderson - 4th November 2010 UK
A Memory of Light with Brandon Sanderson - 3rd November 2011 UK
Series: The Wheel of Time Prequel
New Spring UK US
Series: The Wheel of Time Prologues
Snow, the Prologue to Winter's Heart e-book UK
Glimmers, the Prologue to Crossroads of Twilight e-book UK US
Embers Falling on Dry Grass, the Prologue to Knife of Dreams e-book
Series: The Wheel of Time related
The World of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time with Teresa Patterson UK US
New Spring short story UK US
The Strike at Shayol Ghul short story
Series: The Conan Chronicles
Conan the Invincible UK US
Conan the Defender UK US
Conan the Unconquered UK US
Conan the Magnificent UK US
Conan the Triumphant UK US
Conan the Destroyer UK US
Conan the Victorious UK US
Series: Fallon
The Fallon Legacy as Reagan O'Neal UK US
The Fallon Pride as Reagan O'Neal UK US
The Fallon Blood as Reagan O'Neal US

Sherryl Jordan
The Wednesday Wizard UK US
The Juniper Game US
Sign of the Lion US
Wolf-Woman AUS: Tanith UK US
Secret Sacrament UK US
The Hunting of the Last Dragon UK US

Michales Warwick Joy
Season of Peril US

Graham Joyce official site
Smoking Poppy UK US
The Facts of Life UK US
The Limits of Enchantment UK US

Hervé Jubert
Dance of the Assassins UK
Devil's Tango UK US

Norton Juster
The Phantom Tollbooth UK US

Lady K'Lyssia official site
Midnight Song short story
Midnight Song soon...
Life in the Shadows short story - soon...
Stones of the Triad soon...
The Godstones soon...
From out of Chaos soon...

Lene Kaaberbøl official site
The Shamer's Daughter UK US
The Shamer's Signet UK US
The Serpent Gift UK US
The Shamer's War UK US
Series: Katriona
Silverhorse soon...
Ermine soon...
Kingfisher soon...
Series: W.I.T.C.H.
When Lightning Strikes UK
Heartbreak Island UK
Stolen Spring UK
The Cruel Empress UK
Enchanted Music February 2006 UK
Series: The Broken Orb
The Stone Falcon soon...
The Talons of the Eagle soon...
The Shadow of the Owl soon...
The Golden Phoenix soon...

Jeanne Kalogridis official site
The Burning Times UK US

Raymond Kaminski
The Amazons of Somelon

Michael Kandel
In Between Dragons US

Daniel Kane
Power and Magic UK

Jann Kangilaski
The Seeking Sword US
Hands of Glory

Florence Karpin
The Prince in the Golden Tower US

Drew Karpyshyn unofficial site
Series: Forgotten Realms: Baldur's Gate II
Throne of Bhaal UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Cities
Temple Hill UK US

Phyllis Ann Karr
Frostflower and Thorn UK US
Frostflower and Windbourne UK US
At Amberleaf Fair UK US
Wildraith's Last Battle US
The Arthurian Companion UK US
The Idylls of the Queen UK US
The Follies of Sir Harald UK US

Anna Kashina official site
Series: The Spirits of the Ancient Sands
The Princess of Dhagabad UK US

Welwyn Wilton Katz unofficial site
Come Like Shadows UK US
The Third Magic UK US

Robert F. Kauffmann official site
The Mask of Ollock poem UK US

Herminie Templeton Kavanagh
Darby O'Gill and the Good People UK US

Yasunari Kawabata unofficial site
The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter UK US

Elizabeth Kay
The Divide UK US
Back to the Divide UK US
Jinx on the Divide UK US

Guy Gavriel Kay official site
Series: The Fionavar Tapestry
The Summer Tree   UK US
The Wandering Fire   UK US
The Darkest Road   UK US
Series: Sarantine Mosaic
Sailing to Sarantium UK US
Lord of Emperors UK US
The Last Light of the Sun UK US
Tigana   UK US
A Song for Arbonne US
The Lions of Al-Rassan US

Geraldine Kaye
A Breath of Fresh Air UK US

M. M. Kaye unofficial site
The Ordinary Princess US

Paul Kearney
Series: Monarchies of God
Hawkwood's Voyage UK
The Heretic Kings UK US
The Iron Wars UK US
The Second Empire UK
Ships from the West UK US
Series: The Sea Beggars
The Mark of Ran UK US
The Way to Babylon
Riding the Unicorn UK
A Different Kingdom

David Keck
From the Eye of Heaven soon...
? soon...
? soon...

Sally M. Keehn official site
Gnat Stokes and the Foggy Bottom Swamp Queen UK US

Victor Kelleher
Brother Night US
Forbidden Paths of Thual
Master of the Grove UK US
The Red King US
To the Dark Tower

Anne Kelleher Bush
Series: The Power and the Pattern
Daughter of Prophecy UK US
Children of Enchantment US
The Misbegotten King US
Series: Through the Shadowlands
Silver's Edge UK US
Silver's Bane UK US
? soon...
Series: The House of the 13th Moon
? soon...
? soon...
? soon...
The Knight, the Harp, and the Maiden UK US
Faerie Queen soon...

Beverly Keller
A Small, Elderly Dragon US

Heather Kellerhals-Stewart unofficial site
Stuck Fast in Yesterday US

Marjorie B. Kellogg official site
Series: The Dragon Quartet
The Book of Earth UK US
The Book of Water UK US
The Book of Fire UK US
The Book of Air UK US

Sylvia Kelso official site
Series: The Rihannar Chronicles
Everran's Bane UK US
The Moving Water UK US

Debra A. Kemp official site
Series: The House of Pendragon
The Firebrand US

Paul S. Kemp
Series: Forgotten Realms: Sembia
Shadow's Witness UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: Erevis Cale
Twilight Falling UK US
Dawn of Night UK US
Midnight's Mask UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: War of the Spider Queen
Resurrection UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Twilight War
Shadowbred 7th November 2006 UK US

Carol Kendall unofficial site
Series: The Minnipins
The Gammage Cup UK US
The Whisper of Glocken UK US
The Firelings US

Patricia Kennealy-Morrison official site
Series: The Tales of Aeron
The Silver Branch US
The Copper Crown US
The Throne of Scone US
Series: The Tales of Arthur
The Hawk's Gray Feather US
The Oak Above the Kings UK US
The Hedge of Mist UK US
Series: The Colloquies of the Ancients
The Deer's Cry US
The Rock Beyond the Billow soon...
The Song of Amerguin soon...
Series: The House of the Wolf
The Wolf's Cub soon...
The King's Peace soon...
The Beltain Queen soon...
Series: The Tales of Gwydion
The Shield of Fire soon...
The Sword of Light soon...
The Cloak of Gold soon...
Series: The Keltiad related
Blackmantle UK US
Lions in the North: Tales of the Douglas soon...
The Sails of the Hui Corra soon...
Lord of the Dark soon...

Richard Kennedy
Amy's Eyes US

Thomas E. Kennedy official site
The Book of Angels US

William Kennedy unofficial site
Quinn's Book UK US

Cameron Kent
Make Me Disappear US

Christopher Kenworthy unofficial site
The Quality of Light UK

Carolyn Kephart official site
Wysard UK US

Eileen Kernaghan
Series: Journey to Aprilioth
Journey to Aprilioth US
Songs from the Drowned Lands US
The Sarsen Witch US
Dance of the Snow Dragon US
The Snow Queen US
Winter on the Plain of Ghosts US
The Alchemist's Daughter UK US

Elizabeth Kerner official site
Song in the Silence UK US
The Lesser Kindred UK US
Redeeming the Lost UK US

Katharine Kerr official site
Series: Deverry
Daggerspell UK US
Darkspell UK US
Dawmspell US: The Bristling Wood UK US
Dragonspell: The Southern Seas US: The Dragon Revenant UK US
Series: The Westlands Cycle
A Time of Exile UK US
A Time of Omens UK US
A Time of War US: Days of Blood and Fire UK US
A Time of Justice US: Days of Air and Darkness UK US
Series: The Dragon Mage
The Red Wyvern UK US
The Black Raven UK US
The Fire Dragon UK US
The Gold Falcon US: The Silver Wyrm, Part One - 27th June 2005 UK
The Black Stone US: The Silver Wyrm, Part Two - 3rd July 2006 UK
Snare UK US

Peg Kerr unofficial site
Emerald House Rising UK US
The Wild Swans UK US

Philip Kerr
Series: Children of the Lamp
The Akhenaten Adventure as P. B. Kerr UK US
Blue Djinn of Babylon as P. B. Kerr UK US
The Cobra of Kathmandu UK US
The Day of the Djinn Warriors as P. B. Kerr UK US

Mukul Kesavan
Looking Through Glass UK US

J. Gregory Keyes unofficial site
Series: The Children of the Changeling
The Waterborn UK US
The Blackgod UK US
Series: The Age of Unreason
Newton's Cannon UK US
A Calculus of Angels UK US
Empire of Unreason UK US
The Shadows of God UK US
Series: The Kingdoms of Thorn & Bone
The Briar King UK US
The Charnel Prince UK US
The Blood Knight UK US
The Born Queen UK US

Chico Kidd
The Printer's Devil US
Second Sight and Other Stories short stories

Paul Kidd
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Nobles
The Council of Blades UK US
Series: Greyhawk
White Plume Mountain UK US
Descent into the Depths of the Earth UK US
Queen of the Demonweb Pits UK US
Mus of Kerbridge US

Ulrich Kiesow
Series: Realms of Arkania
The Charlatan US

Crawford Kilian official site
Greenmagic UK US
Redmagic UK US

Lee Killough unofficial site
The Leopard's Daughter US

James Killus
Book of Shadows US

Garry Kilworth official site
Series: Navigator Kings
The Roof of Voyaging UK
The Princely Flower UK
Land-of-Mists UK
Series: The Welkin Weasels
Thunder Oak UK
Castle Storm UK
Windjammer Run UK
Gaslight Geezers UK
Vampire Voles UK
Heastward Ho! UK
Series: The Knights of Liöfwende
Spiggot's Quest UK
Mallmoc's Castle UK
Boggart and Fen UK
Hunter's Moon US: The Foxes of First Dark US
Frost Dancers US
Midnight's Sun US
House of Tribes US
The Phantom Piper
The Raiders
Abandonati US
A Midsummer's Nightmare US
Shadow-Hawk UK
Dark Hills, Hollow Clocks: Stories from the Otherworld short stories UK
The Silver Claw UK

Patrice Kindl official site
Owl in Love UK US
Goose Chase UK US
Lost in the Labyrinth US

Bernard King
Series: Starkadder
Starkadder US
Vargr-Moon US
Series: Chronicles of the Keeper
The Destroying Angel UK US
Time-Fighters UK

Clive King
The Seashore People

J. Robert King unofficial site
Series: Dragonlance: Lost Legends
Vinas Solamnus UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms
Realms of Magic with Brian M. Thomsen UK US
Realms of the Arcane with Thomas B. Thomsen UK US
Realms of the Underdark UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Double Diamond Triangle Saga
Conspiracy US
The Diamond with Ed Greenwood US
Series: First Quest
Rogues to Riches US
Summerhill Hounds US
Series: Magic, The Gathering
The Thran UK US
Rath and Storm with Liz Holliday and Bruce Holland-Rogers UK US
The Dragons of Magic short stories UK US
The Secrets of Magic UK US
Series: Magic, The Gathering: Artifacts Cycle
Time Streams UK US
Series: Magic, The Gathering: Invasion Cycle
Invasion UK US
Planeshift UK US
Apocalypse UK US
Series: Magic, The Gathering: Onslaught Cycle
Onslaught UK US
Legions UK US
Scourge UK US
Mad Merlin UK US
Lancelot du Lethe UK US
Le Morte D'Avalon UK US

Michael King unofficial site
Lorien Lost US

Rachel King
Alba UK

Stephen King official site
Series: The Dark Tower
The Gunslinger UK US
The Drawing of the Three UK US
The Waste Lands UK US
Wizard and Glass UK US
Wolves of the Calla UK US
Song of Susannah UK US
The Dark Tower UK US
The Little Sisters of Eluria short story UK US
The Talisman UK US
Black House with Peter Straub UK US
The Eyes of the Dragon UK US
Dreamcatcher UK US

William King official site
Death's Angels soon...
The Serpents Tower soon...
The Queen's Assassin soon...

Tappan King & Viido Polikarpus official site
Down Town US

Dick King-Smith unofficial site
The Sheep Pig UK US
Tumbleweed UK US
Godhanger UK US
The Crowstarver US: Spider Sparrow UK US

Charles Kingsley unofficial site
The Water Babies UK US

Roger Kipfer
Time Portal UK US

Rudyard Kipling official site
Series: The Jungle Book
The Jungle Book UK US
The Second Jungle Book UK US
Puck of Pook's Hill UK US
Rewards and Fairies UK US
Just So Stories (Histoires Comme Ça)   UK US

Mary Kirchoff
Series: DragonLance: Preludes
Kendermore UK US
Flint, the King with Douglas Niles UK US
Series: DragonLance: The Meeting Sextet
Wanderlust with Steve Winter UK US
Series: DragonLance: Defenders of Magic
Night of the Eye UK US
The Medusa Plague UK US
The Seventh Sentinel UK US
Series: DragonLance: Villains
The Black Wing US

Douglas Kirk
Series: Nunch
The Land of the Nunch US

James Kirkup
Queens Have Died Young and Fair US

Rosemary Kirstein
Series: The Steerswoman
The Steerswoman US
The Outskirter's Secret US

Anna Kirwan-Vogel
The Jewel of Life

Lee Kisling
The Fools' War US

Mindy L. Klasky official site
The Glasswrights' Apprentice UK US
The Glasswrights' Progress UK US
The Glasswrights' Journeyman UK US
The Glasswrights' Test UK US
The Glasswrights' Master UK US
Season of Sacrifice UK US

Annette Curtis Klause unofficial site
Freaks UK US

Richard A. Knaak official site
Series: DragonLance
The Citadel UK US
Series: DragonLance: Heroes
The Legend of Huma UK US
Series: DragonLance: Heroes II
Kaz the Minotaur UK US
Series: DragonLance: The Lost Histories
Land of the Minotaurs UK US
Series: DragonLance: The Chaos War
Reavers of the Blood Sea UK US
Series: DragonLance: The Minotaur Wars
Night of Blood UK US
Tides of Blood UK US
Series: DragonLance: Tales II
The War of the Lance with Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman and Michael Williams UK US
Series: Dragonrealm
Firedrake UK US
Ice Dragon UK US
Wolfhelm UK US
Shadow Steed UK US
The Crystal Dragon US
The Dragon Crown UK US
The Horse King UK US
Series: Dragonrealm: Origins
The Shrouded Realm UK US
Children of the Drake UK US
Dragon Tome UK US
Series: Shattered Light
Ruby Flames UK US
Series: WarCraft
Day of the Dragon UK US
Series: WarCraft: War of the Ancients
The Well of Eternity UK US
The Demon Soul UK US
Series: WarCraft: The Sunwell Trilogy
Dragon Hunt UK US
Series: Diablo
Legacy of Blood UK US
Kingdom of Shadow UK US
Moon of the Spider UK US
Series: Diablo: The Sin War
Birthright UK US
Scales of the Serpent UK US
Series: Age of Conan, Hyborian Adventures: A Soldier's Quest
The God in the Moon 25th July 2006 UK US
King of the Grey UK US
Frostwing UK US
The Janus Mask UK US
Dutchman UK US

E. E. Knight official site
Series: The Age of Fire
Dragon Champion UK US
Dragon Avenger UK US
Dragon Outcast UK US

Kelvin M. Knight
Miniature Magic UK
More Miniature Magic UK

Tracy Knight
The Astonished Eye UK

Elizabeth Knox unofficial site
Series: The Dreamhunter Duet
The Rainbow Opera UK US
The Dream Quake US: Dreamquake UK US
The Vintner's Luck UK US

Sally Kohonoski
Blood and Jade UK US

Bryan Kolar official site
Swords of Destiny UK US

Jackie French Koller official site
Series: Dragonling
The Dragonling UK US
A Dragon in the Family UK US
Dragon Quest UK US
Dragons of Krad UK US
Dragon Trouble UK US
Dragons and Kings UK US
Series: The Keepers
A Wizard Named Nell UK US
The Wizard's Apprentice UK US
The Wizard's Scepter UK US
If I Had One Wish... UK US

Dean Koontz official site
Oddkins US

Spencer Kope
Perception US

B. Koppany III
Tempting Letters UK US

R. M. Koster
Series: The Tinieblas Trilogy
The Prince US
The Dissertation US
Mandragon US
Carmichael's Dog US

Steven Kotler
The Angle Quickest for Flight UK US

William E. Kotzwinkle
The Bear Went Over the Mountain UK US
Dr. Rat UK US
The Exile UK US
Hearts of Wood and Other Timeless Tales short stories US
The Hot Jazz Trio short stories US
Tales from the Empty Notebook short stories UK US

William Kowalski official site
The Adventures of Flash Jackson UK US

Ina Kramer
Series: Realms of Arkania
The Lioness US
The Sacrifice US

Marguerite Krause official site
Series: Children of the Rock
Moon's Dreaming with Suzan Sizemore UK US
Moon's Dancing with Suzan Sizemore UK US
Blind Vision UK US

Stephen Krensky official site
Series: The Wynd Family
The Dragon Circle US
The Witching Hour UK US
A Ghostly Business US
Series: The Magic Door
Ship of Dreams with Dean Morrissey UK US
The Winter King with Dean Morrissey UK US

Nancy Kress official site
The Prince of Morning Bells UK US
The Golden Grove US
The White Pipes US

Susan Krinard official site
Series: Shadow of the Stone
Shield of the Sky UK US
Hammer of the Earth UK US
? soon...

Naomi Kritzer official site
Fires of the Faithful UK US
Turning the Storm UK US
Series: Dead Rivers
Freedom's Gate UK US
Freedom's Apprentice UK US
Freedom's Sisters 25th July 2006 UK US

Theodore Krulik
Series: Amber related
The Complete Amber Sourcebook US

Leora Krygier official site
When She Sleeps UK US

Alfred Kubin unofficial site
The Other Side UK US

Yumiko Kurahashi
The Woman with the Flying Head short stories UK US

Hanif Kureishi official site
Gabriel's Gift UK US

Kaoru Kurimoto
Series: The Guin Saga
The Leopard Mask UK US
Warrior in the Wilderness UK US
The Battle of Nospherus UK US
Prisoner of the Lagon 1st June 2004 UK US

Michael Kurland
Series: Lord Darcy
Ten Little Wizards with Randall Garret US
A Study in Sorcery with Randall Garret US
The Whenabouts of Burr

Katherine Kurtz official site
Series: The Adept
The Adept with Deborah Turner Harris UK US
The Lodge of the Lynx with Deborah Turner Harris UK US
The Templar Treasure with Deborah Turner Harris UK US
Dagger Magic with Deborah Turner Harris UK US
Death of an Adept with Deborah Turner Harris UK US
Series: The Templar
The Temple and the Stone with Deborah Turner Harris UK US
The Temple and the Crown with Deborah Turner Harris UK US
Series: Tales of the Knights Templar
Obligation short story UK US
Restitution short story UK US
Series: Knights of the Blood
Knights of the Blood with Scott MacMillan
At Sword's Point with Scott MacMillan US
Series: The Chronicles of the Deryni
Deryni Rising UK US
Deryni Checkmate UK US
High Deryni US
Series: The Legends of Camber of Culdi
Camber of Culdi UK US
Saint Camber UK US
Camber the Heretic UK US
Series: The Histories of King Kelson
The Bishop's Heir UK US
The King's Justice US
The Quest for Saint Camber US
Series: The Heirs of Saint Camber
The Harrowing of Gwynedd US
King Javan's Year UK US
The Bastard Prince UK US
Series: Deryni related
The Deryni Archives short stories US
Deryni Magic, a Grimoire US
Codex Derynianus with Rob Reginald US
King Kelson's Bride UK US
Deryni Tales UK US
In the King's Service UK US
St Patrick's Gargoyle US
The Legacy of Lehr US
Two Crowns for America UK US
Venture in Vain

Greg Kurzawa official site
Gideon's Wall UK US

Donn Kushner
A Book Dragon US

Ellen Kushner official site
Swordspoint UK US
The Fall of the Kings with Delia Sherman UK US
The Privilege of the Sword UK US
Thomas the Rhymer UK US

Mary DeBall Kwitz
Shadow Over Mousehaven Manor US
The Bell Tolls at Mousehaven Manor US

Madeleine L'Engle unofficial site
The Arm of the Starfish UK US
Dragons in the Waters US
A House Like a Lotus UK US
A Journey With Jonah UK US
The Other Side of the Sun US
The Love Letters US
A Severed Wasp US
Meet the Austins US
The Moon by Night US
A Ring of Endless Light US
Certain Women UK US
Troubling a Star UK US
The Young Unicorns US
A Winter's Love US
And Both Were Young UK US
Camilla UK US
A Small Rain UK US
A Live Coal in the Sea UK US
The Twenty-Four Days Before Christmas UK US
The Anti-Muffins US
Dance in the Desert UK US
The Glorious Impossible UK US

Ernest L'Epine
The Day of Chivalry

Erik L'Homme
Series: Book of the Stars
Quadehar the Sorcerer UK US
The Mystery of Lord Sha UK US
Face of the Shadow UK US

Mercedes Lackey official site
Series: The Heralds of Valdemar
Arrows of the Queen US
Arrow's Flight US
Arrow's Fall US
Series: The Last Herald Mage
Magic's Pawn US
Magic's Promise UK US
Magic's Price US
Series: The Mage Winds
Winds of Fate US
Winds of Change US
Winds of Fury US
Series: The Mage Storms
Storm Warning UK US
Storm Rising UK US
Storm Breaking UK US
Series: The Mage Wars
The Black Gryphon with Larry Dixon UK US
The White Gryphon with Larry Dixon UK US
The Silver Gryphon with Larry Dixon UK US
Series: Vows and Honor
Oathbound UK US
Oathbreakers UK US
Oathblood UK US
By the Sword UK US
Series: The Story of Laven Firestorm
Brightly Burning UK US
Series: Owl
Owlflight with Larry Dixon UK US
Owlsight with Larry Dixon UK US
Owlknight with Larry Dixon UK US
Series: Valdemar
Exile's Honor UK US
Exile's Valor UK US
? soon...
? soon...
? soon...
Series: Valdemar Prequel
Take a Thief UK US
Series: Valdemar related
The Valdemar Companion with John Helfers and Denise Little UK US
Sun in Glory with Judith Tarr, Tanya Huff, Rosemary Eghill... - short stories UK US
Sword of Ice short stories UK US
Crossroads short stories UK US
Series: Bardic Voices
The Lark and the Wren UK US
The Robin and the Kestrel UK US
The Eagle and the Nightingales UK US
Four & Twenty Blackbirds UK US
Series: Bard's Tales
Castle of Deception with Josepha Sherman UK US
Fortress of Frost and Fire with Ru Emerson UK US
Prison of Souls with Mark Shepherd US
Escape from Roksamur with Mark Shepherd UK US
Series: Bardic Choices
A Cast of Corbies with Josepha Sherman UK US
Series: Bedlam Bards
Knight of Ghosts and Shadows with Ellen Guon UK US
Summoned to Tourney with Ellen Guon US
Bedlam's Bard with Ellen Guon UK US
Beyond World's End with Rosemary Edghill UK US
Spirits White as Lightning with Rosemary Edghill UK US
Mad Maudlin with Rosemary Edghill UK US
Bedlam's Edge with Rosemary Edghill UK US
Music to my Sorrow with Rosemary Edghill UK US
Series: Halfblood Chronicles
The Elvenbane with Andre Norton US
Elvenblood with Andre Norton UK US
Elvenborn with Andre Norton UK US
Elvenbread with Andre Norton - soon...
Series: Diana Tregarde
Burning Water UK US
Children of the Night UK US
Jinx High US
Series: Serrated Edge
The Chrome Borne with Larry Dixon UK US
Born to Run with Larry Dixon UK US
Wheels of Fire with Mark Shepherd UK US
When the Bough Breaks with Holly Lisle US
Chrome Circle with Larry Dixon UK US
Stoned Souls with Josepha Sherman - soon...
Series: Serrated Edge Prequel
This Scepter'd Isle with Roberta Gellis UK US
Ill Met by Moonlight with Roberta Gellis UK US
Series: Darkover
Rediscovery with Marion Zimmer Bradley US
Series: Sword of Knowledge
Reap the Whirlwind with C. J. Cherryh UK US
The Sword of Knowledge with C. J. Cherry, Nancy Asire and Leslie Fish UK US
Series: Partnerships
The Ship Who Searched with Anne McCaffrey UK US
Series: Heirs of Alexandria
The Shadow of the Lion with Eric Flint and Dave Freer UK US
This Rough Magic with Eric Flint and Dave Freer UK US
Series: Elemental Masters
The Fire Rose UK US
The Serpent's Shadow UK US
The Gates of Sleep UK US
Phoenix and Ashes UK US
The Wizard of London UK US
? soon..
? soon...
? soon...
? soon...
Series: Obsidian
The Outstretched Shadow with James Mallory UK US
To Light a Candle with James Mallory UK US
When Darkness Falls with James Mallory - 25th July 2006 UK US
? with James Mallory - soon...
? with James Mallory - soon...
? with James Mallory - soon...
Joust UK US
Alta UK US
Sanctuary UK US
Aeyrie 3rd October 2006 UK
Series: 500 Kingdoms
The Fairy Godmother UK US
? soon...
? soon...
? soon...
Queen of Air & Darkness soon...
The Wizard of Karres with Eric Flint and Dave Freer UK US
The Sorceress of Karres with Eric Flint and Dave Freer - soon...
The River's Gift UK US
Sacred Ground US
If I Pay Thee Not in Gold with Piers Anthony UK US
Tiger Burning Bright with Marion Zimmer Bradley and Andre Norton UK US
Firebird UK US
Lammas Night with Josepha Sherman UK US
Fiddler Fair UK US
The Black Swan UK US
Werehunter short stories UK US
The Otherworld with Holly Lisle and Mark Shepherd UK US
A Circus of Witches with Eric Flint and Dave Freer - soon...
Winter Moon with Tanith Lee and C. E. Murphy - short stories UK US

Louise Ladd
Series: The Anywhere Ring
Miracle Island US
Castle in Time UK US
Lost Valley UK US
Cherry Blossom Moon UK US

Tom LaFarge
The Crimson Bears UK US
A Hundred Doors UK US
Zuntig UK US

R. L. LaFevers
The Falconmaster UK US

R. A. Lafferty
Series: Coscuin Chronicles
The Flame Is Green US
Half a Sky US
Series: In a Green Tree
My Heart Leaps Up, Chapters 1 & 2 US
My Heart Leaps Up, Chapters 3 & 4 US
My Heart Leaps Up, Chapters 5 & 6 US
My Heart Leaps Up, Chapters 9 & 10 US
Serpent's Egg UK
Not to Mention Camels UK US

Selma Lagerlöf unofficial site
The Lowenskold Ring UK US

Michael Lahey
Quest for Apollo US

T. H. Lain
Series: Dungeons & Dragons: Core Series
The Savage Caves UK US
Series: Dungeons & Dragons
The Living Dead UK US
Oath of Nerull UK US
City of Fire UK US
The Bloody Eye UK US
Treachery's Wake UK US
Plague of Ice UK US
Sundered Arms UK US
Return of the Damned UK US
The Death Ray UK US

Jay Lake official site
Mainspring UK US
Stemwinder June 2008

Margo Lanagan
Black Juice short stories UK US
? soon...

Zoë Landale
The Rain Is Full of Ghosts

J. D. Landis
The Taking UK US

Tanya Landman
Waking Merlin UK US

Dena Landon official site
Shapeshifter's Quest UK US

Derek Landy official site
Skulduggery Pleasant UK US
Playing with Fire 1st April 2008 UK US

Christopher Lane
Eden's Gate UK US

Andrew Lang unofficial site
The Rainbow Fairy Book with Michael Hague - short stories US

Katherine Langrish
Troll Fell UK US
Troll Mill UK US
Troll Blood UK US

Jane Langton
Series: The Hall Family Chronicles
The Diamond in the Window UK US
The Swing in the Summerhouse UK US
The Astonishing Stereoscope UK US
The Fledgling UK US
The Fragile Flag UK US
The Time Bike UK US
The Mysterious Circus UK US

Sterling Lanier
Hiero's Journey UK US
The Unforsaken Hiero UK US

Richard LaPlante
Series: Tegné
Soul Warrior US: Warlord of Zendow US
The Killing Blow

Justine Larbalestier official site
Series: Magic or Madness
Magic or Madness UK US
Reason and the Two Cities soon...
? soon...

Glenda Larke official site
Series: The Isles of Glory
The Aware UK US
Gilfeather UK US
The Tainted UK US
Series: The Mirage Makers
The Heart of the Mirage 2nd August 2007 UK
? soon...
? soon...
Havenstar as Glenda Noramly UK US

Jane Larsen
Silk Road US
Bronze Mirror UK US

Riley Lashea
Bleeding Through Kingdoms UK US

Kathryn Lasky official site
Series: Guardians of Ga'Hoole
The Capture UK US
The Journey UK US
The Rescue UK US
The Siege UK US
The Shattering UK US
The Burning UK US
The Hatchling UK US
The Outcast UK US
The First Collier 1st April 2006 UK US

Allison Lassieur
Series: Legend of the Five Rings: The Clan War
Second Scroll: The Unicorn UK US

Rhiannon Lassiter official site
Series: Rights of Passage
Borderland UK US
Outland UK US
Shadowland UK US
Waking Dream UK US

Sanders Anne Laubenthal

Florence Laughlin
The Little Leftover Witch UK US

Stephen Lawhead official site
Series: The Pendragon Cycle
Taliesin UK US
Merlin UK US
Arthur UK US
Pendragon UK US
Grail UK US
Series: Pendragon related
Avalon UK US
Series: The Dragon King
In the Hall of the Dragon King UK US
The Warlords of Nin UK US
The Sword and the Flame UK US
Series: The Song of Albion
The Paradise War UK US
The Silver Hand UK US
The Endless Knot UK US
Series: Celtic Crusades
The Iron Lance UK US
The Black Rood UK US
The Mystic Rose UK US
Byzantium UK US
Patrick UK US

Louise Lawrence
Series: Llandor
Journey Through Llandor
The Road to Irriyan
The Shadow of Mordican UK
The Parting of the Ways
The Earth Witch US
The Power of Stars US

Michael Lawrence
Series: Aldous Lexicon (US: The Withern Rise Trilogy)
A Crack in the Line UK US
Small Eternities UK US
The Underwood See 5th October 2006 UK US

Virginia Layefsky
Impossible Things UK US

Martine Leavitt
The Dollmage UK US

Francis Lebaron
Series: Magic, the Gathering: The Masquerade Cycle
The Mercadian Masques US

Tim Lebbon official site
Dusk UK US
Dawn UK US

Jess Lebow
Series: Magic, the Gathering
The Colors of Magic US
The Myths of Magic US
Series: Magic, the Gathering: Mirrodin Cycle
The Darksteel Eye UK US
Series: Legend of the Five Rings: The Four Winds Saga
Wind of War UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Fighters
Master of Chains UK US

Guillaume Lecasble
Lobster UK US

J. Ardian Lee official site
Series: Summons of the Sword
Son of the Sword UK US
Outlaw Sword UK US
Sword of King James UK US
Sword of the White Rose UK US

John Lee
Series: Unicorn Quest
The Unicorn Quest US
The Unicorn Dilemma US
The Unicorn Solution US
The Unicorn Peace UK US
The Unicorn War UK US

Rachel Lee
Shadows of Myth UK US
Shadows of Prophecy UK US
Shadows of Destiny UK US

Samantha Lee
Childe Rolande UK

Tanith Lee unofficial site
Series: Karrakaz
The Birthgrave US
Vazkor, Son of Vazkor US
Quest for the White Witch US
Series: The Novels of Vis
The Storm Lord US
Anackire US
The White Serpent US
Series: Don't Bite the Sun
Biting the Sun UK US
Drinking Sapphire Wine US
Series: Tales from the Flat Earth
Night's Master US
Death's Master US
Delusion's Master US
Delirium's Mistress US
Night's Sorceries US
Series: The Secret Books of Paradys
The Book of the Damned UK US
The Book of the Beast UK US
The Book of the Dead UK US
The Book of the Mad UK US
Series: The Secret Books of Venus
Faces Under Water US
Saint Fire US
A Bed of Earth UK US
Series: Unicorn
Black Unicorn UK US
Gold Unicorn UK US
Red Unicorn UK US
Series: Magicquest
East of Midnight US
Series: Sabella
Sabella US
Kill the Dead US
The Castle of Dark US
Prince on a White Horse US
Series: Voyage of the Basset
Islands in the Sky UK US
Series: The Claidi Journals
Law of the Wolf Tower US: Wolf Tower UK US
Wolf Star Rise US: Wolf Star UK US
Queen of the Wolves US: Wolf Queen UK US
Wolf Wing UK US
Series: Lionwolf
Cast a Bright Shadow UK US
Here in Cold Hell UK US
Volkhavaar US
Companions on the Road US
Electric Forest US
Lycanthia US
Day by Night US
The Dragon Hoard US
The Gorgon and Other Beastly Tales US
Red as Blood US
Dreams of Dark and Light short stories US
Madame Two Swords US
A Heroine of the World US
Sung in Shadow US
The Winter Players US
Shon the Taken
Forests of the Night short stories US
Heart-Beast US
White as Snow UK US
Mortal Suns UK US
Piratica UK US
Winter Moon with Mercedes Lackey and C. E. Murphy - short stories UK US

Murray J. D. Leeder
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Fighters
Son of Thunder UK US

Joseph Sheridan LeFanu unofficial site
*Carmilla (*Carmilla)   UK US

Ursula K. LeGuin unofficial site
Series: Earthsea
A Wizard of Earthsea   UK US
The Tombs of Atuan   UK US
The Farthest Shore   UK US
Tehanu   UK US
The Other Wind UK US
Dragonfly short story  
Tales from Earthsea short stories UK US
Series: Worlds of Exile and Illusion
Rocannon's World UK US
Planet of Exile UK US
City of Illusions UK US
Series: Hainish
The Word for World Is Forest US
The Left Hand of Darkness UK US
The Dispossessed: An Ambiguous Utopia UK US
The Telling US
Series: Hainish related
Four Ways to Forgiveness UK US
Old Music and the Slave Woman short story
Catwings UK US
Catwings Return UK US
Wonderful Alexander and the Catwings UK US
Jane on Her Own UK US
Gifts UK US
Voices UK US
The Compass Rose short stories UK US
Threshold US: The Beginning Place US
Fire and Stone UK US
Fish Soup UK US
A Ride on the Red Mare's Back UK US
Solomon Leviathan's Nine Hundred and Thirty-First Trip Around the World US
A Very Long Way from Anywhere Else US: Very Far Away from Anywhere Else US
The Beginning Place UK US
Incredible Good Fortune poems UK US

Fritz Leiber official site
Series: Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser
Ill Met in Lankhmar UK US
Lean Times in Lankhmar UK US
Return to Lankhmar UK US
Farewell to Lankhmar UK US
The Sinful Ones US
The Ghost Light short stories US

Justin Leiber
Series: Saga of the House of Eigin
The Sword and the Eye US
The Sword and the Tower US

Stephen Leigh official site
Series: The Cloudmages
Holder of Lightning as S. L. Farrell UK US
Mage of Clouds as S. L. Farrell UK US
Heir of Stone as S. L. Farrell UK US
The Abraxas Marvel Circus US

Valery Leith unofficial site
Series: Everien
The Company of Glass UK US
The Riddled Night UK US
The Way of the Rose UK US

Alexander Leithes
Mananan MacLir UK

Mary Lennox official site
The Moon Runners UK US

Elmore Leonard official site
A Coyote's in the House UK US

Lawrence Leonard
The Horn of Mortal Danger US

Paul Leppin unofficial site
Series: The Road to Darkness
Daniel Jesus UK US
Severin's Road to Darkness UK US
The Ghost of the Jewish Ghetto

Ellen W. Leroe
Have a Heart, Cupid Delaney US
Meet Your Match, Cupid Delaney US

Jonathan Lethem unofficial site
As She Climbed Across the Table UK US
The Fortress of Solitude UK US

Kathleen Leverich
The New You UK US

Betty Levin
The Ice Bear UK US
The Banished UK US
A Binding Spell US
The Keeping Room US

Gail Carson Levine unofficial site
Ella Enchanted UK US
The Wish UK US
The Two Princesses of Bamarre UK US

Myron Levoy unofficial site
The Magic Hat of Mortimer Wintergreen UK US

Robert Levy
Escape from Exile UK US
Clan of the Shape-Changers US
The Misfit Apprentice US

C. S. Lewis official site
Series: The Chronicles of Narnia
The Magician's Nephew   UK US
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe   UK US
The Horse and His Boy   UK US
Prince Caspian   UK US
Voyage of the Dawn Treader   UK US
The Silver Chair   UK US
The Last Battle   UK US
Series: Narnia related
A Book of Narnians, the Lion, the Witch and the Others with James Riordan US
Letters to Children UK US
The Wisdom of Narnia UK US
Series: Screwtape
The Screwtape Letters UK US
Screwtape Proposes a Toast UK US
The Shoddy Lands short story
Boxen short stories US

Mark Lewis unofficial site
Kaliban's Christmas US

Naomi Lewis
Proud Knight, Fair Lady short stories US

Roy Lewis
The Evolution Man UK US

Sian Lewis
Bath Rat UK

Shariann Lewitt
First and Final Rites US

Rebecca Lickiss official site
Eccentric Circles UK US
Never After UK US
Remember Me? UK US

Alan Lightman
The Diagnosis UK US

Kenneth Lillington
A Trick of the Dark

Brad Linaweaver unofficial site
The Land Beyond Summer UK US

Anne Lindbergh
The People in Pineapple Place US
Three Lives to Live US

Judith Lindbergh
The Thrall's Tale soon...

David Lindsay unofficial site
The Voyage to Arcturus UK US
The Haunted Woman UK US

Sonia Lindsay official site
Sara's Magical Journey UK US

Jane Lindskold official site
Series: Novel of the Athanor
Changer UK US
Legends Walking UK US
Series: The Firekeeper Saga
Through Wolf's Eyes UK US
Wolf's Head, Wolf's Heart UK US
The Dragon of Despair UK US
Wolf Captured UK US
Wolf Hunting UK US
Wolf's Blood UK US
Series: Breaking the Wall
13 Orphans soon...
9 Gates soon...
? soon...
The Pipes of Orpheus US
When the Gods Are Silent US
Lord Demon with Roger Zelazny UK US
The Buried Pyramid UK US
Child of a Rainless Year UK US

Eric Linklater unofficial site
A Spell for Old Bones US

Robert Lipscombe
The Salamander Tree

Holly Lisle unofficial site
Series: Faia
Fire in the Mist UK US
Bones of the Past UK US
Mind of the Magic UK US
Series: Serrated Edge
When the Bough Breaks with Mercedes Lackey US
Series: Devil
Sympathy for the Devil US
The Devil & Dan Cooley with Walter Lee Spence UK US
Hell on High with Ted Nolan US
Series: Bard's Tale
Thunder of the Captains with Aaron Allston US
Wrath of the Princes with Aaron Allston US
Curse of the Black Heron UK US
Series: Glenraven
Glenraven with Marion Zimmer Bradley UK US
In the Rift with Marion Zimmer Bradley UK US
Series: Secret Texts
Diplomacy of Wolves UK US
Vengence of Dragons UK US
Courage of Falcons UK US
Series: The Secret Texts Prequel
Vincalis the Agitator UK US
Series: The World Gates
Memory of Fire UK US
Wreck of Heaven UK US
Gods Old and Dark UK US
Hunting the Corrigan's Blood US
Mall, Mayhem & Magic with Chris Guin UK US
Minerva Wakes UK US
The Otherworld with Mercedes Lackey and Mark Shepard UK US
The Rose Sea With S. M. Stirling UK US
Talyn UK US

Janet Taylor Lisle official site
Series: Investigators of the Unknown
The Gold Dust Letters UK US
Looking for Juliette UK US
A Message from the Match Girl UK US
Angela's Alien UK US
Afternoon of the Elves UK US
Forest UK US
The Lost Flower Children UK US
The Lampfish of Twill UK US
The Crying Rocks UK US

Rebecca Lisle
Copper UK US

Robin Lister
The Legend of Arthur UK US

Penelope Lively official site
Treasures of Time UK US
The Wild Hunt of Hagworthy US: Wild Hunt of the Ghost Hounds UK US
The Whispering Knights UK US
The Voyage of QV66 UK US
The Revenge of Samuel Stokes UK US

John Livesey
Swallow and the Prince of Darkness

Margot Livesey
Eva Moves the Furniture UK US

Ian Livingstone
Series: Fighting Fantasy
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (Le Sorcier de la Montagne de Feu) with Steve Jackson   UK US
The Forest of Doom (La Forêt de la Malédiction)   UK US
City of Thieves (La Cité des Voleurs)   UK US
Deathtrap Dungeon (Le Labyrinthe de la Mort)   UK US
Scorpion Swamp (Le Marais aux Scorpions) with Steve Jackson   UK US
Island of the Lizard King (L'Ile du Roi Lézard)   UK US
Caverns of the Snow Witch (La Sorcière des Neiges)   UK US
Talisman of Death (Le Talisman de la Mort) with Steve Jackson   UK US
Freeway Fighter UK US
Temple of Terror (Le Temple de la Terreur)   UK US
The Rings of Kether with Steve Jackson UK US
Seas of Blood with Steve Jackson UK US
Trial of Champions UK US
Crypt of the Sorcerer UK US
Armies of Death UK
Return to Firetop Mountain UK US
Legend of Zagor UK US
Series: The Fighting Fantasy Novels
Shadowmaster with Marc Gascoigne UK
Series: Fighting Fantasy: The Zagor Chronicles
Firestorm with Carl Sargent UK
Darkthrone with Carl Sargent UK
Skullcrag with Carl Sargent UK
Demonlord with Carl Sargent UK
Casket of Souls UK US

A. R. Lloyd
Series: Kine Saga
Marshworld US: Kine
Witchwood US
Dragon Pond

D. R. Lloyd
The Sillymarillion UK US

Morgan Llywelyn official site
Series: The Arcana
Silverhand with Michael Scott UK US
Silverlight with Michael Scott UK US
Series: Beloved of the Gods
Etruscans with Michael Scott UK US
Lion of Ireland US
Pride of Lions UK US
The Horse Goddess UK US
On Raven's Ring US: Red Branch UK US
Druids UK US
The Elementals short stories UK US
The Wind from Hastings UK US
Bard, the Odyssey of the Irish UK US
Brian Boru, Emperor of the Irish UK US
The Last Prince of Ireland UK US
The Isles of the Blest US
Finn MacCool US
Strongbow UK US
Lion of Ireland UK US

Rebecca Locksley official site
The Three Sisters UK US

Jean-Marc & Randy Lofficier official site
Robonocchio UK US

Hugh Lofting unofficial site
Series: Doctor Dolittle
The Story of Doctor Dolittle UK US
The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle UK US
Doctor Doolittle's Post Office US
Doctor Dolittle's Circus US
Doctor Dolittle's Zoo UK US
Doctor Dolittle's Caravan UK US
Doctor Dolittle's Garden US
Doctor Dolittle in the Moon US
Doctor Dolittle's Return US
Doctor Dolittle and the Secret Lake US
Doctor Dolittle and the Green Canary UK US
Doctor Dolittle's Puddleby Adventures US
Series: Doctor Dolittle related
Gub-Gub's Book, An Encyclopaedia of Food US
Doctor Dolittle's Birthday Book US
The Twilight of Magic US

Anne Logston official site
Series: Shadow
Shadow US
Shadow Hunt US
Shadow Dance US
Series: Dagger
Dagger's Point US
Dagger's Edge US
Series: Shadow Prequel
Greendaughter US
Wild Blood US
Series: Crystal Keep
Guardian's Key UK US
Exile UK US
Series: Firewalk
Waterdance UK US

Roxanne Longstreet
Series: Shadow World
Stormriders US

Barry B. Longyear official site
The God Box UK US

Barry Lopez unofficial site
Crow and Weasel US

Reyna Thera Lorele
The Archer King UK US

Adele Lorienne official site
Series: Wars of Avenan
The Rover's Cripple
Saberondan soon...
The Golden Prince soon...
Faeren's Song soon...

Jean Lorrah unofficial site
Series: Savage Empire
Savage Empire US
Dragon Lord of the Savage Empire US
Captives of the Savage Empire US
Flight to the Savage Empire with Winston A. Howlett US
Sorcerers of the Frozen Isles US
Wulfston's Odyssey with Winston A. Howlett US
Empress Unborn US

Simon Louvish
The Therapy of Avram Blok US
What's Up God? UK US

Penelope Love
Castle of Eyes US

James Lovegrove official site
Worldstorm UK US

Jack Lovejoy
Series: Guardians of the Three
Defenders of Ar US

James Lowder
Series: Forgotten Realms: Empires
Crusade UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Harpers
The Ring of Winter US
Series: Forgotten Realms
Realms of Valor UK US
Prince of Lies US
Realms of Infamy UK US

Wesley Lowe official site
The Griffin's Gauntlet

Susan Lowell
The Boy With the Paper Wings UK US

Mark M. Lowenthal
Crispan Magicker US

David Lubar official site
Wizards of the Game UK US
Flip UK US

Penelope Lucas
Wilderness Moon

Dave Luckett
Series: Tenabran
A Dark Winter
A Dark Journey
A Dark Victory
Series: Rhianna Chronicles
The Girl, the Dragon, and the Wild Magic AUS: Rhianna and the Wild Magic UK US

Nancy Luenn
Arctic Unicorn US
Goldclimbers UK US

Leopoldo Lugones
Strange Forces short stories UK US

Tim Lukeman
Series: Witchwood
Witchwood US
Rajan US
Koren US

Richard A. Lupoff
Series: Dungeon
The Black Tower US
Final Battle US
Sword of the Demon US

Eric Van Lustbader official site
Series: The Sunset Warrior
The Sunset Warrior UK US
Dai San US
Shallows of Night US
Beneath an Opal Moon US
Dragons on the Sea of Night UK US
Series: The Pearl
The Ring of Five Dragons UK US
The Veil of a Thousand Tears UK US
The Cage of Nine Banestones US: Mistress of the Pearl UK US

Jim Lynch official site
The Highest Tide UK US

Scott Lynch
The Lies of Locke Lamora UK US
Red Seas under Red Skies UK US
? soon...
? soon...

Elizabeth A. Lynn unofficial site
Series: Chronicles of Tornor
Watchtower UK US
The Dancers of Arun UK US
The Northern Girl UK US
Dragon's Winter UK US
Dragon's Treasure UK US
The Woman Who Loved the Moon short stories US
The Red Hawk
The Silver Horse US
Tales from a Vanished Country short stories
A Different Light UK US

Tracy Lynn official site
Snow UK US

Mary Lyons official site
Knockabeg UK US

Sonia Orin Lyris official site
Series: Magic, the Gathering
And Peace Shall Sleep US

Jennifer Macaire official site
The Secret of Shabaz UK US

David Macaulay official site
Baaa UK US

R. A. MacAvoy
Series: Black Dragon
Tea With the Black Dragon US
Twisting the Rope UK US
The Grey Horse UK US
Series: Damiano
Damiano US
Damiano's Lute US
Raphael US
Series: Nazhuret of Sordaling
Lens of the World UK US
King of the Dead UK US
Winter of the Wolf US: The Belly of the Wolf UK US
The Book of Kells US

George MacDonald official site
Lilith UK US
Phantastes UK US
The Princess and the Goblin UK US
The Princess and Curdie UK US
At the Back of the North Wind UK US
The Gold Key and The Green Life short stories US
The Light Princess and Other Stories short stories UK US
Little Daylight short story US
The Gifts of the Child Christ UK US

James D. MacDonald official site
Series: Circle of Magic
School of Wizardry with Debra Doyle UK US
Tournament and Tower with Debra Doyle US
City by the Sea with Debra Doyle US
The Prince's Players with Debra Doyle US
The Prisoners of Bell Castle with Debra Doyle US
The High King's Daughter with Debra Doyle US
Series: Bad Blood
Bad Blood with Debra Doyle US
Hunter's Moon with Debra Doyle US
Judgement Night with Debra Doyle
Groogleman with Debra Doyle UK US
Knight's Wyrd with Debra Doyle UK US
The Apocalypse Door UK US
The Land of Mist and Snow soon...
? soon...

John D. MacDonald unofficial site
The Girl, the Gold Watch, and Everything US

Elizabeth MacE
Under Siege US

Kinley MacGregor official site
Series: Lords of Avalon
Sword of Darkness UK US
Knight of Darkness 1st November 2006 UK US

D. J. MacHale
Series: Pendragon
The Merchant of Death UK US
The Lost City of Faar UK US
The Never War UK US
The Reality Bug UK US
Black Water UK US
The Rivers of Zadaa UK US
? soon...
Series: Pendragon related
The Guide to the Territories of Halla 1st May 2005 UK US

Arthur Machen unofficial site
A Fragment of Life US
The Green Round UK US

Colin MacKay
The Song of the Forest US

Mary MacKey
Series: The Earthsong Trilogy
The Year the Horses Came US
The Horses at the Gate US
The Fires of Spring US
The Last Warrior Queen US

Patricia MacLachlan unofficial site
Tomorrow's Wizard UK US

Roderick MacLeish
Prince Ombra US

Ian R. MacLeod official site
The Light Ages UK US
The House of Storms UK US
The Summer Isles soon...

Catherine MacPhail
Another Me UK

Svend Åge Madsen
Days with Diam, or Life at Night UK US

Gregory Maguire
Series: Oz
Wicked UK US
Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister UK US
Mirror Mirror UK US
Son of a Witch UK US
Series: The Hamlet Chronicles
Seven Spiders Spinning UK US
Six Haunted Hairdos UK US
Five Alien Elves UK US
Four Stupid Cupids UK US
Three Rotten Eggs UK US
A Couple of April Fools UK US
One Final Firecracker UK US
The Dream Stealer UK US
Leaping Beauty short stories UK US

Naguib Mahfouz unofficial site
Arabian Nights and Days US

Margaret Mahy unofficial site
The Blood-and-Thunder Adventure on Hurricane Peak UK US
The Boy Who Bounced and Other Magic Tales US: Mahy Magic - short stories UK
The Door in the Air and Other Stories short stories UK US
The Girl With the Green Ear, Stories About Magic in Nature short stories US
The Great Piratical Rambustification & The Librarian and the Robbers short stories UK US
Leaf Magic and Five Other Favourites short stories US
A Lion in the Meadow UK US
The Pirates' Mixed-Up Voyage UK US
Raging Robots and Unruly Uncles UK US
A Tall Story and Other Tales short stories UK US
The Tricksters UK US
The Riddle of the Frozen Phantom UK
Alchemy UK US

Michael Tanner & Ellen Maidman
Days Dark as Night UK US

Ben Maile
The Land of Tomorrow

Norman Mailer unofficial site
Ancient Evenings UK US

Carol Main
Betony and the Sorcerer US: Spellbound!

Karen Maitland official site
Company of Liars   UK US
The Owl Killers UK US
The Gallows Curse 3rd March 2011 UK

Sara Maitland
A Book of Spells short stories
Angel Maker short stories US

Violette Malan official site
The Sleeping God 2007
The Soldier King soon...
The Mirror Prince 27th June 2006 UK US

Geoffrey Malone
Cadoc UK US

Patricia Malone
The Legend of Lady Ilena UK US
Lady Ilena, Way of the Warrior UK US

Sir Thomas Malory unofficial site
Le Morte d'Arthur UK US

David Mamet unofficial site
The Owl, a Story for Children US

Albert J. Manachino
The Box Hunters

Valerio Massimo Manfredi
The Talisman of Troy UK US
The Last Legion UK US

Phillip Mann
Series: A Land Fit for Heroes
Escape to the Wild Wood UK
Stand Alone Stan
The Dragon Wakes UK US
The Burning Forest UK

Ruth Manning-Sanders
A Cauldron of Witches

Dianna Marcellas
Mother Ocean, Daughter Sea UK US
The Sea Lark's Song UK US
Twilight Rising, Serpent's Dream UK US

John Marco official site
Series: Tyrants and Kings
The Jackal of Nar UK US
The Grand Design UK US
The Saints of the Sword UK US
The Eyes of God UK US
The Devil's Armour US: The Devil's Armor UK US
The Sword of Angels UK US
Series: The Black Mirror
? soon...
? soon...
? soon...

Juliet Marillier official site
Series: The Sevenwaters
Daughter of the Forest UK US
Son of the Shadows UK US
Child of the Prophecy UK US
Series: The Sevenwaters related
Clodagh November 2008
Series: The Saga of the Light Isles
Wolfskin UK US
Foxmask UK US
Series: The Bridei Chronicles
The Dark Mirror UK US
Blade of Fortriu UK US
The Well of Shades UK US
? soon...
Wildwood Dancing UK US
Cybele's Secret October 2007 UK US
Heart's-Blood soon...

Jeff Mariotte official site
Series: Age of Conan, Hyborian Adventures: Marauders
Ghost of the Wall UK US
Winds of the Wild Sea UK US
Dawn of the Ice Bear UK US

Jan Mark unofficial site
Aquarius US
They Do Things Differently There UK
The Eclipse of the Century UK

Lynne Markham
The Closing March UK

Laurie J. Marks official site
Series: Children of the Triad
Delan the Mislaid US
The Moonbane Mage US
Ara's Field US
Series: The Elemental Logic
Fire Logic UK US
Earth Logic UK US
Water Logic soon...
Air Logic soon...
The Watcher's Mask US
Dancing Jack US

Louise Marley official site
The Glass Harmonica UK US

Stephen Marley
Series: Chia Black Dragon
Spirit Mirror
Mortal Mask UK
Shadow Sister

Joshua J. Marsh official site
Tapestry of Power US

Edison Marshall
The Pagan King UK US

Hazel Marshall
Troublesome Angels and Flying Machines UK US
Troublesome Angels and the Red Island Pirates UK US
Troublesome Angels Race to the Rescue UK

Annalita Marsigli
The Written Script UK US

Ann Marston official site
Series: The Rune Blade
Kingmaker's Sword UK US
The Western King UK US
Broken Blade UK US
Series: Sword in Exile
Cloudbearer's Shadow UK US
King of Shadows UK US
Sword and Shadow UK US

George R. R. Martin official site
Series: A Song of Ice and Fire
A Game of Thrones   UK US
A Clash of Kings   UK US
A Storm of Swords: Steel and Snow US: A Storm of Swords   UK US
A Storm of Swords: Blood and Gold US: A Strom of Swords   UK US
A Feast for Crows   UK US
A Dance with Dragons   UK US
The Winds of Winter soon...
A Dream of Spring soon...
The Hedge Knight short story UK US
The Sworn Sword short story UK US
Portraits of His Children short stories US
The Armageddon Rag US
The Ice Dragon UK US

Graham Dunstan Martin
Giftwish UK US
Catchfire US

Lori Martin
The Darkling Hills US

Rafe Martin unofficial site
The World Before This One UK US
Birdwing UK US

Thomas K. Martin official site
Series: The Delgroth
A Two-Edged Sword US
A Matter of Honor US
A Call to Arms US
Series: The Magelord
The Awakening UK US
The Time of Madness UK US
The House of Bairn UK US

Lee Martindale official site
The Folly of Assumption short stories US
To Stand as Witness short stories US
Hell Hath No Fury... short stories US

Adrienne Martine-Barnes
Series: Fionn Mac Cumhal
Master of Earth and Water with Diana L. Paxson UK US
The Shield Between the Worlds with Diana L. Paxson UK US
Sword of Fire and Shadow with Diana L. Paxson UK US
Series: Sword
The Fire Sword US
The Crystal Sword US
The Rainbow Sword US
The Sea Sword US
Series: Darkover
Shadow Matrix with Marion Zimmer Bradley UK US
Traitor's Sun with Marion Zimemr Bradley UK US
The Dragon Rises US

Michael J. Martineck
The Misspellers US

A. Lee Martinez
In the Company of Ogres 8th August 2006 UK US
A Nameless Witch soon...

Clem Martini
Series: Feather and Bone: The Crow Chronicles
The Mob UK US
The Plague 1st September 2005 UK US
? soon...

John Masefield unofficial site
Series: Kay Harker
The Midnight Folk UK US
The Box of Delights UK US

Anita Mason
The Illusionist US

David Mason
Series: Kavin
Kavin's World UK US
The Return of Kavin
The Sorcerer's Skull UK US
The Deep Gods UK US

Allan Massie
Arthur the King UK US

Sophie Masson official site
The Gifting UK
Red City
Series: The Lay Lines
The Knight by the Pool
The Lady of the Flowers
The King of Greenwood
The Stone of Oakenfast
Cold Iron
Carabas US: Serafin UK US
The Green Prince
Dame Ragnell soon...
The Tempestuous Voyage of Hopewell Shakespeare UK
In Hollow Lands UK US
Snow, Fire, Sword UK US

Anthony Masters unofficial site
Bypass, the Earth Fights Back? UK
Hidden Gods, the Doorway

Richard Matheson unofficial site
*I Am Legend (*Je Suis une Légende)   UK US
*The Incredible Shrinking Man (*L'Homme qui Rétrécit) UK US
Bid Time Return US: Somewhere in Time UK US
Abu and the 7 Marvels UK US

Barry Mathias unofficial site
The Power in the Dark US

Takashi Matsuoka
Autumn Bridge UK US

John Matthews
The Song of Taliesin short stories UK US
The Song of Arthur short stories UK US

Jem Matzan official site
The Hero UK US
The Search for the Emerald Blackbird UK US

Xavier Mauméjean unofficial site
The League of Heroes UK US

James Maxey
Nobody Gets the Girl UK US

Julian May unofficial site
Series: Trillium
Black Trillium with Marion Zimmer Bradley and Andre Norton UK US
Blood Trillium US
Sky Trillium UK US
Series: Boreal Moon
Conqueror's Moon UK US
Ironcrown Moon UK US

Kara May
Yeti Boy UK

Beth Mayall
Mermaid Park 7th July 2005 UK US

Marianna Mayer official site
The Golden Swan US
Noble-Hearted Kate US
The Sorcerer's Apprentice US
The Unicorn Alphabet US

Robert Mayer
Superfolks UK US

Ardath Mayhar
Series: The Exiles of Damaria
Riddles & Dreams UK US
How the Gods Wove in Kryannon US
The Seekers of Shar-Nuhn US
Runes of the Lyre US
Warlock's Gift US
Makra Choria US
The Saga of Grittel Sundotha US

William Mayne
All the King's Men short stories US
Antar and the Eagles UK US
Cuddy UK
Kelpie UK
Low Tide US
Over the Hills and Far Away UK US
Worm in the Well UK

Anne Mazer
The Accidental Witch US
The Oxboy UK US

Norma Fox Mazer unofficial site
Saturday, the Twelfth of October US

M. I. McAllister official site
Series: The Mistmantle Chronicles
Urchin of the Riding Stars UK US
Urchin and the Heartstone 6th March 2006 UK

Paul J. McAuley official site
In Dreams US
Pasquale's Angel US

Scott McBain
The Coins of Judas UK

Anne McCaffrey unofficial site
Series: Dragonriders of Pern
Dragonflight UK US
Dragonquest UK US
The White Dragon UK US
Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern UK US
The Smallest Dragonboy short story
Dragonsong UK US
Dragonsinger UK US
Dragondrums UK US
Nerilka's Story UK US
Dragonsdawn UK US
The Renegades of Pern UK US
All the Weyrs of Pern UK US
The Chronicles of Pern: First Fall UK US
The Dolphin's Bell US
The Girl Who Heard Dragons short stories UK US
The Dolphins of Pern UK US
The Chronicles of Pern: Red Star Rising US: Dragonseye UK US
The Masterharper of Pern UK US
The Skies of Pern UK US
A Gift of Dragons short stories UK US
Dragon's Kin with Todd J. McCaffrey UK US
The Masterharper of Pern UK US
The Ugly Dragon with Todd J. McCaffrey - soon...
? with Todd J. McCaffrey - soon...
? with Todd J. McCaffrey - soon...
Runner of Pern short story UK US
Beyond Between UK US
Series: Talent
Get off the Unicorn UK US
The Rowan UK US
Damia UK US
Damia's Children UK US
Lyon's Pride UK US
The Tower and the Hive UK US
Series: Partnerships
The Ship Who Sang UK US
Partnership with Margaret Ball UK US
The Ship Who Serached with Mercedes Lackey UK US
The City Who Fought with S. M. Stirling UK US
The Ship Who Won with Jody Lynn Nye UK US
Series: Killashandra Ree
Killashandra UK US
Crystal Singer UK US
Crystal Line UK US
Series: Doona
Decision at Doona UK US
Crisis on Doona with Jody Lynn Nye UK US
Treaty at Doona UK US
Series: Planet Pirates
Sassinak with Elizabeth Moon UK US
The Death of Sleep UK US
Generation Warriors UK US
Series: Dinosaur Planet
Dinosaur Planet UK US
Survivors UK US
Series: Petaybee
Powers That Be with Elizabeth Ann Scarborough UK US
Power Lines with Elizabeth Ann Scarborough UK US
Power Play with Elizabeth Ann Scarborough UK US
Series: Acorna
Acorna with Margaret Ball UK US
Acorna's Quest with Margaret Ball UK US
Acorna's People with Elizabeth ann Scarborough UK US
Acorna's World with Elizabeth Ann Scarborough UK US
Acorna's Rebels with Elizabeth Ann Scarborough UK US
Acorna's Triumph with Elizabeth ann Scarborough UK US
Freedom's Landing UK US
Freedom's Choice UK US
Freedom's Challenge UK US
Restoree US
Alchemy and Academe UK US
The Coelura UK US
Black Horses for the King UK US
No One Noticed the Cat US
Space Opera with Elizabeth Ann Scarborough - short stories UK US
If Wishes Were Horses UK US
An Exchange of Gifts UK US
A Diversity of Dragons with Richard Woods US

Laura Williams McCaffrey official site
Alia Waking UK US

Todd J. McCaffrey official site
Series: Dragonriders of Pern
Dragon's Kin with Anne McCaffrey UK US
The Ugly Dragon with Anne McCaffrey - soon...
Dragonsblood UK US
? with Anne McCaffrey - soon...
? with Anne McCaffrey - soon...
Dragonholder UK US

Justin Huntly McCarthy
The Dryad

Dennis McCarty
Series: Thlassa Mey
Flight to Thlassa Mey US
Warriors of Thlassa Mey US
Lords of Thlassa Mey US
Across the Thlassa Mey UK US
The Birth of the Blade UK US

Geraldine McCaughrean
The Stones are Hatching UK US
Not the End of the World UK US

Tom McCaughren
Series: Foxes
Run with the Wind UK US
Run to Earth UK US
Run Swift, Run Free UK US
Run to the Ark UK US

Bill McCay
Series: Mage Knight
Rebel Thunder UK US

Ashley McConnell
Series: The Demon Wars
The Fountains of Mirlacca US
The Itinerant Exorcist US
The Courts of Sorcery UK US

Mike McCormack unofficial site
Crowe's Requiem UK US

Patrick McCormack
Series: Albion
The Last Companion UK
The White Phantom UK

Colleen McCullough unofficial site
The Song of Troy UK

J. Fitzgerald McCurdy
The Serpent's Egg
The Burning Crown

H. L. McCutchen unofficial site
LightLand UK US
LightLand and the Room of Dreams soon...

Will McDermott
Series: Magic, the Gathering: Mirrodin Cycle
The Moons of Mirrodin UK US

Ian McDonald unofficial site
King of Morning, Queen of Day US

Kathleen McDonnell official site
The Nordlings UK US

Terry McDonnell
California Bloodstock US

Ian McDowell official site
Mordred's Curse US
Merlin's Gift US

Oisín McGann official site
Series: The Archisan Tales
The Harvest Tide Project UK
Under Fragile Stone 30th September 2005 UK
The Gods and Their Machines UK US

Terry McGarry official site
Illumination UK US
The Binder's Road UK US
Triad UK US

Dan McGirt official site
Series: Jason Cosmo
Jason Cosmo US
Royal Chaos US
Dirty Work US

Scott McGough
Series: Magic, the Gathering: The Odyssey Cycle
Chainer's Torment UK US
Series: Magic, the Gathering: Magic Legends Cycle Two
Assassin's Blade UK US
Emperor's Fist UK US
Champion's Trial UK US
Series: Magic, the Gathering: Kamigawa Cycle
Outlaw: Champions of Kamigawa UK US
Heretic: Betrayers of Kamigawa UK US
Guardian: Saviors of Kamigawa UK US

C. G. McGovern-Bowen
Evil Seed UK US

Anthony McGowan
Hellbent UK US

Tom McGowen
The Shadow of Fomor US

Eloise Jarvis McGraw
Series: Oz
Merry-Go-Round in Oz with Lauren McGraw Wagner US
The Rundelstone of Oz US
The Moorchild UK US

Vincent McHugh
I Am Thinking of My Darling US

Fiona McIntosh official site
Series: The Quickening
Myrren's Gift   UK US
Blood and Memory   UK US
Bridge of Souls   UK US
Series: Trinity
Betrayal   UK US
Revenge   UK US
Destiny   UK US
Series: Percheron
Odalisque UK US
Emissary UK US
Goddess UK US
Series: The Valisar Trilogy
Royal Exile UK US
Tyrant's Blood UK US
King's Wrath UK US
Fields of Gold

Vonda N. McIntyre official site
Lythande with Marion Zimmer Bradley US
The Moon and the Sun UK US

Lynn Armistead McKee
Touches the Stars UK US
Keeper of Dreams UK US
Walks in Stardust US
Woman of the Mists UK US

Juliet E. McKenna official site
Series: Einarinn
The Thief's Gamble UK US
The Swordsman's Oath UK US
The Gambler's Fortune UK US
The Warrior's Bond UK US
The Assassin's Edge UK US
Series: Einarinn related
The Wedding Gift illustrated short story
Turns and Chances UK
Series: The Aldabreshin Compass
Southern Fire UK US
Northern Storm UK US
Western Shore UK US
Eastern Tide UK US

Ellen Kindt McKenzie
Taash and the Jesters US
Kashka US
The Golden Band of Eddris UK US

Nancy McKenzie official site
Series: The Tale of Guinevere and King Arthur
The Child Queen UK US
The High Queen UK US
The Grail Prince UK US
Series: The Legend of Tristan and Essylte
Prince of Dreams UK US
Dreamer of Lyonesse soon...
Guinevere's Gift

Dixie Lee McKeone
Series: DragonLance
Tales of Uncle Trapspringer UK US
Series: First Quest
Son of Dawn US
Series: Birthright
Greatheart US
The Spider's Test US

Charles McKeown
The Adventures of Baron Munchausen novelisation UK US

Dennis L. McKiernan official site
Series: The Iron Tower
The Dark Tide UK US
Shadows of Doom UK US
The Darkest Day UK US
Series: Mithgar
The Eye of the Hunter UK US
Voyage of the Fox Rider UK US
The Dragonstone UK US
Dragondoom UK US
Tales of Mithgar short stories UK US
Silver Wolf, Black Falcon short stories UK US
Tales from the One-Eyed Crow: The Vulgmaster UK US
Red Slippers short stories UK US
Series: The Silver Call
Trek to Kraggen-Cor US
The Brega Path US
Series: Hel's Crucible
Into the Forge UK US
Into the Fire UK US
Series: Faery
Once upon a Winter's Night UK US
Once upon a Summer Day UK US
Once upon an Autumn Eve UK US
Once upon a Spring Morn UK US
Once upon a Dreadful Time 2nd October 2007 UK US

Patricia A. McKillip unofficial site
Series: Quest of the Riddle Master
The Riddle-Master of Hed UK US
Heir of Sea and Fire UK US
Harpist in the Wind UK US
The Sorceress and the Cygnet UK US
The Cygnet and the Firebird UK US
Series: Fearielands
Something Rich and Strange US
The Tower at Stony Wood UK US
The Throne of Erril of Sherill short stories US
The Forgotten Beasts of Eld UK US
The Night Gift with Kathy McKillip US
Song for the Basilisk UK US
Winter Rose UK US
The Book of Atrix Wolfe UK US
The Changeling Sea UK US
Ombria in Shadow UK US
In the Forests of Serre UK US
Alphabet of Thorn UK US
Od Magic UK US

Robin McKinley official site
Beauty UK US
Rose Daughter UK US
Series: Damar
The Blue Sword UK US
A Knot in the Grain short stories UK US
Series: Damar Prequel
The Hero and the Crown UK US
Series: Damar related
Water, Tales of Elemental Spirits with Peter Dickinson UK US
The Door in the Hedge short stories UK US
The Outlaws of Sherwood UK US
Deerskin UK US
The Stone Fey UK US
Spindle's End UK US
Sunshine UK US

Clemence McLaren
Inside the Walls of Troy UK US
Waiting For Odysseus UK US

Teri McLaren
Series: Magic, the Gathering
The Cursed Land US
Song of Time UK US

Kate McMullan official site
Under the Mummy's Spell US

Sean McMullen official site
Series: Moonworlds
Voyage of the Shadowmoon UK US
Glass Dragons UK US
Voidfarers soon...

Janet McNaughton official site
An Earthly Knight UK US

Cliff McNish
The Doomspell UK US
The Scent of Magic UK
The Wizard's Promise UK
The Silver Child UK US
Silver City UK US
Silver World UK US

Glenna McReynolds unofficial site
The Chalice and the Blade UK US
Dream Stone UK US
Prince of Time UK US

George R. Mead
Portal UK US

Richard Meade
The Sword of Morning Star

Dee Morrison Meaney
Iseult US
An Unkindness of Ravens US
Death of the Raven US

Shirley Meier
Series: Fifth Millenium
The Cage with S. M. Striling UK US
Saber & Shadow UK US
Shadow's Son with S. M. Stirling and Karen Wehrstein US
Shadow's Daughter UK US

Jack A. Melanos
Sindbad and the Evil Genie play

O. R. Melling unofficial site
Series: The Chronicles of Fearie
The Hunter's Moon UK US
The Summer King UK US
The Light-Bearer's Daughter UK US
The Singing Stone UK US
Falling out of Time UK US

David Memmott official site
Shadow Bones short stories UK US

Michael R. Mennenga official site
Mistress of the Dragon UK US

A. P. Merritt unofficial site
The Ship of Ishtar US
The Metal Monster UK US
Dwellers in the Mirage US
The Moon Pool UK US

Melinda Metz
Series: Fingerprints
Gifted Touch UK US
Haunted UK US
Trust Me UK US
Secrets UK US
Betrayed UK US
Revelations UK US
Payback UK US

Chris Metzen
Series: WarCraft
Of Blood and Honor UK

Kai Meyer
Series: The Dark Reflections Trilogy
The Flowing Queen US: The Water Mirror UK US
The Stone Light UK US
The Glass Word UK US

Ric Meyers
Series: Forgotten Realms
Murder in Halruaa US

Yves Meynard official site
The Book of Knights US

Gustav Meyrink
The Green Face UK US
The Opal short stories UK US
Walpurgisnacht UK US
The White Dominican UK US

Nega Mezlekia
The God Who Begat a Jackal UK US

Livi Michael unofficial site
Frank and the Black Hamster of Narkiz UK US
Frank and the Chamber of Fear UK
Frank and the Flames of Truth 3rd june 2004 UK
The Whispering Road 2nd September 2004 UK

Melisa Michaels official site
Series: Rosie Levine
Cold Iron UK US
Sister to the Rain UK US
World-Walker UK US

Karen Michalson official site
Enemy Glory UK US
Hecate's Glory UK US

Sarah Micklem official site
Firethorn UK US
? soon...
? soon...

Haydn Middleton unofficial site
Series: Mordred Cycle
The King's Evil US
The Queen's Captive UK
The Knight's Vengeance UK
The People in the Picture US
The Collapsing Castle US
Son of Two Worlds UK US
Grimm's Last Fairytale UK US

Martin Middleton unofficial site
Series: The Living Towers
Hawkthorn Tower
Wolfsbane Tower
Knightshade Tower
Series: Chronicles of the Custodians
Circle of Light UK
Triad of Darkness
Sphere of Influence
The New Age
The New Order
The New Dawn

Sandra Miesel
Dreamrider US
Shaman rewriting of Dreamrider US

China Miéville unofficial site
Perdido Street Station UK US
The Scar UK US
Iron Council UK US
King Rat UK US
The Tain UK
Looking for Jake short stories UK US

Victor Milán official site
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Nobles
War in Tethyr UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: Netheril Trilogy
Sword Play with Clayton Emery UK US
Dangerous Games with Clayton Emery UK US
Series: War of Powers
The Sundered Realm with Robert E. Vardeman US
The City in the Glacier with Robert E. Vardeman US
The Destiny Stone with Robert E. Vardeman US
The Fallen Ones with Robert E. Vardeman US
In the Shadow of Omizantrim with Robert E. Vardeman US
Demon of the Dark Ones with Robert E. Vardeman US
Runespear with Melinda M. Snodgrass US

Rosalind Miles
Series: Guenevere
Queen of the Summer Country UK US
The Knight of the Sacred Lake UK US
The Child of the Holy Grail UK US
Series: Tristan and Isolde
Isolde, Queen of the Western Isle UK US
The Maiden of the White Hands US: The Maid of the White Hands UK US
The Lady of the Sea UK US

Martin Millar official site
Series: Thraxas
Thraxas as Martin Scott UK US
Thraxas at the Races as Martin Scott UK US
Thraxas and the Warrior Monks as Martin Scott US
Thraxas and the Elvish Isles as Martin Scott UK US
Thraxas and the Sorcerers as Martin Scott UK US
Thraxas and the Dance of Death as Martin Scott UK US
Thraxas at War as Martin Scott UK US
Thraxas under Siege as Martin Scott UK US
The Good Fairies of New York US

Calvin Miller unofficial site
Series: Singreale Chronicles
Guardians of the Singreale US
Star Riders of Ren US
War of the Moonrhymes US

Carl Miller
Dragonbound US
The Warrior and the Witch US
The Goblin Plain War US

Deanna Miller official site
Sky Bounce

Deborah J. Miller official site
Series: The Last Clansman
Talisker as Miller Lau UK US
Dark Thane as Miller Lau UK US
Lore Bringer as Miller Lau UK US
Series: The Swarmthief Trilogy
Swarmthief's Dance UK US
? soon...
? soon...

Faren Miller
The Illusionists UK US

J. P. Miller
The Skook US

John A. Miller
Coyote Moon UK US

Karen Miller official site
Series: Kingmaker, Kingbreaker
Innocent Mage
Innocence Lost

Keith Miller
The Book of Flying UK US

Moira Miller
The Doom of Soulis UK

Richard Miller
Squed UK US
Sowboy UK US

Ron Miller
Series: The Bronwyn Trilogy
Palaces and Prisons US
Silk and Steel US
Hearts and Armor US
Series: Bradamant
The Iron Tempest UK US

Sasha Miller official site
Series: The Turning
On Wings of Magic with Andre Norton and Patricia Shaw Mathews US
Series: Oak, Yew, Ash, and Rowan
To the King a Daughter with Andre Norton UK US
Knight or Knave with Andre Norton UK US
A Crown Disowned with Andre Norton UK US
Dragon Blade with Andre Norton UK US
? with Andre Norton - soon...
Ladylord UK US

Thos. Kent Miller
Series: She
Sherlock Holmes on the Roof of the World US

Rand Miller & David Wingrove
Series: Myst
The Book of Atrus with Robyn Miller US
The Book of Ti'Ana with Robyn Miller US
The Book of D'Ni UK US

Steven Millhauser unofficial site
From the Realm of Morpheus US
Enchanted Night UK US
Little Kingdoms short stories UK US

Craig Mills official site
The Bane of Lord Caladon US
The Dreamer in Discord US
Series: King's Quest
The Floating Castle US
Shadow of the Crown US

Magnus Mills unofficial site
Explorers of the New Century UK US

A. A. Milne unofficial site
Series: Winnie-the-Pooh
*Winnie-the-Pooh UK US
*When We Were Very Young UK US
*Now We Are Six UK US
*The House at Pooh Corner UK US
Once on a Time US

Walter R. Milton official site
Inheritance of Vigilance UK US

Barbara Minar
Lamper's Meadow US

Octave Mirbeau
The Torture Garden UK US

Hope Mirrlees unofficial site
Lud-in-the-Mist UK US

Stuart W. Mirsky unofficial site
The King of Vinland's Saga UK US

David Mitchell
Number 9 Dream UK US
Ghostwritten UK US
Cloud Atlas UK US

Ken Mitchell
Stones of the Dalai Lama UK US

Naomi Mitchison unofficial site
The Big House
The Corn King and the Spring Queen UK US
Early in Orcadia UK
Travel Light UK US
To the Chapel Perilous UK US

Sarah Mlynowski official site
Bras & Broomsticks UK US
Frogs & French Kisses 2nd June 2006 UK US

L. E. Modesitt Jr. official site
Series: Recluse
The Magic of Recluse UK US
The Towers of Sunset UK US
The Magic Engineer UK US
The Order War UK US
The Death of Chaos UK US
Fall of Angels UK US
The Chaos Balance UK US
The White Order UK US
Colours of Chaos US: Colors of Chaos UK US
Magi'i of Cyador UK US
Scion of Cyador UK US
Wellspring of Chaos UK US
Ordermaster UK US
Series: The Spellsong Cycle
The Soprano Sorceress UK US
The Spellsong War UK US
Darksong Rising UK US
The Shadow Sorceress UK US
Shadowsinger UK US
Series: Ghosts
Of Tangible Ghosts UK US
The Ghost of the Revelator UK US
Ghost of the White Night UK US
Series: The Corean Chronicles
Legacies UK US
Darknesses UK US
Scepters UK US
Alector's Choice UK US
Cadmian's Choice UK US
Soarer's Choice 14th November 2006 UK US

Walter Moers
A Wild Ride Through the Night UK
The 13½ Lives of Captain Bluebear UK US

Michael Molloy
The Witch Trade UK US
The Time Witches UK US
The Wild West Witches UK US
House on Falling Star Hill UK US

James Moloney official site
The Book of Lies UK US

Richard Monaco
Series: Leitus
Runes US
Broken Stone US
Series: Parsival
Parsival, or A Knight's Tale US
The Grail War US
The Final Quest US
Blood and Dreams US
Series: She
Journey to the Flame US

Sarah Monette official site
Mélusine UK US
The Virtu UK US
The Mirador 7th August 2007 UK US
Summerdown soon...

Mary Monroe
The Upper Room US

Bucky Montgomery
Series: Spiritmaster Chronicles
The Stonebearer US

Hugh Montgomery official site
Voyage of the Arctic Tern UK US

Elizabeth Moon official site
Series: The Deed of Paksenarrion
Sheepfarmer's Daughter UK US
Divided Allegiance UK US
Oath of Gold UK US
Series: The Legacy of Gird
Surrender None UK US
Liar's Oath UK US
Series: Planet Pirates
Sassinak with Anne McCaffrey UK US

Russell Moon
Witch Boy UK US
Dark Prince September 2002 UK US
Blood War December 2002 US

Bel Mooney official site
The Stove Haunting UK US

Michael Moorcock unofficial site
Series: The Eternal Champion
The Eternal Champion The Eternal Champion - Phoenix in Obsidian - To Rescue Talelorn - The Sundered Worlds UK US
Von Bek The Warhound and the World's Pain - The City in the Autumn Stars - The Pleasure Gardens of Felippe Sagitarius - The Dragon in the Sword UK US
Hawkmoon The Jewel in the Skull - The Mad God's Amulet - The Sword of the Dawn - The Runestaff UK US
A Nomad of the Time Streams The Warlord of the Air - The Land Leviathan - The Steel Tsar UK US
Elric: Song of the Black Sword Elric of Melnibone - Sailor of the Sea of Fate - The Weird of White Wolf UK US
The Roads Between the Worlds The Wrecks of Time - The Winds of Limbo - The Shores of Death UK US
Corum: The Coming of Chaos The Knights of the Swords - The Queen of the Swords - The King of the Swords UK US
Sailing to Utopia The Ice Shooner - The Black Corridor - Flux - The Distant Suns UK US
Kane of Old Mars Warriors of Mars - Blades of Mars - Barbarians of Mars UK US
The Dancers at the End of Time An Alien Heat - The Hollow Lands - The End of All Songs - Legends from the End of Time - A Messiah at the End of Time UK US
Elric: The Stealer of Souls The Sleeping Sorceress - Revenge of the Rose - The Stealer of Souls - Kings in Darkness - The Caravan of Forgotten Dreams - Stormbringer UK US
Corum: The Prince With the Silver Hand The Bull and the Spear - The Oak and the Ram - The Sword and the Stallion UK US
Legends from the End of Time Pale Roses - White Stars - Ancient Shadows - Constant Fires - Elric at the End of Time UK US
Earl Aubec The Greater Conqueror - The Deep Fix - My Experience in the Third World War - The Golden Barge - The Time Dweller UK US
Count Brass Count Brass - The Champion of Garathorm - The Quest for Tanelorn UK US
Series: The Eternal Champion related
The Vanishing Tower UK US
The Bane of the Black Sword UK US
Stormbringer UK US
The Fortress of the Pearl US
The Silver Warriors US
The Dragon in the Sword US
The Dreamthief's Daughter UK US
The Skrayling Tree UK US
The White Wolf's Son UK US
Series: Between the Wars
Byzantium Endures UK US
The Laughter of Carthage UK US
Jerusalem Commands UK US
The Vengeance of Rome soon...
Mother London UK US
King of the City UK US
Gloriana, or the Unfulfill'd Queen UK US
The Golden Barge UK US
The Stone Thing short story
Silverheart with Storm Constantine UK US

Alan Moore unofficial site
Voice of the Fire UK US

Christopher Moore official site
Bloodsucking Fiends US
You Suck soon...
Coyote Blue UK US
Practical Demonkeeping UK US
Island of the Sequined Love Nun UK US
The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove UK US
Lamb UK US
Fluke UK US
A Dirty Job soon...
The Stupidest Angel soon...
? soon...

John Moore official site
Slay and Rescue UK US
Heroics for Beginners UK US
The Unhandsome Prince UK US
Bad Prince Charlie Spring 2006
The Habitual Princess soon...

Moira J. Moore official site
Resenting the Hero UK US
The Hero Strikes Back 29th August 2006 UK US

Nancy Jane Moore official site

Roger E. Moore
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Double Diamond Triangle Saga
Errand of Mercy US
Series: Spelljammer: Cloakmaster Cycle
The Maelstrom's Eye US

Sean A. Moore
Series: Conan
Conan and the Grim Grey God UK US
Conan the Hunter UK US
Conan and the Shaman's Curse US

Stephen Moore
Tooth and Claw UK US
Skin and Bone UK US
The Brugan
Dead Edward UK

Vance Moore unofficial site
Series: Magic, the Gathering: The Masquerade Cycle
Prophecy UK US
Series: Magic, the Gathering: The Odyssey Cycle
Odyssey UK US

Caiseal Mór
Series: The Wanderers
The Circle and the Cross UK
The Song of the Earth UK
The Water of Life UK
Series: The Watchers
The Meeting of the Waters UK US
The King of Sleep UK US
The Raven Game UK US
Series: Wellspring
The Well of Yearning UK US
The Well of the Goddess UK US
The Well of Many Blessings UK US
The Tilecutter's Penny
The Harp at Midnight
Carolan's Concerto UK

P. R. Moredun
Series: Unearthly History
The Balance Between UK US
Series: The World of Eldaterra
The Dragon Conspiracy UK US

K. L. Morgan
Series: Chronicles of Fiarah
Castledance UK US
Judges of Light US
Lodestar US
? soon...
? soon...

Kathleen Morgan official site
Giver of Roses 1st August 2005 UK US
Stone of Power soon...
? soon...
A Certain Magic US
Fire Queen US
Demon Prince UK US

Irmtraud Morgner
The Life and Adventures of Trobadora Beatrice as Chronicled UK US

Marcel Möring
In Babylon UK US

Alanna Morland
Leopard Lord UK US
Shackle and Sword UK US

Christopher Morley unofficial site
Thunder on the Left UK US

John David Morley
The Feast of Fools US

Michael Morpurgo unofficial site
Arthur, High King of Britain UK US
King of the Cloud Forests UK US
Joan of Arc UK US
The Sleeping Sword UK
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight with Michael Foreman UK US

John Morressy
Series: Iron Angel
Ironbrand US
Graymantle US
Kingsbane US
The Time of the Annihilator US
Series: Kedrigern
A Voice for Princess US
The Questing of Kedrigern US
Kedrigern in Wanderland US
Kedrigern and the Charming Couple US
A Remembrance for Kedrigern US
The Juggler UK US

Dave Morris
Series: Knightmare
The Sorcerer's Isle
The Forbidden Gate
The Dragon's Lair
Series: The Chronicles of the Magi
The Sword of Life UK US
The Kingdom of Dream US
The City of Stars UK

Gerald Morris
Series: The Squire
The Squire's Tale UK US
The Squire, His Knight, & His Lady UK US
The Savage Damsel and the Dwarf UK US
Parsifal's Page UK US
The Ballad of Sir Dinadan UK US
The Princess, the Crone, and the Dung-Cart Knight UK US
The Lioness and Her Knight UK US

Janet E. Morris
Series: Thieves World
Beyond Sanctuary US
Beyond the Veil US
Beyond Wizardwall US
Tempus short stories US
City at the Edge of Time with Chris Morris US
Tempus Unbound with Chris Morris US
Strom Seed with Chris Morris US
Soul of the City US
Series: Heroes in Hell
Heroes in Hell short stories US
Rebels in Hell with C. J. Cherryh - short stories US
Angels in Hell short stories US
Crusaders in Hell short stories US
Kings in Hell with C. J. Cherryh - short stories US
Masters in Hell short stories US
The Little Helliad with Chris Morris - short stories US
War in Hell short stories US
Explorers in Hell with David Drake - short stories US
Prophets in Hell short stories US
The Gates of Hell with C. J. Cherryh US

Jean Morris
A New Magic
A New Calling
The Troy Game US

Kenneth Morris
The Chalchiuhite Dragon US
The Dragon Path short stories US
Book of the Three Dragons UK US

Tee Morris official site
Morevi, the Chronicles of Rafe and Askana with Lisa Lee UK US
Series: The Arathellean Wars
Legacy of Morevi UK US
Billibub Baddings and the Case of the Singing Sword UK US

Tracy S. Morris unofficial site
Medieval Misfits short stories US
Cat Seeing Double UK US

William Morris official site
The Well at the World's End UK US
The Sundering Flood US
The Water of the Wondrous Isles US
The Wood Beyond the World UK US
Three Works A Dream of John Ball - The Pilgrims of Hope - News from Nowhere UK US
The Glittering Plain UK US
More to William Morris The House of the Wolflings - The roots of the Mountains UK US

Winifred Morris
With Magical Horses to Ride US

Dorothy Nafus Morrison
Vanishing Act US

Pearl Morrison
The Wind Tamer soon...

G. D. Morrow
Series: Dead Magicians Club
Maps US

James Morrow official site
Towing Jehovah UK US
Blameless in Abaddon UK US
The Eternal Footman UK US
Only Begotten Daughter UK US

Roger Mortimer
The Ruby of Carminel UK

Christine Morton-Shaw official site
The Riddles of Epsilon UK US

Peter Morwood official site
Series: The Book of Years
The Horse Lord US
The Demon Lord US
The Dragon Lord UK US
The Warlord's Domain US
Series: Clan Wars
Series: Guardians of the Three
Keeper of the City with Diane Duane US
Series: Prince Ivan
Prince Ivan
The Golden Hord

Walter Mosley official site
D. G. Mowatt
The Nibelungenlied   UK US

Kate Muir
Suffragette City UK

Manuel Mujica Láinez unofficial site
The Wandering Unicorn US

Tom Mula
Jacob Marley's Christmas Caro UK US

Patricia Mullen
The Stone Movers US

Richard V. Mullenax Jr. official site
Series: Etheros
The Four Warriors UK US

Robin Muller unofficial site
The Magic Paintbrush UK US

Caryl Cude Mullin
A Riddle of Roses UK US

Talbot Mundy official site
Om, the Secret of Ahbor Valley UK US
King, of the Khyber Rifles US

H. Warner Munn
Series: Merlin's Godson
King of the World's Edge US
The Ship from Atlantis US
Merlin's Ring US
The Banner of Joan

Kevin Scott Munnings official site
Series: The Tapestry of Blood
Blood of the Ancients UK US

Jean Muno
Glove of Passion, Voice of Blood short stories US

Jim Munroe official site
Flyboy Action Figure Comes with Gasmask UK US

Terence Munsey official site
Series: Stoneman
The Flight of the Stoneman's Son US
The Keeper of Three US
Labyrinths of Light US
Marks of Stone US
They of Old 2002

C. E. Murphy official site
Series: The Walker Papers
Urban Shaman UK US
Thunderbird Falls UK US
Coyote Dreams UK US
Cauldron Borne soon...
Series: The Walker Papers related
Banshee Cries short story
Series: Inheritors' Cycle
The Queen's Bastard 29th April 2008 UK US
The Pretender's Crown soon...
The Imperator's Heir soon...

Rita Murphy
Night Flying UK US
Black Angels UK US
Harmony UK US

Shirley Rousseau Murphy official site
Series: Ring of Fire
Ring of Fire US
King, of the Khyber Rifles US
The Wolf Bell US
Jimgrim US
Castle of Hape US
Caves of Fire and Ice US
Joining of the Stone US
Series: Dragonbards
Nightpool US
The Ivory Lyre US
The Dragonbards US
The Catswold Portal US
Silver Woven in my Hair US
Soonie and the Dragon US
The Grass Tower US
The Song of the Christmas Mouse US
Valentine for a Dragon US
Medallion of the Black Hound US
Wind Child UK US

Dwina Murphy-Gibb
Series: Cormac
The Seers
The King Making UK

Edward Myers official site
The Mountain Made of Light US
Fire and Ice US
The Summit US

John Myers Myers
Silverlock UK US
The Moon's Fire-Eating Daughter US
The Harp and the Blade US

Walter Dean Myers unofficial site
Shadow of the Red Moon UK US

Harold Myra
Children of the Night UK US
The Shining Face US
Morning Child US

Magdalen Nabb
Twilight Ghost UK

Vladimir Nabokov unofficial site
Invitation to a Beheading UK US
The Eye UK US

Sten Nadolny
The God of Impertinence US

Gina B. Nahai
Moonlight on the Avenue of Faith UK US

Kathleen Nance official site
More Than Magic UK US

Donna Jo Napoli unofficial site
The Prince of the Pond UK US
Jimmy, the Pickpocket of the Palace UK US
Gracie, the Pixie of the Puddle UK US
The Magic Circle UK US
Sirena UK US
Crazy Jack UK US
Spinners with Richard Tchen UK US
Beast UK US
The Great God Pan UK US
Breath UK US
Bound UK US

Mary Nash
Mrs. Coverlet's Magicians UK US

Robert Nathan unofficial site
Portrait of Jennie UK US

Terry Nation unofficial site
Rebecca's World UK US

Lilian Nattel
The River Midnight UK US

Phyllis Reynolds Naylor official site
Series: Witch's Sister
Witch's Sister US
Witch Water US
The Witch Herself US
The Witch's Eye US
Witch Weed US
The Witch Returns US

Vera Nazarian official site
Lords of Rainbow UK US

Rebecca Neason
The Thirteenth Scroll UK US
The Truest Power UK US

John R. Neill unofficial site
Series: Oz
The Scalawagons of Oz US
Lucky Bucky in Oz US

Eric Neilson
Series: Haakon
The Golden Ax US
The Viking's Revenge US
Haakon's Iron Hand US
The War God US

E. Nesbit unofficial site
Series: Psammead
Five Children and It UK US
The Phoenix and the Carpet UK US
The House of Arden UK US
Harding's Luck US
The Book of Beasts UK US
The Book of Dragons short stories UK US
The Cockatoucan US
The Enchanted Castle UK US
The Ice Dragon US
The Magic World short stories US
Melisande UK US
The Story of the Amulet UK US
The Town in the Library US
Wet Magic UK US
Whereyouwanttogoto and Other Unlikely Tales short stories
The Magic City UK US

Katherine Neville official site
The Eight UK US

T. P. Newark
Series: Falling empires
The Land of Eternal Fire

Linda Newbery official site
Sisterland UK US
At the Firefly Gate UK US

Henry Newbolt
Aladore US

Robert Newcomb official site
Series: Chronicles of Blood and Stone
The Fifth Sorceress UK US
The Gates of Dawn UK US
The Scrolls of the Ancients UK US
Series: The Destinies of Blood and Stone
Savage Messiah UK US
A March into Darkness UK US
Rise of the Blood Royal UK US
Series: The Victories of Blood and Stone
? soon...
? soon...
? soon...

Robert W. Newman
Merlin's Mistake UK US

Sharan Newman official site
Series: The Guinevere Trilogy
Guinevere UK US
The Chessboard Queen UK US
Guinevere Evermore UK US

Stan Nicholls official site
Series: Nightshade Chronicles
The Book of Shadows UK
The Shadow of the Sorcerer UK
A Gathering of Shadows UK
Series: Orcs: First Blood
Bodyguard of Lightning UK US
Legion of Thunder UK US
Warriors of the Tempest UK US
Series: Streamers
A Fistful of Dormice with Anne Gay - soon...
The Green Mouse Effect with Anne Gay - soon...
Where is Your Husband Tethered? with Anne Gay - soon...
Delicious Hot or Cold with Anne Gay - soon...
I Left My Hat in San Francisco with Anne Gay - soon...
Ten Days That Shook the Weird with Anne Gay - soon...
Series: Quicksilver (US: The Dreamtime)
Quicksilver Rising US: The Covenant Rising UK US
Quicksilver Zenith US: The Righteous Blade UK US
Quicksilver Twilight UK

Adam Nichols unofficial site
Series: The White Blade Saga
The Paladin
The Songster UK
The Curer UK US
The War of the Lords Veil
The Pathless Way UK

Ruth Nichols
A Walk Out of the World US

Geoff Nicholson unofficial site
Flesh Guitar UK US

William V. Nicholson official site
Series: The Wind on Fire Trilogy
The Wind Singer UK US
Slaves of the Mastery UK US
Firesong UK US
Series: Noble Warriors
Seeker UK US
Jango UK US
Noman 3rd September 2007 UK

Nick Nielsen
Series: E.L.V.
Time's Square UK
E.L.V. III soon...

Audrey Niffenegger
The Time Traveler's Wife UK US

Douglas Niles unofficial site
Series: The Watershed
The Breach in the Watershed UK US
Darkenheight UK US
The War of Three Waters UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Moonshae
Darkwalker on Moonshae UK US
Black Wizards UK US
Darkwell UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Druidhome
Prophet of Moonshae UK US
The Coral Kingdom UK US
The Druid Queen UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Maztica
Ironhelm UK US
Viperhand UK US
Feathered Dragon UK US
Series: DragonLance: The Chaos War
The Last Thane UK US
The Puppet King UK US
Series: DragonLance: Villains
Emperor of Ansalon UK US
Series: DragonLance: The Lost Histories
The Kagonesti UK US
The Dragons UK US
Series: Dragonlance: Lost Legends
Fistandantilus Reborn UK US
Series: DragonLance: Preludes
Flint the King with Mary Kirchoff UK US
Series: DragonLance: Elven Nations
The Kinslayer Wars UK US
Series: DragonLance: Icewall
The Messenger UK US
The Golden Orb UK US
Winterheim UK US
Series: DragonLance: The Age of Mortals
Wizards' Conclave UK US
Series: DragonLance: The Rise of Solamnia
Lord of the Rose UK US
Series: DragonLance related
Dragonlance Reader's Companion: The Odyssey of Gilthanas with Stan & Steve Miller UK US
Series: Seven Circles Trilogy
Circle at Center UK US
World Fall UK US
The Goddess Worldweaver UK US
Series: First Quest: Quest Triad
Pawns Prevail UK US
Suitor's Duel UK US
Immortal Game UK US

Jenny Nimmo
Series: The Snow Spider
The Snow Spider UK US
Emlyn's Moon US: Orchard of the Crescent Moon UK US
The Chestnut Soldier UK US
Series: Ultramarine
Ultramarine UK US
Rainbow and Mr. Zed UK US
Series: The Children of the Red King Quintet
Midnight for Charlie Bone UK US
The Time Twister US: Charlie Bone and the Time Twister UK US
The Blue Boa US: Charlie Bone and the Invisible Boy UK US
The Castle of Mirrors US: Charlie Bone and the Castle of Mirrors UK US
Griffin's Castle UK US
Milo's Wolves UK
The Owl Tree UK US
The Rinaldi Ring UK US

Lia Nirgad
As High as the Scooter Can Fly UK US

Lindy Anne Nisbet
Outrageous Detour UK US

Adam Niswander
The Repository UK US

Larry Niven official site
The Magic Goes Away US
The Magic May Return short stories US
More Magic short stories US
The Burning City with Jerry Pournelle UK US
The Burning Tower with Jerry Pournelle UK US
The Time of the Warlock US
Inferno US
The Flying Sorcerers with David Gerrold UK US

Garth Nix official site
Series: The Old Kingdom
Sabriel UK US
Lirael, Daughter of the Clayr UK US
Abhorsen UK US
Series: The Old Kingdom related
Across the Wall short stories UK US
Series: The Seventh Tower
The Fall UK US
Castle UK US
Aenir US
Above The Veil US
Into Battle US
The Violet Keystone UK US
Series: The Keys to the Kingdom
Mister Monday UK US
Grim Tuesday UK US
Drowned Wednesday UK US
Sir Thursday UK US
Lady Friday UK US
Superior Saturday 1st July 2008 UK US
Lord Sunday soon...
The Ragwitch UK US
Shade's Children UK US

Perry Nodelman official site
Of Two Minds with Carol Matas UK US
More Minds with Carol Matas UK US
Out of Their Minds with Carol Matas UK US
A Meeting of Minds with Carol Matas UK US
The Same Place But Different UK US
A Completely Different Place US

Charles Nodier
Smarra & Trilby short stories UK US

Till Noever official site
Keaen UK US
Finister soon...
Tergan soon...
Fontaine soon...

William F. Nolan official site
With Marlowe in L. A. short story & poem

Jeff Noon official site
Automated Alice UK US

Roger Norman
Albion's Dream US

Gregory Norminton official site
The Ship of Fools UK
Arts and Wonders soon...

Allen C. Northrop
Before The Beginning

Andre Norton official site
Series: Estcarp Cycle
The Witch World US
Web of the Witch World US
Three Against the Witch World US
Warlock of the Witch World US
Sorceress of the Witch World US
Trey of Swords US
'Ware Hawk US
Gate of the Cat US
Series: High Hallack Cycle
Horn Crown US
Year of the Unicorn US
Spell of the Witch World US
Jargoon Pard US
Zarsthor's Bane US
The Crystal Gryphon US
Gryphon in Glory US
Gryphon's Eyrie with A. C. Crispin UK US
The Songsmith with A. C. Crispin UK US
Series: The Turning
Storms of Victory with P. M. Griffin US
Flight of Vengence with Mary H. Shaub and P. M. Griffin UK US
On Wings of Magic with Patricia Mathews and Sasha Miller US
Series: Witch World related
Port of Dead Ships with P. M. Griffin
Seakeep with P. M. Griffin
Exile with Mary Schaub
Falcon Hope with P. M. Griffin
We, the Women with Patricia Mathews
Falcon Magic with Sasha Miller
The Key of the Keplian with Lyn McConchie UK US
Ciara's Song with Lyn McConchie UK US
The Mage Stone with Mary Schaub UK US
The Warding of the Witch World US
The Were Wrath short story US
The Toads of Grimmerdale short story
One Spell Wizard short story
The Duke's Ballad with Lyn McConchie UK US
Silver May Tarnish with Lyn McConchie UK US
Series: Halfblood Chronicles
The Elvenbane with Mercedes Lackey US
Elvenblood with Mercedes Lackey UK US
Elvenborn with Mercedes Lackey UK US
Elvenbread with Mercedes Lackey - soon...
Series: Magic in Ithkar
Magic in Ithkar with Robert Adams - short stories US
Magic in Ithkar II with Robert Adams - short stories US
Magic in Ithkar III with Robert Adams - short stories US
Magic in Ithkar IV with Robert Adams - short stories US
Series: Trilium
Black Trillium with Marion Zimmer Bradley and Julian May UK US
Golden Trillium with Elizabeth Waters UK US
Series: Time Traders
The Time Traders US
The Defiant Agents US
Firehand with P. M. Griffin US
Echoes in Time with Sherwood Smith UK US
Series: Carolus Rex
The Shadow of Albion with Rosemary Edghill UK US
Leopard in Exile with Rosemary Edghill UK US
Series: Forerunner
Storm over Warlock US
Ordeal in Otherwhere US
Forerunner Foray US
Forerunner US
The Second Venture US
Series: Star Ka'at
Star Ka'at US
Star Ka'at World US
Star Ka'at and the Plant People with Dorothy H. Madlee and Jean Loewer US
Star Ka'at and the Winged Warriors US
Series: Beast Master
The Beast Master US
Lord of Thunder US
Beast Master's Quest with Lyn McConchie - soon...
Series: Janus
Catseye US
Judgement on Janus US
Victory on Janus US
Series: Moonsinger
Moon of Three Rings UK US
Exiles of the Stars US
Flight in Yiktor US
Dare to Go A-Hunting US
Series: Moonsinger related
Brother to Shadows UK US
Series: Catfantastic
Catfantastic with Martin H. Greenberg UK US
Catfantastic II with Martin H. Greenberg UK US
Catfantastic III with Martin H. Greenberg UK US
Catfantastic IV with Martin H. Greenberg UK US
Catfantastic V with Martin H. Greenberg UK US
Series: Oak, Yew, Ash, and Rowan
To the King a Daughter with Sasha Miller UK US
Knight or Knave with Sasha Miller UK US
A Crown Disowned with Sasha Miller UK US
Dragon Blade with Sacha Miller UK US
? with Sacha Miller - soon...
Series: The Magic Sequence
Steel Magic US
Octagon Magic US
Fur Magic US
Dragon Magic US
Lavender-Green Magic US
Red Hart Magic US
Quag Keep UK US
Return to Quag Keep with Jean Rabe UK US
High Sorcery short stories US
House of Shadows with Phyllis Miller US
Imperial Lady, a Fantasy of Han China with Susan Shwartz US
Moon Mirror UK US
Ralestone Luck US
The Hands of Lyr US
The Mark of the Cat, Year of the Rat UK US
Wizards' Worlds short stories US
Wraiths of Time UK US
Garan the Eternal short stories US
Here Abide Monsters US
Iron Cage US
Moon Called UK US
Mirror of Destiny UK US
Tiger Burning Bright UK US
The Monster's Legacy US
Scent of Magic UK US
Quest Crosstime US
Wind in the Stone UK US
Empire of the Eagle with Susan Shwartz UK US
Huon of the Horn US
Serpent's Tooth
Wheel of Stars US
Three Hands for Scorpio UK US

Mary Norton
Series: The Borrowers
The Borrowers UK US
The Borrowers Afield UK US
The Borrowers Afloat UK US
The Borrowers Aloft UK US
The Borrowers Avenged UK US
Poor Stainless short stories UK US
Are All the Giants Dead? UK US
Bed-Knob and Broomstick UK US

Manning Norvil
Series: Odan the Half-God
Dream Chariots
Whetted Bronze
Crown of the Sword God US

Warren C. Norwood unofficial site
True Jaguar US

Naomi Novik official site
Series: Temeraire
Temeraire 3rd January 2006 UK
? soon...
? soon...

Jay Nussbaum official site
Blue Road to Atlantis UK US

Jody Lynn Nye official site
Series: Partnerships
The Ship Who Won with Anne McCaffrey UK US
The Ship Errant UK US
Series: Planet Pirates
The Planet Pirates with Anne McCaffrey and Elizabeth Moon UK US
The Death of Sleep with Anne Mccaffrey UK US
Series: Doona
Crisis on Doona with Anne McCaffrey UK US
Treaty at Doona with Anne McCaffrey UK US
Series: Keith Doyle Mythology
Mythology 101 US
Mythology Abroad US
Higher Mythology US
Advanced Mythology UK US
Series: Pern related
Dragonlover's Guide to Pern UK US
Series: Xanth related
Visual Guide to Xanth with Piers Anthony US
Waking in Dreamland UK US
School of Light UK US
The Grand Tour UK US
Series: Myth
Advanced Mythology UK US
Myth Alliances with Robert Lynn Asprin UK US
Myth-Told Tales with Robert Lynn Asprin - short stories UK US
Myth-Taken Identity with Robert Lynn Asprin UK US
Class Dis-Mythed with Robert Lynn Asprin UK US
Magic Touch UK US
License Invoked with Robert Lynn Asprin UK US

Robert Nye
Merlin UK US
Beowulf UK US

Eric S. Nylund unofficial site
Pawn's Dream UK US
A Game of Universe UK US
Dry Water UK US

Flann O'Brien unofficial site
The Dalkey Archive UK US
The Third Policeman UK US

Gerry O'Brien
Series: The Burough
Cleaning Up UK US
Planting Out UK US

Robert C. O'Brien unofficial site
Series: Rats of NIMH
Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH UK US

Nick O'Donohoe
Series: Crossroads
The Magic and the Healing US
Under the Healing Sign UK US
The Healing of Crossroads UK US
Series: Gnomewrench
The Gnomewrench in the Dwarfworks UK US
The Gnomewrench in the Peopleworks UK US

Seán O'Faoláin
And Again? US

Tim O'Laughlin
Phoenix Fire US

Patrick O'Leary official site
The Gift UK US

Anthony O'Neill
Sheherazade UK

Darren O'Shaughnessy
Series: The City
Ayuamarca, Procession of the Dead UK
Hell's Horizon UK

Pat O'Shea
The Hounds of the Morrigan UK US
Finn MacCool and the Small Men of Deeds US

Mel Odom
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Threat from the Sea
Rising Tide UK US
Under Fallen Stars UK US
The Sea Devil's Eye UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: Lost Empires
The Lost Library of Cormanthyr US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Cities
The Jewel of Turmish UK US
Series: Diablo
The Black Road with Charles L. Grant UK US
Series: Might and Magic
The Sea of Mist UK US
The Rover UK US
The Destruction of the Book UK US
Lord of the Libraries UK US

Andrew J. Offutt
Series: Conan
The Sword of Skelos US
Conan and the Sorcerer UK US
Conan the Mercenary US
Series: Cormac Mac Art
The Mists of Doom US
The Undying Wizard US
When Dead Birds Fly with Keith Taylor US
The Tower of Death with Keith Taylor US
The Sword of the Gael with Robert E. Howard US
The Sign of the Moonbow US
Series: Thieves World
Shadowspawn US
Deathknight US
The Shadow of Sorcery US
Series: War of the Gods on Earth
The Iron Lords US
Shadows Out of Hell US
The Lady of the Snowmist US
Series: War of the Wizards
Demon in the Mirror with Richard K. Lyon US
The Eye of Sarsis with Richard K. Lyon US
Web of the Spider with Richard K. Lyon US
My Lord Barbarian US
Deathknight US

Ian Ogilvy official site
Measle and the Wrathmonk UK US
Measle and the Dragodon UK US
Measle and the Mallockee UK US

Noriko Ogiwara
Dragon Sword and Wind Child US

Nnedi Okorafor-Mbachu unofficial site
Zahrah the Windseker UK US

Ben Okri unofficial site
The Famished Road UK US
Songs of Enchantment UK US
Infinite Riches UK US

Jenny Oldfield
Series: Dream Seeker
Silver Cloud UK

June Oldham unofficial site
The Raven Waits UK

Gloria Oliver official site
In Service of Samurai UK US
Vassal of El UK US

Jana G. Oliver official site
Series: DragonFire
The Circle of the Swan UK US
The Summoning Stone UK US

Lance Olsen
Live from Earth US

Kenneth Oppel official site
Silverwing UK US
Sunwing UK US
Firewing UK US
Airborn UK US
Skybreaker UK US

Shulamith Oppenheim unofficial site
The World Invisible US

Kerry L. Orchard official site
The Thoughtmaster's Conduit

Rebecca Ore unofficial site
Slow Funeral US

A. Orr
Series: World in Amber
The World in Amber US
In the Ice King's Palace US

Joe Orton
Head to Toe UK US

Victor Osborne
Moondream US

Juliene Osborne-McKnight
Daughter of Ireland UK US
Bright Sword of Ireland UK US

Metamorphoses UK US

Robin D. Owens official site
Series: The Summonings
Guardian of Honor UK US
Sorceress of Faith UK US
Protector of the Flight UK US
Keepers of the Flame UK US

Helen Oyeyemi
The Icarus Girl UK US

Cynthia Ozick unofficial site
The Puttermesser Papers UK US

E. L. Pace
The Whitler

Kathy Page
Island Paradise US

Norvell W. Page unofficial site
Flame Winds
Sons of the Bear-God

Michael Palin unofficial site
The Mirrorstone US

Joshua Palmatier official site
The Skewed Throne UK US
The Cracked Throne UK US
The Vacant Throne UK US

Jessica Palmer official site
Series: Renegades
Healer's Quest
Fire Wars
Return of the Wizard

Joseph Palmer
Series: Saga of the Dragon Stones
Dragon Stones UK US
Series: The Island Court
The Bottle of Saint Tucke UK US

Susan Palwick
Flying in Place UK US
The Necessary Beggar UK US

Christopher Paolini official site
Series: Inheritance
Eragon UK US
Eldest UK US
Brisingr UK US

Jean-Claude Paquette
The Wizard US

Paul Park
Series: The Starbridge Chronicles
Soldiers of Paradise US
Sugar Rain US
The Cult of Loving Kindness US
Series: White Tyger
The Princess of Roumania UK US
The Tourmaline soon...
? soon...
? soon...
No Traveller Returns UK

Ruth Park unofficial site
My Sister Sif UK US
Playing Beatie Bow UK US

K. J. Parker
Series: The Fencer Trilogy
Colours in the Steel UK US
The Belly of the Bow UK US
The Proof House UK US
Series: The Scavenger Trilogy
Shadow UK US
Pattern UK US
Memory UK US
Series: Engineer
Devices and Desires UK US
? soon...
? soon...

Mark F. Parker
Series: The World-Renowned Hitherto Unknown Orsonian Legends
X-Calibre, The Absurd Legend of Cantiger the Wizard UK US

Dan Parkinson
Series: DragonLance: Heroes
The Gates of Thorbardin UK US
Series: DragonLance: The Lost Histories
The Gully Dwarves UK US
Series: DragonLance: Dwarven Nations
The Covenant of the Forge US
Hammer and Axe US
The Swordsheath Scroll US
Starsong UK US

Richard Parks
Hereafter, and After soon...

Rick Parsons & Tony Keaveny
Colin the Librarian US
Krap the Conqueror US

Brian Parvin
The Singing Tree
The Golden Garden
The Moon-Keepers

Jeremy Pascall
God, the Ultimate Autobiography US

William Pasnak
In the City of the King US

Laurien Patten
The Left Hand of Aneryn

Nancy-Lou Patterson
Apple Staff and Silver Crown US

Darcy Pattison official site
The Wayfinder UK US

Fiona Patton
Series: Tales of the Branion Realm
The Stone Prince US
The Silver Lake UK US
The Painter Knight UK US
The Silver Tower soon...
The Granite Shield UK US
The Golden Sword UK US
Series: The Warriors of Estavia

Edith Pattou
Series: The Songs of Eirren
Hero's Song UK US
Fire Arrow UK US
East UK US

Donita K. Paul official site
Dragonspell UK US

Jenny Pausacker
Fast Forward US

Michelle Paver official site
Series: Chronicles of Ancient Darkness
Wolf Brother UK US
Spirit Walker UK US
Soul-Eater UK US
Outcast UK US
Oathbreaker 4th September 2008 UK
Ghost Hunter 3rd September 2009 UK

Milorad Pavic unofficial site
The Inner Side of the Wind, or The Novel of Hero and Leander US

Diana L. Paxson official site
Series: The Chronicle of Fionn Mac Cumhal
Master of Earth and Water with Adrienne Martine-Barnes UK US
The Shield Between the Worlds with Adrienne Martine-Barnes UK US
Sword of Fire and Shadow with Adrienne Martine-Barnes UK US
Series: The Hallowed Ilse
The Book of the Sword UK US
The Book of the Spear UK US
The Book of the Cauldron UK US
The Book of the Stone UK US
Series: Westria
Lady of Light UK US
Lady of Darkness UK US
Silverhair the Wanderer UK US
The Earthstone UK US
The Sea Star UK US
Wind Crystal UK US
The Jewel of Fire UK US
The Golden Hills of Westria UK US
Series: Wodan's Children
The Wolf and the Raven US
The Dragons And the Rhine US
The Lord of Horses US
Series: Avalon
Forests of Avalon with Marion Zimmer Bradley - US: The Forest House UK US
Lady of Avalon with Marion Zimmer Bradley UK US
Priestess of Avalon with Marion Zimmer Bradley UK
Ancestors of Avalon with Marion Zimmer Bradley UK US
Ravens of Avalon with Marion Zimmer Bradley - soon...
White Mare, Red Stallion US
The White Raven US
The Serpent's Tooth US
Brisingamon US
The Paradise Tree US

Michael H. Payne official site
The Blood Jaguar UK US

Roberto Pazzi
The Princess and the Dragon US

Michael Peak
Cat House US
Catamount US

Mervyn Peake unofficial site
Series: The Gormenghast Trilogy
Titus Groan   UK US
Gormenghast   UK US
Titus Alone   UK US
Boy in Darkness short story   UK US
Danse Macabre short story
Specialist short story
Mr. Pye UK US
Letters from a Lost Uncle UK

Philippa Pearce
Tom's Midnight Garden UK US
The Little Gentleman UK US

Maggie Pearson
Owl Light UK US
Dark of the Moon UK US
Omega Seven UK
Shadow of the Beast UK

Mary E. Pearson official site
David v. God UK US

Ridley Pearson official site
Peter and the Starcatchers with Dave Barry UK US
Peter and the Shadow Thieves with Dave Barry UK US
The Kingdom Keepers UK US

Claudia Peck
Spirit Crossings US

Dale Peck
Drift House UK US
Lost Cities UK US

Sylvia Peck official site
Seal Child US

John Peel
Series: Diadem: Worlds of Magic
Book of Names UK US
Book of Signs UK US
Book of Magic UK US
Book of Thunder UK US
Book of Earth UK US
Book of Nightmares UK US
Book of War UK US
Book of Oceans UK US
Uptime, Downtime US

Deirdra Peirce official site
Series: The Order of the Dragon
Jacob & Rachel
Eden's Flaming Sword Summer 2004

Victor Pelevin
The Life of Insects UK US
The Clay Machine-Gun UK US

Charles Pellegrino
Flying to Vhalhalla US

Josephine Pennicott official site
Circle of Nine
Bride of the Stone
A Fire in the Shell

Lana Perez official site
Series: Dungeons & Dragons: Knights of the Silver Dragon
Figure in the Frost UK US
Series: Star Sisterz
Bright Lights for Bella UK US
Bella Goes Hollywood 8th August 2006 UK US

Arturo Perez-Reverte unofficial site
The Dumas Club UK US

Dory Perlman
Series: The Secret of the Unicorn Queen
Final Test US

Charles Perrault unofficial site
Perrault's Complete Fairy Tales UK US

Don Perrin official site
Series: DragonLance: The Raistlin Chronicles
Brothers in Arms with Margaret Weis UK US
Series: DragonLance: The Chaos War
The Doom Brigade With Margaret Weis UK US
Series: DragonLance: Warriors
Theros Ironfeld UK US
Series: DragonLance: Kang's Regiment
Draconian Measures with Margaret Weis UK US

Anne Perry official site
Tathea UK US
Come Armageddon UK US

Mark C. Perry
Series: Morigu
The Desecration US
The Dead US

Steve Perry official site
Series: Conan
Conan the Fearless US
Conan the Defiant US
Conan the Indomitable US
Conan the Free Lance UK US
Conan the Formidable UK US
The Hero Curse
Thong the Barbarian Meets the Cycle Sluts of Saturn with J. Michael Reaves
Windowpane UK US

Alistair Peter
Geronimus Rex UK

Beth Petersen
No Turning Back

Ken Petti, John Amodeo & Cassandra Westwood
Series: Zenda
Zenda and the Gazing Ball UK US
A New Dimension UK US
The Crystal Planet UK US
Lost on Aquaria UK US
The Impossible Butterfly 1st September 2004 UK US
A Test of Mirrors 1st November 2004 - with Tracy West UK US

Elizabeth Pewsey
The Talking Head UK
The Dewstone Quest UK
The Walled City UK
The Hand of Doume

Ursula Pflug
Green Music US

Rodman Philbrick official site
Rem World UK US
The Last Book in the Universe UK US

Neil Philip
The Tale of Sir Gawain UK US

Ann Phillips
The Oak King & the Ash Queen US

Felice Picano unofficial site
Looking Glass Lives UK US

Paul Pickering
Charlie Peace US

David M. Pierce
Elf Child UK US

J. Calvin Pierce
Series: Ambermere
The Door To Ambermere US
The Sorceress of Ambermere US
The Wizard of Ambermere US

Meredith Ann Pierce
Series: The Darkangel
The Darkangel UK US
A Gathering of Gargoyles UK US
The Pearl of the Soul of the World UK US
Series: Firebringer
Birth of the Firebringer UK US
Dark Moon UK US
The Son of Summer Stars UK US
The Woman Who Loved Reindeer UK US
Where the Wild Geese Go US
Treasure at the Heart of the Tanglewood UK US
Waters Luminous & Deep short stories UK US

Tamora Pierce official site
Series: Song of the Lioness
Alanna: the First Adventure UK US
In the Hand of the Goddess UK US
The Girl Who Rides Like a Man US: The Woman Who Rides Like a Man UK US
Lioness Rampant UK US
Series: The Immortals
Wild Magic UK US
Wolf-Speaker UK US
The Emperor Mage US: Emperor Mage UK US
The Realms of the Gods UK US
Series: Protector of the Small
First Test UK US
Page UK US
Squire UK US
Lady Knight UK US
Series: Daughter of the Lioness
Trickster's Choice UK US
Trickster's Queen UK US
Series: Beka Cooper
Terrier UK US
Bloodhound 27th May 2008 UK US
Elkhound September 2008
Series: Numair
The Early Years September 2009
Series: Beka Cooper related
? May 2010
Series: Circle of Magic
The Magic in the Weaving US: Sandry's Book UK US
The Power in the Storm US: Tris's Book UK US
The Fire in the Forging US: Daja's Book UK US
The Healing in the Vine US: Briar's Book UK US
Series: The Cirlcle Opens
Magic Steps UK US
Street Magic UK US
Cold Fire UK US
Shatterglass UK US
Series: Circle related
The Will of the Empress UK US
? March 2007
? March 2009
Melting Stones short story - soon...

Chris Pierson
Series: DragonLance: Bridges of Time
Spirit of the Wind UK US
Dezra's Quest UK US
Series: DragonLance: The Kingpriest Trilogy
Chosen of the Gods UK US
Divine Hammer UK US
Sacred Fire UK US
Series: DragonLance: The Taladas Chronicles
Blades of the Tiger UK US

Christopher Pike unofficial site
Alosha UK US
The Shaktra UK US
The Yanti UK US
Sati US

Cecile Pineda official site
Love Queen of the Amazon UK US

Wendy & Richard Pini official site
Series: Elfquest
Journey to Sorrow's End with Delfin Barral US
The Quest Begins UK US
Captives of Blue Mountain UK US

Daniel M. Pinkwater official site
Series: Young Adults
Young Adult Novel UK US
Dead End Dada
Series: The Snarkout Boys
The Snarkout Boys and the Avocado of Death UK US
The Snarkout Boys and the Baconburg Horror US
The Afterlife Diet UK US
Borgel UK US
Lizard Music UK US
Looking for Bobowicz UK US

Ricardo Pinto official site
Series: The Stone Dance of the Chameleon
The Chosen UK US
The Standing Dead UK US

Caroline Pitcher official site
Cloud Cat UK US
Sky Shifter UK US
Mine UK

Mary Pjerrou
Coz US

Randall Beth Platt official site
Out of a Forest Clearing US

Rachel Plummer
Series: Dungeons & Dragons: Knights of the Silver Dragon
Mystery of the Wizard's Tomb 7th February 2006 UK US

Charles Edward Pogue
Dragonheart novelisation UK US

John William Polidori unofficial site
*The Vampyre (*Le Vampire)   UK US

Rachel Pollack unofficial site
Unquenchable Fire UK US
Temporary Agency US
Godmother Night UK US

Nick Pollotta & James Clay
That Darn Squid God UK US

Josephine Poole
Moon Eyes UK US
Scorched UK

Richard Poole official site
Series: The Book of Lowmoor
Jewel and Thorn UK US
The Brass Key 6th February 2006 UK
? soon...

Rien Poortvliet
Series: Gnomes
Gnomes with Will Huygen UK US
Secrets of the Gnomes with Will Huygen US
Gnome Life with Will Huygen UK US
The Book of the Sandman and the Alphabet of Sleep US

Elizabeth Marie Pope
The Perilous Gard UK US
The Sherwood Ring UK US

Ellen Porath
Series: DragonLance: The Meeting Sextet
Kindred Spirits with Mark Anthony UK US
Steel and Stone UK US

Abel Posse
The Dogs of Paradise UK US

Ellen Potter
Olivia Kidney UK US

Tessa Potter
Dark Waters UK US

Bill Pottle official site
DreamQuest UK US
ProphecyQuest soon...

Steven Potts
Hunting Gumnor UK

Tim Powers official site
Series: Last Call
Last Call US
Expiration Date UK US
Earthquake Weather UK US
Axolotl Double A-1 with James P. Blaylock US
The Anubis Gates UK US
On Stranger Tides US
The Stress of Her Regard US
Declare UK US
The Drawing of the Dark UK US
Alligator Alley as Mink Mole - with K. W. Jeter as Dr. Adder UK
Night Moves short stories UK US
Where They Are Hid US

John Cowper Powys unofficial site
Three Fantasies short stories US

Amanda Prantera
The Kingdom of Fanes

Nicholas C. Prata
Dream of Fire US

Terry Pratchett official site
Series: Discworld
The Colour of Magic US: The Color of Magic   UK US
The Light Fantastic   UK US
Equal Rites   UK US
Mort   UK US
Sourcery   UK US
Wyrd Sisters   UK US
Pyramids   UK US
Guards! Guards!   UK US
Eric   UK US
Moving Pictures   UK US
Reaper Man   UK US
Witches Abroad   UK US
Small Gods   UK US
Lords and Ladies   UK US
Men at Arms   UK US
Soul Music   UK US
Interesting Times   UK US
Maskerade   UK US
Feet of Clay   UK US
Hogfather   UK US
Jingo   UK US
The Last Continent   UK US
Carpe Jugulum   UK US
The Fifth Elephant   UK US
The Truth   UK US
Thief of Time   UK US
Night Watch   UK US
Monstrous Regiment   UK US
Going Postal   UK US
Thud!   UK US
Making Money   UK US
Unseen Academicals   UK US
Snuff   UK US
Raising Steam UK US
Scouting for Trolls soon...
Incubust very short story  
Troll Bridge short story   UK US
Theatre of Cruelty short story   UK US
Turntables of the Night short story   UK US
The Sea and Little Fishes short story   UK US
Death and What Comes Next short story  
Once More* with Footnotes short stories UK US
A Collegiate Casting-Out of Devilish Devices short story
Map: The Discworld Mapp UK US
Map: The Streets of Ankh-Morpork UK US
Map: A Tourist Guite to Lancre UK US
Map: Death's Domain UK US
Play: Mort with Stephen Briggs UK US
Play: Wyrd Sisters with Stephen Briggs UK
Play: Guards! Guards! with Stephen Briggs UK
Play: Men at Arms with Stephen Briggs UK
Play: Maskerade with Stephen Briggs UK
Play: Carpe Jugulum with Stephen Briggs UK
The Last Hero   UK US
The Discworld Portfolio UK US
The Josh Kirby Discworld Portfolio UK US
The Art of the Discworld UK US
The Unseen University Cut out Book with Alan Batley and Bernard Pearson UK US
The Science of the Discworld with Jack Cohen and Ian Stewart UK US
The Science of the Discworld II: the Globe with Jack Cohen and Ian Stewart UK US
The Science of the Discworld III: Darwin's Watch with Jack Cohen and Ian Stewart UK US
Unseen University Challenge UK
The Wyrdest Link with David Langford UK
The Discworld Companion UK US
The New Discworld Companion with Stephen Briggs UK
Nanny Ogg's Cookbook UK US
The Discworld Almanak UK
The Folklore of Discworld with Jacqueline Simpson UK US
Series: Discworld for Children
The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents   UK US
Where's my Cow?  
Series: Tiffany Aching
The Wee Free Men   UK US
A Hat Full of Sky   UK US
Wintersmith   UK US
I Shall Wear Midnight   UK US
Series: The Bromeliad
Truckers   UK US
Diggers   UK US
Wings   UK US
Series: Johnny Maxwell
*Only You Can Save Mankind UK US
*Johnny and the Dead UK US
*Johnny and the Bomb UK US
The Carpet People   UK US
*The Dark Side of the Sun   UK US
*Strata UK US
*The Unadulterated Cat   UK US
*Good Omens with Neil Gaiman   UK US
Nation   UK US
Dodger 13th September 2012   UK US
The Hades Business short story
Night Dweller short story
Twenty Pence With Envelope and Seasonal Greetings short story
Final Reward short story
#ifdefDEBUG + "world/enough" + "time" short story
Hollywood Chickens short story UK US
History in the Faking short story
The Secret Book of the Dead short story
Once and Future short story
The Megabyte Drive to Believe in Santa Claus short story

Fletcher Pratt unofficial site
Series: Enchanter
The Complete Compleat Enchanter with Lyon Sprague DeCamp UK US
The Blue Star US
The Well of the Unicorn US
Land of Unreason with Lyon Sprague DeCamp US
The Better Mousetrap with Lyon Sprague DeCamp - short story

Tim Pratt official site
The Strange Adventures of Rangergirl UK US

Thomas Peckett Prest unofficial site
*Varney the Vampyre or The Feast of Blood US

Otfried Preussler
The Satanic Mill UK US

Susan Price official site
Series: Ghost World
The Ghost Drum UK US
Ghost Song UK US
Ghost Dance UK US
Series: Elfgift
Elfgift UK
Elfking UK
Foiling the Dragon UK
The Wolf-Sisters UK
The King's Head UK
The Wolf's Footprint UK US

Christopher Priest official site
The Prestige UK US

James D. Priest
Series: Kirins
The Spell of No'an UK US
The Flight of the Ain US
Secret of the Hanging Stones US

Lily Prior official site
Ardour US: Ardor UK US

Natalie Jane Prior
Series: Lily Quench
Lily Quench and the Dragon of Ashby UK US
Lily Quench and the Black Mountains February 2004 UK US
Lily Quench and the Treasure of Mote Ely 1st April 2004 UK US
Lily Quench and the Lighthouse of Skellig Mor 1st June 2004 UK US
Lily Quench and the Magician's Pyramid 1st August 2004 UK US
? soon...
? soon...

Francine Prose unofficial site
Judah the Pious US

Sally Prue
Cold Tom UK US
The Devil's Toenail UK US
Goldkeeper UK US

Philip Pullman official site
Series: The Sally Lockhart Trilogy
The Ruby in the Smoke UK US
The Shadow in the North UK US
The Tiger in the Well UK US
The Tin Princess UK US
Series: His Dark Materials
Northern Lights US: The Golden Compass   UK US
The Subtle Knife   UK US
The Amber Spyglass   UK US
Series: His Dark Materials related
Lyra's Oxford UK US
The Book of Dust soon...
Clockwork UK US
Count Karlstein UK US
The Firewok-Maker's Daughter UK US
I Was a Rat!, or the Scarlet Slippers
The Scarecrow and His Servant UK US
The Wonderful Story of Aladdin and the Enchanted Lamp US: Aladdin and the Enchanted Lamp UK US

Jeanne Purdy
Alix in Academe UK US

Christine Purkis
Series: Paddlefeet
Paddlefeet UK

Richard Purtill
The Golden Gryphon Feather US
The Stolen Goddess US
The Mirror of Helen US
Enchantment At Delphi US

Alexander Sergeevitch Pushkin unofficial site
The Golden Cockerel and Other Fairy Tales short stories US

Mary Jo Putney official site
Kiss of Fate UK US
Stolen Magic UK US

Howard Pyle unofficial site
Series: King Arthur
The Story of King Arthur and His Knights UK US
The Story of the Champions of the Round Table UK US
The Story of Lancelot and His Companions UK US
The Story of the Grail and the Passing of Arthur UK US
King Stork UK US
Merry Adventures of Robin Hood UK US
The Garden Behind the Moon UK US
The Wonder Clock UK US

Sharon Pywell official site
What Happened to Henry UK US

Raymond Queneau unofficial site
Saint Glinglin UK US

Gina Quilici
Defending the Sword UK US

Seabury Quinn
Roads UK US

Jean Rabe official site
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Harpers
Red Magic UK US
Series: DragonLance: Warriors
Maquesta Kar-Thon with Tina Daniell UK US
Series: DragonLance: Dragons of a New Age
Dawning of a New Age UK US
The Day of the Tempest UK US
The Eve of the Maelstrom UK US
Series: DragonLance: Bridges of Time
The Silver Stair UK US
Series: DragonLance: The Dhamon Saga
Downfall UK US
Betrayal UK US
Redemption UK US
Series: DragonLance: The Age of Mortals
The Lake of Death UK US
Series: The Sovereign Stone
The Taan with Janet Pack UK US
Series: Endless Quest
Secret of the Djinn UK US
Night of the Tiger UK US
Sands of Deception UK US
The Finest Creation UK US
The Finest Choice UK US
The Finest Challenge UK US
Return to Quag Keep with Andre Norton UK US

Wil Radcliffe official site
Noggle Stones UK US

Irene Radford official site
Series: Dragon Nimbus
The Glass Dragon UK US
The Perfect Princess UK US
The Loneliest Magician UK US
The Wizard's Treasure UK US
Series: Dragon Nimbus History
The Dragon's Touchstone UK US
The Last Battlemage UK US
The Renegade Dragon UK US
Series: Merlin's Descendants
Guardian of the Balance UK US
Guardian of the Trust UK US
Guardian of the Vision UK US
Guardian of the Promise UK US
Guardian of the Freedom UK US

Hugh C. Rae
Harkfast, the Making of the King US

William Raeper
A Witch in Time
Warrior of Light

Atiq Rahimi
Earth and Ashes UK US

Glenn Arthur Rahman
Heir of Darkness US

David Randall
The Innkeeper's Daughter soon...
Clovermead UK US

Marta Randall
The Sword of Winter US

Victoria Randall official site
The Ring of the Dark Elves UK US

Robert Rankin official site
Series: Brentford
The Antipope UK US
The Brentford Triangle UK US
East of Ealing UK US
The Sprouts of Wrath UK US
The Brentford Chainstore Massacre UK US
Sex and Drugs and Sausage Rolls UK US
Web Site Story UK US
Brightonomicon UK US
Series: Brentford related
The Witches of Chiswick UK US
Knees up Mother Earth UK US
The Brightonomicon UK US
Series: Armageddon
Armageddon, the Musical UK US
They Came and Ate Us UK US
The Suburban Book of the Dead UK US
Series: Cornelius
The Book of Ultimate Truths UK US
Raiders of the Lost Car Park UK US
The Most Amazing Man Who Ever Lived UK US
Series: Bramfield
The Greatest Show off Earth UK US
Series: Autobiographies
Sprout Mask Replica UK US
The Dance of the Voodoo Handbag UK US
Snuff Fiction UK US
Series: Lazlo Woodbine
Waiting for Godalming UK US
The Fandom of the Operator UK US
Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse UK US
The Toyminator 2nd August 2006 UK US
The Garden of Unearthly Delights UK US
A Dog Called Demolition UK US
Nostradamus Ate My Hamster UK US
Apocalypso UK US

T. R. Rankin
Series: The Valerian Chronicles
Valerius the King UK US

Christoph Ransmayr
The Last World UK US

Candice Ransom official site
Series: Dungeons & Dragons: Knights of the Silver Dragon
Key to the Griffon's Lair UK US

Rudolf Erich Raspe
The Adventures of Baron Munchausen UK US

Melanie Rawn official site
Series: The Dragon Prince
Dragon Prince UK US
The Star Scroll UK US
Sunrunner's Fire UK US
Series: The Dragon Star
Stronghold UK US
The Dragon Token UK US
Skybowl UK US
Series: Exiles
The Ruins of Ambrai UK US
The Mageborn Traitor UK US
The Captal's Tower soon... US
Series: Quantum Leaps
Knights of the Morningstar US
Series: The Golden Key
The Golden Key with Kate Elliott and Jennifer Roberson - short stories UK US
The Diviner's Key UK
The Rushden Legagy as Ellen Randolf US
Keftiu soon...
Spellbinder soon...

Brian Rayfield
Topaz Fire

Quinn Reade
Quest of the Dark Lady

James E. Reagen
Series: Wizardry
The League of the Crimson Crescent US

Tom Reamy
Blind Voices US

Livia & James M. Reasoner
Series: Crusade: Sanctum
Lyron's Lament

J. Michael Reaves official site
The Shattered World US
The Burning Realm UK US
Dragonworld with Bryon Preiss UK US
Thong the Barbarian Meets the Cycle Sluts of Saturn with Steve Perry
Street Magic US
Darkworld Detective US

Diane Redmond
Joshua Cross US: Joshua Cross and the Lair of the Centaur UK US
Joshua Cross and the Queen's Conjuror UK US

Steve Redwood
Fisher of Devils UK US

John Reed unofficial site
Snowball's Chance UK US

Celia Rees
Witch Child UK US
Sorceress UK US
Soul Taker UK US

Ralph Reesby
Twenty Minutes Past The Hour

James Reese
The Book of Shadows UK US
The Book of Spirits UK US

Judith & Garfield Reeves-Stevens unofficial site
Series: Chronicles of Galen Sword
Shifter US
Nightfeeder US
Dark Hunter
The Return of the Galen Sword

Dian Curtis Regan official site
Princess Nevermore UK US

Robert Reginald unofficial site
Series: Nova Europa
The Dark-Haired Man UK US
The Exiled Prince UK US
Quaestiones UK US

Mickey Zucker Reichert unofficial site
Series: The Renshai Trilogy
The Last of the Renshai UK US
The Western Wizard UK US
Child of Thunder UK US
Series: The Renshai Chronicles
Beyond Ragnarok UK US
Prince of Demons UK US
The Children of Wrath UK US
Series: Bifrost Guardians
Godslayer UK US
Shadow Climber UK US
Dragonrank Master UK US
Shadow's Realm UK US
By Chaos Cursed UK US
Series: The Books of Barakhai
The Beasts of Barakhai UK US
The Lost Dragons of Barakhai UK US
The Legend of Nightfall UK US
The Return of Nightfall UK US
Spirit Fox with Jennifer Wingert UK US
The Flightless Falcon UK US

Thomas M. Reid
Series: Forgotten Realms: War of the Spider Queen
Insurrection UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: Scions of Arrabar
The Sapphire Crescent UK US
The Ruby Guardian UK US
The Emerald Scepter UK US

Lynne Reid Banks official site
The Indian in the Cupboard UK US
The Return of the Indian UK US
The Secret of the Indian UK US
The Mystery of the Cupboard UK US
The Adventures of King Midas UK US
The Fairy Rebel UK US
The Farthest Away Mountain UK US
Melusine US

Katya Reimann official site
Series: Tielmaran Chronicles
Wind from a Foreign Sky UK US
A Tremor in the Bitter Earth UK US
Prince of Fire and Ashes UK US
Honeysuckle Flowers short story

Trish Reinius
The Planet of Tears US
Power of the White Wolf US

Rebecca Reisert
The Third Witch UK US

Mary Renault unofficial site
Series: Theseus
The King Must Die UK US
The Bull from the Sea UK US

Laura Resnick official site
In Legend Born UK US
In Fire Forged: The White Dragon UK US
In Fire Forged: The Destroyer Goddess UK US
Disappearing Nightly UK US

Mike Resnick official site
Series: The Chronicles of Lucifer Jones
Adventures US
Exploits US: Lucifer Jones US
Series: Ganymede
The Goddess of Ganymede
Pursuit on Ganymede
Dragon America UK US
Stalking the Unicorn US
*A Little Night Music (*Une Petite Musique de Nuit) short story

Ned Resnikoff
Fool's Tavern UK US

Luke Rhinehart official site
The Dice Man UK US
Search for the Dice Man UK US
The Book of the Die UK US

Anne Rice official site
Series: The Vampire Chronicles
*Interview With the Vampire (*Entretien Avec un Vampire)   UK US
*The Vampire Lestat (*Lestat le Vampire) with Faye Perozich   UK US
*Queen of the Damned (*La Reine des Damnés)   UK US
*The Tale of the Body Thief (*Le Voleur de Corps)   UK US
*Memnoch the Devil (*Memnoch)   UK US
*The Vampire Armand UK US
*Merrick UK US
*Blood and Gold UK US
*Blackwood Farm UK US
Series: The New Tales of the Vampires
*Pandora UK US
*Vittorio the Vampire UK US
*Pandora 3 31st December 2002 UK
Series: The Mayfair Witches
*The Witching Hour (*Le Lien Maléfique)   UK US
*Lasher (*L'Heure des Sorcières)   UK US
*Taltos (*Taltos)   UK US
Series: The Vampire Chronicles & The Mayfair Witches
*Blackwood Farm UK US
*Blood Canticle UK US
Series: Sleeping Beauty
*The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty as A. N. Roquelaure UK US
*Beauty's Punishment as A. N. Roquelaure UK US
*Beauty's Release as A. N. Roquelaure UK US
*The Feast of All Saints UK US
*Cry to Heaven US
*The Mummy (*La Momie)   US
*Servant of the Bones UK US
*Violin UK US
*Exit to Eden as Anne Rampling UK US
*Belinda as Anne Rampling UK US
*The Master of Rampling Gate (*Le Maître de Rampling Gate) short story  

Robert Rice
The Last Pendragon US

Mark Richard
Fishboy US

Alan Richards
By Charon to Aidoneus

Anna M. Richards
Series: Alice
A New Alice in the Old Wonderland UK US

L. B. Richards
The Adventures of Charley Tooth UK US

Bill Richardson
Waiting for Gertrude UK US

Nigel Richardson
The Wrong Hands UK US

Dick Richardson & Rio deLaVista
The Oglin UK US

Philip Ridley
Dakota of the White Flats UK US
Kasper in the Glitter UK US

M. L. Rigdon
Series: The Seasons of Time
Prophecy Denied UK US
Beyond the Dark Mountains UK US

Judith Merkle Riley official site
A Vision of Light UK US
In Pursuit of the Green Lion US
The Master of All Desires UK US

Ann Rinaldi
The Staircase UK US
Millicent's Gift UK US

Rick Riordan official site
Series: Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief US: The Lightning Thief UK US
Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters US: The Sea of Monsters UK US

J. F. Rivkin
Series: Runesword
The Dreamstone US
Series: Silverglass
The Silverglass US
Web of Wind US
Witch of Rhostshyl US
Mistress of Ambiguities US

Walsh Robb & David Wenzel
Kingdom of Dwarfs US

Tom Robbins unofficial site
Another Roadside Attraction UK US
Even Cowgirls Get the Blues UK US
Still Life With Woodpecker UK US
Jitterbug Perfume UK US
Skinny Legs and All UK US
Fierce Invalids Home from Hot Climates UK US
Villa Incognito UK US

Jennifer Roberson official site
Series: Chronicles of the Cheysuli
The Shapechangers UK US
The Song of Homana US
Legacy of the Sword US
Track of the White Wolf UK US
A Pride of Princes UK US
Daughter of the Lion UK US
Flight of the Raven US
A Tapestry of Lions UK US
Series: Tiger and Del
Sword-Dancer UK US
Sword-Singer UK US
Sword-Maker UK US
Sword-Breaker UK US
Sword-Born UK US
Sword-Sworn UK US
Lady of the Forest UK US
Lady of Sherwood UK US
Series: The Golden Key
The Golden Key with Kate Elliott and Melanie Rawn - short stories UK US
The Warrior soon...
Karavans 4th April 2006 UK US

Adam Roberts official site
The Soddit as A. R. R. R. Roberts UK US
The Sellamillion as A. R. R. R. Roberts UK US
McAtrix Derided as Robertski Brothers UK US
Star Warped as A3R Roberts UK US

Dorothy James Roberts
Kinsmen of the Grail UK US

Jane Roberts unofficial site
Emir's Education in the Proper Use of Magical Powers UK US

John Maddox Roberts
Series: Conan
Conan the Valorous US
Conan the Champion US
Conan the Marauder UK US
Conan the Bold UK US
Conan the Rogue UK US
Conan and the Treasure of Python US
Conan and the Amazon UK US
Conan and the Manhunters UK US
Series: DragonLance: Adventures in Krynn
Murder in Tarsis US
Series: Stormlands
The Islander US
The Black Shields US
The Poisoned Lands US
The Steel Kings US
Queens of Land and Sea US
Hannibal's Children UK US
The Seven Hills UK US

Katherine Roberts unofficial site
Series: Echorium
Song Quest UK US
Crystal Mask UK US
Dark Quetzal UK US
Series: The Seven Fabulous Wonders
The Great Pyramid Robbery UK
The Babylon Game UK
The Amazon Temple Quest UK US
The Mausoleum Murder UK US
The Olympic Conspiracy UK US
The Colossus Crisis UK US
The Cleopatra Curse UK US
Spellfall UK US

Kerry Daniel Roberts
Series: Dungeons & Dragons: Knights of the Silver Dragon
Dagger of Doom UK US
Mark of the Yuan-ti 11th April 2006 UK US

Nora Roberts official site
Key of Light UK US
Key of Knowledge UK US
Key of Valour US: Key of Valor UK US

Tansy Rayner Roberts
Series: Mocklore Chronicles
Splashdance Silver
Liquid Gold

Theodore Goodridge Roberts
The Merriest Knight short stories UK US

Willo Davis Roberts
The Magic Book UK US

Len Robertson
Series: Galatian Series
Bridge of the Gods UK US
The Unnamed Sword UK US

Harry Robin
I, Morgain UK US

Madeleine E. Robins official site
The Stone War UK US
Point of Honour 1st May 2003 US

Joan G. Robinson
When Marnie Was There UK

Kim Stanley Robinson unofficial site
Black Air
Escape from Kathmandu short stories UK US
The Years of Rice and Salt UK US

Mark Robson official site
Series: The Darkweaver Legacy
The Forging of the Sword UK US
Trail of the Huntress UK US
First Sword UK US
The Chosen One UK US

Doris Rochlin
Frobisch's Angel US

Emily Rodda unofficial site
Rowan of Rin UK US
Rowan and the Travelers UK US
Rowan and the Keeper of the Crystal UK US
Rowan and the Zebak UK US
Rowan and the Bukshah US: Rowan and the Ice Creepers UK US
Pigs Might Fly US: The Pigs Are Flying! US

Michaela Roessner official site
The Stars Dispose UK US
The Stars Compel UK US
Walkabout Woman US

Cameron Rogers
The Music of Razors UK US

Jonathan Rogers official site
Series: The Wilderking Trilogy
The Bark of the Bog Owl UK US
The Secret of the Swamp King UK US
The Way of the Wilderking UK US

Mark E. Rogers official site
Series: Zorachus
Zorachus US
The Nightmare of God US
Series: Zancharthus
Blood & Pearls US
Jagutai & Lilitu US
Series: Blood of the Lamb
The Expected One US
The Devouring Void US
The Riddled Man US
Series: Samurai Cat
The Adventures of Samurai Cat US
Samurai Cat
Samurai Cat in the Real World US
The Sword of Samurai Cat US
Samurai Cat Goes to the Movies US
Samurai Cat Goes to Hell UK US
The Dead

Michael Scott Rohan official site
Series: The Winter of the World
The Anvil of Ice UK US
The Forge in the Forest UK US
The Hammer of the Sun UK US
Series: The Winter of the World Prequels
The Castle of the Winds UK
The Singer and the Sea UK
Shadow of the Seer UK
Series: Spiral
Chase the Morning UK US
The Gates of Noon US
Cloud Castles UK US
Maxie's Demon UK
The Lord of Middle Air UK US
The Hammer and the Cross with Allan Scott US
The Ice King US: Burial Rites - with Allan Scott - as Michael Scot UK US
A Spell of Empire: The Horns of Tartarus with Allan Scott US

Elizabeth A. Romey
Lera of Tymoria, the Dragonmage UK US

Keith Rommel official site
Spirit of Independence UK US
Repentance US
Sardurvial Dissenting

Daphne Rooke
Wizard's Country

Selina A. Rosen official site
The Bubba Chronicles short stories US

Joel Rosenberg official site
Series: Guardians of the Flame
The Sleeping Dragon US
The Sword and the Chain US
The Silver Crown US
The Heir Apparent US
The Warrior Lives US
The Road to Ehvenor US
The Road Home US
Not Exactly the Three Musketeers UK US
Not Quite Scaramouche UK US
Not Really the Prisoner of Zenda UK US
Series: Keepers of the Hidden Ways
The Fire Duke UK US
The Silver Stone UK US
The Crimson Sky UK US
Series: D'Shai
D'Shai US
Hour of the Octopus UK US
The Last Assassin soon...
Series: Legends of the Riftwar
Murder in Lamut with Raymond E. Feist - 7th May 2002 UK
Paladins 1st September 2004 UK US
Knight Moves 11th July 2005 UK

Eileen Rosenbloom official site
Stuck Down UK US

Herbert Rosendorfer unofficial site
Stephanie or a Previous Existence US

C. L. Rossman official site
Renegade the Hunter UK US

Douglas 'Dag' Rossman
Theft of the Sun and Other New Norse Myths short stories US

David M. Rountree official site
Series: The Chronicles of Greywolf and the Goddess
Dark Lord with Diana Sinclair - as Greywolf the Wanderer and the Goddess Diana US

Jane Routley
Series: Mage Heart
Mage Heart UK US
Fire Angels UK US
Aramaya UK US
The Three Sisters as Rebecca Locksley UK US

Christopher B. Rowley unofficial site
Series: Bazil Broketail
Bazil Broketail US
A Sword for a Dragon US
Dragons of War US
Battledragon US
A Dragon at World's End US
The Dragons of Argonath UK US
Dragon Ultimate UK US
Series: Bazil Broketail related
The Wizard and the Floating City US
Series: Arna
The Ancient Enemy US
The Shasht War UK US
Doom's Break UK US

J. K. Rowling official site
Series: Harry Potter
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone US: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone UK US
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets UK US
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban UK US
Harry Potter and the Gobelet of Fire UK US
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix UK US
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince UK US
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 21st July 2007 UK US
Series: Harry Potter Journals
Hogwarts Journal UK US
Harry Potter Journal: Hogwarts Crests US
Harry Potter Journal: Hedwig US
Harry Potter Journal: Platform 9-3/4 US
Series: Harry Potter's Hogwarts Schoolbooks
Quidditch Through the Ages as Kennilworthy Whisp UK US
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them as Newt Scamander UK US

Gillian Rubinstein official site
Foxspell UK US
Under the Cat's Eye UK US

Matt Ruff official site
Fool on the Hill US
Set This House in Order UK US

Jane Rule unofficial site
Memory Board UK US

Ian Runcie
Alberich and Friends UK US

James Runcie
The Discovery of Chocolate UK US
Lust UK

Rebecca Rupp
The Waterstone UK US

Kristine Kathryn Rusch unofficial site
Series: The Fey
The Sacrifice UK US
The Changeling UK US
The Rival UK US
The Resistance US
Victory UK US
Series: The Black Throne
The Black Queen UK US
The Black King UK US
The White Mists of Power UK US
Afterimage Aftershock with Kevin J. Anderson US
Facade UK US
Heart Readers UK US
Traitors UK US
The Devil's Churn
*Children of the Night (Les Enfants de la Nuit) short story
Fantasy Life UK US

Gary Alan Ruse official site
Morlac: Quest for the Green Magician US

Alison Rush
The Last of Danu's Children US

Salman Rushdie unofficial site
Grimus UK US
Haroun and the Sea of Stories UK US
Midnight's Children UK US
The Moor's Last Sigh UK US
The Satanic Verses UK US
The Ground Beneath Her Feet UK US
Shalimar the Clown UK US

John Ruskin
King of the Golden River UK US

Barbara Timberlake Russell
The Taker's Stone UK US

Ken Russell unofficial site
Mike and Gaby's Space Gospel UK

Sean Russell official site
Series: The Initiate Brother
The Initiate Brother UK US
Gatherer of Clouds UK US
Series: Moontide and Magic Rise
World Without End UK US
Sea Without a Shore UK US
Series: The River into Darkness
Beneath the Vaulted Hills US
The Compass of the Soul UK US
Series: The Swans' War
The One Kingdom   UK US
The Isle of Battle   UK US
The Shadow Road US: The Shadow Roads   UK US

Penni Russon official site
Undine UK US

Michael Rutherford
The Tale and Its Master short story US
The Infinite Kingdoms short stories

Val Rutt
The Race for the Lost Keystone UK US

Morrie Ruvinsky
Dream Keeper UK US

Brittney Ryan
The Legend of Holly Claus UK US

Fergus Ryan
Series: DragonLance: The Chaos War
The Siege of Mt. Nevermind UK US

Frank Ryan
The Sundered World UK

Mary C. Ryan
Me Two US

Jessica Rydill
Children of the Shaman UK US
The Glass Mountain 3rd October 2002 UK

Cynthia Rylant unofficial site
The Islander UK US
The Heavenly Village UK US

Geoff Ryman
The Warrior who Carried Life US
The Unconquered Country short story US
Lust UK US

Mário de Sá-Carneiro
Lúcio's Confession

Fred Saberhagen official site
Series: Swords
The First Book of Swords UK US
The Second Book of Swords UK US
The Third Book of Swords UK US
Series: Lost Swords
Woundhealer's Story US
Sightblinder's Story UK US
Stonecutter's Story UK US
Farslayer's Story UK US
Coinspinner's Story UK US
Mindsword's Story UK US
Wayfinder's Story US
Shielbreaker's Story UK US
Series: Empire of the East
Broken Lands US
Black Mountains US
Changeling Earth US: Ardneh's World US
Series: Swords related
An Armory of Swords short stories US
Series: Book of the Gods
The Face of Apollo UK US
Ariadne's Web UK US
The Arms of Hercules UK US
God of the Golden Fleece UK US
Gods of Fire and Thunder UK US
Dancing Bears UK US
Merlin's Bones UK US
The Black Throne with Roger Zelazny US

E. Rose Sabin official site
A School for Sorcery UK US
A Perilous Power UK US
Series: A School for Sorcery Prequel
When the Beast Ravens UK US

Barry Sadler official site
Series: Casca
The Eternal Mercenary US
God of Death US
The War Lord US
Panzer Soldier US
The Barbarian US
The Persian US
The Damned US
Soldier of Fortune US
The Sentinel US
The Conquistador US
The Legionnaire US
The African Mercenary US
The Assassin US
The Phoenix US
The Pirate US
Desert Mercenary UK US
The Warrior US
The Cursed US
The Samurai US
Soldier of Gideon US
The Trench Soldier US
The Mongol US

Michelle Sagara official site
Series: The Book of the Sundered
Into the Dark Lands US
Children of the Blood US
Lady of Mercy US
Chains of Darkness, Chains of Light US
Series: The Sacret Hunt
Hunter's Oath as Michelle West UK US
Hunter's Death as Michelle West UK US
Series: The Sun Sword
The Broken Crown as Michelle West UK US
The Uncrowned King as Michelle West UK US
The Shinig Court as Michelle West UK US
Sea of Sorrows as Michelle West UK US
The Riven Shield as Michelle West UK US
The Sun Sword as Michelle West UK US
Black Gauntlet as Michelle West - soon...
Cast in Shadow UK US
Cast in Courtlight 1st August 2006 UK US
? soon...
Speaking with Angels short stories - as Michelle West UK US

Angie Sage official site
Series: Septimus Heap
Magyk UK US
Flyte UK US
Physik UK US
Queste 8th April 2008 UK US

S. F. Said official site
Varjak Paw UK US
The Outlaw Varjak Paw UK US

Kris Saknussemm
Zanesville soon...

Jessica Amanda Salmonson
Series: Tomoe Gozen
Tomoe Gozen US
The Golden Naginata US
Thousand Shrine Warrior US
On the Shores of Eternity
The Swordswoman US
Feigned Death and Other Sorceries
A Silver Thread of Madness short stories US
Ou Lu Khen and the Beautiful Madwoman US

Rhondi A. Vilott Salsitz official site
Series: Dragons
Where Dragons Lie US
Where Dragons Rule US
Night of Dragons US
Series: Unicorn Dancer
The Unicorn Dancer US
Daughter of Destiny US
The Magickers as Emily Drake UK US
The Dragon Guard as Emily Drake UK US
The Curse of Arkady as Emily Drake UK US
The Gate of Bones as Emily Drake UK US
Phoenix Fire as Elizabeth Forrest UK US
Dark Tide as Elizabeth Forrest US
Bright Shadow as Elizabeth Forrest US
The Twilight Gate US

B. J. Salterberg
The Outlander: Captivity US

Catherine Salton official site
Raphael and the Noble Task UK US
The Miracle of the Candles short story - available on web site

R. A. Salvatore official site
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Icewind Dale Trilogy
The Crystal Shard UK US
Streams of Silver UK US
The Halfling's Gem UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Dark Elf Trilogy
Homeland UK US
Exile UK US
Sojourn UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: Legacy of the Drow
The Legacy UK US
Starless Night UK US
Siege of Darkness UK US
Passage to Dawn UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: Drizzt Do'Urden & Friends
The Silent Blade UK US
The Spine of the World UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Cleric Quintet
Canticle UK US
In Sylvan Shadows UK US
Night Masks UK US
The Fallen Fortress UK US
The Chaos Curse UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Sellswords
Servant of the Shard UK US
Promise of the Witch-King UK US
Road of the Patriarch UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms
Dark Mirror short story UK US
The Third Level short story UK US
Guenhwyvar short story UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: Paths of Darkness
Sea of Swords UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Hunter's Blades Trilogy
The Thousand Orcs UK US
The Lone Drow UK US
The Two Swords UK US
Series: The Spearwielder's Tale
The Woods Out Back UK US
The Dragon's Dagger UK US
Dragonslayer's Return UK US
Series: The Crimson Shadow
The Sword of Bedwyr UK US
Luthien's Gamble UK US
The Dragon King UK US
Series: The Demon Wars Trilogy
The Demon Awakens UK US
The Demon Spirit UK US
The Demon Apostle UK US
Mortalis UK US
Series: The Second Demon Wars Saga
Ascendance UK US
Transcendence UK US
Immortalis UK US
Series: The Chronicles of Ynis Aielle
Echoes of the Fourth Magic US
The Witch's Daughter UK US
Bastion of Darkness UK US
Series: Tarzan of the Apes
Tarzan, the Epic Adventures US
Series: Corona
The Highwayman UK US

Fay Sampson
Series: Daughter of Tintagel
Wise Woman's Telling US
White Nun's Telling US
Black Smith's Telling US
Taliesin's Tellling US
Series: Finnglas
Finnglas and the Stones of Choosing US
Shape-Shifter, the Naming of Pangur Ban US
The Serpent of Senargard US
The White Horse Is Running US
Star Dancer

Jeff Sampson
Series: DragonLance, the New Adventures
Dragon Spell UK US
Series: DragonLance, the New Adventures: Trinistyr Trilogy
Wizard's Betrayal UK US

Javier García Sánchez
The Others UK

William Sanders official site
Journey to Fusang US
The Ballad of Billy Badass and the Rose of Turkestan UK US
Are We Having Fun Yet? short stories UK US

Brandon Sanderson official site
Elantris UK US
The Hope of Elantris short story - digital US
Series: Mistborn
The Final Empire UK US
The Well of Ascension UK US
The Hero of Ages UK US
Series: Alcatraz
Versus the Evil Librarians UK US
Versus the Scrivener's Bones UK US
Versus the Knights of Crystallia 1st October 2009 UK US
? soon...
Series: The Wheel of Time
A Memory of Light 1: The Gathering Storm with Robert Jordan - 30th October 2009 UK US
A Memory of Light 2: Shifting Winds with Robert Jordan - soon...
A Memory of Light 3: Tarmon’Gaidon with Robert Jordan - soon...
Warbreaker 9th June 2009 UK US

Ruth Sanderson official site
The Crystal Mountain UK US
The Golden Mare, the Firebird, and the Magic Ring short stories UK US

Marella Sands official site
Series: Ancient Mayan Priest
Sky Knife UK US
Serpent and Storm UK US
Series: King's Quest
Kingdom of Sorrow with Mark Summer - as Kenyon Morr US
See No Weevil with Mark Sumner - as Kenyon Morr US

Robert D. SanSouci unofficial site
Young Merlin UK US

William Sarabande
Wolves of the Dawn UK US

José Saramago
The Tale of the Unknown Island short story UK US

Pamela Sargent official site
Eye of Flame short stories UK US

Sarah Sargent
Watermusic US

Charles R. Saunders
Series: Imaro
Imaro UK US
The Quest for Cush UK US
The Trail of Bohu UK US
Death's Friend short story

George Saunders
Pastoralia UK US

Felicity Savage
Series: Ever
The War in the Waste UK US
Daemon in the Machine UK US
A Trickster in the Ashes US
Series: Garden of Salt
Humility Garden US
Delta City US

Sam Savage
Firmin   UK US

Steve Savile official site
Houdini's Last Illusion UK US

Darek Sawde
Sceptre Mortal

Coral Smith Saxe unofficial site
The Mirror & the Magic UK US

Piero Scanziani
The White Book

Elizabeth Ann Scarborough official site
Series: Petaybee
Powers That Be with Anne McCaffrey UK US
Power Lines with Anne McCaffrey UK US
Power Play with Anne McCaffrey UK US
Series: Acorna
Acorna's People with Anne McCaffrey UK US
Acorna's World with Anne McCaffrey UK US
Acorna's Rebels with Anne McCaffrey UK US
Acorna's Triumph with Anne McCaffrey - 1st March 2004 US
Series: The Godmother
The Godmother UK US
The Godmother's Apprentice UK US
The Godmother's Web UK US
Series: Argonia
Song of Sorcery US
The Unicorn Creed US
Bronwyn's Bane US
The Christening Quest US
Series: Songkiller
Phantom Banjo US
Picking the Ballad's Bones US
Strum Again? UK US
Nothing Sacred US
Last Refuge US
The Harem of Aman Akbar US
The Drastic Dragon of Draco, Texa US
The Goldcamp Vampire US
The Healer's War US
The Lady in the Loch UK US
Space Opera with Anne McCaffrey - short stories UK US
Carol for Another Christmas US

Frank Schaefer official site
The Scapeweed Goat US
Whose Song Is Sung UK US

Susan Fromberg Schaeffer official site
The Dragons of North Chittendon US

Rafik Schami
Damascus Nights UK US

Steven E. Schend official site
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Wizards
Blackstaff 11th July 2006 UK US

Dennis Schmidt
Series: The Questioner
Labyrinth US
City of Crystal Shadow US
Dark Paradise US
Series: Twilight of the Gods
The First Name US
Groa's Other Eye UK US
Three Trumps Sounding UK US

Gary D. Schmidt
Straw into Gold UK US

James Schmitz unofficial site
The Witches of Karres UK US

Katherine Scholes
The Landing: A Night of Birds UK US

Patricia Schonstein
A Time of Angels UK US

Ellen Schreiber
Teenage Mermaid UK US

Antonia Holding Schwed
Noah and Me US

Joan Schweighardt unofficial site
Gudrun's Tapestry UK US

Darrell Schweitzer unofficial site
The White Isle UK US
The Mask of the Sorcerer UK
The Shattered Goddess UK US

Doris Schwerin
The Rainbow Walkers US

Moacyr Scliar
The Centaur in the Garden US

Allan J. Scott
The Hammer and the Cross with Michael Scott Rohan US
The Ice King US: Burial Rites - with Michael Scott Rohan - as Michael Scot UK US
A Spell of Empire: The Horns of Tatarus with Michael Scott Rohan US
The Dragon in the Stone

Hugh Scott
The Camera Obscura UK
The Secret of the Pit UK US

Manda Scott official site
Series: Boudica
Dreaming the Eagle UK US
Dreaming the Bull UK US
Dreaming the Hound UK US
Dreaming the Serpent Spear UK US

Melissa Scott official site
Point of Hopes with Lisa A. Barnett UK US
Point of Dreams with Lisa A. Barnett UK US
A Choice of Destinies US
The Armor of Light with Lisa A. Barnett US

Michael Scott
Series: De Dannan Tales
Windlord UK US
Earthlord UK US
Series: The Arcana
Silverhand with Morgan Llywelyn UK US
Silverlight with Morgan Llywelyn UK US
Series: Beloved of the Gods
Etruscans with Morgan Llywelyn UK US
Series: Tales of the Bard
Magician's Law UK US
Demon's Law UK US
Death's Law UK US
The Children of Lir UK
The Last of the Fianna UK US
Navigator with Gloria Gaghan
Irish Folk & Fairy Tales Omnibus UK US
The Alchemyst soon...

Jean L. Scrocco
Antique Fairy Tales short stories US

Mark Sebanc
Series: Talamadh
Flight to Hollow Mountain US

Alice Sebold
The Lovely Bones UK US

Andy Secombe official site
Limbo UK US
The Final Chapter UK

Keith Seddon & Jocelyn Almond
The Faceless Tarot UK

Marcus Sedgwick
The Book of Dead Days UK US
The Dark Flight Down UK US
The Dark Horse UK US

Mark Sehestedt
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Wizards
Frostfell 12th December 2006 UK US

Will Self
Cock and Bull UK US
My Idea of Fun UK US
Great Apes UK US
How the Dead Live UK US
Dorian UK US

Pamela F. Service
Winter of Magic's Return US
Tomorrow's Magic US
All's Faire US
Being of Two Minds UK US
The Reluctant God US
Storm at the Edge of Time US
Vision Quest US
Weirdos of the Universe, Unite! UK US
Wizard of Wind and Rock US

Carol Severance
Series: Island Warrior
Demon Drums US
Storm Caller US
Sorcerous Sea US

Tim Severin official site
Series: Viking
Odinn's Child UK US
Sworn Brother UK US
King's Man UK US

Ellen Dodge Severson
Series: DragonLance: Villains
Hederick the Theocrat US

Miranda Seymour unofficial site
The Reluctant Devil

Phyllis Shalant official site
When Pirates Came to Brooklyn UK US

Siddharth Dhanvant Shanghvi
The Last Song of Dusk UK US

Charles P. Shanks official site
Series: The Saga of Wilhelm Horst von Dirksen
A Mythical Man UK US

Eric Shanower official site
Series: Oz
The Giant Garden of Oz US

John Rufus Sharpe III
Hogar Lord of the Asyr US

Keith A. Shaw
The Curse of the Dragonslayer UK US

Michael Shea official site
Series: Nifft
Nifft the Lean UK US
The Mines of Behemoth UK US
A'rak UK US
In Yana, the Touch of Undying US

Robert J. Shea
Series: Illuminatus
The Eye in the Pyramid with Robert Anton Wilson UK US
The Golden Apple with Robert Anton Wilson UK US
Leviathan with Robert Anton Wilson UK US
Series: The Saracen
Land of the Infidel US
The Holy War US
Series: Shiké
Time of the Dragon US
Last of the Zinja US

Sandra Shea
The Realm of Secondhand Souls UK US

Alex Shearer
The Stolen UK
Great Blue Yonder UK US
The Speed of the Dark UK US

Robert Sheckley official site
Series: Azzie Elbub
Bring Me the Head of Prince Charming with Roger Zelazny UK US
If at Faust You Don't Succeed with Roger Zelazny US
A Farce to Be Reckoned With with Roger Zelazny UK US
Godshome UK US
Minotaur Maze
Xolotl short story US

Mary Shelley unofficial site
*Frankenstein (*Frankenstein)   UK US

Rick Shelley
Series: Varayan Memoir
Son of the Hero US
The Hero of Varay US
The Hero King US
Series: Seven Towers
The Wizard at Mecq US
The Wizard at Home US

F. W. Shelton

Margaret Shennan
The Devil's Diagonal

Lucius Shepard
Series: Griaule
The Man Who Painted the Dragon Griaule
The Scalehunter's Beautiful Daughter UK US
The Father of Stones US
Liar's House UK US
Kalimantan UK US
A Handbook of Americam Prayer UK US
Trujillo UK US

Mark Shepherd official site
Series: Serrated Edge
Wheels of Fire with Mercedes Lackey UK US
Elvendude UK US
Spiritride UK US
Lazerwarz UK US
Series: Bard's Tale
Escape from Roksamur UK US
Prison of Souls with Mercedes Lackey US
The Otherworld with Mercedes Lackey and Holly Lisle UK US

Delia Sherman official site
The Fall of the Kings with Ellen Kushner UK US
The Porcelaine Dove US
Through a Brazen Mirror UK US
Changeling UK US

Josepha Sherman official site
Series: Bard's Tale
Castle of Deception with Mercedes Lackey UK US
The Chaos Gate UK US
Series: Bardic Choices
A Cast of Corbies with Mercedes Lackey UK US
Series: Prince of the Sidhe
The Shattered Oath UK US
Forging the Runes UK US
Series: Secret of the Unicorn Queen
Swept Away US
The Dark Gods US
The Shining Falcon US
Horse of Flame US
Series: Serrated Edge
Stoned Souls with Mercedes Lackey - soon...
Series: Mage Knight
The Black Thorn Gambit March 2004 UK US
Child of Fearie, Child of Earth US
A Strange and Ancient Name UK US
Windleaf US
Gleaming Bright US
King's Son, Magic's Son UK US
Lammas Night with Mercedes Lackey - short stories UK US
Son of Darkness UK US

Carl Sherrell
Skraelings US

Steven Sherrill
The Minotaur Takes a Cigarette Break UK US

Frances Sherwood
The Book of Splendor UK US

Will Shetterly unofficial site
Cats Have no Lord US
The Tangled Lands US
Series: Voyage of the Basset
Thor's Hammer UK US
Series: Borderland
Elsewhere US
Nevernever UK US
Witch Blood US

Andrea Shettle
Flute Song Magic US

Chang Shi-Kuo
Chess King US

Tony Shillitoe official site
Series: Andrakis
Dragon Lords UK
Series: The Ashuak Chronicles
Blood UK US
Series: Dreaming in Amber
The Amber Legacy February 2006
A Solitary Journey Late 2006
City of Nightmares 2007
The Demon Horsemen 2007
The Last Wizard
Tales of the Dragon short stories

Sharon Shinn unofficial site
Series: Samaria
Archangel US
Jovah's Angel US
The Alleluia Files UK US
Angel-Seeker UK US
Series: Samaria Prequel
Angelica UK US
Series: Samaria related
? short story - soon...
The Safe-Keeper's Secret UK US
The Truth-Teller's Tale UK US
The Dream-Maker's Magic UK US
The Shape-Changer's Wife UK US
Wrapt in Crystal UK US
Summers at Castle Auburn UK US
Mystic and Rider UK US

Paul Shipton
The Pig Scrolls UK US

Gena Showalter official site
Series: Atlantis
Heart of the Dragon UK US
Jewel of Atlantis UK US
The Nymph King UK US

Linda Lay Shuler unofficial site
Series: Time Circle
She Who Remembers US
Voice of the Eagle US
Let the Drum Speak UK US

Neal Shusterman official site
Series: The Star Shards Chronicles
The Scorpion Shards UK US
Thief of Souls UK US
Series: Unfairy Tales
? soon...
? soon...
? soon...
The Eyes of Kid Midas UK US
Downsiders UK US

Susan Shwartz official site
Series: Shards of Empire
Shards of Empire UK US
Cross and Crescent UK US
Series: Heirs to Byzantium
Byzantium's Crown US
The Woman of Flowers US
Queensblade US
The Grail of Hearts US
Heritage of Light US
Imperial Lady: A Fantasy of Han China with Andre Norton US
Empire of the Eagle with Andre Norton UK US
Silk Roads and Shadows US

Kathleen M. Sidney
Michael and the Magic Man US

Barbara & Scott Siegel
Series: DragonLance: Preludes
Tanis, the Shadow Years UK US
Series: Ghostworld
Beyond Terror US
Midnight Chill US
Dark Fire US
Cold Dread US
Fatal Fear UK US
Final Frenzy US

Jan Siegel official site
Series: The Way of the Witch
Prospero's Children UK US
The Dragon-Charmer UK US
Witch's Honour US: The Witch Queen UK US
Series: The Sangreal Trilogy
The Greenstone Grail as Amanda Hemingway UK US
Traitor's Sword as Amanda Hemingway - US: The Sword of Straw UK US
The Poisoned Crown as Amanda Hemingway UK US

Robert Siegel
Series: Whalesong
Whalesong US
White Whale UK US
The Ice at the End of the World UK US

Tamara Siler Jones
Ghosts in the Snow November 2004
Threads of Malice November 2005
? 2006

James R. Silke
Series: Frank Frazzeta's Death Dealer
Prisoner of the Horned Helmet with Frank Frazetta US
Lords of Destruction with Frank Frazetta UK US
Tooth and Claw with Frank Frazetta US
Plague of Knives with Frank Frazetta US

Robert Silverberg official site
Series: Majipoor
*Lord Valentine's Castle UK US
*Majipoor Chronicles short stories UK US
*Valentine Pontifex UK US
*The Mountains of Majipoor UK US
*Sorcerers of Majipoor UK US
*Lord Prestimion UK US
*The King of Dreams UK US
*The Seventh Shrine short story UK US
*The Book of Changes short story UK US
Series: Gilgamesh
Gilgamesh the King US
To the Land of the Living US
Gilgamesh in the Outback short story
The Fascination of the Abomination short story
Gilgamesh in Uruk short story
Series: New Springtime
At Winter's End US
The Queen of Springtime US
Series: Gate of Worlds
Lion Time in Timbuctoo short stories UK

Herma Silverstein
Mad, Mad Monday US

Carol Ann Sima
Jane's Bad Hare Day UK US
The Mermaid That Came Between Them UK US

Clifford D. Simak unofficial site
The Fellowship of the Talisman US
Where The Evil Dwells (Le Pays du Mal)   US

Morris Simon
Series: Mystara
The Black Vessel US

Elizabeth Leonie Simpson
I, Lilith US

Margaret Simpson
Strange Orbit UK US
Top Ten Arthurian Legends UK

Wendy A. Simpson official site
Echoes of a Distant Storm UK US

Andrew Sinclair
Series: Albion
Gog US
King Ludd US

Clive Sinclair
Augustus Rex US

Diana Sinclair official site
Series: The Chronicles of Greywolf and the Goddess
Dark Lord with David M. Rountree - as Greywolf the Wanderer and the Goddess Diana US

Iain Sinclair unofficial site
Landor's Tower UK US

Lynn Sinclair official site
Key to Aten UK US

Marilyn Singer official site
Horsemaster US
Storm Rising US
Charmed UK US
California Demon UK US
The Circus Lunicus UK US

Nicky Singer unofficial site
The Innocent's Story UK US

Sonia Singh
Goddess for Hire UK US

Linda Joy Singleton official site
Series: Strange Encounters
Shamrocked UK US
Sea Witch UK US

Sarah Singleton unofficial site
The Crow Maiden UK US

Mike Sirota
Series: Ro-Lan
Master of Boranga
The Shrouded Walls of Boranga US
Journey to Mesharra US
The Demons of Zammar US
Series: Dannus
The Prisoner of Reglathium
The Conquerors of Reglathium US
The Caves of Reglathium
The Dark Straits of Reglathium US
The Slaves of Reglathium
The Twentieth Son of Ornon US
The Golden Hawk of Zandraya US

Suzan Sizemore official site
Series: Children of the Rock
Moon's Dreaming with Marguerite Krause UK US
Moon's Dancing with Marguerite Krause UK US
Wings of the Storm US
In My Dreams US
After the Storm UK US
The Autumn Lord US

Matthew Skelton
Endymion Spring UK US

Kathleen Sky
Witchdame US

Obert Skye
Leven Thumps and the Gateway to Foo UK US

Arthur Slade official site
Dust UK US

Michael Slade
The Horses of Central Park US

William Sleator unofficial site
Among the Dolls US
Into the Dream UK US

Sue Ellen Sloca
Candles on the Pond short story US

Lisa Smedman official site
Series: Forgotten Realms: Sembia
Heirs of Prophecy UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: War of the Spider Queen
Extinction UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: House of Serpents
Venom's Taste UK US
Viper's Kiss UK US
Vanity's Brood UK US

Dave Smeds official site
Series: War of the Dragons
The Sorcery Within US
The Schemes of Dragons US

William Smethurst
Woken's Eye UK

A. C. H. Smith
Labyrinth novelisation - online version US
The Dark Crystal novelisation US

Arthur D. Howden Smith
Grey Maiden

Cheryl A. Smith official site
The Falcon and the Serpent US

Clark Ashton Smith unofficial site
The Emperor of Dreams short stories UK
The Last Oblivion poems US
The Collected Fantasies of Clark Ashton Smith soon...

David C. Smith
Series: Oron
The Sorcerer's Shadow US
Mosutha's Magic US
The Valley of Ogrum US
The Ghost Army US
Series: Red Sonja
The Ring of Ikribu with Richard L. Tierney US
Demon Night with Richard L. Tierney US
When Hell Laughs with Richard L. Tierney US
Endithor's Daughter with Richard L. Tierney US
Against the Prince of Hell with Richard L. Tierney US
Star of Doom with Richard L. Tierney US
Series: Fall of the First World
The Passing of the Gods US
For the Witch of the Mists with Richard L. Tierney US

Dean Wesley Smith official site
Series: The City Knights
All Eve's Hallows UK US

George Henry Smith
Witch Queen of Lochlann

Gregory Blake Smith
The Devil in the Dooryard US

Julie Dean Smith
Series: Cathian Crusade
Call of Madness US
Mission of Magic US
Sage of Sare US
The Wizard King US

L. J. Smith unofficial site
Series: Guardians of the North
The Night of the Solstice UK US
Heart of Valor UK US

Mark & Julia Smith unofficial site
Series: Servants of Ark
The First Named as Jonathan Wylie US
The Centre of the Circle as Jonathan Wylie US
The Mage-Born Child as Jonathan Wylie US
Series: Unbalanced Earth
Dreams of Stone as Jonathan Wylie US
The Lightless Kingdom as Jonathan Wylie US
The Age of Chaos as Jonathan Wylie US
Series: Islands and Empire
Dark Fire as Jonathan Wylie
Echoes of Flame as Jonathan Wylie
The Last Augury as Jonathan Wylie US
Ice Mage as Julia Gray UK
Fire Music as Julia Gray UK
Isle of the Dead as Julia Gray UK
Series: The Guardian Cycle
The Dark Moon as Julia Gray   UK US
The Jasper Forest as Julia Gray   UK US
The Crystal Desert as Julia Gray   UK US
The Red Glacier as Julia Gray   UK US
Alyssa's Ring as Julia Gray   UK US
Dream-Weaver as Jonathan Wylie
Shadow Maze as Jonathan Wylie US
Other Lands as Jonathan Wylie
Magister as Jonathan Wylie UK

Sherwood Smith official site
Series: Crown and Court
Crown Duel UK US
Court Duel UK US
Series: Wren
Wren to the Rescue US
Wren's Quest US
Wren's War UK US
Series: Time Traders
Echoes in Time with Andre Norton UK US
Series: Voyage of the Basset
Journey to Otherwhere UK US
Series: Oz
The Emerald Wand of Oz UK US

Stephanie A. Smith official site
Snow-Eyes US
The Boy Who Was Thrown Away US

Susan Smith
Series: Samantha Slade
Monster-Sitter US
Confessions of a Teenage Frog UK US
Our Friend, Public Nuisance No. 1 US
The Terrors of Rock and Roll UK US
Changing Places US

Thorne Smith unofficial site
Series: Topper
Topper UK US
Topper Takes a Trip UK US
The Night Life of the Gods UK US

Timothy D'Arch Smith unofficial site
Alembic UK US

Wilbur Smith official site
River God UK US
The Seventh Scroll UK US
Warlock UK US

Tobias Smollett unofficial site
The History and Adventures of an Atom UK US

Virginia Driving Hawk Sneve unofficial site
The Trickster and the Troll UK US

Lemony Snicket official site
Series: A Series of Unfortunate Events
The Bad Beginning UK US
The Reptile Room UK US
The Wide Window UK US
The Miserable Mill UK US
The Austere Academy UK US
The Ersatz Elevator UK US
The Vile Village UK US
The Hostile Hospital UK US
The Carnivorous Carnival UK US
The Slippery Slope UK US
The Grim Grotto UK US
The Penultimate Peril UK US
The End 13th October 2006 UK US
Series: A Series of Unfortunate Events related
Lemony Snicket: The Unauthorized Biography UK US

Thomas E. Sniegoski official site
The Fallen UK US
Leviathan UK US
Aerie UK US
Reckoning UK US
Series: OutCast
The Un-Magician with Christopher Golden UK US
Dragon Secret with Christopher Golden - soon...
? with Christopher Golden - soon...
? with Christopher Golden - soon...

Melinda M. Snodgrass unofficial site
Runespear with Victor Milán US
Queen's Gambit Declined US

Richard Snodgrass
There's Something in the Back Yard US

Alan Snow official site
Series: The Ratbridge Chronicles
Here Be Monsters! UK US

Greg Snow
Surface Tension US: That's All Folks US

Jack Snow unofficial site
Series: Oz
The Magical Mimics in Oz US
The Shaggy Man of Oz US
Series: Oz related
Who's Who in Oz US

Colleen K. Snyder
Series: Journey to Amanah
The Beginning US

Emily C. A. Snyder official site
Niamh and the Hermit UK US

Maria V. Snyder official site
Poison Study UK US
Magic Study UK US
Fire Study UK US
? soon...
? soon...

Midori Snyder unofficial site
Series: The Queen's Quarter
New Moon UK US
Sadar's Keep UK US
Beldan's Fire UK US
Soulstring US
The Flight of Michael McBride US
The Innamorati UK US
Hannah's Garden UK US

Zilpha Keatley Snyder unofficial site
Series: Green-Sky
Below the Root US
And All Between US
Until the Celebration US
Black and Blue Magic UK US
The Changeling UK US
The Egypt Game US
A Fabulous Creature US
Song of the Gargoyle UK US
The Truth About Stone Hollow US
The Witches of Worm UK US
Squeak Saves the Day and Other Tooley Tales short stories US
The Magic Nation Thing UK US

Donald J. Sobol
The Amazing Power of Ashur Fine US

Ree Soesbee
Series: Legend of the Five Rings: The Clan War
Third Scroll: The Crane UK US
Sixth Scroll: The Dragon UK US
Series: Legend of the Five Rings: The Four Winds Saga
Wind of Honor UK US
Series: Dungeons & Dragons: Knights of the Silver Dragon:
Riddle in Stone UK US
Series: DragonLance, the New Adventures
Dragon Sword UK US
Series: DragonLance, the New Adventures: Elidor Trilogy
Crown of Thieves UK US

Angela Sommer-Bodenburg official site
Series: The Little Vampire
My Friend, the Vampire US
The Vampire Moves In US
The Vampire Takes a Trip US
The Vampire on the Farm US
The Vampire in Love US

S. P. Somtow official site
Series: Riverrun
Riverrun UK US
Armorica US: Forest of the Night UK US
Yestern US
Dragon's Fin Soup short stories US
The Wizard's Apprentice UK US
The Shattered Horse US
The Fallen Country as Somtow Sucharitkul UK US

Cynthia Soroka unofficial site
Series: The Dark Chronicles
The Beginning UK US
Red Blood US
Triumph US
Series: The Dark Chronicles: The Light Years
Heaven Hell or Freedom US
The Will for Change
The Unknown US

David J. Sosnowski
Rapture UK US

Gary Soto official site
The Afterlife UK US

Lucien Soulban official site
Series: DragonLance: Champions
The Alien Sea UK US

Ruth A. Souther
Series: Mythic Fantasy
Immortal Journey, the Death of Innocence UK US

Andrea Spalding official site
Series: Summer of Magic Quartet
The White Horse Talisman UK US

Muriel Spark official site
The Bachelors UK US

Alison Spedding
Series: A Walk in the Dark
The Road and the Hills UK
A Cloud Over Water UK
The Streets of the City UK US

Sally Spedding official site
Cloven UK US

Wen Spencer official site
Tinker UK US

William Browning Spencer unofficial site
Zod Wallop US

Penina Spinka official site
Picture Maker UK US

Stephanie Spinner
Quiver UK US
Quicksilver UK US

Norman Spinrad official site
The Druid King UK US

Gilbert M. Sprague
Series: Oz
The Nome King's Shadow in Oz US

Nancy Springer
Series: Sea King
Madbond UK US
Mindbond US
Godbond UK US
Series: Book of the Isle
The White Hart US
The Silver Sun US
The Sable Moon US
The Black Beast US
The Golden Swan US
Series: Tales from Camelot
I Am Mordred UK US
I Am Morgan Le Fay UK US
Rowan Hood, Outlaw Girl of Sherwood Forest UK US
Lionclaw UK US
Outlaw Princess of Sherwood UK US
Wild Boy UK US
Rowan Hood Returns UK US
Wings of Flame US
Chains of Gold US
Apocalypse US
Red Wizard UK US
The Hex Witch of Seldom US
Larque on the Wing US
Metal Angel UK US
Fair Peril US
Plumage UK US

Lloyd St. Alcorn
Series: Dreamquest
Halberd, Dream Warrior US
On the Shoulders of Giants US
The Serpent Mound US

Elizabeth A. St. George
A Sword for Alosando

Brian Stableford official site
The Last Days of the Edge of the World US
The Eleventh Hour UK US
Year Zero UK US

Larraine Stacey official site
Series: The Poppan Trilogy
The Chaos Scroll UK US

Michael A. Stackpole official site
Series: Realms of Chaos
A Hero Born UK US
An Enemy Reborn with William F. Wu UK US
Series: DragonCrown War Cycle
Fortress Draconis UK US
When Dragons Rage UK US
The Grand Crusade UK US
Series: The Age of Discovery
A Secret Atlas UK US
Cartomancy UK US
The New World UK US
Once a Hero UK US
Talion Revenant UK US
Eyes of Silver UK US
The Dark Glory War UK US

Robert Stanek
Series: Ruin Mist
Keeper Martin's Tale UK US
Elf Queen's Quest UK US
Kingdom Alliance UK US
Fields of Honor soon...
Mark of the Dragon soon...
Series: Ruin Mist related
Ruin Mist Heroes, Legends and Beyond UK US
Series: The Kingdoms & the Elves of the Reaches
Book #1 UK US
Book #2 UK US
Book #3 US
Book #4 UK US
Series: In the Service of Dragons
Book #1 soon...
Book #2 soon...
Series: The Elf Queen & the King
Book #1 UK US
Book #2 UK US
Book #3 soon...
Series: Return from Exile
The Journey Begins e-book UK US
Paths Cross e-book UK US
Kingdom in the Balance e-book UK US
Sacrifice & Remembrance e-book UK US
Series: Magic Lands
Journey Beyond the Beyond UK US
Magic Lands and Other Stories short stories UK US

Diane Stanley official site
Rumpelstiltskin's Daughter UK US

Mary Stanton
The Heavenly Horse from the Outermost West US
Piper at the Gates of Dawn US: Piper at the Gate US
Series: Magical Mystery
My Aunt, the Monster UK US
White Magic UK US
Next Door Witch UK US

Suzanne Fisher Staples
Shiva's Fire UK US

Kathlyn S. Starbuck
The House at the Top of the Hill
India's Story US

Christopher Stasheff unofficial site
Series: The Star Stone
The Shaman UK US
The Sage UK US
Series: Warlock
The Warlock in Spite of Himself UK US
The Warlock Unlocked UK US
Escape Velocity US
King Kobold Revived US
The Warlock Enraged US
The Warlock Wandering US
The Warlock Is Missing US
The Warlock Heretical UK US
The Warlock's Companion US
The Warlock Insane UK US
The Warlock Rock UK US
Warlock and Son US
The Warlock's Last Ride UK US
Series: Warlock's Heirs
A Wizard in Absentia UK US
M'Lady Witch US
Quicksilver's Knight US
The Spell Bound Scholar UK US
Here Be Monsters UK US
Series: Warlock related
Saint Vidicon to the Rescue UK US
Series: Rogue Wizard
A Wizard in Mind UK US
A Wizard in Bedlam UK US
A Wizard in War UK US
A Wizard in Peace UK US
A Wizard in Chaos UK US
A Wizard in Midgard UK US
A Wizard and a Warlord UK US
A Wizard in the Way UK US
Series: A Wizard in Rhyme
Her Majesty's Wizard UK US
The Oathbound Wizard UK US
The Witch Doctor UK US
The Secular Wizard UK US
My Son the Wizard UK US
The Haunted Wizard UK US
The Crusading Wizard UK US
The Feline Wizard UK US
Series: Enchanter
The Enchanter Reborn with Lyon Sprague DeCamp UK US
The Exotic Enchanter with Lyon Sprague DeCamp UK US
Series: Mage Knight
Stolen Prophecy UK US
The Day the Magic Stopped US
Dragon's Eye short stories US
Gods of War US

Daniel Stashover
The Adventures of the Ectoplasmic Man

Michael C. Staudinger
The Falcon Rises US

S. L. Stebel unofficial site
Spring Thaw US

Ellen Steiber
A Rumor of Gems UK US

Kevin T. Stein
Series: DragonLance: Preludes
Brothers Majere UK US
Series: Elfwood
Twisted Dragon US

Meredith Steinbach unofficial site
The Birth of the World as We Know it, or Teiresias UK US

John Steinbeck official site
The Acts of King Arthur and His Noble Knights UK US

Adam Stemple official site
Series: Rock'n'Roll Fairy Tales
Pay the Piper with Jane Yolen UK US
Troll Bridge with Jane Yolen UK US
Singer of Souls UK US
Duster soon...

David Stephen
String Lug the Fox US
Bodach the Badger US

Brynne Stephens
The Dream Palace US

James Stephens unofficial site
The Crock of Gold UK US

Betsy Sterman
Backyard Dragon UK US

Brooke Stevens
The Circus of the Earth and the Air UK US

Francis Stevens
The Citadel of Fear US
Claimed UK US
Sunfire short story

Laura C. Stevenson
The Island and the Ring US
All the King's Horses UK
The Castle in the Window UK

Caroline Stevermer unofficial site
A College of Magics UK US
A Scholar of Magics UK US
Sorcery and Cecilia with Patricia C. Wrede US
The Grand Tour with Patricia C. Wrede UK US
When the King Comes Home UK US
The Serpent's Egg US

Mary Stewart
Series: The Arthurian Saga
Merlin of the Crystal Cave US: The Crystal Cave UK US
The Hollow Hills UK US
The Last Enchantment UK US
The Wicked Day UK US
The Prince and the Pilgrim UK US
Thornyhold UK US
A Walk in Wolf Wood UK US

Paul Stewart
Series: The Edge Chronicles
Beyond the Deepwoods with Chris Riddell UK US
Stormchaser with Chris Riddell UK US
Midnight over Sanctaphrax with Chris Riddell UK US
The Curse of the Gloamglozer with Chris Riddell UK US
The Last of the Sky Pirates with Chris Riddell UK US
Vox with Chris Riddell UK US
Freeglader with Chris Riddell UK US
The Winter Knights with Chris Riddell UK US
Clash of the Sky Galleons with Chris Riddell UK US
The Wrath of the Gloamglozer with Chris Riddell - soon...
Series: The Edge Chronicles related
Cloud Wolf with Chris Riddell - short story UK
The Stone Pilot with Chris Riddell - short story UK US
The Lost Barkscrolls with Chris Riddell - short stories - 6th September 2007 UK US
Map: The Edge Chronicles Maps with Chris Riddell UK US
The Weather Witch UK US
Muddle Earth with Chris Riddell UK US

Sean Stewart unofficial site
Nobody's Son   UK US
Ressurection Man UK US
Cloud's End UK US
Mockingbird UK US
The Night Watch UK US
Galveston UK US
Perfect Circle UK US

Sharon Stewart
Raven Quest UK US

S. M. Stirling
Series: Fifth Millenium
Snowbrother UK US
The Cage with Shirley Meier UK US
Shadow's Son with Shirley Meier and Karen Wehrstein US
Saber & Shadow with Shirley Meier UK US
Series: Partnerships
The City Who Fought with Anne McCaffrey UK US
The Ship Avenged UK US
Series: Legends of the Riftwar
Jimmy the Hand with Raymond E. Feist UK
Series: Lords of Creation
? soon...
? soon...
The Rose Sea with Holly Lisle UK US
The Sharpest Edge with Shirley Meier US

Frank R. Stockton
The Fairy Tales of Frank Stockton short stories US
The Lady or The Tiger? and Other Stories US
The Bee-Man of Orn with P. J. Lynch UK US

James Stoddard
The High House UK US
The False House UK US

Bram Stoker unofficial site
*Dracula (*Dracula)   UK US

Andy Stone unofficial site
Song of the Kingdom US

David Lee Stone official site
Series: The Illmoor Chronicles
The Ratastrophe Catastrophe UK US
The Yowler Foul-up UK US
The Shadewell Shenanigans UK US
The Dwellings Debacle UK US
The Vanquish Vendetta UK

Robert Stone
Series: The Chronicles of Unbinding
Hazard's Price UK US
Dark Waters UK US

Sue Storm
Under the Lizard Tree short stories

Catherine Storr unofficial site
The Mirror Image Ghost UK
Marianne Dreams UK US
The If Game UK

Amy Stout
Series: One Land Saga
The Sacred Seven UK US
The Royal Four UK US
The Imperial Three UK US

Marjorie Filley Stover
When the Dolls Woke US

Matthew Woodring Stover official site
Series: Heart of Bronze
Iron Dawn UK US
Jericho Moon UK US
Heroes Die UK US
Blade of Tyshalle UK US

Randolph Stow unofficial site
The Girl Green as Elderflower US

Barbara Strachey
Series: Middle-Earth
The Journeys of Frodo UK US

Dirk Strasser
Series: Books of Ascension

Todd Strasser official site
Here Comes Heavenly UK US
Dance Magic UK US
Pastabilities UK US
Spell Danger UK US

Peter Straub official site
Black House with Stephen King UK US
Shadowland UK US
Floating Dragon UK US
Mystery UK US
In the Night Room UK US

Ed Strauss
Series: Gryphon World
? soon...
? soon...
? soon...
? soon...

Gwen Strauss
Trail of Stones poems US

Victoria Strauss official site
The Arm of the Stone UK US
The Garden of the Stone UK US
The Burning Land UK US
? soon...
The Lady of Rhuddesmere US
Worldstone US
Guardian of the Hills US

Craig Kee Strete unofficial site
Death Chants short stories US
Death in the Spirit House US

Brad Strickland
Series: Thaumia
Moon Dreams US
Dragon's Plunder UK US
Nul's Quest US
Wizard's Mole US
Series: Johnny Dixon
The Drum, the Doll, and the Zombie with John Bellairs US
The Bell, the Book, and the Spellbinder UK US
The Wrath of the Grinning Ghost UK US
Series: Lewis Barnavelt
The Vengeance of the Witch-Finder with John Bellairs UK US
The Doom of the Haunted Opera with John Bellairs UK US
The Hand of the Necromancer UK US
The Specter from the Magician's Museum UK US
The Beast Under the Wizard's Bridge UK US
The Tower at the End of the World UK US
The Whistle, the Grave, and the Ghost UK US
Series: Grimoire
? soon...
? soon...
? soon...

Keith Francis Strohm
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Fighters
Bladesinger UK US

Charles Stross official site
Series: Merchant Princes
The Family Trade UK US
The Hidden Family UK US
The Clan Corporate UK US

Jonathan Stroud
Series: The Bartimeus Trilogy
The Amulet of Samarkand UK US
The Golem's Eye UK US
Ptolemy's Gate UK US
Buried Fire UK US
The Leap UK US

Theodore Sturgeon official site
Godbody US
The Golden Helix short stories US

Snorri Sturluson unofficial site
The Prose Edda UK US

Faith Sullivan unofficial site
Mrs. Demming and the Mythical Beast US

Jenny Sullivan official site
The Magic Apostrophe UK

Kathryn Sullivan official site
The Crystal Throne US

Paul Sullivan
Legend of the North US

Stephen D. Sullivan
Series: Legend of the Five Rings: The Clan War
First Scroll: The Scorpion UK US
Fourth Scroll: The Phoenix UK US
Seventh Scroll: The Lion UK US
Series: Dragonlance: Crossroads
The Dragon Isles UK US
Series: DragonLance, the New Adventures
The Dying Kingdom UK US

Mark Sumner official site
Devil's Tower UK US
Devil's Engine UK US
Series: Magic, The Gathering
The Prodigal Sorcerer UK US
Series: King's Quest
Kingdom of Sorrow with Marella Sands - as Kenyon Morr UK US
See No Weevil with Marella Sands - as Kenyon Morr US

Lucy Sussex official site
The Scarlet Rider UK US

Gerald Suster
The Devil's Maze US

Rosemary Sutcliff unofficial site
Series: Legends of King Arthur
The Sword and the Circle UK US
The Light Beyond the Forest US
The Road to Camlann US
Series: History of Britain
The Eagle of the Ninth UK US
The Silver Branch UK US
The Shield Ring US
Sword Song UK US
Song For a Dark Queen UK US
Sword at Sunset UK US
The Mark of the Horse Lord US
The Shining Company UK US
Tristan and Iseult UK US
The Hound of Ulster UK US
Black Ships Before Troy UK US
The Wanderings of Odysseus UK US

Luke Sutherland
Sweetmeat UK
Venus as a Boy UK US

Tui T. Sutherland unofficial site
Series: Avatars
So This Is How It Ends UK US

Han Suyin unofficial site
The Enchantress US

Hanne Marie Svendsen
The Gold Ball US

Steph Swainston
The Year of Our War UK US
No Present Like Time UK US
Dangerous Offspring UK US

S. Andrew Swann official site
The Dragons of the Cuyahoga UK US
The Dwarves of Whiskey Island UK US
God's Dice UK US
Teek as Steven Krane UK US
Broken Crescent UK US

Thomas Burnett Swann unofficial site
Series: Minotaur
Cry Silver Bells US
Day of the Minotaur US
The Forest of Forever US
Series: Mellonia
Green Phoenix
Lady of the Bees
The Weirwoods
The Dolphin and the Deep
Where Is the Bird of Fire?
The Goat Without Horns
Wolfwinter US
How Are the Mighty Fallen
The Not-World
The Gods Abide
The Minikins of Yam
Tournament of Thorns
Queens Walk in the Dusk US

Michael Swanwick
A Geography of Unknown Lands short stories US
Gravity's Angels short stories US
Griffin's Egg UK US
The Iron Dragon's Daughter UK US
Jack Faust UK US
Slow Dancing Through Time short stories
The Post Modern Archipelago US
Menodes' Fly short story

Joyce Sweeney
The Spirit Window UK US

Caitlin Sweet
A Telling of Stars
? prequel to A Telling of Stars - soon...

Jonathan Swift unofficial site
Gulliver's Travels UK US

Robert Swindells
Series: Fliss
Room 13 UK US
Inside the Worm UK US
Invisible! UK US

Antony Swithin official site
Series: Perilous Quest for Lyonesse
Princes of Sandastre UK
The Lords of the Stoney Mountains
The Winds of the Wastelands
The Nine Gods of Safaddné

Ursula Synge
Swan's Wing US

Steve Szilagyi
Photographing Fairies UK US

Trina Talma official site
Silver and Blood UK US
River's End UK US

Deborah Talmadge Bickmore
The Heldan US
The Apprentice US

Anna Tambour official site
Spotted Lily UK US

Shaun Tan
The Lost Thing UK US
The Red Tree UK US

Mary Tannen
Second Sight UK US

Kathy Kennedy Tapp
Moth-Kin Magic US
Flight of the Moth-Kin US

Judith Tarr official site
Series: Avaryan Rising
The Hall of the Mountain King UK US
The Lady of Han-Gilen UK US
A Fall of Princes UK US
Arrows of the Sun UK US
Spear of Heaven UK US
Tides of Darkness UK US
Series: The Hound and the Falcon
The Isle of Glass US
The Golden Horn US
The Hounds of God US
Series: The Hound and the Falcon related
Alamut UK US
The Dagger and the Cross US
Series: The Epona Sequence
White Mare's Daughter UK US
The Sheperd Kings UK US
Lady of Horses UK US
Daughter of Lir UK US
Series: The Song of Roland
Kingdom of the Grail UK US
Pride of Kings UK US
Devil's Bargain UK US
House of War UK US
Series: Valdemar related
Sun in Glory with Mercedes Lackey, Tanya Huff, Rosemary Edghill... - short stories UK US
Series: White Magic
The Mountain's Call as Caitlin Brennan UK US
Song of Unmaking as Caitlin Brennan UK US
Shattered Dance as Caitlin Brennan - 1st October 2006 UK US
A Wind in Cairo US
Ars Magica US
His Majesty's Elephant US
Household Gods with Harry Turtledove UK US
Lord of the Two Lands US
Pillar of Fire UK US
Throne of Isis US
King and Goddess UK US
Queen of Swords UK US
The Eagle's Daughter UK US
Queen of the Amazons UK US
Rite of Conquest UK US
King's Blood UK US

Wade Tarzia
The Silent Man Called UK US

Nikki Tate official site
Series: The Estorian Chronicles
Cave of Departure UK US
Battle for Carnillo soon...
The Curse of the Festerworlds soon...

Cora Taylor official site
On Wings of a Dragon UK US

G. P. Taylor
Shadowmancer UK US
Wormwood UK US
Tersias US: Tersias the Oracle UK US

Georgia Taylor
Lamia, a Witch US

Keith Taylor
Series: Bard
Bard US
The Fist Longship US: Bard II US
The Wild Sea US
Raven's Gathering US
Felimid's Homecoming
Series: Danans
The Sorcerers' Sacred Isle US
The Cauldron of Plenty US
Search for the Starblade US
Series: Cormac Mac Art
When Death Birds Fly with Andrew J. Offutt US
The Tower of Death with Andrew J. Offutt US

Roger Taylor official site
Series: Chronicles of Hawklan
The Call of the Sword UK US
The Fall of Fyorlund US
The Waking of Orthlund UK
Into Narsindal UK US
The Return of the Sword UK US
Series: Nightfall
Valderen UK
Dream Finder UK US
Whistler UK US
Ibryen UK US
Arash-Felloren UK US
Caddoran UK US

Christopher Tebbetts
Series: The Viking Saga
Vicking Pride UK US
The Quest for Faith UK US
Land of the Dead UK US
Hammer of the Gods UK US

Peter Telep official site
Series: Squire
Squire US
Squire's Blood UK US
Squire's Honor US

Robert Telford
Storm Haven

Alfred Tella
Zuralia Dreaming UK US

Steve Rasnic Tem official site
The Book of Days UK US

Alan Temperley
Huntress of the Sea UK

John Tempest
Vision of the Hunter UK US

Emma Tennant
Hotel de Dream US
Sisters and Strangers US

Sheri S. Tepper unofficial site
Series: The True Game: Peter
King's Blood Four UK
Necromancer Nine US
Wizard's Eleven US
Series: The True Game: Mavin
The Song of Mavin Manyshaped US
The Flight of Mavin Manyshaped US
The Search of Mavin Manyshaped US
Series: The True Game: Jinian
Jinian Footseer US
Dervish Daughter US
Jinian Star-Eye US
Series: Marianne
Marianne, the Magus and the Manticore US
Marianne, the Madame and the Momentary Gods US
Marianne, the Matchbox and the Malachite Mouse US
Series: Awakeners
Northshore UK US
Southshore UK US
The Revenants US
The Enigma Score US: After Long Silence US
Beauty US
A Plague of Angels US

William Makepeace Thackeray unofficial site
The Rose and the Ring UK US

Anne Thackery

Jean Thesman
The Other Ones UK US
Between UK US
Singer UK US

Paul Thigpen
Gehenna UK US

Elizabeth Marshall Thomas
Reindeer Moon US
The Animal Wife US

Matthew Thomas
Before & After UK US
Terror Firma UK US

Scott Thomas
Westermead short stories UK US

Eldon Thompson official site
Series: The Legend of Asahiel
The Crimson Sword UK US
The Obsidian Key UK US
The Divine Talisman 2008

Julian F. Thompson
Hard Time UK US

Kate Thompson
Switchers UK US
Midnight's Choice UK US
Wild Blood UK US
The Missing Link US: Fourth World UK US
Only Human UK
Origins UK
Down Among the Gods UK US
The Beguilers UK US
The Alchemist's Apprentice UK
Annan Water UK US

Patrick Thompson
Execution Plan UK

Paul B. Thompson
Series: DragonLance: Fifth Age
Bertrem's Guide to the Age of Mortals with Nancy Varian Berberick and Steven Stan Brown UK US
Series: DragonLance: Elven Nations
Firstborn with Tonya R. Carter US
The Qualinesti with Tonya R. Carter US
Series: DragonLance: The Lost Histories
The Dargonesti with Tonya R. Carter as Tonya C. Cook UK US
Series: DragonLance: Preludes
Darkness and Light with Tonya R. Carter UK US
Riverwind the Plainsman with Tonya R. Carter UK US
Series: DragonLance: The Barbarians
Children of the Plains with Tonya R. Carter as Tonya C. Cook UK US
Brother of the Dragon with Tonya R. Carter as Tonya C. Cook UK US
Sister of the Sword with Tonya R. Carter as Tonya C. Cook UK US
Series: DragonLance: Ergoth
A Warrior's Journey with Tonya R. Carter as Tonya C. Cook UK US
The Wizard's Fate with Tonya R. Carter as Tonya C. Cook UK US
A Hero's Justice with Tonya R. Carter as Tonya C. Cook UK US
Series: DragonLance: Crossroads
The Middle of Nowhere UK US
Series: DragonLance: Elven Exiles
Sanctuary with Tonya R. Carter as Tonya C. Cook UK US
Series: Magic, the Gathering: The Masquerade Cycle
Nemesis UK US
Thorn and Needle US
Red Sands with Tonya R. Carter US

Ruth Plumly Thompson unofficial site
Series: Oz
The Royal Book of Oz UK US
Kabumpo in Oz US
The Cowardly Lion of Oz US
Grampa in Oz US
The Lost King of Oz US
The Hungry Tiger of Oz UK US
The Gnome King of Oz UK US
The Giant Horse of Oz UK US
Jack Pumpkinhead of Oz UK US
The Yellow Knight of Oz UK US
Pirates in Oz US
The Purple Prince of Oz US
Ojo in Oz UK US
Speedy in Oz UK US
The Wishing Horse of Oz US
Captain Salt in Oz US
Handy Mandy in Oz US
The Silver Princess in Oz US
Ozoplaning with the Wizard of Oz US

William Irwin Thompson official site
Islands Out of Time US

Brian M. Thomsen
Series: Forgotten Realms
Once Around the Realms UK US
Realms of Magic with J. Robert King UK US
Realms of the Arcane with J. Robert King UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Nobles
The Mage in the Iron Mask UK US

Celia Thomson
Series: The Nine Lives of Chloe King
The Fallen UK US
The Stolen UK US
The Chosen UK US

Rupert Thomson
Dreams of Leaving UK US

Sarah L. Thomson official site
The Dragon's Son UK US

Matt Thorne
Series: 39 Castles
Greengrove Castle UK US
Clearheart Castle UK US
The White Castle 18th August 2005 UK

Duncan Thornton official site
Kalifax UK US

James Thurber unofficial site
Many Moons UK US
The Great Quillow UK US
The 13 Clocks US
The Wonderful O US

H. C. Tidian
McGillicuddy the Bookseller US

Cate Tiernan unofficial site
Series: Wicca (US: Sweep)
Book of Shadows UK US
The Coven UK US
Blood Witch UK US
Dark Magick UK US
Awakening UK US
Spellbound UK US
The Calling UK US
Changeling UK US
Strife UK US
Seeker UK US
Origins UK US
Eclipse UK US
Reckoning UK US
Full Circle UK US
Night's Child UK US
Series: Balefire
A Chalice of Wind UK US
A Circle of Ashes UK US
A Feather of Stone UK US
A Necklace of Water UK US

Mark Anthony Tierno official site
Series: Maldene
Volume One UK US
Volume Two UK US

Grace Tiffany official site
Ariel UK US

Lois Tilton official site
Written in Venom UK US

Peter Valentine Timlett
Series: Druid
Seed Bearers UK
The Power of the Serpent UK
Twilight of the Serpent UK US
Black Light UK
The Cauldron
Merlin & the Sword of Avalon

Keith Timson
Series: Fall of the Disenchanted
A Far Magic Shore UK

Louise Titchener official site
Greenfire US

Michael Tod
Series: The Woodstock Saga
The Silver Tide UK
The Second Wave UK
The Golden Flight UK

Loreto Todd
A Fire in His Head UK US

J. R. R. Tolkien unofficial site
Series: Middle-Earth
The Silmarillon   UK US
The Hobbit   UK US
Map: There and Back Again UK US
Map: The Map of Tolkien's Beleriand UK
Map: The Map of Númenor UK US
Series: The Lord of The Rings
The Fellowship of the Ring (La Communauté de L'Anneau)   UK US
The Two Towers (Les Deux Tours)   UK US
The Return of the King (Le Retour du Roi)   UK US
Map: Map of Middle-Earth UK US
Series: The History of Middle-Earth
The Book of Lost Tales, Part One UK US
The Book of Lost Tales, Part Two UK US
The Lays of Beleriand UK US
The Shaping of Middle-Earth: The Quenta, the Ambarkanta, the Annals UK US
The Lost Road and Other Writings: Language and Legend Before The Lord of the Rings UK US
The Return of the Shadow: The History of The Lord of the Rings, Part One UK US
The Treason of Isengard: The History of The Lord of the Rings, Part Two UK US
The War of the Ring: The History of The Lord of the Rings, Part Three with Christopher Tolkien UK US
Sauron Defeated: The History of The Lord of the Rings, Part Four with Christopher Tolkien UK US
Morgoth's Ring: The Later Silmarillion, Part One: The Legends of Aman with Christopher Tolkien UK US
The War of the Jewels: The Later Silmarillion, Part Two: The Legends of Beleriand with Christopher Tolkien UK US
The Peoples of Middle-Earth with Christopher Tolkien UK US
The History of Middle-Earth Index UK
Series: Middle-Earth related
Bilbo's Last Song poem UK US
The Adventures of Tom Bombadil and Other Verses from the Red Book US
Unfinished Tales UK US
Leaf by Niggle
Farmer Giles of Ham UK US
Roverandom UK US
On Fairy Stories
Tree and Leaf UK US
Smith of Wootton Major UK US
The Road Goes Ever On with Donald Swann US
Finn and Hengest UK US
Mr Bliss UK US
Pictures by J. R. R. Tolkien US
The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth Beorhthelm's Son US
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Pearl and Sir Orfeo UK US
The Father Christmas Letters UK US
Oliphaunt US

Nikolai Tolstoy official site
Series: Prophecy of Prydein
The Coming of the King US

Steve Tomasula official site
In & Oz UK US

Bruce Tomlin
Beyond the Well UK US

Theresa Tomlinson official site
The Forestwife UK US
Child of the May UK US
The Path of the She-Wolf UK
The Moon Riders UK US
Voyage of the Snake Lady UK

Jeff Torrington
Swing Hammer Swing! UK US

S. D. Tower
The Assassins of Tamurin UK US

Roderick Townley
The Great Good Thing UK US
Into the Labyrinth UK US

John Rowe Townsend
The Fortunate Isles US
The Persuading Stick US

Tom Townsend official site
Series: The Fairie Ring
The Trouble With an Elf US
Never Trust a One-Eyed Wizard US
The Dragon Trader US
Shadow Kiss US

Peter Tremayne
Series: Lan-Kern
The Fires of Lan-Kern US
The Destroyers of Lan-Kern
The Buccaneers of Lan-Kern
Raven of Destiny US
Ravenmoon US: Bloodmist US
Island of Shadows

Alan F. Troop official site
The Dragon DelaSangre UK US
Dragon Moon UK US
The Seadragon's Daughter UK US
A Host of Dragons UK US

Lisa Trutkoff Trumbauer official site
Series: Dungeons & Dragons: Knights of the Silver Dragon
The Hidden Dragon UK US

E. C. Tubb unofficial site
Series: Chronicle of Malkar
Death God's Doom UK US
The Sleeping City UK US

Michael O. Tunnell
Wishing Moon UK US

Ann Warren Turner
Series: Elfsong
Elfsong US
Rosemary's Witch US

Delia Marshall Turner official site
Nameless Magery UK US
Of Swords and Spells US

Megan Whalen Turner official site
The Thief UK US
The Queen of Attolia UK US
The King of Attolia UK US
Instead of Three Wishes short stories UK US

Harry Turtledove official site
Series: Guerin the Fox
Werenight UK US
Prince of the North UK US
King of the North UK US
Fox and Empire UK US
The Tale of the Seventeenth Eunuch short story
Series: The Tale of Krispos
Krispos Rising UK US
Krispos of Videssos UK US
Krispos the Emperor UK US
Series: Time of Troubles
The Stolen Throne UK US
Hammer and Anvil US
The Thousand Cities UK US
Videssos Besieged UK US
Series: The Videssos Cycle
The Misplaced Legion US
An Emperor for the Legion UK US
The Legion of Videssos UK US
Swords of the Legion UK US
Series: Videssos related
Bridge of the Separator UK US
Series: World at War
Into the Darkness UK US
Darkness Descending UK US
Through the Darkness UK US
Rulers of the Darkness UK US
Jaws of Darkness UK US
Out of the Darkness UK US
Series: War Between the Provinces
Sentry Peak UK US
Marching Through Peachtree UK US
Advance and Retreat UK US
Series: Conan
Conan of Venarium UK US
Series: The Opening of the World
Beyond the Gap UK US
? soon...
? soon...
The Guns of the South UK US
Between the Rivers UK US
Household Gods with Judith Tarr UK US
Thessalonica UK US
The Case of the Toxic Spell Dump UK US
Agent of Byzantium US
Ruled Britannia UK US
Every Inch a King UK US

Lisa Tuttle
The Panther in Argyll UK

John Twelve Hawks unofficial site
Series: The Fourth Realm
The Traveller UK US
The Dark River 10th July 2007 UK US
? soon...

Anne Tyler official site
A Patchwork Planet UK US

Val Tyler official site
Series: The Greenwich Chronicles
The Time Wreccas UK US
The Time Apprentice UK

Steven M. Tymon
Demon Killer US

Salinda Tyson
Wheel of Dreams US

Laura J. Underwood official site
Bogie Woods and Other Tales of Conor Manahan short stories US
Ard Magister US
The Black Hunter e-book
Keltora, Land of Myth short stories - e-book
Magic's Song, Tales of the Harper Mage short stories UK US

John Updike unofficial site
The Witches of Eastwick UK US

Emma Maree Urquhart official site
Dragon Tamers UK US
Digital Tempest UK

Jane Urquhart unofficial site
Away UK US

Luis Alberto Urrea official site
The Hummingbird's Daughter UK US

Anne Ursu official site
The Shadow Thieves 1st May 2006 UK US
? soon...
? soon...

Peter Ustinov
The Old Man and Mr. Smith UK US

Catherynne M. Valente official site
Series: The Orphan's Tales
In the Night-Garden The Book of the Steppe - The Book of the Sea - 31st October 2006 UK US
In the Cities of Coin and Spice The Book of Storm - The Book of Scald - Fall 2007
The Labyrinth UK US
The Grass-Cutting Sword 1st July 2006 UK US
Under in the Mere 2006
Yume no Hon, the Book of Dreams UK US
The Ice Puzzle 2007
The Floor of Heaven soon...

Doris Vallejo
Ladies, Retold Tales of Goddesses and Heroines US

Carl-Johan Vallgren
The Horrific Sufferings of the Mind-Reading Monster Hercules Barefoot, His Wonderful Love and His Terrible Hatred UK US

Dave VanArnam
Wizard of Storms

Gail VanAsten
Series: Roland
Charlemagne's Champion US
The Dark Sword's Lover US
The Blind Knight US

Edo VanBelkon
Series: DragonLance: Warriors
Lord Soth UK US

Jack Vance official site
Series: Dying Earth
The Dying Earth UK US
Eyes of the Overworld UK US
Cugel's Saga UK US
Rhialto the Marvellous UK US
Series: Lyonesse
Lyonesse US: Suldrun's Garden UK US
The Green Pearl US
Madouc US
Green Magic short stories US
Fantasms and Magics short stories
The Blue World UK US
The Dragon Masters short stories UK US

Susanna Vance official site
Sights UK US

Jeff VanderMeer official site
The Book of Frog
City of Saints and Madmen short stories UK US

Vivian VandeVelde official site
Series: Weiland
The Conjurer Princess UK US
The Changeling Prince UK US
A Coming Evil UK US
Dragon's Bait UK US
A Hidden Magic UK US
A Well-Timed Enchantment UK US
Curses, Inc. and Other Stories short stories UK US
The Rumpelstiltskin Problem short stories UK US
Tales From the Brothers Grimm and the Sisters Weird short stories UK US
Wizard at Work UK US
Witch's Wishes UK US
Now You See It... UK US
Three Good Deeds UK US
The Book of Mordred UK US
Witch Dreams UK US

David VanDoorn
The Wyvern's Egg

Alida VanGores
Mermaid's Song US

Sydney J. VanScyoc official site
Feather Stroke US

Peter Vansittart
Parsifal UK US
Hermes in Paris UK US

Robert E. Vardeman
Series: Cenotaph Road
Cenotaph Road US
The Sorcerer's Skull US
World of Mazes US
Iron Tongue US
Fire and Fog US
Pillar of Night US
Series: Jade Demons
Quaking Lands US
Frozen Waves US
Crystal Clouds US
The White Fire US
Series: Swords of Raemllyn
To Demons Bound with George W. Proctor US
A Yoke of Magic with George W. Proctor UK US
Blood Fountain with George W. Proctor UK US
Death's Acolyte with George W. Proctor
The Beasts of the Mist with George W. Proctor US
For Crown and Kingdom with George W. Proctor US
Series: War of Powers
The Sundered Realm with Victor Milán US
The City in the Glacier with Victor Milán UK US
The Destiny Stone with Victor Milán US
The Fallen Ones with Victor Milán US
In the Shadow of Omizantrim with Victor Milán US
Demon of the Dark Ones with Victor Milán US
Series: The Keys to Paradise
The Flame Key as Daniel Moran UK
The Skeleton Lord's Key as Daniel Moran UK
Key of Ice and Steel as Daniel Moran UK
Series: Demon Crown
The Glass Warrior US
Phantoms on the Wind US
A Symphony of Storms US
Series: Magic, the Gathering
Dark Legacy US
The Accursed

Allen Varney
Series: Dragon Dice
Cast of Fate US

Philippe Vasset
ScriptGenerator©®™ UK US

Elizabeth Vaughan official site
Warprize UK US
Warsworn 4th April 2006 UK US
? soon...

Susan Vaught official site
Stormwitch UK US

Alfredo Vea Jr. official site
La Maravilla UK US

Luis Fernando Verissimo
Borges and the Eternal Orang-Utan UK

Jules Verne unofficial site
Adventures of the Rat Family UK US

A. Hyatt Verrill unofficial site
The Bridge of Light UK US

Tarjei Vesaas unofficial site
The Ice Palace UK US

Salley Vickers official site
Mr. Golightly's Holiday UK US

Gill Vickery
The Ivy Crown UK US

Debbie Viguie
Midnight Pearls UK US
Scarlet Moon UK US

Gerald Vizenor unofficial site
Bearheart, the Heirship Chronicles UK US
Dead Voices, Natural Agonies in the New World short stories UK US

Steve Voake
The Dreamwalker's Child UK US
The Web of Fire UK

Cynthia Voigt unofficial site
Series: Kingdom
Jackaroo UK US
The Wings of a Falcon US
On Fortune's Wheel UK US
Elske UK US

William T. Vollmann official site
Series: Seven Dreams
The Ice-Shirt US
Fathers and Crows UK US
Argall UK US
Poison-Shirt soon...
Dying Grass soon...
Cloud Shirt soon...

Paula Volsky
Series: Sorcerer's Lady
The Sorcerer's Lady US
The Sorcerer's Heir US
The Sorcerer's Curse US
The Curse of the Witch-Queen US
The Luck of Relian Kru US
Illusion UK US
The Wolf of Winter UK US
The Gates of Twilight UK US
The White Tribunal UK US
The Grand Ellipse UK US

Bettine VonArnim
The Life of High Countess Gritta von Ratsinourhouse US

Kurt Vonnegut Jr. official site
Happy Birthday, Wanda June US

Wolf VonNiebelschutz
The Badger of Ghissi

John Vornholt official site
The Troll King UK US
The Troll Queen UK US
The Troll Treasure UK US
The Fabulist UK US

James Waddington
Bad to the Bone UK US

Andrea Rains Waggener
Alternate Beauty UK US

Tim Waggoner official site
Series: DragonLance, the New Adventures
Temple of the Dragonslayer UK US
Return of the Sorceress UK US

Karl Edward Wagner
Series: Conan
The Road of Kings US
Series: Kane
Darkness Weaves With Many Shades US
Death Angel's Shadow US
Bloodstone US
Dark Crusade US
Night Winds US
The Book of Kane short stories US
Series: Bran Mak Morn
Legion from the Shadows with Robert E. Howard UK US

Anna Lee Waldo official site
Series: The Druid Circle
Circle of Stones UK US
Cirlce of Stars UK US

Howard Waldrop official site
A Dozen Tough Jobs US

Barbara G. Walker
Amazon US
Feminist Fairy Tales short stories US

Hugh Walker
Series: Magira
War-Gamers' World
Army of Darkness
Messengers of Darkness

Lars Walker unofficial site
Erling's Word UK US
The Ghost of the God-Tree UK US
Wolf Time UK US
Blood and Judgement US: Blood and Judgment UK US

Mary Alexander Walker
The Scathach and Maeve's Daughters UK US

Stephen Walker
Mr. Landen Has No Brain UK US

Wendy Walker
The Secret Service UK US
The Sea-Rabbit short stories UK US
Stories out of Omarie short stories UK US

David Wallace
The Watermelon King UK US

Velma Wallis
Two Old Women UK US

Horace Walpole unofficial site
Hieroglyphic Tales short stories UK US

Peter Walpole
The Healer of Harrow Point UK US

Daniel Walther unofficial site
Series: Book of Shai
The Book of Shai US
Shai's Destiny US

Evangeline Walton unofficial site
Series: Mabinogion
The Island of the Mighty US
The Children of Llyr US
The Song of Rhiannon US
Prince of Annwn US
The Sword is Forged UK US

Jo Walton official site
The King's Peace UK US
The King's Name UK US
The Prize in the Game UK US
Tooth and Claw UK US

Howard Wandrei
The Last Pin short stories UK US
Time Burial short stories UK US
The Eerie Mr. Murphy short stories UK US

Walter Wangerin Jr.
The Book of the Dun Cow US
The Book of Sorrows UK US
The Crying for a Vision US

Orville J. Wanzer
Series: Elfin
The Elfin Brood US

Nick Warburton
The Thirteenth Owl

James M. Ward
Series: Forgotten Realms: Pool of Radiance
Pool of Radiance with Jane Cooper Hong US
Pools of Darkness with Anne K. Brown US
Pool of Twilight with Anne K. Brown US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Double Diamond Triangle Saga
The Paladins US
Midshipwizard Halcyon Blithe UK US

Michael D. Warden official site
Series: The Pearlsong Refounding
Gideon's Dawn UK US

Marina Warner official site
The Leto Bundle UK US

Freda Warrington official site
Series: Blackbird
A Blackbird in Silver
A Blackbird in Darkness
A Blackbird in Amber
A Blackbird in Twilight
Darker Than the Storm
Series: Jewelfire
The Amber Citadel UK
The Sapphire Throne UK
The Obsidian Tower UK
The Rainbow Gate
The Court of the Midnight King UK

Gary Wassner official site
Series: Gemquest
The Twins UK US
The Awakening

Elizabeth Waters official site
Series: Trillium
Golden Trillium with Andre Norton UK US
Changing Fate US
The Gratitude of Kings with Marion Zimmer Bradley US

Ian Watson official site
Queenmagic, Kingmagic US

Jules Watson official site
Series: The Dalriada Trilogy
The White Mare UK US
The Dawn Stag UK US
The Boar Stone UK US

Robert Watson
Whilom UK US

Laura Watt
Carry Me Back UK US

Lawrence Watt-Evans official site
Series: Legends of Ethshar
Misenchanted Sword UK US
With a Single Spell UK US
The Unwilling Warlord UK US
The Blood of a Dragon UK US
Taking Flight UK US
The Spell of the Black Dagger UK US
Night of Madness UK US
Ithanalin's Restoration UK US
The Spriggan Mirror soon...
At the Sign of the Crimson Wolf soon...
The Vondish Ambassador soon...
The Wizard's Garden soon...
Azraya of Ethshar soon...
A Stranger in the Forest soon...
A Feather from Her Wing soon...
The Rune of the Implacable Stalker soon...
A Slave of Wizardry soon...
The Final Calling soon...
Series: The Lords of Dus
The Lure of the Basilisk US
The Seven Altars of Dusarra US
The Sword of Bheleu US
The Book of Silence US
Series: The Obsidian Chronicles
Dragon Weather UK US
The Dragon Society UK US
Dragon Venom UK US
Series: The Wizard Lords
? soon...
? soon...
? soon...
Newer York US
Crosstime Traffic short stories US
The Rebirth of Wonder with Esther Watt-Evans US
Split Heirs with Esther Mona Friesner UK US
Touched by the Gods UK US
*The Name of Fear (*La Peur A un Nom) short story

Leander Watts unofficial site
Ten Thousand Charms UK US

Sylvia Waugh
The Mennyms UK US
Mennyms in the Wilderness UK US
Mennyms Under Siege UK US
Mennyms Alive US
Mennyms Alone UK US

Cat Weatherhill
Barkbelly UK US
Snowbone UK US
Wild Magic UK

Lydia Weaver
Splashman US

Michael D. Weaver
Series: Bloodfang
Wolf-Dreams US
Nightreaver US
Bloodfang US

Beth Webb unofficial site
The Magic in the Pool of Making UK US

Catherine Webb
Timekeepers UK US
Waywalkers UK US
Mirror Dreams UK
Mirror Wakes UK

Don Webb unofficial site
The Seventh Day and After short stories US
Anubis on Guard poems

Jackie Webb
Wilkes the Wizard
Wilkes the Wizard and teh S. P. A. M.

Collin Webber
Merlin and the Last Trump UK
Ribwash US

David M. Weber unofficial site
Series: Oath of Swords
Oath of Swords UK US
The War God's Own UK US
Wind Rider's Oath UK US

Lyn Webster
Series: Alice
The Illumination of Alice J. Cunningham US

Karen Wehrstein
Series: Fifth Millenium
Lion's Heart UK US
Lion's Soul UK US
Shadow's Son with Shirley Meier and S. M. Stirling US

Terry Weide
Dream of Power, Dream of Glory UK US

Elizabeth E. Wein official site
Series: King Arthur
The Winter Prince US
A Coalition of Lions UK US
The Sunbird UK US
Series: The Mark of Solomon
The Lion Hunter UK US
The Empty Kingdom 17th April 2008 UK US

George Weinberg
Numberland US

Robert E. Weinberg
Series: Today's Sorcery
A Modern Magician US: A Logical Magician UK US
A Calculated Magic US

Margaret Weis official site
Series: The Darksword Trilogy
Forging the Darksword with Tracy Hickman UK US
Doom of the Darksord with Tracy Hickman UK US
Triumph of the Darksword with Tracy Hickman UK US
Legacy of the Darksword with Tracy Hickman UK US
Series: Darksword related
Darksword Adventures with Tracy Hickman UK US
Series: Rose of the Prophet
The Will of the Wanderer with Tracy Hickman UK US
The Paladin of the Night with Tracy Hickman UK US
The Prophet of Akhran with Tracy Hickman UK US
Series: The Death Gate Cycle
Dragon Wing with Tracy Hickman UK US
Elven Star with Tracy Hickman UK US
Fire Sea with Tracy Hickman UK US
Serpent Mage with Tracy Hickman UK US
The Hand of Chaos with Tracy Hickman UK US
Into the Labyrinth with Tracy Hickman UK US
The Seventh Gate with Tracy Hickman UK US
Series: DragonLance: Chronicles
Dragons of Autumn Twilight (Dragons d'un Crépuscule d'Automne) with Tracy Hickman   UK US
Dragons of Winter Night (Dragons d'une Nuit d'Hiver) with Tracy Hickman   UK US
Dragons of Spring Dawning (Dragons d'une Aube de Printemps) with Tracy Hickman   UK US
Dragons of Summer Flame with Tracy Hickman UK US
Series: DragonLance: Legends
Time of the Twins with Tracy Hickman UK US
War of the Twins with Tracy Hickman UK US
Test of the Twins with Tracy Hickman UK US
Series: DragonLance: Tales
The Magic of Krynn with Tracy Hickman UK US
Kender, Gully Dwarves and Gnomes with Tracy Hickman UK US
Love and War with Tracy Hickman UK US
Series: DragonLance: Tales II
The Reign of Istar with Tracy Hickman and Nancy Varian Berberick UK US
The Cataclysm with Tracy Hickman and Nancy Varian Berberick UK US
The War of the Lance with Margaret Weis, Michael Williams and Richard A. Knaak UK US
Series: DragonLance: The Raistlin Chronicles
The Soulforge UK US
Brothers in Arms with Don Perrin UK US
Series: DragonLance: The Chaos War
The Doom Brigade with Don Perrin UK US
Series: DragonLance: The War of Souls
Dragons of a Fallen Sun with Tracy Hickman UK US
Dragons of a Lost Star with Tracy Hickman UK US
Dragons of a Vanished Moon with Tracy Hickman UK US
Series: DragonLance: Anthologies
The Dragons of Krynn UK US
The Dragons at War UK US
The Dragons of Chaos UK US
Series: DragonLance: Tales of the Fifth Age Anthologies
Relics and Omens UK US
Heroes and Fools UK US
Rebels and Tyrants UK US
Series: DragonLance: Kang's Regiment
Draconian Measures with Don Perrin UK US
Series: DragonLance: The Search for Magic
Tales from the War of Souls with Tracy Hickman - short stories UK US
Series: DragonLance: The Search for Power
Dragons from the War of Souls short stories UK US
Series: DragonLance: The Dark Disciple
Amber and Ashes UK US
Amber and Iron UK US
Series: DragonLance related
The History of Dragonlance with Tracy Hickman UK US
The Second Generation Realms of Dragons: The World of Weis and Hickman with Tracy Hickman UK US
Leaves from the Inn of the Last Home: The Complete Krynn Sourcebook with Tracy Hickman UK US
More Leaves from the Inn of the Last Home with Tracy Hickman UK US
Dragons in the Archives with Tracy Hickman - short stories UK US
Series: The Sovereign Stone
The Well of Darkness with Tracy Hickman UK US
Guardians of the Lost with Tracy Hickman UK US
Journey into the Void with Tracy Hickman UK US
Series: Dragonvarld
Mistress of Dragons UK US
The Dragon's Son UK US
Master of Dragons UK US
Series: Dragon's Disciple
Dark Heart with David Baldwin UK US

Daniel Evan Weiss
Unnatural Selection US: The Roaches Have No King UK US
Honk if You Love Aphrodite UK US

Jane Welch official site
Series: Runespell
The Runes of War UK US
The Lost Runes UK US
The Runes of Sorcery UK US
Series: The Book of Önd
The Lament of Abalone UK
The Bard of Castaguard UK
The Lord of Necrönd UK
Series: The Book of Man
Dawn of a Dark Age UK
The Broken Chalice UK
The Allegiance of Man UK

Michelle M. Welch official site
Confidence Game UK US
The Bright and the Dark UK US
Chasing Fire UK US

Mary Welfare
Yeti of the Glen

Manly Wade Wellman unofficial site
Series: Silver John
The Old Gods Waken US
After Dark US
The Lost and the Lurking US
The Hanging Stones US
The Voice of the Mountain US
Series: John
John the Balladeer short stories US
Cahena US

Angus Wells unofficial site
Series: The Book of the Kingdoms
Warth of Ashar UK US
The Usurper UK US
The Way Beneath UK US
Series: Godwars
Forbidden Magic UK US
Dark Magic UK US
Wild Magic UK US
Series: Exiles
Exile's Children UK US
Exile's Challenge UK US
Series: Raven
Swordmistress of Chaos with Robert Holdstock - as Richard Kirk UK US
A Time of Ghosts with Robert Holdstock - as Richard Kirk UK US
The Frozen God with Robert Holdstock - as Richard Kirk UK US
Lords of the Shadows with Robert Holdstock - as Richard Kirk UK US
A Time of Dying with Robert Holdstock - as Richard Kirk UK US
Lords of the Sky UK US
The Guardian UK US
Yesterday's Kings UK US

H. G. Wells unofficial site
The Magic Shop UK US

Martha Wells official site
Series: Ile-Rien
The Element of Fire US
The Death of the Necromancer UK US
Series: The Fall of Ile-Rien
The Wizard Hunters UK US
The Ships of Air UK US
The Gate of Gods UK US
City of Bones UK US
Wheel of the Infinite UK US

Steven Wells
Tits-Out Teenage Terror Totty UK

Mary Welsey unofficial site
Haphazard House UK US
Speaking Terms UK US

Bernard Werber official site
Empire of the Ants US

Paul West
Sporting With Amaryllis US
Cheops UK US

Robert Westall unofficial site
The Cats of Seroster UK US
The Devil on the Road UK US
The Watch House UK US
The Scarecrows UK US

Scott Westerfeld official site
Series: Midnighters
The Secret Hour UK US
Touching Darkness UK US
Blue Noon 1st March 2006 UK US

Donald E. Westlake official site
Humans UK US

Robert Freeman Wexler official site
Circus of the Grand Design UK US

Suzanne Weyn
Series: Secret of the Unicorn Queen
Into the Dream US
The Night Dance UK US

Thomas Wharton
Salamander UK US

Leslie What official site
Olympic Games UK US

Weem Whitaker
The Four Children of Night UK

John Whitbourn
Series: Dangerous Energy
A Dangerous Energy
To Build Jerusalem US
Series: The Downs-Lord Triptych
Downs-Lord Dawn UK
Downs-Lord Day UK
Downs-Lord Doomsday UK
Popes and Phantoms US
The Royal Changeling UK

Susan Whitcher
Enchanter's Glass US

James Gordon White
The Nomad Queen US

John White unofficial site
Series: The Archives of Anthropos
The Tower of Geburah UK US
The Iron Scepter
The Sword Bearer UK US
Gaal the Conqueror UK US
Quest for the King UK US

Richard C. White official site
Series: Gauntlet: Dark Legacy
Paths of Evil UK US

Steve White
Demon's Gate UK US

T. H. White unofficial site
Series: The Once and Future King
The Sword in the Stone   UK US
The Witch in the Wood Later called: The Queen of Air and Darkness   UK US
The Ill-Made Knight   UK US
The Candle in the Wind   UK US
The Book of Merlyn   UK US
Mistress Masham's Repose UK US
The Elephant and the Kangaroo US
The Maharajah and Other Stories US

Ted White
The Sorceress of Qar
Phoenix Prime US
The Jewels of Elsewhen

Victoria Whitehead
The Chimney Witches US
Chimney Witch Chase US

Dean Whitlock
Sky Carver UK US

Andrew Whitmore official site
Series: Countenance Divine
Demogorgon soon...
Series: Pagad
Pagad's Progress
Pagad's Penance soon...
The Fortress of Eternity US

Voronica Whitney-Robinson
Series: Forgotten Realms: Sembia
Sands of the Soul UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Rogues
The Crimson Gold UK US

Edward Whittemore
Series: Jerusalem Quartet
Sinai Tapestry UK US
Jerusalem Poker UK US
Nile Shadows UK US
Jericho Mosaic UK US

Christopher Whyte unofficial site
Euphemia MacFarrigle and the Laughing Virgin UK US

Jack Whyte official site
Series: Camulod Chronicles
Skystone UK US
The Singing Sword UK US
The Eagle's Brood UK US
The Saxon Shore UK US
The Fort at River's Bend UK US
The Sorcerer: Metamorphosis UK US
Uther UK US
The Lance Thrower UK US
Series: Knights Templar Trilogy
Knights of the Black and White UK US
Standard of Honor 13th September 2007 UK US
Fall of Baphomet soon...
The Silver Moon Elm 5th June 2007 UK US
? soon...

Leonard Wibberley unofficial site
The Quest of Excalibur US

Linda Wichman official site
Legend of the Emerald Rose UK US

Diana Wieler official site
Series: RanVan
The Defender UK US
A Worthy Opponent UK US
Magic Nation UK US

Edel Wignell unofficial site
Escape by Deluge US

Alix Wilber
The Wives' Tale UK US

Oscar Wilde unofficial site
*The Picture of Dorian Gray (*Le Portrait de Dorian Gray) UK US
Complete Fairy Tales of Oscar Wilde US

Cherry Wilder unofficial site
Series: Rulers of Hylor
A Princess of the Chameln US
Yorath the Wolf US
The Summer's King US

Laura Ingalls Wilder official site
Series: Little House
*Little House in the Big Woods UK US
*Little House on the Prairie UK US
*On the Banks of Plum Creek UK US
*By the Shores of Silver Lake UK US
*The Long Winter UK US
*Litle Town on the Prairie UK US
*These Happy Golden Years UK US
*The First Four Years UK US
*Farmer Boy UK US
Series: Little House related
*On the way Home UK US

Kate Wilhelm unofficial site
Cambio Bay US
The Girl Who Fell into the Sky short story
Naming the Flowers US

Kim Wilkins official site
Series: Europa Suite
The Autumn Castle UK US
Giants of the Frost UK
The Snow Witch soon...

Carole Wilkinson official site
Dragon Keeper AUS: Dragonkeeper UK US
Garden of the Purple Dragon UK US
Dragon Moon UK US
Series: Dragon Keeper related
The Dragon Companion
Series: Ramose
Prince in Exile UK US
Ramose and the Tomb Robbers UK US
Sting of the Scorpion UK
Wrath of Ra UK

Dale C. Willard
The Linnet's Tale UK US

Nancy Willard
Series: Anatole
Sailing to Cythera and Other Anatole Stories short stories US
The Island of the Grass King UK US
Uncle Terrible US
Firebrat US
Sister Water US
Beauty and the Beast US
The Sorcerer's Apprentice UK US

Edward Willett official site
Soulworm US
The Dark Unicorn US
Spirit Singer US

Elizabeth Willey official site
Series: Kingdom of Argylle
The Well-Favored Man US
A Sorcerer and a Gentleman US
The Price of Blood and Honor UK US

Greg Williams
Younger than Springtime US

Jay Williams
Petronella UK US

Jim Williams
Recherché UK

Maiya Williams
The Golden Hour UK US

Michael Williams
Series: From Thief to King
A Sorcerer's Apprentice US
A Forest Lord US
The Balance of Power US
Series: Hawking Family
Arcady UK US
Allamanda UK US
Series: DragonLance: Heroes
Weasel's Luck UK US
Series: DragonLance: Heroes II
Galen Beknighted UK US
Series: DragonLance: Villains
Before the Mask with Teri Williams US
Series: DragonLance: The Meeting Sextet
The Oath and the Measure UK US
The Dark Queen with Teri Williams US
Series: DragonLance: Tales II
The War of the Lance with Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman and Richard A. Knaak UK US

Nigel Williams
Black Magic

Robina Williams official site
Jerome and the Seraph UK US

Sean Williams official site
Series: The Change
The Stone Mage & the Sea UK US
The Sky Warden & the Sun UK US
The Storm Weaver & the Sand UK US
Series: The Cataclysm
The Crooked Letter UK US
The Blood Debt UK US
The Hanging Mountains UK US
The Devoured Earth
Series: The Broken Land
The Changeling 2008
The Dust Devils 2008
The Scarecrow 2009

Tad Williams official site
Series: Memory, Sorrow and Thorn
The Dragonbone Chair   UK US
Stone of Farewell   UK US
To Green Angel Tower, Siege   UK US
To Green Angel Tower, Storm   UK US
The Burning Man short story   UK US
Series: Osten Ard related
A Chronicle in Stone short stories - soon...
Series: Otherland
City of Golden Shadow UK US
River of Blue Fire UK US
Mountain of Black Glass UK US
Sea of Silver Light UK US
The Happiest Dead Boy in the World short story UK US
Series: Shadowmarch
Shadowmarch UK US
Shadowplay UK US
Shadowrise 4th March 2010 UK US
Tailchaser's Song   UK US
Mirror World
Child of an Ancient City with Nina Kiriki Hoffman US
Caliban's Hour UK US
The War of the Flowers   UK US

Chet Williamson
Series: Forgotten Realms
Murder in Cormyr UK US

Duncan Williamson
The Broonie, Silkies & Fairies short stories US

Henry Williamson official site
Tarka the Otter UK US

Jack Williamson
The Reign of Wizardry US
The Stonehenge Gate 1st April 2005 US

Philip G. Williamson
Series: Firstworld Chronicles
Dinbig of Khimmur
The Legend of Shadd's Torment
From Enchantery
Heart of Shadows
Citadel UK
Series: Enchantment's Edge
The Orb and the Spectre US
Orbus's World UK US
The Soul of the Orb UK

Connie Willis unofficial site
Miracle and Other Christmas Stories short stories UK US
Inside Job UK US

Dan Willis
Series: DragonLance, the New Adventures
The Dragon Well UK US
Dragon Knight UK US

Paul John Willis
No Clock in the Forest US
The Stolen River US

David Henry Wilson
The Coachman Rat US

David Niall Wilson official site
Series: Grails Covenant
To Sift Through Bitter Ashes US
To Speak in Lifeless Tongues UK US
To Dream of Dreamers Lost UK US

Diane Lee Wilson unofficial site
I Rode a Horse of Milk White Jade UK US

Gahan Wilson unofficial site
Eddy Deco's Last Caper US
Everybody's Favorite Duck US

Martin Wilson
The Castle of Oblivion UK
The Homunculus UK

Robert Anton Wilson official site
Series: Illuminatus
The Eye in the Pyramid with Robert J. Shea UK US
The Golden Apple with Robert J. Shea UK US
Leviathan with Robert J. Shea UK US
Masks of the Illuminati UK US
Series: The Historical Illuminatus Chronicles
The Earth Will Shake UK US
The Widow's Son UK US
Nature's God UK US

Scott T. Wilson official site
Series: The Journal of Haylerbane
Two Shades Darker than the Sky UK US
Where the Worm Leads soon...
Held in the Balance soon...

Staci Layne Wilson official site
Rock & Roll Fantasy UK US

Terri Windling official site
Series: Voyage of the Basset
The Raven Queen UK US
Midsummer Night's Fairy Tale with Wendy Froud - short stories UK US
The Winter Child with Wendy Froud - short stories UK US
The Wood Wife UK US

Norman Winski
The Sword and the Sorcerer US

Laurel Winter official site
Infinity Syrup short story
The Moon Garden Cookbook short story
Permanent Natural Boy short story
David's Ashes short story
Blood Harp short story
Tomorrow Tea short story
Sky Eyes short story
Growing Wings UK US

Henry Winterfeld
Castaways of Lilliput UK US

Jeanette Winterson official site
Sexing the Cherry UK US
Weight UK US

Elizabeth Winthrop official site
The Castle in the Attic US
The Battle for the Castle UK US

Ken Wisman official site

Allen L. Wold
The Eye in the Stone US

Joan Wolf official site
The Edge of Light US

Joyce Wolf
Between the Cracks US

Leonard Wolf
The Glass Mountain UK US

Gene Wolfe unofficial site
Series: The Book of the New Sun
The Shadow of the Torturer UK US
The Claw of the Conciliator UK US
The Sword of the Lictor UK US
The Citadel of the Autarch UK US
Urth of the New Sun UK US
Series: The Book of the Long Sun
Nightside the Long Sun UK US
Lake of the Long Sun UK US
Caldé of the Long Sun UK US
Exodus from the Long Sun UK US
Series: The Book of the Short Sun
On Blue's Waters UK US
In Green's Jungles UK US
Return to the Whorl UK US
Series: Latro
Soldier of the Mist UK US
Soldier of Arete US
Soldier of Sidon UK US
Series: The Wizard Knight
The Knight UK US
The Wizard UK US
The Devil in a Forest US
Castleview UK US
Pandora by Holly Hollander US
There Are Doors UK US

Swain Wolfe official site
The Woman Who Lives in the Earth UK US

Meg Wolitzer
The Dream Book US

B. Wongar
Series: The Nuclear Trilogy
Walg UK US
Karan UK US
Gabo Djara UK US

Barbara Wood official site
The Blessing Stone UK US
Poison UK US
The Star of Babylon UK US

Bridget Wood
Series: Wolfking
Wolfking US
The Lost Prince US
Rebel Angel US
The Burning Altar as Frances Gordon US
Changeling as Frances Gordon
The Devil's Piper US
Thorn, An Immortal Tale US

Frances M. Wood unofficial site
Becoming Rosemary US

John Wood
In a Secret Place UK

MacKay Wood
Wolf's Cub UK US
Gryphon King

Maggie Wood official site
The Princess Pawn UK US

N. Lee Wood
Bloodrights UK US

Nancy Wood
Thunderwoman UK US

Clive Woodall
One for Sorrow, Two for Joy UK US
Seven for a Secret UK US

Francine G. Woodbury
Shade and Shadow UK US

Chris Wooding
Series: The Braided Path
The Weavers of Saramyr UK
The Skein of Lament UK
Ascendancy Veil UK
The Haunting of Alaizabel Cray UK
Poison UK US
Half Life soon...

Elvira Woodruff official site
The Disappearing Bike Shop US

Virginia Woolf official site
Orlando UK US

Persia Woolley official site
Child of the Northern Spring US
Queen of the Summer Stars US
Guinevere: the Legend in Autumn US

Patricia C. Wrede official site
Series: The Enchanted Forest Chronicles
Dragonsbane US: Dealing With Dragons UK US
Dragon Search US: Searching for Dragons UK US
Calling on Dragons UK US
Talking to Dragons UK US
Series: Magic & Malice
Mairelon the Magician UK US
Magician's Ward UK US
Series: Lyra Novels
Shadow Magic US
Daughter of Witches US
The Harp of Imach Thyssel US
Caught in Crystal UK
The Raven Ring UK US
Sorcery and Cecilia with Caroline Stevermer US
The Grand Tour with Caroline Stevermer UK US
The Seven Towers US
Snow White and Rose Red US
Book of Enchantments short stories UK US
The Harp of Imach Thyssel US

Sara J. Wrench
The Duke of Sumava US

Deborah Wright
The Rebel Fairy UK

Gary Wright
The Road West US

Harold Bell Wright official site
The Uncrowned King US

John C. Wright official site
The Last Guardian of Everness UK US
Mists of Everness UK US
Orphans of Chaos UK US
Fugitives of Chaos UK US
Titans of Chaos UK US

K. Michael Wright
Tolteca soon...

Stephen Wright
Going Native UK US

Patricia Wrightson
Series: Book of Wirrun
The Nargun and the Stars US
The Ice is Coming UK US
The Dark Bright Water UK US
Journey Behind the Wind US
Baylet UK US
A Little Fear US
Moon-Dark UK US
Night Outside UK US

Rich Wulf
Series: Legend of the Five Rings: The Four Winds Saga
Wind of Justice UK US

Janny Wurts official site
Series: Wars of Light and Shadow
The Curse of the Mistwraith UK US
The Ships of Merior UK US
Warhost of Vastmark UK US
Series: Alliance of Light
Fugitive Prince UK US
Grand Conspiracy UK US
Peril's Gate UK US
Traitor's Knot UK US
Series: Cycle of Fire
Stormwarden UK US
Keeper of the Keys UK US
Shadowfane UK US
Series: Empire
Daughter of the Empire with Raymond E. Feist UK US
Servant of the Empire with Raymond E. Feist UK US
Mistress of the Empire with Raymond E. Feist UK US
The Master of the White Storm US
That Way Lies Camelot short stories UK US
Sorcerer's Legacy UK US
To Ride Hell's Chasm UK US

E. A. Wyke-Smith
The Marvellous Land of Snergs UK US

Elinor Wylie unofficial site
The Venetian Glass Nephew UK US

Tim Wynne-Jones unofficial site

Rick Yancey official site
Series: Alfred Kropp
The Extraordinary Adventures of Alfred Kropp UK US
The Seal of Solomon UK

David Yanoff
Night Spell UK US

Rick Yansey official site
The Extraordinary Adventures of Alfred Kropp UK US

Chelsea Quinn Yarbro official site
Series: Dragonflight
Monet's Ghost US
Ariosto US
To the High Redoubt US
A Baroque Fable US
Monet's Ghost UK US
A Mortal Glamour US

Yorkis Yatromanolakis
The Spiritual Meadow UK US

William Butler Yeats unofficial site
Fairy and Folk Tales of Ireland short stories UK US

Laurence Yep unofficial site
Series: Dragons
Dragon of the Lost Sea UK US
Dragon Steel UK US
Dragon Cauldron UK US
Dragon War UK US
Series: Young Family
Dragon's Gate UK US
Dragonwings UK US
The Serpent's Children UK US
Mountain Light UK US
Child of the Owl UK US
Thief of Hearts UK US
The Tiger's Apprentice UK US
Tiger's Blood UK US
? soon...
Seademons US
Sweetwater US
The Rainbow People short stories UK US
Tongues of Jade short stories US
The Magic Paintbrush UK US

Jane Yolen official site
Series: The Book of Great Alta
Sister Light, Sister Dark UK US
White Jenna UK US
The One-Armed Queen UK US
Series: The Pit Dragon
Dragon's Blood US
Heart's Blood US
A Sending of Dragons US
Series: Tartan Magic
The Wizard's Map UK US
The Pictish Child UK US
The Bagpiper's Ghost UK US
Series: Young Merlin
Passager UK US
Hobby UK US
Merlin UK US
Here There Be Dragons short stories UK US
Here There Be Unicorns short stories US
Here There Be Witches short stories UK US
Series: Before They Were Heroes
Odysseus in the Serpent Maze with Robert J. Harris UK US
Hippolyta and the Curse of the Amazons with Robert J. Harris UK US
Atalanta and the Arcadian Beast with Robert J. Harris UK US
Jason and the Gorgon's Blood with Robert J. Harris UK US
Series: Rock'n'Roll Fairy Tales
Pay the Piper with Adam Stemple UK US
Troll Bridge with Adam Stemple UK US
Briar Rose UK US
Wizard's Hall UK US
Sister Emily's Lightship and Other Stories short stories UK US
Merlin's Booke short stories US
Cards of Grief US
Tales of Wonder short stories
The Whitethorn Wood and Other Magicks short stories
Dragonfield and Other Stories short stories UK US
Dove Isabeau short stories US
Dream Weaver short stories US
The Wishing Garden UK US
Twelve Impossible Things Before Breakfast short stories UK US
The Magic Three of Solatia UK US
The Transfigured Hart UK US
The Wild Hunt UK US
Boots and the Seven Leaguers, a Rock-and-Troll Novel UK US
The Dragon's Boy UK US
The Fairies' Ring short stories UK US
Sword of the Rightful King UK US
Prince Across the Water with Robert J. Harris UK US
The Wizard of Washington Square UK US
Once upon a Time (She Said) short stories UK US

Carol Beach York
Miss Know It All and the Magic House US

J. Steven York official site
Series: Age of Conan, Hyborian Adventures: Anok, Heretic of Stygia
Scion of the Serpent UK US
Heretic of Set UK US
The Venom of Luxur UK US

Christy Yorke official site
Magic Spells US

Marly Youmans official site
The Curse of the Raven Mocker UK US
Ingledove UK US

Karen Romano Young
Cobwebs UK US

Robert F. Young
The Vizier's Second Daughter US

Roy V. Young
Captain Outrageous, or For Doom the Bell Tolls US
Yor's Revenge with Jill Bauman US

Barry Yourgrau official site
Haunted Traveller UK US

Edgardo Vega Yunque
The Lamentable Journey of Omaha Bigelow into the Impenetrable Loisaida Jungle UK US

Rafi Zabor
The Bear Comes Home UK US

Christopher A. Zackey
The Skyslanders UK US

Timothy Zahn unofficial site
A Coming of Age US

Mary Frances Zambreno
Series: Jermyn
A Plague of Sorcerers UK US
Journeyman Wizard US
Series: Voyage of the Basset
Fire Bird UK US

Yevgeny Zamyatin
The Dragon short stories US

Roger Zelazny official site
Series: The Amber Chronicles
Nine Princes of Amber UK US
Guns of Avalon UK US
Sign of the Unicorn UK US
The Hand of Oberon UK US
Courts of Chaos UK US
Trumps of Doom UK US
Blood of Amber UK US
Sign of Chaos UK US
Knight of Shadows UK US
Prince of Chaos UK US
Series: Amber related
Roger Zelazny's Visual Guide to Castle Amber with Neil Randall US
Series: Changeling
Changeling US
Madwand US
Series: Dilvish
The Changing Land US
Dilvish, the Damned US
Series: Azzie Elbub
Bring Me the Head of Prince Charming with Robert Shelckley UK US
If at Faust You Don't Succeed with Robert Shelckley US
A Farce to Be Reckoned With with Robert Shelckley UK US
A Dark Travelling
Creatures of Light and Darkness US
Doorways in the Sand
Lord of Light UK US
The Doors of His Face, The Lamps of His Mouth
The Last Defender of Camelot short stories UK US
Unicorn Variations
Psychoshop with Alfred Bester UK US
Lord Demon with Jane Lindskold UK US
The Black Throne with Fred Saberhagen US
Jack of Shadows US
The Mask of Loki with Thomas T. Thomas US
Here There Be Dragons and Way Up High short stories - with Vaughn Bodé UK US
A Night in the Lonesome October UK US

Paul O. Zelinsky unofficial site
Rumpelstiltskin UK US
Rapunzel UK US

Sarah Zettel official site
Series: The Isavalta Trilogy
A Sorcere's Treason UK US
The Usurper's Crown UK US
The Firebird's Vengeance UK US
Sword of the Deceiver 1st June 2007 UK US
Camelot's Shadow US: In Camelot's Shadow UK US
Camelot's Honour US: For Camelot's Honor UK US
Camelot's Sword US: Under Camelot's Banner - 3rd April 2006 UK US

Pat Zettner
The Shadow Warrior US

Gabrielle Zevin
Elsewhere UK US

Marc Scott Zicree & Robert Charles Wilson
Series: Magic Time
Ghostlands UK US

David R. Zielinski official site
A Genuine Monster US

Stephan Zielinski official site
Bad Magic UK US

Paul Edwin Zimmer unofficial site
Series: Dark Border
The Lost Prince US
King Chondos' Ride US
A Gathering of Heroes US
Ingulf the Mad US
Blood of Colyn Muir with Jon DeCles US

David Zindell unofficial site
Series: The Ea Cycle
The Lightstone: The Ninth Kindom UK US
The Lightstone: The Silver Sword UK
The Lord of Lies UK US
The Diamond Warriors 8th May 2007 UK
Black Jade UK US

Zoran Zivkovic official site
The Book / The Writer UK US
The Library
Compartments short story
Hidden Camera

Joel Zoss

Alan Zweibel
The Other Shulman UK US